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Friendly Stranger

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Posts posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. I bet tourism would go up if there were no ladyboys.

    Ladyboys give Thailand a bad image to the rest of the world.

    You really think so? I think that is the least of ppl's thoughts as new travelers would just look at them out of curiosity then go on with their business.
  2. Parkinson's is no walk in the park as someone I briefly dated was in the advanced stages after only 2 years. It is terrible to see how her body was closing down throughout the day after she had taken her meds. When taken she'd be as normal as can be but by the evening it would be like my 92 yr old grandmother hanging off my arm walking baby steps shaking. She thinks she will not see 40.

  3. Don't like to speculate but suicide... When i read that i instantly thought i knew where this thread was going.

    I cannot picture someone stabbing themself in the chest numerous times.

    Whatever happened, poor guy..


    Wounds to the chest . wounds means .... anything. Scrapes scratches, mosquito bites, lady boy bites, pimples, hickeys not necessarily a deep punctured knife wound.

    This thread really shows the depths of assumptions many people will make on what is sketchy and incomplete data.

    The original news post said stab wounds but I do see the update indicating wounds to the chest. Yes, it does look incomplete.

    • Like 1
  4. What did you expect with the attitude and that headline?Geez, Canadians trolling now...

    Same questions repeated, what happened to prior searches on here as there must be 2 dozen similar threads since you're so bored.

    Since you're Canadian, there are jobs out there but many don't survive long as teaching is not as easy as one thinks. I'd suggest getting the certification as it's a little unknown what exactly will happen with the visa's and there may be a mad dash for the jobs.

    On the other hand, take the job through the connection as it will answer your questions whether you want to or can handle it without the expense of the course.

    From one Canuck to another, good luck.


    They should be more worried about homegrown disease. Like Dengue, Influenza. These will kill more in Thailand. Than Ebola!

    agree...and for "imported" disease , MERS is a far bigger risk than Ebola. Far more Thais travel through the MERS region, far more visitors come here, much easier route of transmission but without the headlines. Very dangerous.




    Guys, Though I know what you're saying and agree but don't underestimate Ebola.  I think the world is taking this too lightly.  IMHO of course.  

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thanks guys, I over heard a conversation in which this guy was using a FX agent. There are no fees involved and you buy the the thai baht at the current spot price. this is like a trading account for spot currency. This is what I am hoping to find.

    I am getting funds from Canada.

    Thank you

    I transfer my funds from Canada, monthly by CIBC personal cheques. How much are you transferring? We could probably work something out.

    Hey guys, maybe we can do 3-way lol. But seriously, would like to know how you both are doing it from Canada?

  7. The junta...new government should be slamming down hard on the banks.  
    Aside from the money laundering, what about the BS
    fee's they rip off us.   All their computer centres are local to Bangkok so why the he11 are we paying ATM fee's for withdrawals out of province?  In Chonburi I pay no ATM fee to withdraw money yet up in Phichit I get stung for 25 baht.  One computer centre for the whole of Thailand in Bangkok is their choice...just like their rip off fee's! 

    The bank fee portion of the post is irrelevant as they all do this. However, glad they got pinched.
  8. "Funny the locals are so impressed with his ability to cook possibly the world's easiest dish" Pad Thai may be easy to cook but really good Pad Thai is almost impossible to find. Often the noodles are all gummed up with too much oil, good luck to him.

    So true. This is why I swear by the place I get my pad thai from. Prepared differently but great taste.

  9. Whenever a school teacher ( farang anyway) changes school jobs and has to go through the usual procedures for WP and Visa everytime , one has to get a medical including a HIV / Syphillis test, dont mind really 100 bht result within an hour and a reassurance that i havent picked anything up, YET.  But what if i was positive, would that mean no job for me?  I dont know, is the current answer to that, at the moment.

    I was with the understanding that a check up for HIV gives you the results, BUT does not include the last months( activities )  anyone who wants to be sure is to abstain for a month totally and then have the test.  if clear then it is sure.
    Unless things have changed.   but suppose you had unprotected sex the night before the test--it would not show.

    The latest tests can give an answer in 5 mins but the infection window can be 12 weeks, so it is best to get checked every 3 months if one is in a high risk category.
  10. [quote name="DaveinAsia" post="8189500" timestamp="1406991339"]

    [quote name="VegasVic" post="8186756" timestamp="1406952933"]

    The title of the article should read "Holiday in Thailand could end for expats who VIOLATE Visa laws" clap2.gif   I say more power to the government in enforcing its visa laws, those expats who do not abide by them should be kicked out of the country thumbsup.gif  I just wish that the U.S. had leadership that would enforce our visa/immigration laws whistling.gif[/quote]

    Maybe they should have a coup too. Easy ppl, tongue in cheek...

  11. There is nothing in this article that anyone with a modicum of intelligence should worry about, those that read the relevant laws and abide no problems, those that think because they either have loads of dosh or can do whatever they like, bye-bye. I have no sympathy for any of you, the writing has been on the walls for a while and yet they still think they can stay, one wonders how these peole whom seem to ;lack not on;y intelligence but commonsense have stayed for so long. 

    rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif Got news for you, those with loads of dosh will be staying, no problem as ever. That's called Thai Elite card.
    Get over your hate, save yourself aggravation. 

    I know someone awhile back posted a disclaimer that even the elite card was subject to visa regulations. I don't have the link but it's burried somewhere here. However, I do agree that ppl with money will find a way.
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