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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. Hi There,

    Has anyone out there used Thai Private Eye?

    I'm thinking of using them and would like some feedback from people who have had dealings with them.

    I'm trying to track down a bogus lawyer who is scamming falangs of there hard earned cash. £££$$$$

    This man needs to be caught and taught a lesson asap.


    Name and shame the pr*k online.

  2. I think a fare percentage of 'Thai Restaurants' are actually re-branded Chinese restaurants.
    I would feel weird going to a asian resturant and white people were the ones cooking and serving.

    It definately wouldnt be as good

    You mean the race of the person cooking and serving makes for better or worse food?

    How very strange

    1.There are no such thing as 'race' for human beings, we all get down from trees in eastern Africa some time ago !

    No that's still a matter of debate is by no means unanimous.

    2.Cuisine is an integral part of something named CULTURE, and one does not acquire a culture by short trainings ...

    I agree

  3. There used to be a really good dive site a good few miles away called the vertical ship wreck.

    I think it shifted back to the horizontal and is deeper than recreational limits now though. Good for tech divers though...

    From memory I recall on the sois off beach road there's a dive shop or two somewhere there.

    I think Soi Yamoto might have one..

  4. Nazi's "had sexy uniforms" by Thaifan2

    So there's real hope for the TPV's sartorial ellegance?

    the "island of Togo" by JimsKnight

    I may be wrong but maybe geography wasn't one of your favourites, right?

    Does it even have to be to get a point across?

    Ok it's not a small island but it's a damned small country.

    There, happy now?

    Or do I have to put some clothes on your avatar :)

  5. I sometimes wear disposable one-day contact lenses.

    Where do you buy your contact lenses in Pattaya?

    I would be grateful for feedback regarding availability/price/brand and location of retail outlets.

    Thanks. :)

    For me it's usually Charon Optical.

    The prices are roughly the same across the board I think.

  6. Please no more slagging off of any nations, generally anywhere in TV, but especially in this thread.

    tx, raro :D

    Fair point Raro.........to use broad-brush stroke stereo-typing of the Germans as 'arrogant" is a tad uncalled for.

    However,on a corollary note I think it would be NOT uncalled for to "slag off " the nation that promulgated the

    quite unbelievable billboard.If not the nation, then at the very least the "individuals" who approved the signage and its' erecting.

    The people who approved this sign are ASININE RETARDS. I am not German or Jewish,(am Irish) and am merely stunned that

    one of the most notorious,vindictive,demagogic and all-out cruel humans of the 20th century(indeed of all humanity) was used

    as a billboard on one of the main entrance promenades to (according to TAT), one of the premier,international,family-orientated

    tourist resorts in all of South East Asia.

    The mind boggles at the unequiveocable stupidity of the decision that was made. Of course,innocent childlike defence could be

    given that it was merely tongue-in-cheek and not to be taken seriously.Well if so, then it would be better to use someone like

    Elvis, et alia , when the use of Hitler was sanctioned,we were brought into the realm of the other 2 heinous devil-lords of the 20th

    century..........Polpot and Stalin!!! Maybe Pattaya pines for a return to the fascist,right-wing era. Bring on Benito Mussolini,why not,

    when we are at it.

    Not to mention that the promulgators of the billboard,probably have no idea that in countries like Germany and Austria it is not only

    highly offensive,but also illegal to erect such signage.

    I think the people of LOS have an empathy and real-life experience with the concept of an effective censorship/blackout of the

    use of an "individual" or "pictures thereof" that would be deemed to be offensive....I think we all know what I'm refering to.

    If their own censorship here in Thailand is deemed to be legitimate and fair, then some of that "caring sensitivity" should be also

    directed into the international spectrum :D:D .......seeing since they are all so concerned about peoples' hurt feelings. However,don't

    hold your breath, I would be majorly surprised if the hierarchy in Pattaya even knew what year the 2nd World War started and finished.

    They probably think that "Hiroshima" is the brand-name of a Japanese motorbike and that the "night of the long knives" is an

    upcoming cooking competion in the new Central Shopping Centre............retards!!!

    Nazis were evil for sure ,but they had sexy uniforms and top of the range machinery . :)

    dam_n straight on that one :D

  7. True, but the USA is far from being a force for good. It is a force for it's own agenda and that includes profiteering.

    That describes pretty much every country on the planet. :)

    No it describes the USA big time, I can't see the island of Togo or French Guyana having the clout the USA has.

    The USA rules the roost and has done since post WW2.

    Smell the coffee Uly. :D

  8. Today the US Goverment think they are the biggest, best and untouchable, wich is very wrong again!

    Anyone who compares the United States and Hitler is a blithering idiot. :)

    True, but the USA is far from being a force for good. It is a force for it's own agenda and that includes profiteering.

    And when I say the USA I mean the government not the US people who are ok in my book.

  9. As usual there is always one person who has to spoil things and surprise surprise it is you Tropo.

    Many people have found this thread useful and informative but you have to start insulting people as with most other threads you contribute to.

    So how you've come on here to spoil it all by spouting nonsense.

    The only insults on here were FROM the OP.

    The OP has not given any useful info on dental costs at Banglamung public hospital.

    We're still waiting.

    No, you're still waiting.

    We can all see that it's all overall a cheaper gig. Government Hospitals almost always are.

    It's you that needs to eat some humble pie now and stop giving the OP a hard time.

    I think too many times the wealthy types out there need to get off their high horse and walk with the charlies for a distance to see what it's like.

    Early mornings are not to be feared, they're good for the soul so get out there and get walking :)

  10. I am not sure whether this has been mentioned yet but as I drove into Pattaya on sunday the first thing that greeted me after the Sawasdee to Pattaya sign was a massive billboard with Hitler giving the Nazi salute. There was some Thai writing on it which my gf said mentioned something about him being alive. Although she did say she had not taken too much notice so could be wrong.

    There was no English writing so I have no idea why Hitler is promoting Pattaya, presumably some waxworks. But what were they thinking??????? AM I the only person who finds it offensive or is that the huge jewish chip on my shoulder!!!

    This is Thailand!!

    No, you're not the only one who found it extremely offensive. To publicly advertise, for whatever reason, a man who single handidly was responsible for 50+ million deaths is disgusting. Thinking of the people affected: Most Germans really want to avoid this subject for obvious reasons, the Japanese too. Obviously the French, British, Russians (who lost absolutely millions), Australian and almost any other country would surely not appreciate it.. The Thai, Chinese and other Asian women who were subjected to disgusting rape and torture.. The list goes on..

    I don't think they meant to make offense but clearly a few history lessons wouldn't go amiss.

  11. I am not sure whether this has been mentioned yet but as I drove into Pattaya on sunday the first thing that greeted me after the Sawasdee to Pattaya sign was a massive billboard with Hitler giving the Nazi salute. There was some Thai writing on it which my gf said mentioned something about him being alive. Although she did say she had not taken too much notice so could be wrong.

    There was no English writing so I have no idea why Hitler is promoting Pattaya, presumably some waxworks. But what were they thinking??????? AM I the only person who finds it offensive or is that the huge jewish chip on my shoulder!!!

    This is Thailand!!


    Unless the fringe conspiracy folks have got it right and Hitler made it out to antarctica then I'd say it's probably thai humour :)

  12. If you are in that area , also try out 'BAN SUAN LALANA" on

    Chaiyapreuk Road. It is a fantastic development and you yourself could make comparisons between this BAN SUAN LALANA and

    other developments...you would not be disappointed.!!!!!!!!!!

    ON THE PREMISES........... 2 tennis courts

    Mens and Womens Sauna


    Restaurant with Reading room and Plasma TV

    TWO "35 METRE" swimming pools

    Minimart and Laundry

    Plunge Pool at the Gym also

    Whole Development is Wi-Fi Compatible without the need for telephone line rental


    CHECK YOUR PERSONAL MESSAGE BOX AND GIVE THIS PLACE A CHECK-OUT........IT'S THE BUSINESS (more pictures available on request,or just come around and see this place for yourself,it's beautiful)

    This has got to be considerably more expensive than the OP specified. How much more?

    Yep, as for the monthly price,it is not a secret, I just neglected to state it the first time.................. 8000 baht/month :)

    If a genuine long-term interest maybe can negotiate a little on the price............but to be honest, for 42 METRES of Condo

    in a development/location like this I think that "8000'ish" baht/month is very decent value. Anyone who just takes one look at this

    development will see what I mean.

    Take Care Everybody.

    By The Way........here is a link I found that did a write-up on the development a couple of years ago !!!


    Just followed that link, 30,000 baht a month is taking the piss mate.

  13. I've heard a few . Used to ask for the bill and walk out , but some are worth sticking out for pure entertainment.

    My top three ;

    1. I met a guy who couldnt see further than his nose with his milk bottle glasses , said he was former SAS , that he was sent to a building site in London to infiltrate the IRA. Had to go undercover for 6 months , practising his Irish accent and growing a beard. He was rumbled , and as he tried to escape, was shot in the back. He managed to return fire , and make it back to his commanding officers base. There , with one punch , he knocked out the officer for putting him in such a compromising position . He then went on to play for Leicester City, before moving to BKK in a 6000 bt a mth room.

    2. One bar owner told me the story of the Scot who wore a kilt everywhere. because Kilts were known to 'open doors' for him. He said that the customer claimed he met Tiger Woods , who gave him a lift when he was playing in the Open , when noticing him walking outside the course with his Kilt . He said that when in the Clubhouse at a different golf club, Bill Clinton walked in , admired his kilt, swapped it for his trousers and Clinton went out and finished his round wearing the kilt. He then said that wearing his kilt , he met the POPE at a garden party. The Pope spoke highly of his kilt . All apparently was said withy a straight face .

    3. One guy in a bar in Udon Thani, dressed in a Miami Vice style white Linen suit , and pork pie hat, about 26yrs old with long clown style shoes, said he was touring Thailand after making his first million , racing pigeons in the UK. His most famous apparently was 'Top Gun', a world beater by all accounts .

    Priceless stuff .

    You couldn't make it up.

    Off the top of my head was some bozo in farang bar who was breezing how a ferry boat had just sunk in the Gulf of Thailand but the scooby doo divers from Koh Tao had raised it and it was back sailing again!

    I explained I'd been living on Koh Tao for months on end in the dive industry and he was talking bs as it was a Thai Navy matter for that kind of thing...

    He promptly changed the subject :)

    Years ago I was wandering Cambodia. A Brit staying at the same guesthouse in PP came drinking with me.

    I was on leave from the armed forces back then and told him that, when he asked me what I did.

    He then starts raving about how he is an 'escorter' for hookers wanting to go to Hong Kong and needed an accomplice to travel there and walk through customs with! Apparently, they wouldn't look suspect if they were with someone.

    We're in a few bars and he's just slinging down the beer at a rapid fire pace. So I play it the same.

    Suddenly he gets a phone call and is nearly having a nervous breakdown.

    'Whats up?' I ask him

    'My girlfriends wondering when I get back to Thailand! I was only supposed to be here 2 days' He cries before slinking off into the night.

    So much for the James Bond act :D

  14. Went past the food court monstrosity billboards several times.

    Seeing some guy all pumped-up and beckoning for business like a neo-gladiator certainly doesn't pull me in.

    I wrote the guy off as some ego-obsessed creature looking to perpetually harvest money from the newbies in town...

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