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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. do u really not understand the difference between having different prices for locals (who in the case of sports arenas and theme parks probably lent the money to the companies via tax dollars) and different races?

    if someone wants to run their business this way, i dont really care all that much, but it does speak to their character as a human being.

    i cant imagine being the manager in one of these establishments and having a farang and Thai come in and ask the price.

    "Oh for you its this much and for you its that much".


    "Because of your skin color".

    I'd be too embarrassed honestly.

    Its not different races!!! I'm "local" - I'm white, work here, pay my taxes, have a work permit and a driving licence, and I get in (National Park for example) for the local price.

    Really? How you do that then? Shoe polish?

    I speak to them in Thai and show my driving licence - no problem.

    Ridiculous boasting.

    Next time you are in BKK let me know if your strategy works also at, let's say, Wat Phra Kaeo.

    He's right, it's getting harder and harder to use the driving license trick to get local prices.

    Even in far-off Pala-u Falls It was only with fancy talking (in thai) and driving license could I get the local price (at 40 baht) instead of 200 baht!

    She said that a lot of places now are not accepted thai driving license for discount.

    Probably because there are fewer tourists coming???

  2. I looked at those jackets as well and quite liked them except for the fact that they are all mobile bill boards with the logo plastered over every square inch, shame. They had a another brand without all the crap at half price, unfortunately it was too small, cough cough, for my manly frame.

    My thoughts exactly, you are a walking, talking advert with one of those things on.

    There is a great 2nd hand biker gear places off the moat road heading North East on your left.

    Very decent biker leathers in there.

    If you want more info just PM me for detailed instructions

  3. The one that made me laugh the most was shown on Tarrents TV in the late 90s.

    The ad starts with a bunch of guys bragging on who gets the most girls.

    Everyones bigging up themselves reeling off names, noys, leks, etc.

    Then the silent one of the group takes his shirt off and is covered in about eight or so multiple love bites. As he does so the name of each girl who has given them appears on the screen next to each one.

    The other blokes are speechless but then he pulls out a certain famous anti-perspirant spray / deodrant of choice to show how he got the girls! :D

    Old uns are the best boys :o

  4. The older ads (8 years or more) are pretty decent ones and memorable.

    I can recall them being shown on Tarrents TV show and they were a hoot

    But I think most of the newer ones aren't worth much, they've gone from independent style to mass commercialisation ala western ads now.

    These include the spate of ads featuring the wimpish male being made to look like a moron by a thai woman who 'shows' him the right way / product.

    Copycating from the west anyone? :o

  5. UPDATE:

    Just been for two more appointments with Dr Drill.

    Both times the ever helpful doc. took a look at the implant and is happy with its progress.

    It's taken to the bone well, the graft is good and there's no pain either

    All being well D-Day for the final showdown is in Mid-March time.

    As I was leaving an elderly farang lady mooched about outside getting her footware off.

    "Seven" said the receptionist chirped up cheekily.

    Not quite understanding what she meant I asked her.

    "She getting seven implants!" The receptionist giggled.

    The pain of just one is enough, imagine seven of the suckers buzzing on in there :o


    PS heres the implant in all its glory :D


  6. the only great thing I think it captured, was the noise of BKK. the whistle blowing, the roar of traffic. so true.

    it started off well enough, including ummm... long shots of toaster, grannie with zimmer frame... but just what the f&*K is that ending about!!??

    What could have been an insight into thai-farang relationships (as though we need one, but hey) turned into a load of tosh.

    if anyone can explain the ending to me, and it's relevance to the rest of the movie, I'd love to hear...

    I took one look at the synopsis and binned any idea of watching this film.

    It's just some idle dross using Thailand as a crutch to tell a very mundane and lame film.

  7. Ok, we know that some of this is probably straight to the point. But still it's blown out of proportions, no evidence to back most of it up.

    I think the UN has been reading to much sensational news from reporters like Andrew Drumond

    Agreed, the UN is out and out all about taking over and changing something into its image.

    It doesn't rule the roost out in SE Asia so likes to make a song and dance about it instead :D

    Drummond is a bloodhounding leech who sensationalises bs and blasts his trumpet to the highest bidder.

    I think people obviously don't realise how corrupt and sinister the British Police force is, the only difference is they get paid a lot better and don't have to resort to bribes. :o

    So yeah, another daft thread on TV goes on.

  8. We've all got an opinion on which are the best & worst bars so lets hear them to try to get ideas for where we should be and where we shouldn't.Alternatively the most over rated establishments.


    Barbarella's Babes - Best

    Buckskins - Worst

  9. No Rustic, not totally disagree with you....you don't need a work permit, just the visa :o
    Hmm. When I bought my bike and renewed my motorcycle license, I had to submit copies of my work permit.

    For registering my CBR 400 (in my name), just a non immigrant 'o' visa and a declaration from the registration address that I was living there.

    The Amphur provided this declaration when the dealer went with me to the Amphur and we waited in the queue for about 2 hours.

    OR you get your consulate to issue a certificate of residence (cost about 2000 baht)

    No need for a work permit, this is just an urban myth that Thais who aren't used to the other expats who don't work like to wave about.

  10. Yep, but this is to be expected from a bunch of left-wing lunatics out to buy votes via a return to easy-credit cards and meddling with the golden goose etc.

    Labour are playing this for winning an election in 2009-2010 and they are gambling on the spend-spend-spend tactic pulling off the impossible and then trying to get the public to rally behind them come election time.

    The Tories harp on about save and be responsible, good on them, but the trouble is the damage has been done.

    Most lads my age and younger either haven't the nouse or funds to save cash so this nutcase mindset of NuLabour may wreck the UK economy further.

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