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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. gotta agree with scottyd. bad dancers all over the kingdom, I cringe into my drink when I see what passes for pole dancing here.

    Totally disagree with you and other guys about dancers. Even though the girls in those video are certainly not the best i had seen here, i have to say that for me thai girls are born to dance. And they do it so naturally and in a sexy way that they ridiculise the others.

    The best are not the pole dancers anyway but the "normal" girls dancing in any disco here in Thailand.

    But then, if you like "gymnastic dancing" like the one you see done from professionals pole dancers in europe or america...up to you...

    Well said, people expecting OTT performances ought to buzz on back home where OTT is the 'done thing'

    I can't believe this thread has gone on like this.

    Girls doing their thing in front of men has gone on since ancient times, as well as the sexual aspect to it as well. :o

  2. This thread is stupid.

    I couldn't agree more. TiT though... :o

    seconded - it's a very stupid thread.

    it sort of reminds me of some of the newly migrant groups in the west, and when they get established a hierarchy starts to develop. those who have been there longer may have better jobs and status within the 'host' community. along with that perceived sense of power, many people adopt the conservative values of the time, thinking that would make them more desirable citizens. same thing seems to be happening in this stupid post - farangs policing other farangs.

    live and let live, i say - it's their choice.

    Me too, I am anti Thaksin/redshirt but if some farangs want to support them then let them use their free-will to chose.

    The nanny-state control freaks really are going into overdrive whever a thread like this gets started.

    This might be Thailand but we're not forced to stay glued to the TV and cooped up at home you know :D

  3. Ranong.

    I did have a wee snook about and peeked here and there.

    Around the pier zone at night is one contender. Haven't been but 'felt' like it had a local scene for the fisherfolk and Burmese from talking with the two cute isaan girls.

    Try the massage places and walking street. Make some enquiries and shake a few bars down. I didn't pull any BGs there but a few rough freelancers and the like in a few.

    Kareoke looks fairly promising but keep you're wits about you as it seems very jaded.

  4. I'm here for another Songkran and was wondering what you folks are doing during the annual madness?

    It was pretty hectic in provincial Thailand and very similar to a tourist area, except without the tourists :o

    It's a bit like the streets of rage in Bankok so here's an upbeat thread to brighten things...

    One of my expat buddies said between water battling that his mate actually does not step foot outside his fortress home for 4 DAYS during the entire celebrations. He went on to add that if he did and got wet he'd go crazy at whoever chucked water on him!

    This got me thinking, are there plenty more expats out there that hide away like a reclusive grinch and go barking mad at such things?

    The polls anonymous...

    Enjoy Songkran! I know I will. :D

  5. Apologies for my lack of clarity on who phoned. It was the same friend who asked me to pass on the message. Seems she phoned him at about 2 a.m. after the club had shut. So maybe an hour after I passed on the message.

    Seems to me as SBK says, an overreaction. I could understand it if I had not known the lady at all. The gist of the phone call was not to touch at all and that does seem over the top, but also something I have to respect at the end of the day.

    We (farang) often tend to touch. A hand on the shoulder, the arm or whatever, in a friendly way and this comes natural to most of us and we tend not to think about it.

    Maybe she wanted to divert attention away from another subject. I honestly do not know. But now it means I have to take care even on a simple touch. Sigh.

    Sounds to me as though she's a drama queen to make a big deal out of it, this is a nightclub folks, not broad daylight outside a government office.

    It also shows she's (or maybe he's) a bit racist towards the white man for touching yellow skin?

    Much ado over nothing is what this is.

  6. Depend on how the donation would be use. You would think if a UK national was in that much distress a one way ticket home should be in order, I don't know something just do not set right with a donation box for UK nationals at the Embassy or any embassy for this matter. :o:D

    Well if the Brit Embassy is at the point where it needs a donations box in it then things must be very desperate for them and the Brits who've ended up 'at-the-end-of-the-road' so to speak.

    As I don't have a socialist bone in my body I'd only help on a case by case basis. I.E if it was some guy I personally knew to be in deep sht from circumstances outside his control. Then I'd help where possible.

    But just dumping cash in the tin for complete strangers who often have themselves to blame is just lunacy in my eyes.

    None from me I'm afraid.

  7. You know for a second there I thought there was a rival helmet cam bouncing around Thailand, then I saw he'd taken the easy-option!

    He looks a twt for riding with fck all gear on! Not even layers!

    I think I saw this a while ago come to think of it.

    It's typically the 'rent-a-bike for the day with BG on the bag' crowd and then film it on youtube :D

    I'm gonna hunt the clip down now and fire off a video response! Show him how it's really done :D

    You seem to have a very high opinion of yourself or at least your vids, lets face it they're not exactly Mike Hailwood at the Isle of Man TT.

    <Neverdie> He's probably just letting off steam and has had his feathers ruffled a bit. I'll go easy on him :o


    I'm no pro and never did I pretend to be. Racings gotta be in your blood for that.

    I'm a roaming and travelling adventurer who loves to ride and actually show something to other bikers and folk.

    I'd rather have fun and enjoy life than take everything seriously like you have :D

    This entails more than just a crappy video of a bird holding my camera.

    Maybe you're more than a two week hero. But your reaction is typical of one who is caught out.

    In fact I don't see you out on the roads apart from with some bird holding a camera around nice and flat pattaya!

    Camera system? Nil, decent tours or trip reports? Nil points again from the bonerman.

    So really hardly someone I'd consider a worthy biker just a gobshite who can't produce the goods :wai:

    Come back when you've done more than just pootle about on your 250cc rental mate ;

    Now get your ass out there and show us what you can do, instead of crying to us on TV about your ytube clip :D

  8. Anybody got the script on what's going on, Right now the news is showing about 6 HGVs barracading both stretches of a Major Thai highway. Cars blocked and gridlocked, bikes being able to slip through...

    Amazing Thailand continues to amaze!

  9. Unless you have Permanent Residence status you cannot buy a gun in Thailand.

    You could buy it in your wifes' name but even then you would not be allowed to carry it in your vehicle.


    Heh, you don't have to have a thai wife or PR to get a gun.

    The black market is awash with guns for the highest bidder :o

    Believe me I've been offered more than once :D

    Prefer to carry pepper spray at the moment though.

  10. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

    Travelling from Nakhon Phanom; Some moves on the way to the Khon Kaen Biker Festival.

  11. i was having this discussion with a girl in a hotel today, all i do is get out of bed, check the web, play some warcraft, order food or go to paragon/central world, then get back play some more games, maybe meet up witha friend if im lucky enough to have on in the country at the time, then go out to dinner alone, come back and sleep :D

    starting to think maybe i need a purpose in life.. i should put my free time to better use :o im 28 and there isnt really too many ppl here my age that dont work, dont study, and if there is i dont know them. but still, im happy here :D

    get a job dude, that dosent sound terribly fun, working is the best way to meet people-

    Get a bike dude and go adventuring, it's the purest thing to do, you'll meet cool people that way.

    I'm only 30 with no (thai) job, just weave the websites and get cash that way :D

  12. This is a question for the guys out there that live permanantly in Thailand and don't need to work to suport themselves. I can understand being a family man can keep you busy but what about you single guys?

    I've spend various amounts of time in Thailand, never for longer than 3 months after which I can get very bored.

    Besides drinking and chasing girls, what do you guys do to stop yourselves from going crazy? Thailand can't all be about sex can it?

    Or can it? :o

    No but its a part of it you use for your own satisfaction and pleasure, just like any man would with the woman.

    Everyday is something new.

    Keeping the mind occupied and the body active, for me it's travelling, riding, ryding, writing, swimming, websites, videography and much more.

    Heavy drinking and drugs are really the worst of the vices, it'll cost you more than women. So I keep it soberish and a steady trickle of women each week or fortnight. :D

    The two-week hero's and golden-caged expats can't really dig it, but that's cool as they have there own lives and styles of living too :D

  13. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  14. After being stuck in the archives for months I've finally got around to editing and cutting the video of the Khon Kaen Biker Week together :o


    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  15. Bonus Clips

    Forgot to add these shorter clips.

    The road banks to the left and although I powered-down for it, the camber ‘dipped-in’ towards the centre line taking me dangerously close to the middle line. Any faster and Somchai’s pick-up would of met the Storm-Child and Watch Ryder head-on!


    This disaster avoided I cooled my speed-fever a fraction. I’d keep the power on for the straights and bends, but allow for dip-ins and keep the revs higher.

    Some cheeky and crazy overtakes followed, then an even crazier pick-up shows off his ‘moves’

    Traffic was getting lighter though, and there were times when I felt like the road was my own private racetrack, which I certainly took advantage of.

    I was fortunate, I didn’t have to risk my luck and skill at accident evasion although once a beast of the field lumber out, but I locked-on early and gauged for it. As it was on the other side the danger was slight, but present.

  16. Dude bridges aren't my thing, I've looked into them and don't like them. Very much a half measure to 3/4 measure.

    Yes the tooth was/is a very visible one, being the main ones you see, not the incisor. Contrary to what many say, you can see a bridge as the plate sits at the upper (visible part of the tooth) and Dr Drill would have fck around with a perfectly healthy tooth. Not cool.

    The Cons of a bridge:

    * Requires removal of adjacent tooth structure to secure bridge in place. (Why I'd want to remove a healthy tooth to have a bridge fitted would be madness.)

    * If fit is incorrect, the crown must be re-cast from beginning.

    Here's the groovey advantages of an implant:

    * Permanent and almost like real tooth (Damned tougher that's for sure!)

    * Reduces change of bone loss (cool)

    * Can be flossed and maintained same as real tooth (yo)

    * No removal of adjacent tooth structure required to secure bridge in place (exactly) :o


    * Requires surgery (Dr Drill cometh)

    * Additional costs (pay the piper)

    * Healing time required (not long, 3 - 6 months, but only painful for a few days tops)

    * Rare allergic reaction to metal alloys may occur (you'd have to be very very unlucky).

    Source: http://www.bangkokdental.com/EN/services_a...otrecompare.htm

  17. The Final Appointment with Dr Drill

    Well the final day of reckoning for the elusive tooth was today and it was an interesting conclusion to the saga.

    First thing was a glass of foul-tasting green flavoured water in reception.

    Hoping this wasn't some attempt to sedate me I made my way into Dr Drills domain.

    Firstly an allen key was unleashed to unscrew the implant cover plug/bolt.

    This done a zirconium alloy rod bolt was screwed into its place where the threaded implant was.

    This was unpleasant as the area was tender. The implant of course meant it was hollow but not at the edges, nor at the extreme depth of the thing either. Some gum had obviously been keen to re-explore and growth about the 'fringe-zone.'

    So he had to root and twinge about somewhat. At first there wasn't enough 'gap' but he made some prods here and there and soon there was enough space for the rod to screw in 100%

    Dr Drill was making several precision adjustments using a fine metal probe. Hooked like a scyle, pain images of Dustin Hoffman being put through his paces as the Marathon Man started to take form.

    The pain irritation was annoying now, my eyes were glazing with tear-film but the worst was over.

    A mini-torque wrench appeared and he manually torqued up the bolt. Giving it a last painless tightening-tweak the part was anchored in to a steel-like consistency.

    Now the crown porcelain tooth was slotted over the rod bolt gently.

    I was shown it in the mirror to see how it looked prior to afixing.

    Colour match was near perfect and it looked good.

    I quizzed Dr Drill about the tooth looking slightly angled compared to the real tooth next door but then was reminded the gum would grow to cover the angle up and all tooth looked like that in their natural state.

    Inserting the tooth meant the marathon man tool had to be used again.

    This wasn't hurtful though but aided the tooths insertion by 'tweezing' aside and away parts of the gum so the tooth could be slotted into place.

    The tooth was then 'glued-in' using a plastic resin then, like a model airfix being assembled, Dr Drill held the tooth firmly onto the implant structure with both thumbs.

    After a minute a new tool from Dr Drills arsenal was uncovered.

    A ‘heat gun’ which used trigger-activated halogen light was buzzed around the tooth, nearly touching it, by the cute dental assistant.

    It was bright too. A plastic orange clapper thing was held over it so not to blind or damage the eyes.

    A senior assistant took charge after a while held it against the back of the tooth for 3 seconds, just to make sure I guess, I yelped as the heat of it shot up through the crown, rod and implant! Mind a-fizzing like a rocket she removed it quickly again. Obviously satisfying herself that the porcelain was rock steady in there and not going become unstuck.

    This done I was told to bite down on this red plastic slide.


    Feels like I’ve suddenly grown one big tooth!

    Dr Drill unleashed his trademark polishing drill. Whzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    ‘Bite down again’ he said.

    'Ok' Clack! But still the bite pattern was uneven.


    Third-time lucky I bite down. dam_n this implant feels mean man, like I could bite through a rubber air hose! Not quite jaws out of James Bond, but a level towards it :o

    It was still uneven, but not by much.

    I knew that if Dr Drill took off much more of the crown the tooth would stand uneven against the partnering one. Yet to get an even bite on the lower row it would have to be slightly off center otherwise the bite would be wrong.

    Fourth time under the drill...


    Clack! The bite was good. Not perfect, but nor were both teeth out of level either. Overtime the fine bite margin would even out.

    I asked him what the procedure was to remove the tooth if the impant needed removing. The process involved cracking the tooth and discarding it due to the nature of the resin. Then the rod bolt could be accessed. It was trivia I didn’t really need to know, unless the crown was cracked/damaged but I was curious.

    It was then explained to me, that a normal tooth has soft tissue between the tooth and the jaw-bone, giving it the slightly 'springy' feeling.

    An implant was much more solid with no soft tissues between it and the jawbone. Giving it the dense, inner-hardened feeling.

    This was certainly true, it felt wierd, like a different entity to the other teeth; stronger, elitist and yet somehow with more feeling and sensation than I first expected.

    Implant details:

    Upper - Titanium.

    Lower - Gold Alloy

    Rod - Zirconium (I think that's how its spelt)

    Made in Sweden. Length 14.5 mm

    I asked him about polishing procedures. For polishing the crown he advised telling a dentist about the implant. That was he could use an appropriate device not to damage/wear it away.

    Some pictures followed for their records including an X-Ray.

    No infection, bone growth was present/healed and all that was left were some farewells and making the last payment of 35,000 baht for a job well done!

    I took Dr Drills email address just in case of later problems from the implant.

    With that done it was time to get used to having a ‘real’ tooth anchored into my mouth for the first time in 2 years :D

    No more worrying about a denture for separate cleaning and food getting stuck behind it, awkward removal when eating tough foods etc :D

    Here’s the story by pictures:

    After the first implant stage 4 months ago.


    Goodbye to the denture!


    Hello to the new tooth!


    I recommend Dr Drill and if anyone wants to know more PM me and I’ll give you more details on this.

  18. Saw a crazie having a full blown argument with himself while rush hour traffic buzzed past on both sides.

    No time to stop and video it. Just kept on riding and remembered it's just another element of surreal Thailand :o

    But I've seen stranger things on the streets in Central London to be honest

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