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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. the title of this thread indicates the 3 suspected murderers are Australian ? is that correct ?

    I'm guessing that they Australian but of Asian descent.

    I'm guessing Asians who were probably on a residents visa or working etc.

    Once back in Thailand they are free to country hop back to their place of origin and be at liberty to stick 2 fingers up alas.

  2. No change for me. Hated him before, hated him after. Guy's a selfish waste of space and rapidly becoming a joke.

    Hey, I started hating him before it was fashionable to hate him.

    I started hating him around 1996....how about you? Hated him even more when I worked for his government for 3 years.

    As far as I'm concerned, hating Thaksin is just sooooo yesterday. :D

    Disliked him a lot since 2001, then by 2003 with the anti-farang bs clamp-downs it was pretty much set in stone :)

  3. It's a very interesting topic to discuss! I'm turning 50 and really don't 'crave' for sex. Do I miss it? No, not really. I'm very happy with my own life, language study, volunteer work etc. I'm not married now and the idea of P4P is tediously boring! As for remarriage or a longterm GF, my previous experiences with Thai women has made the option of becoming a monk much more appealing! (That may be due to previous mistakes on my part, not the fault of the ladies...)


    PS - I should add that I have an inherited very low testosterone level, so there is a medical reason for my lack of libido.

    Burned out at 50 already? Sorry you feel this way. If it were me, I would have great concern, since to me good sex is a life esssential. Thai women are certainly a challenge though. You can also do something about the low testosterone, which you probably know already.

    Agreed, a life without having the woman is a very stale one indeed.

    If you've been unlucky to not have the special ones then perhaps having instead a succession of ordinary or below-par ones this might be reason.

    I always look for the ones you can take happy and fun experiences from, avoid the negative and sulky women.

    I'm in my 30s now and still expect to be 'thrusting' into my 60s and 70s :)

  4. Just heard from GT Rider that a Rider has sadly died from a deadly U-Turn'er at Tak!

    Here's the source from GT Rider:


    Sad news indeed.

    I think that this might be the guy killed coming up from Bangkok with the guys from Secret Soi Riders yesterday.

    A rider hit a truck doing a U-Turn somewhere near Tak.

    Details are a bit sketchy as the guys were quite shaken up - their 2nd group ride & the rider killed was a new "member" on his first ride with the group - he joined on the day? So even they did not have all the contact details & relevant info.

    However I am sure that Tony & the SSRs have the situation under control & the next of kin / relevant friends have been notified.

    We are always saddened by the death of a rider.

    Our condolences go to Jim's family & friends.


    RIP to you mate.

  5. TAN had a report yesterday which said the Deputy PM was being put in charge of an anti-piracy campaign and they were going to attack the problem of pirated DVD sales on Thai streets by... prosecuting the people who buy them. Thai stall-owners with hundreds of illegal copies on display can rest easy.

    Now I don't buy them because they are bloody awful quality, but I can see there's going to be a tea-money bonanza down Sukhumvit in the near future.

    And damage tourism even more than it already is? I don't think so einstein. More hot air to appease big bad wolf of the USA methinks.

  6. Not having a pop whats the difference if there are working girls in the clubs?

    Surely they don't harm anyone? :)

    I know, if anything I'd want a place with a few of them buzzing around. Keeps it fresh and spicy.

    That way at the end of the night if you haven't pulled and want a woman you can grab one and you're good to go :D

  7. Ok here's the bonus footage:


    Chicken fights for the masses

    Previously I'd only seen this kind of thing go on in Chiang Mai. But just away from the track was an enclosure, complete with a chicken medic!

    Let the fighting begin!

    Note, AFAIK no spurs were used, but there some moments the more delicate TV folk might find a bit macabre.

  8. I apologize in advance in case this is an old topic on the forum - but I couldn't find anything.

    I'm just about to store my new Honda CBR 150cc for some 6 months since I'm about to leave Thailand for the low season.

    Most likely, I've found myself a good indoor parking spot (garage) at a private residence.

    Please advice: What is there to do with the bike before leaving it for the extended nap?

    I'm already told to change engine-/ gear box oil and empty the gas tank.

    - Is this valid? I actually thought that one should leave the gas tank filled in order to avoid internal corrosion.....?

    - Should I use that silvery "motorbike raincoat", or would that only trap moisture and thereby increase corrosion?

    - Honda CBR 150cc, for some strange reason reason, lacks central stand - is it okay to leave it on the side stand?

    - What more is there to consider?

    I would be very happy if someone would give me a complete what-to-do-list.


    If you're battery's good there's no real drama here. All I did was throw a cover over it, lock it up and left it for 8 months at a buddy's house.

    There's no real need to prep it, especially if it's new.

    When I got back, it took a few minutes to bump start it, then it was ready to rock and roll again :)

    Some of my buddies who drive sports cars tout you ought to empty it etc etc but that's just being finicky for a small cc bike IMO.

  9. Here's some footage I took while at the Supercross in Uttaradit.

    Previously I'd only seen this kind of thing go on in Chiang Mai. But just away from the track was an enclosure, complete with a chicken medic!

    Let the fighting begin!

    Note, AFAIK no spurs were used, but there some moments the more delicate TV folk might find a bit macabre...

  10. I've noticed an increasing amount of restaurants and closed bars that have put the ash trays back on the tables and are allowing smoking throughout the premises. :D

    Guess I didn't get the memo.

    In bars this is what I would hope would happen and is happening :D

    Been out with the boys to a few places, hardly anyone there. Out came the smokes, then followed the ashtrays provided by the bar staff and we all lit up :D

    A good night was had by all.

    ^ Must have been a wildly enjoyable night out! :D

    A bunch of guys getting together to inhale noxious fumes and look cancer, heart disease and respiratory illnesses, impotence, ulcers and fertility problems straight in the face and just go for it, giving no concern for the staff and anyone else in the vicinity who got to enjoy the second hand smoke! :)

    Selfish? - hel_l no - you "enjoy" yourselves lads. :D

    Maybe these bars with ashtrays could set up separate tables so people can enjoy smoking Ya ba, crack cocaine etc? :D

    So speaks the puritan man, we had a great night actually, no boring squares or braindead controlled types who somehow equate smoking to ya ba and crack cocaine either! :D

    Cheers :P

  11. Long story but I have been talking to this checkout girl at my local 7-11. We always joke around and sometimes if its not busy

    there i will buy a beer and we will sit there and talk about everything under the sun. She looks 20ish, stunning looks, lek and real nice


    SO we were talking the other day and she was complaining she only makes 8,000 baht a month working graveyard shift 60-70

    hours a week. So very jokingly i said "be my girl and and i take care you". She thought for a minute and says "OK".

    So i laughed it off thinking she was just joking as we always do.

    I go in today and she corners me by the beer cooler and says "When u make me girl you?". Again i just laughed but she said "no laugh i

    no joke you". I look down at her and the bad wheels in my head turning. Then i said to myself no she is just joking so i said "I dont believe." She comes over close and holds my hand and says seriously "me no joke". Then the bad wheels in my head start

    spinning wildly and i almost dropped 2 big bottles of singha on the floor. We talked more and I said let me think about.

    Well should i

    A) go for it

    :D start shopping at Family Mart

    C) start shopping at my local Wat

    D) Become a Monk

    E) Move to Koh Lan and sell trinkets on the beach

    F) Get on the Dr Phil show

    G) Double my Meds

    Thai girls are so shy. Judging by your name, I would wager money that part or all of this is fabricated.

    1. 7/11 is never quiet regardless of time of day, so it would be very weird and uncommon for a farang to sit around drinking beer and joking with the cashier. The rest of the staff is doing what?

    2. 20ish girls dont work in 711 really, and if they do, you can bet your ass they are not attractive.

    3. Again, Thai girls are shy and her grabbing your hand and cornering you sounds unrealistic.

    4. If you spend all this time hitting on her why are you so scared and shocked now when she says she is interested in you?

    5. Post your photo, it will give us a good laugh I am sure, regardless if its a true story or not.

    6. Jeez, on the internet every farang has a stunning girl friend and gik lined up, and then in real life all I see is The Swamp Thing's step-sister walking around with Mr. Beer Lao Tank Top.


    Good call man, that cuts through all the bs on this thread :)

  12. Red Baron is overpriced in all aspects of their business. I had a friend tried to get charged 10,000 baht just today for "membership" just to see their bike before repair costs.

    Last time i was there i dont think i saw any bikes less than around 200k, they are more into big bikes and sports bikes

    You may want to try D big bike. Not the best mechanics in the world but they are enthusiastic, honest and a large selection of bike within your budget.


    You may want to get a thai friend to help you on this one. The owners son is quite cool, Khun Ben.

    Phone: 083542 3708 and 086317 3089

    Store: 024315 34

    I think they are closed either monday or tuesdays

    Naked man is right on the money with this one.

    In Hua Hin they are trying the same scam at the big bike shop on Pala-u road.

    Pay us 8,000 baht per year or we charge you 1000 baht per hour!

    Needless to say I told them to ram it!

    They aren't that brilliant at working on your bike either! Missing screws on my fairing being one example :)

    However isn't it so that if you buy a bike from them the 10k membership doesn't apply as you're a member for life then?

    Whatever, you can find cheap, legit bikes, but forget looking in the capital or any tourist town or city. Bangkok is $$$$$ hence the Barons prices.

    Best POC are the biker clubs, they have eyes on the ground for what's up for sale.

    I've been to Red Baron and they are the main no1 place for bikes, but the price is beyond the pale unless you're feeling flush.

  13. anyone else agree/disgree...interested if anyone can point out some redeeming features I may have overlooked, but I think

    -lousy design...too much walking distances like suvarnbhumi

    -lousy slection of shops

    -escalators are inconvenient..the old scam of making you walk the long way around rather than being able to go straight up

    -the food section down stairs seems unuseful..I mean how many bottles of designer salad dressing can one go through in a month...

    -to get to the cinemas is a major expedition

    On the whole much prefer tescos, big c royal garden, the avenue, or even central bang na

    much more user friendly.....

    What a moaning fusspot!

    I've been there and love the place. Modern feel and not too lame either. Cinema is pretty decent too. :o

    Either get fit or don't go, simple as really :D

  14. I've noticed an increasing amount of restaurants and closed bars that have put the ash trays back on the tables and are allowing smoking throughout the premises. :o

    Guess I didn't get the memo.

    In bars this is what I would hope would happen and is happening :D

    Been out with the boys to a few places, hardly anyone there. Out came the smokes, then followed the ashtrays provided by the bar staff and we all lit up :D

    A good night was had by all.

  15. By mid-day warm-up riding was over and it was race-time.


    The Race

    The video's a long one, but I managed to weave a complete music track on it. The Youtubers banned it citing copyright but after I gave them some libertarian attitude and explaining they

    relented. :o

    At the end of lap one the big jump awaited.

    Our riding champion Boi made a near fatal error on the big jump at the lap-line. (1:37)

    His take-off was just out of line and he landed across the edge, nearly ended up toppling the bike off the hillock. That would of been nasty having the bike tumbling into you.

    He held it steady on landing and almost self-rescued but a passing biker twatted the throttle control sending the bike sliding down the jump hill further. Throttle wide open and a-firing there was a problem.

    Besides being bent, the throttle cable was near-severed and disengaged from the recess clip the plastic shroud was also ripped open.

    Plenty more bikers tumbled off and slide around into the mud nearby but the race was over for Boi on this bike.


    The achilles heel well and truly exposed and we'd need a spare shroud casing to continue this days racing...


    But nobody brings spares to these races. We tramped around mob-handed but no joy. It's run what you bring and fix it at the shop later.

    I think Boi was very upset as it was my buddy's bike he'd borrowed and had lost face in 'failing him'. But knocks and tumbles are the inherent groove with this.

    Nigel, his sponsor-racer remained in good spirits, even though it meant he wouldn't be riding it in the VIP race later on.

    We were spectators more now and I lost a bit of my enthusiasm for the day but figured I might as well get some footage for you folks, as the layout of the track was nice enough.



    An interesting development took place just after the bike was discovered to be immobalised. Alex, our friendly rival who initially said he wasn't going to race, upon learning of Nigels loss, got kitted up and ready! :D

    Here he is (on the left) giving some Flanders style spiel to Nigel:


    The day heated up a bit now as the clouds were blasted away.

    The ground dried out and the bikers got their groove on.

    Some incredibly close-calls allowed a lot of cool overtakes to take place on the main burn after the main jump (5:20).

    Family gathering look on as the junior bikers start their race:



    Babylook biker!



    More about this in the bonus footage later:


    Girl Rider makes an entrance!


    Pillion racing! Watch out pooch!



    This was fun to watch, some of them even got some air-time on the jumps!

    No big injuries, altough there were tons of close calls all ended well. By five o'clock we were on the road back home. Boi's pride was bruised but at least he was uninjured.

    Only three weeks previous an experienced farang had broken his leg in one of the dirt races, and he was wearing full armour. So it makes you aware of your mortality when you see these things go on and not hurt people badly.

    Like boys with our dangerous toys :D


    Hope you enjoyed :D

  16. Supercross Phichit, Kamphaeng Pet Province...

    Into the Quagmire!

    This event was a lot better in some ways than the last supercross at Uttaradit. The first half of the day was cloudy, giving respite from the sun.

    The ground resembled something from the trenches of WW1 though as the rain had saturated the place.



    Don't overrun corners on this track!


    Getting the bikes started for warm-up took perserverance:


    As we walked the track the sound of heavy farm machinery and earth movers rumbled on as they worked to soak up the waterlogged areas. Corners were cut open to aid them as the mid-day start closed in...


    The primary jump was certainly worthy.


    But you didn't want to blast over it too fast:


    As was the length of the track. About 1 km or perhaps slightly less we reckoned. Much longer and a lot more interesting that Uttaradit's track.

    It also went around natural vegetation like tree's and bushes, giving it less of an established track feel and more of an enduro vibe.

    Team Honda:




    Team local hero's:




    It was warm-up time by about 10:30 and the earth movers soon had to contend with scramblers buzzing past them as they worked frantically to get the place dried out!


    Warm-up riding began. Suprisingly we didn't see one tumble-down or accident.


    Here's the quirky and chirpy commentator from the previous two supercross events I covered:


    Moody girl for some reason didn't like me taking a photo of the trophies...


    Nigel physking himself up for racing...


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