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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. It's a frequent enough complaint here in TV. When in full flow of a rant against back home and/or their former life, many a TV member will bring up the rise of "Political Correctness" as one of the issues that forced him to move to Thailand.

    That said, scratching the argument often reveals a lack of understanding of what 'Political Correctness' actually is... But hey-ho, don't let that get in the way of a good rant.

    In anycase we all of us from time to time adopt 'Political Correctness' either in word or attitude; were we not to do so we'd not be able to live within society, or indeed participate for very long on this board.

    Well Orson Welles warned about it.

    It's one of the ways the establishment dumbs down a nations language and makes society more depended on the 'system'. The old language gets destroyed and a plastic and inferior one replaces it.

    It's utter hogwash and wrong but the PTB like a dumb populace :D

    Something the left-wing and right-wing governments seem to have a hard-on for. Change is good, but not all types of change :o

  2. Wait and see gentlement, wait and see.

    Siam4ever is a partly right.

    I've travelled through the heartlands and non-tourist areas of Thailand and really aren't the golden children anymore.

    When asked a few thais who work in the hotels and guesthouses what they will do if TSHTF and tourism collapses the answer is simple.

    'We go back to the farms.'

    Pretty simple really, hard graft for around 200 baht a day pays the rent for the thais and then some.

    Thailand may well be set for the fall, but these people will bounce back pretty well, more than say certain European countries alas.

  3. Been in a buddies (a video of it zooming about Mae Sa Valley is on youtube/livevideo somewhere) and it was almost as good as a landrover defender offroading. They are not a car folks, its an offroader with plenty of heart and character. Why you'd want one for flatland bangkok is beyond me mate, unless you are gunning for exclusive parking areas and being an individual (which is cool).

    They are fairly comfortable from what I recall but then I'm used to being in offroaders having served 6.5 years in the forces :o

  4. When a moped can get you across town faster than anything speed is no longer a factor. Anything to big and you choke on exhaust. You don’t want to loose your ability to go between cars that are stopped at a light without taking out someone’s mirror off. A tight turning radius is a must when traffic is jammed and you’re trying to keep moving. On the other hand I have found that they can also be too small. I have learned and witnessed first hand that mopeds take a nose dive when you hit the breaks and they loose the slightest traction. Not just certain models but all of them. There is just not enough weight to stop you in a hurry. When I was home in October I witnessed or just missed 2 deaths and two wipe outs. Everyone I saw, a taxi pulled out in front of a moped. The driver locked up his breaks and the front tire flew to the right slamming them straight down on the road and under the car. This has happened to me twice but I was able to ride my back break to keep it up. If the road had been a little wetter I would have been paying for new paint jobs. So I would really like a VFR 400 but I think it would be too wide and keep me from going between cars. I am going to get a Honda 150nsr today because I think it will be small enough for traffic and heavy enough to stop without going down if I lock up the breaks. Anyone with a VFR 400 or CBR 150 got any input?

    Depends what area of Bangkok you roll about in to one extent.

    I asked one of the Red Baron boys this question and his answer?

    Not a sportsbike over 400cc I would say!

    He says the best thing is a 400cc scooter, his has 65 litres of luggage space under the seat, is narrow AND it keeps your feet dry in the rainy season :o

    I used a CBR 150cc, those things excel there.

    The Kawasaki Ninja 250cc also may do well.

    The key is the width though and not the engine size.

    Even a few 400cc machines are too wide IMO but thats just me :D

  5. Kudos to Rustic for his Thread already on this.

    Here's another review covering the night venue laid on by the Vampire Biker Chapter :o


    Hua Hin has a small but noticeable biker scene with the Harley Davidson crowd. Every year a biker festival takes place known as the Hua Hin Bike Week. Located just off the canal road on a large patch of waste ground it rocks for 3 days. We sent Johnny, Rider and the local HHAD crew out to check it out.


    The first day of the biker fest was on the night of the 5th December but being a day late was no sweat. On arrival things got off to a good start. Rider and the rest of us paid 100 baht to get in, yet he got his picture taken with a pretty wench! Never did see the photo though, his mysterious persona must of destroyed the evidence!


    The Harleys were out in force, even at the day time. In fact they all went on a city tour at about 2 in the afternoon and were back by 4 pm.

    Plently of stalls were set up with biker gear for sale, most of this was for cruiser type set-ups and leather atire for the hairy harley davidson brigade.

    But food was available, the city-renowned Bintaburgers had set up a burger stall and that did thriving business as hungry bikers started roaming.

    Kites were flying nearby too, not sure if this was for the festivities or just a kite dude doing his thing.


    Then, when night fell, more and more bikers started showing up, mostly in small to medium groups but a few lone wolves in their custom machines made a scene and a roar as they arrived.



    The biker gangs were out in force! As far south as Phuket and as far north as Phitsanoluk and beyond had journeyed to Hua Hin.

    The Vampires organised pretty much most of the event as far as we could see, the band certainly displayed the name clearly enough and a fair few of them were roving about.

    As far as security and safety was concerned the local police and Vampire gang did a pretty friendly and safe job. They didn't need to do much though, the crowd and atmosphere was carnival-esque and pretty soon they all got drinking with the rest of us!

    The beer started flowing early on, there was no Tiger beer for the drinkers who liked the refined ways nor San Miguel for the lounge lizards, just cans of Chang beer!

    The Bikers of Hua Hin Bike Week


    While we didn't document a dossier on every biker chapter at the venue we did notice a wide range of bikers.

    This brooding, lone biker of Nonthaburi Bikers seemed solo from his chapter house, a scout perhaps? He didn't say or do much apart from look mean from his beast of a harley. Which is kinda cool I guess.

    Then we saw the V-Bikers their were plenty of them around, bopping away to the music beat and who, arguably, had the best looking girls in tow.


    The local biker chapter the Headstone Riders were here along with the Easy Riders. Some say they saw Phuket's benevolent but biker-lite crew The Sunriders but this only a rumour.

    The band kicked off at about 8pm and got going soon after.


    The Vampire Rock got rocking for hours into the night, table dancing and mooching was good from the get-go and yes that is a native american in the crowd!

    All the while more bikes started arriving, they got more outrageous with each one that rolled in. First came the Batmans prototype Batpod!


    Next came a bright and shiny assortment of custom choppers.



    More Chrome than Chrome city's chromeworks for this next bike.


    Then came the meek.


    And the Mighty!


    And then last of the bikers arrived.


    Who surrounded this cool car from the classic car era of motors. He aint going nowhere!


    The party got really going when out of nowhere two coyote showed up with an eccentric showman and really got their groove going, along with the crowds!


    The festival finally winded down at about 3 a.m when we all staggered to our machines and blasted back to base happy but with very sore heads the next morning.

    Getting to Hua Hin Bike Week

    Hua Hin Bike week is normally held each year at the same spot, a large patch of wasteground located on the canal road. Once you get on the canal road there are a series of signs that the bikers will post in the previous days leading the way to the event. Follow the yellow signs and you'll soon find the venue then.

    I've got about 6 videos to stick on the net but I'm still editing and chopping the footage etc.

    And yes one of them is of the coyote girls doing their thing. Watch this, and the video sections space! :D

    Source: On The Road Thailand.

  6. But a Q, whats a 'squid' in the context above ?? I always thought a squid was US navy (jarhead being marine).. When I had read about squids on bikes I had made the guess it was simply meaning young forces guy on a bike, but above makes me reckon I am way out ???

    Mean anything more than idiot on wheels ??

    LOL! A bit of American slang for you LivinLOS! :o



    I think you get the idea? :D

    Happy Trails!

    Yeah that guy is a <deleted>, good expose.

    I often think they've rented the bikes they ride on and are 2 weeker clowns cause if they owned it for real they wouldn't be so bold.

    I missed the rideabout, was too hungover from the night activities at the wasteground.

    Good bikes and crack though.

    I'm starting a fresh thread on this as I've got a panoply of pics on the night venue by the canal road on the 6th December :D

    Good pics though :D

  7. :o Britain is doomed. Its the 70's all over again, except we spent all of Scottish oil wealth already on middle class 'skiing holidays' (according to mr torygraph) and now we have the doors open to any european peasant who wants work.

    Cant the EU give back some of the tens of billions the UK has given it been conned out of to pay for german nursing homes, and spanish pavements? backstabbers.

    Oz/Nz/Canada are the only sensible options now. Abandon ship! (actually dont abandon yet, wait till i get settled in first please)

    but how on earth can the baht remain so strong, its insane!!!- getting my rubber blanket ready for when the traders pull the plug on the baht.

    Where are my chill pills?

    God im tired of all this moving around, my family seem to have been refugees from countries going tits up for 100 years now!

    Russia 1917---> Germany 1945---> France 1968---> UK 2009 -----> Land of Oz?

    Just be cool man, go half and half, keep your bridges open, don't burn them just yet.

    The UKs been through worse sht than this and still kept on truckin'

  8. Tried opening an account in bangkok with SCB at a tesco's outlet. The cashier said without a work permit I'd no chance!

    When I explained that 2 years ago I'd opened one no problem in Chiang Mai with a non-imm o visa she changed her tune and said the main branch office nearby could open accounts for foreigners there without WP.

    'Tis a strange land.

  9. I can see why this might p... you off but what is the alternative? I

    resent like hel_l 'advising' them of my travel plans, like you I've used thier

    card here for the past decade. You could have emailed them and demanded

    that they call you.

    And if this is your only source of finance your a fool!

    Nationwide won't do that, they won't even refund anyone for phoning up to unblock it.

    Get with the 21st century man.

    No for me I've a whole bunch of options but that's not the point.

    The Nationwide account is sold as the travellers cashcard, so they should start being a bit more traveller savvy and backing off on this dumb blocks!

    If there's a problem I'd phone them, not the otherway round!

  10. The whole notion of visa control on where people can and cannot live is archaic - allowing the world's population free movement wherever they wish is the only way to slowly share the wealth of the world more evenly. At the moment it is all about money and has nothing to do with peoples rights - if you are comparatively rich enough you can go to a poorer country and live like a king - if you are poor, then you are stuck where you are! Of course while people still believe that "nationality" is a good thing then each country will selfishly continue to cherry pick who they share their wealth with.

    Sorry but the socialist wet dream of an egalitarian utopia in the world is a fairy tale and has ended in disaster every time it's been tried.

    Checks and balances, that's the capitalist way and its worked well for thousands of years. You work and you get rewarded.

    It encourages you to work your way up from the bottom to the top, something I've managed fairly well (well, not quite the top, but up there if you know what I mean).

    I've got a non-immigrant 'o' from good ole' Hull consulate. I can't complain about that one.

    But I have noticed that the other nationalities don't have it as easy as us so they are starting to move on elsewhere alas.

  11. Times have changed from when the Robinsons crew surveyed me five years ago.

    I got a smile and a phone number back then :o

    But yes the bar scene and pretty much everything is going to hit a recession.

    Too much boom means too many copy-cats come on in and expect people to magically split in two and go into their establishments.

    The past 3 years have been 3 years too far IMO. The expansion has to be managed properly, and it hasn't and so a lot of folk are going to be in a strange state when the hammer comes down I'm afraid.

  12. I think that George has the best job in Thailand.

    For farangs:Wealthy, professional, adventuring, playboy footloose and fancy-free in Thailand :D

    Oh you mean a normal job?

    That would have to be an independent goldsmith / salesman on a roll pulling in hapless tourists to dive at overpriced islands :o

    Or the owner of Emmanuelles gentlemens club in Ratchada :D

    Take your pick cause there is more than one big groovey job out here in LOS boys :D

  13. In the UK as in other first world countries the police and other forces work to the orders of their democratically elected government. Hence when an airport is closed by demonstrators the police go in make arrests and open the airport. Doesn't matter if it's 50, 500, or 5,000 people it would happen in any western country.

    In Thailand the forces take a somewhat different view. When Swampy was closed it didn't suit various forces individual agendas. This meant no real action was taken, Swampy remained closed and Thailand became a laughing stock to the outside world.

    Hmm, I use the words 'democractically elected in the first-world' with great generousity considering they are as crooked and bent as the Asians.

    In LOS there is a different veneer of civilisation and it often surpasses the first-world :o

    The PAD protesters in Swampy actually achieved what a lot of moaners and whingers who begrudge the government back in the UK could only dream of.

    They took on the establishment and won!

    They did it through force of numbers, something that's impossible to do now in the UK legally as the police can disperce gatherings under 'anti-terrorism' laws!

    So if you try doing that in the UK you'd be locked up for 42 days on terrorism charges!

  14. For amusement purposes, from an advertisement in the Bangkok Post, 13 November 1969

    Need to renew your visa? Then fly with us to Nong Khai and be back to your office within 6 hours.

    We arrange special chartered flights to Nong Khai every Friday by modern, twin-engined Sahakol Air aircraft with experienced pilots. You leave Bangkok in the morning, enjoy a wonderful in-flight breakfast, arrive in Nong Khai, renew your visa in Vientiane and you'll be back to work in your Bangkok office within 6 hours.

    For further information, contact Crane Co Ltd, 144 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangkok Telephone: 54061-8

    Heh, interesting, I figured visa runs were non-existant back then as you could get a courier to run your passport to and from the border 'back in the day' :o

  15. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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  16. ...

    Farang Adult - 850 abht, Thai adult 350 baht.

    Farang kid - 650 baht, Thai kid 250 baht.


    Does it say "Farang" or "Tourist" or "Non-Thai"? - because there is a difference.

    I disagree with this "dual-pricing" anyway and usually avoid such places, especially when they write the Thai price using Thai characters - it is so obvious that they are trying to hide the price difference to the non-Thais.

    The Thai bit just says 'poo yai' (adult) and 'dek' (child) and specifies 80-120 cm (height) for the latter. In English is is just adult and child with same height definition. It seems doubly sneaky not to even say Thai and non-Thai adult/child, but just to use language and English/Thai numerals to conceal the different pricing.

    Dual pricing is disgraceful, racist and insulting considering foreigners put so much into the Thai economy. Last year I noticed that some National Parks reduced their prices to a more reasonable figure so I visited 2 of them. Ticket issuers USED TO acknowledge years' visas, Thai driving licences etc.; but not now. The only recourse we have is to veto those places with dual pricing rates.

    I agree, I went to Pala-u falls last week and they refused to accept a thai drivers license and wanted to charge me (get this) 250 baht for entry! Small beer but why pay more than the Thais?!

    After stonewalling her crocodile smiles for about three minutes and explaining I wasn't a two week tourist and actually spent many months each year here she relented and lowered the price to 50 baht. I was about to turn around and leave, luckily

    If I hadn't of spoken good thai I wouldn't of been given the Thai price.

    Years previous the producing of a Thai drivers license would be carte blanche for getting around the 2-tier pricing, not now it seems! :o

    All around me the unknowing tourists just happily put there hand in their pocket and paid the *wrong* price not knowing the ways.

    It's not the same now, they truely are hungry for the white mans baht and don't mind charging silly money.

  17. Under 50 ( 23 ) No visa whatsoever...Working with a oil company in the middle East , with a rotation of 5 weeks on 5 weeks off. So I recieve my entry stamp Valid for 30 days, then i get my 1 week extension at immigration every time, though this is 1900 baht! living Tax free and loving it!

    I'm on Non-imm 'o'

    Oil and gas boomer semi-retired at 30 and work contracts when I pick and choose in the offshore/onshore industry. Independently wealthy.

    Saved up the coin and now just keep myself occupied moving about and exploring in LOS seeing where the other cool expats are.

    To be frank, I've never had it this good (touch wood). :o

    Easy to stay here if you prepare and keep a low-profile. Easy to spend a ton and have to skulk back to the UK, but not if you discipline yourself. :D

    6 months on, 6 months off working a bit. :D

  18. Doesn't matter, denying the protesters access to the airports was a dismal failure on the part of the government. A true embarrassment to say the very least.

    The fact that the protests at the airport were so incredibly well managed and that no damage was done shows just the opposite about the PAD.

    The Gov't should have simply put enough people around them to deny them access to the interior and then moved them to one of the ramp areas. Let them maintain the protest there w/o totally disrupting services. I think 2000 police in riot gear and a good negotiator would have been able to move them to the 2nd or 3rd floor area outside. Then negotiate to allow them to bring in portable toilets etc.

    The Pad announced that they were about to move on Suvarnabhumi. They also said when they were abandoning government house and reinforcing the airport protests.

    So the police cleared the roads and let them in , just as they gave free access to all the food and supplies that they needed?


    The police and military need specialist training in riot/terrorist/crowd/incident control and who better than the Israelis or Brits. Loss of face though!

    Yes the western world has quite enough black-clad thugs in armour walking around for Thailand to even think of copying.

    If the Thai Police adopted the so-called 'professional' tactics of the west there'd be a bloodbath. The Thai's don't take a beating and being baton charged lying down like the westerners tend to do, there would be x10 the response and violence from angry thais.

    The fact that the PAD has vast numbers helps as well :o

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