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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. The Race

    The video's a long one, but I managed to weave a complete music track on it. The Youtubers banned it citing copyright but after I gave them some libertarian attitude and explaining they

    relented. :o

    Hope you enjoy it:

    At the end of lap one the big jump awaited.

    Our riding champion Boi made a near fatal error on the big jump at the lap-line. (1:37)

    His take-off was just out of line and he landed across the edge, nearly ended up toppling the bike off the hillock. That would of been nasty having the bike tumbling into you.

    He held it steady on landing and almost self-rescued but a passing biker twatted the throttle control sending the bike sliding down the jump hill further. Throttle wide open and a-firing there was a problem.

    Besides being bent, the throttle cable was near-severed and disengaged from the recess clip the plastic shroud was also ripped open.

    Plenty more bikers tumbled off and slide around into the mud nearby but the race was over for Boi on this bike.


    The achilles heel well and truly exposed and we'd need a spare shroud casing to continue this days racing...


    But nobody brings spares to these races. We tramped around mob-handed but no joy. It's run what you bring and fix it at the shop later.

    I think Boi was very upset as it was my buddy's bike he'd borrowed and had lost face in 'failing him'. But knocks and tumbles are the inherent groove with this.

    Nigel, his sponsor-racer remained in good spirits, even though it meant he wouldn't be riding it in the VIP race later on.

    We were spectators more now and I lost a bit of my enthusiasm for the day but figured I might as well get some footage for you folks, as the layout of the track was nice enough.



    An interesting development took place just after the bike was discovered to be immobalised. Alex, our friendly rival who initially said he wasn't going to race, upon learning of Nigels loss, got kitted up and ready! :D

    Here he is (on the left) giving some Flanders style spiel to Nigel:


    The day heated up a bit now as the clouds were blasted away.

    The ground dried out and the bikers got their groove on.

    Some incredibly close-calls allowed a lot of cool overtakes to take place on the main burn after the main jump (5:20).

    Family gathering look on as the junior bikers start their race:



    Babylook biker!



    More about this in the bonus footage later:


    Girl Rider makes an entrance!


    Pillion racing! Watch out pooch!



    This was fun to watch, some of them even got some air-time on the jumps!

    No big injuries, altough there were tons of close calls all ended well. By five o'clock we were on the road back home. Boi's pride was bruised but at least he was uninjured.

    Only three weeks previous an experienced farang had broken his leg in one of the dirt races, and he was wearing full armour. So it makes you aware of your mortality when you see these things go on and not hurt people badly.

    Like boys with our dangerous toys :D


    Hope you enjoyed :D

  2. This is it folks, my last foray into Supercross land until another oddessey later on this year.

    Here's the pics:



    Don't overrun corners on this track!


    Getting the bikes started for warm-up took perserverance:


    As we walked the track the sound of heavy farm machinery and earth movers rumbled on as they worked to soak up the waterlogged areas. Corners were cut open to aid them as the mid-day start closed in...


    The primary jump was certainly worthy.


    But you didn't want to blast over it too fast:


    As was the length of the track. About 1 km or perhaps slightly less we reckoned. Much longer and a lot more interesting that Uttaradit's track.

    It also went around natural vegetation like tree's and bushes, giving it less of an established track feel and more of an enduro vibe.

    Team Honda:




    Team local hero's:




    It was warm-up time by about 10:30 and the earth movers soon had to contend with scramblers buzzing past them as they worked frantically to get the place dried out!


    Warm-up riding began. Suprisingly we didn't see one tumble-down or accident.


    Here's the quirky and chirpy commentator from the previous two supercross events I covered:


    Moody girl for some reason didn't like me taking a photo of the trophies...


    Nigel physking himself up for racing...


    By mid-day warm-up riding was over and it was race-time.


  3. If the time comes when British conservatives feel like fighting back, broadcasting policy might not be a bad place to start.

    Maybe they could go back to the Thatcher policy of banning TV Programs and police raids on producers and journalists who upset the old hag.

    Not always a bad idea if they're up to no good and preaching their marxist poison/left-wing idealogy.

    One of the darkest things the spoken and projected media can take is to subvert the watcher into believing and following a contrasting idealogy, especially if you hit them at an early age.

    Do you want your troops listening to dire straits - brothers in arms or pink floyd on the radio prior to fighting? I didn't think so either.

    I love the music they make but not all of it's conducive to the militaries fighting spirit on the eve of war. Unless you want a lot more dead troops coming home.

    The BBC and other stations have got this down to an art form for brainwashing the impressionable and young the like.

    They mind-rotting soaps - we'll decide how to live your life.

    Insane, dumbed down, reality tv - Big Brother, need I say more?

    At least the Tories could see what was <deleted> on TV and what wasn't.

    Some of the best British TV was made during maggies premiership.

  4. Unbiased reporting on the BBC ? :o:D:D:D:D

    Not anymore.. Sorry to say but the Beeb is a shadow of its former impartial self.. Gone are the days when it could be trusted.. Fair and unprejudiced reporting has gone the way of the smartly dressed presenter in a suit and tie speaking in crisp educated English..

    Sadly replaced with scruffy liberals spouting propaganda trying to make the sucessful feel guilty about their hard work and good lifestyle..

    Hate to admit it but I watch Bloomberg and Al Jahzeera these days.. Better reporting, less bias and most important ... Almost no mention of f@@king football ! :wai:

    Correctamondo! Marxism is in bed with the BBC. It sneaked in during the 1980s and cemented itself in the 1990s.

    BBC TV is rotten to the core.

    The BBC are now the toast of champagne socialists the world over.

    Want to see BBC world news? Sure you can, but prepare for a ton of misery TV on the suffering of 3rd world countries and all the veiled guiltyness they fire upon UK and other more successful countries (UKs a bit hairy now but).

    I don't see one article based in the western world. It's all depression and negativity on some hel_l-hole and they milk it dry for all it's worth.

    If it came out and admitted it was pushing the left-wing agenda I'd have more respect for it. But it carry's on it's unbiased smokescreen feebly.

    When Yasser Arafat died a Beeb correspondent went on the radio bleating about his death.

    Saying she actually cryed her eyes out! Yeah, completely unbiased!

    Guess which network gave live-tv links to Toxin? The BBC did, totally cosying up to him as he started up his rallying cry and giving it the hard-done by approach. No hard-talk or challenges, totally smoozing up like a paid prostitute.

    Fox news at least doesn't make any excuses and tells it like it is. Right wing republican and they don't tolerate nampy pamby crap like the Beeb do.

    Al Jazzy TV. I figured them for anti-western but they actually present both sides of the argument and cut through the bs. The music is decent and fresh, not like the subliminal rave bleeps the beeb champion. :P

  5. And how many farang are stitched up by thai women :o

    I'm interested to here the OPs stories on farangs stitching up farangs and murdering!

    If we go down the 'breaking the law avenue' we might as well say 99% of farang here have broken the 'morality' laws too :D

  6. I was staying up-country and was in there internet cafes there. They were rapid-quick, almost as fast as pattaya (which is on a par with the UK web speeds).

    They were charging 10 baht an hour!!

    Makes me wince when I recall what Thai islands were charging 5 years ago (between 100 and 150 baht per hour!)

  7. I think this was a disturbing story on so many levels!

    But I would like to say to all you bi ladyboy lovers or what ever you like to call yourself:


    It is because of guys like you that heterosexual HIV even exists. And I am not saying that to flame it is just a fact.

    Don't go giving your girlfriends diseases that they can pass on to others!


    Or someone was consuming a monkey raw (or not properly cooked) and the monkey blood entered the body.

    Blood is the big killer-transfer. And Ass banging is the key it uses to buzz back and forth.

    OP if your missus hasn't found out within a month I'd quit worrying.

  8. PS: Why on all of the Thailand forums is it so common for people to be accused of lying?

    I was not accusing but made clear that there were too many aspects that did not simply make sense. So, if you like to impress me, ypou could concentrate making points clear, like what LARGE city you live in where are NO red light district etc. I think a large city is enough spacious to remain anonymous.

    And what comes to attitudes etc. I have fought with my own sexuality enough long to detest lies and deception and pretending to be something that one is not. It is a common mistake that criticism is seen as not approving ones views. I have seen very few that are that narrow-minded.

    So, if one is fragile and just accepts positive views, one should not post on this forum. After all, you have a GF and you look quite strange liaisons outside that. Not something that fully makes me feel that you are someone to trust 100%. We all are accountable for our actions. Unfortunately so.

    In his defence I'll say in most provincial cities (most would be considered large towns back home) the gossip machine moves very well at circulating things. This, I think, is to do with that not many are large enough to be fully concealed in. It also could be to do with the farming/rural community is at the city's edge in most cases and this seems to engender a communal mentality further.

    When a white man is in town cause every chick who is eligible starts talking to each other. You stand out.

    I was in kareoke with the jaded booze expats shooting the breeze. One of them turned to me and said.

    "Jim, you're alright at the moment, you've not committed to sleeping with a night lady in this city. You're an unknown entity and can move about freely But as soon as you do you'll find it hard to move unnoticed with other women as they all get talking with each other."

    The jungle drums are ringing out from the moment you ride in to the moment you ride out. :o

  9. It was an experience riding with the SSR groovers last time, very noisy energy and vibe and all that but a big 'no way' this time from me.

    very noisy energy and vibe ==== Trenty :D

    I hope he didnt mean all of us or i could take offense very easily..

    We wouldn't want that would we! :o

    But yes nuclear fission of the Agent of Chaos aka Trent certainly was firing on all rods!

  10. According to the Thanchart website, The Thai Bankers Association has decided that cardholders of foreign banks will be charged 150 Baht for each withdrawal by debit or credit card, effective April 17th.

    Not good news.

    OUCH!! That's my main source of moving $$ to baht monthly. SCB has been charging baht 20 for several months now but I just bypass them for the others.

    Guess I'll just have to do a larger personal $$ check deposit to my baht account at SCB now every couple of months to cover the ATM fees if they do, indeed, come into play.


    Isn't the SCBs 20 baht for using a different branches machine than the one you opened the bank with ?

  11. just curious and looking for some inspiration (not related to retiring, running a business, or teaching english :D ) and knowledge that could help me or friends looking to come over to thailand in the future. what can a farang do to make money in thailand?

    Oil and Gas work outside of Thailand, then living the adventuring dream in Thailand :o

    The trick is to make your fortune outside of Thailand then bring it here to trickle spend.

    Too many guys I know out here end up near-basket cases trying to make money here. They spend a fortune and get all bitter and negative as sht doesn't turn out the way they expected.

  12. A no can do from Mr CBR Slowcoach I'm afraid.

    I'll be winding things down for my return to Merry England and getting the CBR prepped for storage until end of rainy seasons vibe.

    It was an experience riding with the SSR groovers last time, very noisy energy and vibe and all that but a big 'no way' this time from me.

    Safe trip and don't get hurt out there.

  13. With the other groups I would include native americans, aboriginal australians and in some cases Scandinavians - Social groups that have not been exposed to drinking alcohol for the last few generations.

    I think you mean only exposed for the last few generations.

    Forget the Skandies - they're part of the great Celtic pissartist swathe.

    I've done the 10 day thing, and was only too happy to get back to the beer :D

    I just managed 6 days and glad to get back on a couple of Leos today.

    Do you know how much it costs for a beer in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland ?- I know from first hand expereince (I have a few Scandihooigan friends) that alcohol just doesn't agree with them. They can't handle it when they start drinking - Crying, singing and fighting - usually in that order.

    Celtic are the Irish, scots and the welsh - who can handle a drink.

    I think you're forgetting the English are Celtish too you know :o albeit with some Saxon-Norman genes swimming about in the genepool as well :D

    Yes the hobby thing seem's to be a telling lack on the thais. Somehow they like the 'family, family' group so much they forget about being an individual and concentrate on group-think and somehow fearing individualism.

    This can be good and bad for drinking. If the group majority drinks, the rest drink with them.

    If the group majority don't then the rest won't :D

  14. Don't try and get too misty eyed folks, a fair few girls enjoy this work, the others like the money it brings.

    Meddle all you want but at the end of the day the onus is on the girl to do what they gotta do.

  15. What type of fuel is used by say a VFR or CBR 400? Is there multiple choices? Advantages? Cost efficiency? Power? Cleanliness?

    CBR 400 is my machine of choice right now.

    95 benzine is the fuel of choice followed by Gasohol 95.

    91 only if the above isnt' available and 91 gasohol if an emergency.

    Best performance with 95 and the bikes range is increased slightly

  16. To begin, I admit my ignorance. I did a google and have extracted the following from www.moneyweek.com:

    Gold, silver, and platinum are all available in the form of bullion coins, minted in the US, in Canada, South Africa, Austria, Australia, China and other countries. Most bullion coins are minted in 1/10oz, 1/4oz, 1/2oz & 1oz form (and some can be bought in 2oz, 10oz & 1 kilo). However, one ounce gold bullion coins such as Krugerrands are by far the most popular for both small investors and high net worth individuals who like the divisibility afforded by them.

    I live in Thailand and have some amount of Thai baht in a bank here - enough to live on for about 3 years. In addition, I receive a monthly pension in US$ that is automatically deposited in a US bank and I have a small investment portfolio in a US firm (US$).

    I don't like the financial prospects for either the US or Thailand. So, I would like to put about 30% of my assets into Gold. With so many of the "traditional, solid financial institutions" being exposed as less than solid, if not fraudulent, I am concerned about finding an institution that I can rely upon for an investment in Gold.

    Any guidance from an informed Gold investor would be greatly appreciated.

    Buy gold jewelry like rings, in BKK gold coins are available but are scarce. But Jewelry is usually interchangeable for cash all over Thailand in goldsmiths shops.

  17. Visa rules aren't crazy if you apply for a one year visa in your home country.

    If you're feeling flush and don't want to fly home to do it then about 23,000 baht to a visa firm in BKK will courier the passport back to the UK and get you a 1 year visa while you smile all the way to the border :o

    I am starting to seriously distance myself from the farang who spew all this negative bs and venom against anything and everything. They drag all nearby into their misery machine and it gets you nowhere.

    Be creative, keep out of the shit and don't worry about Thailand being quirky, group-minded or anti-white man. Because those three factors are only a problem if you let it become a problem.

    Do let it worry you, live your life and all should tumble itself out in the end :D

  18. Calling city-farangs in Nakhon Sawan! :o

    Hiya gang, I'm in Nakhon Sawan. I like the city itself really, the rural areas aren't my thing but neither is the inner city groove for living in.

    I'm in a skanky apartment in the center of the city. Actually, it's not too bad in the apartment, but the surrounding area is like Kings Cross after 9 so really am going to be looking for decent apartments, hopefully with fast internet.

    Anybody know more in this area? I'm getting the vibe that it's farang pensioners out in farmsville.

  19. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
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    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  20. Pichit MotorCross.

    This event was a lot better in some ways than the last supercross at Uttaradit. The first half of the day was cloudy, giving respite from the sun.

    The ground resembled something from the trenches of WW1 though as the rain had saturated the place.

    As we walked the track the sound of heavy farm machinery and earth movers rumbled on as they worked to soak up the waterlogged areas. Corners were cut open to aid them as the mid-day start closed in...

    The primary jump was certainly worthy.

    As was the length of the track. About 1 km or perhaps slightly less we reckoned.

    It was warm-up time by about 10:30 and the earth movers soon had to contend with scramblers buzzing past them as they worked frantically to get the place dried out!

    By mid-day warm-up riding was over and it was race-time.

    Oh what fun they had!

    It was slippin' and sliding bikers everywhere!

    The first race was a challenge as it was still soggy out there.

    At the end of lap one the big jump awaited.

    Our riding champion Boi made a near fatal error on the big jump at the lap-line. (1:37)

    His take-off was just out of line and he landed across the edge, nearly ended up toppling the bike off the hillock. That would of been nasty having the bike tumbling into you.

    He held it steady on landing and almost self-rescued but a passing biker twatted the throttle sending the bike sliding down the jump hill further. The race was over for Boi on this bike. The throttle cable was near-severed and the plastic shroud was ripped open. The achilles heel was cut and we'd need spares to continue this days racing...

    But nobody brings spares to these races. We tramped around mob-handed but no joy. It's run what you bring and fix it at the shop later.

    I think Boi was very upset as it was my buddy's bike he'd borrowed and had lost face in 'failing him'. But knocks and tumbles are the inherent groove with this and my mate was completely on his side and not angry.

    We were spectators more now and I lost a bit of my enthusiasm for the day but figured I might as well get some footage for you folks, as the layout of the track was nice enough.

    The day heated up a bit after this race and then came the smaller bikes, then pillion racing! This was fun to watch, some of them even got some air-time on the jumps! :D

    No big injuries, altough there were tons of close calls all ended well. By five o'clock we were on the road back home. Boi's pride was bruised but at least he was uninjured.

    Only three weeks previous an experienced farang had broken his leg in one of the dirt races, and he was wearing full armour. So it makes you aware of your mortality when you see these things go on and not hurt people badly.

    Like boys with our dangerous toys :D

    The video's a long one, but I managed to whing a complete music track on it. The Youtubers banned it citing copyright but after I gave them some libertarian attitude and explaining they relented. Hope you enjoy it:

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

    Next event is early May, this times it's enduro. :D

    Harder for me to follow the action, which means I've got to chase down the bikes combat photographer style :o

    But it's a lot more interesting on the eye and lens I think than supercross style.

  21. Been many times with Thai friends and never a problem. Also been many times to Thai bars (with them) and always received the most wonderful welcome anywhere in Pattaya, as they are all curious about what you are doing there and want to talk to you and buy you a drink. Never tried it on with a girl in one of those places though as that may be deemed to be treading on someone's toes :o

    I think thats the point,generally speaking thai kaoroke bars are for thais only unless you are invited by a thai then its ok,i would love to go to them.

    Like you dont see many thais in farang bars.

    Been in loads of Kareoke bars and only been threatened once by some nutjob Jap (probably a relic from WW2 parents!) over a rigged bin :D

    All the others have been fine. The beer was cheap and the girls don't speak english so if you speak thai you can usually sort some groove out.

    Be prepared that 90% have Thai BFs who are in on the whole deal.

    The prices are about the same as beer bars.

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