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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. This is bold stuff now. My faith in the pound is a bit wavering.

    It was on the news recently today that the £ took its biggest drop against the $ since 1992!

    I'm shorting about half of my living money to Thai Baht now.

    Better now than if the £ really tanks. :o

    The baht may be on shakey ground, but its somehow got higher powers over the £ which looks likely to fall further than the baht.

  2. what kinda surface ?

    have photo ?

    if it rough , just use a bronze brush on it. and buy some cement mix it with water and brush over it .

    like a whilte wash buy using cement itself .

    , if it smooth , same thing use a bronze brush ,

    the trick to to make sur ethe paint is dry already . you may want to use a hair dryer to make it extra dry .


    I just used a wire brush and some elbow grease. Add water it the surface is tiring you out.

    I won't remove every last fleck but over time the paint will fade anyway and only you'll be able to notice :o

  3. Not worried at all, Thailand has/is and probably always will be a bit wild west. It's part of its appeal, so the airport occupation is another page in Thailands up and down history :o

    Although I ticked 'happy' I'm more sympathetic to those who are on a tight schedule to get home and are stuck here and having to filter through to alternative places is a pain, especially with kids in tow.

    As a perpetual expat for most months of the year I'm buzzing right now at the 'unknown' waters we've been steered into :D

  4. I am new to Thailand and Thai Visa. During the short time I have spent here, and reading through previous posts on various topics, I have come to the conclusion that there are predominately 3 types of Expat in LOS:

    1. The Sugar Daddy/Momma

    Typically 60+ years old with a 29 year old boy, girl or inbetweenie in tow (inbetweeniefetishtoe?) Oblivious and doesn't care about how she/he/she-he-e-ite appears to the rest of the world

    2. The Do-Gooder

    NGO employee +/- Rich and Retired with nothing else to do but organise and attend charity dinners where 90% of the entrance ticket goes on stuffed aubergine and a glass of wine of dubious origin and the rest goes to the Deserving Cause. Especially active from now until the end of the festive season.

    3. The Scrooge

    Time stood still in 1959 for this baby boomer who thinks a loaf of bread should be delivered to your doorstep, wrapped in wax paper, for 1 shilling and 11 pence. Complains loudly about the increasing cost of living in Thailand but has no street cred. Thinks a fixed income of USD 100 per month should cover the cost of harem plus food and drinks.


    What does any one else think? Please feel free to defennd/disagree or add/sutracgt to the list of stereotypes listed here/there/everywhere...

    You're a black and white kind of guy.

    Do-gooders are few and far between. Sugar daddies exist all over the world. The Scrooge is a daft stereotype to be honest.

    You've got the free-radicals, the neo-hippies, the global tribe types, the freaks, the low-lifes, the thai-wannabes, the perpetual tourists, the semi-retired dude many more archetypes here in LOS.

  5. Just saw some docu on Thai TV on how many of those PAD protesters brought their kids to this airport siege over the weekend???

    Are they out of their mind or what? Thois kids should be taken away from those parents to never being returned again. Who in their straight mind would ever endanger their own kids like that??? And then when Police or Army moves in we will have to look atall those litle corpses and say shame on the Police or what??? Just a bit of tear gas would do serious damage to any kid. They brought some kids out there younger then 5 or 6 years old as it was some sort of family outing like going to Pattaya Park water park???

    Shame on you I can understand youhave something against somethig or want to make a point but never ever put any kids in danger.


    Oh stop being a wind-bag, it's the parents responsibility, just like the farang who've brought there kids to a third-world country. :o

  6. Hi all, I am a stranded business person here in BKK and I am wondering where the most economical wireless access is for laptop users. The hotel wants 600 bht a day, which at face does not seem too bad, but if this is a long-term strand it would be costly. I know German Beerhouse in Sukimvit has it, but I will wind up getting drunk instead of working, and I have to put in at least 8 hours a day online. Does mcdonald's charge too? thx for any advice!!!

    McDonalds usually has it (where I am posting from right now) , try starbucks or a major shopping plaza.

  7. It's funny how so many of my fellow Brits continually bleat on about the nanny state then at the first sign of trouble they flock teary eyed in front of the TV cameras bellyaching about how the embassy is not helping them. It's not like it's a civil war where all transport is shut down. They can still leave the country by other routes, they are being accommodated and fed and they can get emergency funds from the embassy if required.

    But no, these bleating little lambs want wrapping in cotton wool and carrying back to mummy's arms.

    The so called nanny state has only sprung up in the last ten years or so because the pathetic little wimps living there need nanny to gently wipe their noses and ar5es for them.

    The above is a gross generalisation as there are a hel_l of a lot of good people left in Britain and in any case the true Brits stranded there in Thailand will be found in the bars having a good time.

    Yes, I think there will be a lot tougher times for people in general and the mainstream Brits crying into their beer need to get tougher.

    Hopefully they'll not return until they've got a spinal implant :o

  8. I think the major problem is that it is hard to find flight details and seat availability. Its a long drive for a family with young children only to find that there are no flights available.

    I do agree that people could make the efforts if so need be as my friend did yesterday, hired a car to Hat Yai and has a ticket for the noon bus to KL. He however is the MD of one of UK's major fire truck manufacturers so cash is not an issue and he is not laden down with a wife and ankle biters

    Erm the big problem I see there is WHY do people bring children to a third-world country or one that is unstable?

    It's like taking kids to the jungle in many ways, albeit a usually friendly one :o

    Parents should be more responsible and stick to Europe or the states, leave Thailand to people who can cope with this.

    Too many people see LOS as the spain of the east and need to remember that Thailand comes with its own unique problems.

  9. I could have sworn this forum was full of PAD faithful. I wonder where they went?

    Could it be that it was only a very noisy few who suddenly have the good sense to lay low, now that the PAD's brilliant plan is in the full light of day.

    Whoops that didn't go so well eh?

    I imagine a group of guys with their hands in their pockets whistling and trying not to make eye contact, maybe kicking a stone or two.

    While not supportive of all efforts by PAD, but speaking for myself as generally a PAD supporter, I've just found that the number of flaming trolls that have over-run the forum and taxed the limits of moderators to be detrimental to forum. Since I seem to be a target of these multi-ID'ers and trolls with their flaming posts (including in this thread), I'll help ease the burden they place on the mods by laying off a smidgen so as to not wear out the mod's delete button.

    I know what you mean, the TRT / PPP faithful overran this forum a good few years back alas.

    Anything the PAD does to try and get rid of the tyrants currently running the show is met with a wall of them.

    Yet suggest gunning down or actually destroying the PAD you will be met with cheers and back-slapping!

    Desperate measures and a dangerous government need a similar solution, hence the new gambit by the PAD.

    The PPP won't be able to leave power by a normal way.

    All the bluster and bravado by the tourism boys and affliliates need to understand the tourism in not the be-all and end all. Life goes on without tourism if need be :o

  10. Not a problem for me but then my game is the internet and not subject to the fickleness of foreign tourists. If this causes the baht to go sinking then I'll be in clover with the exchange rate difference.

    I think that tourism is a dying game out here in LOS, we won't see a return to the 'great unwashed' hordes of the previous few years if the way the world/financial crisis keeps going.

  11. Humm no pain no brain, sums it up very well, if you don't want to come back then don't but stayiing away affects all Thais not just the few that are holding the country to ransom!

    Yep, the more that stay away the merrier it is for the rest of us still here :o

  12. Why do people still insist the current government was elected by a majority? Sure, the PPP got more votes than the other parties but that is because they BOUGHT the votes in Isaan! Until this country finds a way to block vote buying, new elections are not the solution -- the results will be the same.

    Maybe a coup and another period of military rule will give the country time to insure truly free elections.

    Do you try to tell me that the PAD did not try to buy votes? Sure they did, they offered my GF 300B to vote for them!

    The people have to stop wanting money and then it might be a fair election here... Its all about money!


    You made my way......

    What fools the PAD are....offering money for the vote even they aren't a Party and can't be voted for :D:D:(

    To add: most probably another paid poster who did not read his script carefully :D

    Beat me to it. I am surprised muppets like this are allowed to post on here. :P

    From a purely selfish point of view, Thai politics has very little (if no) impact on my life here, I was here for the last coup and I am sure I will be here for the next. My major concern is Thaksin coming back and making life very difficult for us Brit expats due to his visa withdrawal, he has already hinted that this will be high on his agenda as he feels he has 'lost face'.

    I take no sides on this as I think the PAD (and dems) and PPP (and UDD) are just about as bad as each other, but I vote yes for a coup - bad for Thailand but good for Brit expats.

    Let the games begin

    My sentiments exactly, I can recall the first of the Toxin Mans measures am very concerned of what he'll do (to expats) if he comes back.

  13. i wanna share my experiance,i was at swarnabhumi airport,had some time before flying,so just drinking beer in sports bar,n 2 girls came to me with a pimp,n was asking me to go for massage,

    they had some room booked at airport,

    can u guys belive this,sex massage in airport,


    I recall, back in the days of Don Muang being the premier airport a poster on TV mentioned there were quite a few 'hairdressers' salons that one could go in for some 'womanly attention'

    I actually wondered if Suvarn. would, given he clampdowns of the past few years, continue this tradition.

    It seems they have! But in a different form! :o

    Amazing Thailand.

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