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Friendly Stranger

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Posts posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. Op, you're playing Russian roulette with a machine gun. You're either very young, green or trolling for dollars based on what you've said.

    Ok, enough body shots.

    Congrats on the child and like mentioned get a budget together and start intemizing all the essentials as many of the other things like rent and sundry items are already known.

    Don't you know a buddy or one her friends you can talk to or go on an expecting parent forum for assistance?

    Good luck

  2. It is quite astonishing that the parents have put the video on you tube. I can't quite believe it. Then again I would not believe they have their daughter firing an Uzi. Perhaps instead of parents taking children to weapons lessons, children should be taking parents to 'effective parenting' lessons.

    I cannot agree more with your post.

    After such a shocking event, who in their right mind would even think "hey, lets upload this vid? Yeah, cool man" Poor kid but brainless parents.

    • Like 1
  3. I have to admit, this has raised my eyebrows. So last call for alcohol is midnight? Wow, this has taken me by surprise. Not to be a kill joy, is drinking in public next as I"d thought they would do this before what has been mentioned?

    Interesting to see where this goes..

    Last call would NOT be midnight. It says no consumption of alcohol after midnight at a bar or restaurant. So at 11:59pm you would need to dump your drink on the ground or risk a ticket.

    I forsee private member's only clubs, where you pay 100 baht for a one night membership which gives you one free beer.

    Yeah, that's what I meant. But It would make more sense to stop serving at midnight as that other alternative just seems wrong.

    Hey, it could be worse, it could be no more (fill in the blank)?

  4. To all those who claim Thailand is not a "nanny state," how do ya like them apples?

    I have to admit, this has raised my eyebrows. So last call for alcohol is midnight? Wow, this has taken me by surprise. Not to be a kill joy, is drinking in public next as I"d thought they would do this before what has been mentioned?

    Interesting to see where this goes..

  5. First off I'm going to say poor guy. BUT, his reasoning why he does not want to go back home is ridiculous. Come back for what, living on the street?

    It's as if many don't want the illusion to end...

    As for me, I had some issues here at one time but I caught it at the beginning and decided to go home and re-group, though it was not Thailands' fault. Glad I did, as many think they can somehow get out of whatever situation they have gotten themselves into.

  6. simple, pull them down and cart them all off. They dont own the sidewalks but expect everyone to dodge all their sh*t, time for the police/govt to get tough and enforce the rules for once. This is why nothing ever gets done here, everyone knows no one will enforce the rules, as soon as they do people will realize they cannot simply do as they please. Send in the troops/police and just start removing them, any that refuse, lock them up or issue big fines.

    As much as I like the markets, the fact that they roof them so low you have to walk through them bent over or you keep hitting your head or you simply have to walk down the road and dodge cars/bikes to avoid the crush is simply bullsh*t, of a night it is fine but during the day they are just too much.

    Or make a nice fee for using the sidewalks. So for all the hassle some funds come in.

    Don't they already pay a fee to the business they're in front of or to the, ahhm, cop on the beat. Not condoning what they do but just responding.

  7. How is this possible? mh370 has never been located? or any persons or posessions?

    It's esp. possible by a bank employee when the passenger is not around to know what's happening to their bank acct. Plus they can make a counterfeit copy of the passenger's credit card.

    I work in banking and knowing how HSBC is, the alleged perpetrators were bound to be caught. Ppl underestimate compliance and weekly/monthly oversights that these firms have in place. Dumb fools. It's not as if the deceased estates were not already being prepared for distribution/taxation and the executors/equivalent are monitoring them.

  8. The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

    so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

    Requote myself "anything packaged and or processed will be terribly more expensive here". I don't really get your point anyway. Maybe somebody can educate me, Nikon camera equipment is made here, yet it costs less after it gets shipped across the ocean to the US. Any takers on that one. Things just cost more here for no apparent reason (ie, because some Thai dude somewhere says so) is what I am going with at this point. They also make non imported deserts here, and if they are even halfway decent, they are way overpriced. If you think things have to be imported to be more expensive here, you are dreaming.
    My take on this is that these items are considered luxury or items that are really not required, hence the mark up.


    Why would a local buy a chocolate bar for 30 b when they can get a cheap meal for almost the same price. I know about tariffs but this is an example.

    Another one that I personally dealt with is a membership to a gym. It costs comparable if not equal to the west as it is deemed a luxury and really not required for ever day living.

  9. I don't think that Japanese would be offended by being called sushi eaters. Anyway, under Japanese traffic laws, responsibility for an accident is usually shared. If you and the other driver were both moving, then you will share responsibility. If you run into somebody who is stopped dead, then you would bear 100% responsibility unless the other car were to be improperly parked, etc.

    Thanks for the clarification regarding how their law interprets this matter. About the posters' dig, even if not a big issue with the Japanese, it implies as such.

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