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Friendly Stranger

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Posts posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. Caffreys is a great beer, hugely popular and it wouldn't surprise me if it's in Thailand at least Bangkok.

    Well, when I'm in BKK next I'll make a list of all of the pubs and hit them to find the big "C" - not a bad little project.

    Not to be insulting to ppl but I've seen some mention Beer Lao. I just cannot get into it and find it hard to get down. JMO

    It's funny that none of the Asian breweries will bring to market their own stout/wheat beers. There's more out there than lagers..

  2. Back in the day,an old favourite of mine when "on the continent".attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1403196589.494841.jpg

    Thinking of Hoegarden, my intro to wheat beers. Would there be any other Belgium wheat beers in and around Bangkok? I can't get into the German varieties but have had a good one on draft in Karon/Phuket.

    We have loads of them in Toronto but I understand how difficult it would be to get them here.

    Another awesome beer, which is my favourite on tap is Caffrey's. Probably impossible to get here but I would be stupid enough, I mean to treat myself even at a cost of 300 baht.

    • Like 1
  3. Wow, 19 posts and no one has said Adhere 13 blues bar. It's on Samsen RD, only 10 min walk from KSR. It's very small but has real character. They have a very good house band that plays there Thur to Sun from 9pm on.

    Brown Sugar is another nice place for jazz but I'm unsure if they've moved as they were on Sarasin (sp) next to Lumpini.

    I'm going to book mark this thread as I want to check out some of the mentioned places except the RLD venues as the only one that had decent music blaring from it was the bar outside nana next to Stumble Inn.

    • Like 2
  4. Was he actually doing a poor job as Mayor? Are all of the posters so far from Toronto?

    Drug/alcohol dependence is considered a medical condition in the US and if he has gone through a treatment program and he was a good mayor before his illness, then why should he not be allowed to continue?

    If nothing else, its refreshing to see a politician as honest as Ford.

    Sorry to hijack the thread but I'm from Toronto.

    Like one has said, he has done everything he has said he would do when originally campaigning for his first term.

    Certain groups were salivating when this happened, as they never liked him and just went on and on about it.

    Yes, his personal life is high maintenance but he did his job and has been consistent.

    Ppl voted for him because he represented the "average guy". Maybe the average working man doesn't smoke crack, but he's overweight, balding, drinks and a little rough around the edges but his answers are not scripted.

    To answer your question, he's not being prevented to run but rather certain groups would rather he not so it can go back to the way it was "social safety net BS"

    • Like 1
  5. He should have resigned long ago...has already been stripped of key responsibilities. Anyone could beat this clown at the polls

    Do not say that too LOUD. And if we were not in Thailand I would be willing to place a wager with you on it.

    Rob Ford ran on the promise that he would cut out the crap. Get spending down taxes in control and make Toronto a better city.

    The interesting point is that he did everything he said he would.

    There are a lot of people that are willing to forgive him his faults as long as he cleans up his act.

    When they opposition has nothing to go against him with other than the booze and crack because his record as a mayor is solid then it becomes a new game if he is clean and sober.

    Toronto has had some very different Mayors. Do not count him out. Especially with the number of people running that will split the vote into about 10 pieces.

    A lot of pundits think he might win.

    I kind of hoped so but it will not as Chow has massive roots and support in the city while riding on her deceased husband's (Jack Layton) tail strings. We saw how the province just voted, so I expect the same. I know they're from different party's but it's the same message, "keep the PC's out".

    Also, it's better for Chow if there are more ppl running as she would be in trouble if Ford backed out.

  6. I believe I read only yesterday that the city will have a higher than expected surplus. I knew that his forte was fiscal responsibility and he has stayed the course. Source from the metro daily free publication.

    Now, we're (ppl of Toronto) probably are going to get Chow as the mayor. Great, spend and raise taxes...

    In reality, he should bail, as Tory, 2nd place in the polls, would get his supporters.

    • Like 1
  7. Getting annoyed easily is a farang trait. The longer you live here, the more patience and tolerance you will have to the point that eventually you will develop a "mai pen rai" like Thai's. Life is not always fair and will never be so we learn to adapt otherwise the frustration and unhappiness eats you up.

    So true. My favourite used to be motorcycles on the sidewalk vooming past me and I almost lost it when one clipped my girlfriend. This and many other things no longer bother me so you're right as tolerance had settled in.

  8. On the flip side, I went to a bar that was either managed or owned by a Farang and when he saw me enter the line he waived me in without admission. I had to look around and thought something was up but I looked over and he was charging some Asian guys a fee. I don't know if he though I was a somebody or what but it was the Bamboo on Soi 3 Suk.

    Mind you, this was awhile ago and it could have been an isolated incident, but it was weird...

  9. Isn't this like for anything? Know your demographics and style it the way it should for your taste and the area/theme/cuisine.

    Having a soft opening is key. This means inviting family, friends and others to come view the place and eat the food and see what the response is like prior to opening for paying guests.

    If it's a hole in the wall, nothing wrong with that, then ensure the food is spot on for the area and the nationality you're cooking for. The look of the place is not as important if the main clientele are locals.

    It's weird, don't see many Thai places close down but the foreigner run ones do so more frequently.

    Sorry meant this response for the OP and not the one before mine.


  10. I have been in the land of smiles for some years now and is it just me or in general are they ultra super jealous people when it comes to relationships? I find this often in my own partner (I refuse to marry and she is ok with that, also a few years older than me), but boy has she thrown some hissy fits in the past through jealousy. I want to know where this comes from, is it those stupid Thai dramas on channel 3, is it the Thai love songs that I cannot stand, what is it?

    Just wait till they start throwing things and pulling knives! what drives them..insecurity and the fact they have a lot of competition and not much to offer except what every woman has...philandering or the thought of it drives them nuts! as they see there atm walking away

    been there done that, although she is more the 'I am going to stab myself' person. She has gotten drunk and thrown things and smashed her own head into the floor, how is that going to look on me lol. She is ok 99% of the time though but sheesh, I have never seen so much jealousy in one nation.

    Tom, were we dating the same person? My former specialized in the "knife to the wrist threat". I was worried as how it would look if she did that after I left the appt and the CCTV showing me walking away. Not too good on my part. It's definately insecurity, look at all of the infidelity that goes on.

  11. My thread about the 3 girls actually had nothing to do with me per se...it was intended as a reflection of how Thai girls can so accepting of such an arrangement in contrast to normal society.

    I recall the thread about the 40 million baht house for sale where half the posters could do nothing more than criticize it. It was a beautiful home by any standard.

    I see the English teachers everyday on the BTS with their cheap, sweat stained suits and worn out shoes. I simply don't get what they're trying to achieve. They'll likely never amount to anything if they don't go back to society and establish a career. If they're happy, then more power to them but they sure look frustrated.

    Maybe their is such a diverse range of people living here that there's no common interests....I have no idea but I've sure met some unhappy people in my time here. One guy tried to convince me that anyone who chose to live east of Sukhumvit in Pattaya would be murdered within a year, as locals would knock you off your bike to rob you. When I informed him that I drive a car, he couldn't grasp that not all farang were as rundown as him.

    Whereustay - I know ppl are having a good time with this and your other threads but I guess you've made your point. But at the end of the day, who cares what others think? Will it make your life any better or worse, no.

    About the thread abt the 3 girls, you should have mentioned in there what the intention was as others obviously thought otherwise.

    Just stay real.

  12. link to the other thread please?

    This is the discussion with the young American fellow, who has been abusing the 30 day entry, is not a tourist, is running an online business whilst his arse (ass if you're American) is parked here in the Kingdom,.. and not paying any tax. The topic was closed before I had a chance to tell him that I hope he get's caught and screwed,


    Private message him. Just joking..

  13. Ms. Usanee said she bought the book out of curiosity, and that she is even more angry about the writer's attitude towards Thai women .

    What is the complaint about the photo which she does not care about or the contents?

    "I am not particularly angry by the photo on the cover, because this is not the first time my photo has been abused for commercial purpose.

    If it is the photo i agree he is an idiot however if it is the contents then that surely is her opinion.

    Confused on the real intent of this story

    Yes, it is confusing what she said but I have a feeling she meant she likes the photo that was chosen. Who knows.

  14. Had my first experience too with mixed feelings.

    Had a great time at first as I was returning back what they were dishing out. The Thai's were respectful when I gestured that I did not want to get wet as I got a fever/cold after a couple of days. Some dumb foreigners just do not know when to stop and were shooting ppl in the face point blank when just walking by, a Thai had seen this and gave them a tongue lashing.

    Silom was absolutely nuts on the last night as everyone was giving it their last shot and thankfully ppl behaved as it could have gotten seriously out of hand in an instance considering it was the end and how drunk and euphoric ppl were. I stopped counting of all the dangerous sights I witnessed and read of the hundreds of deaths and thousands of injured during the holiday due to the excesses.

    I now know why some friends stay out of certain areas during this time.

    Next time, will get my fill on one nights worth then retire.

  15. this nice gal pops up every day on TV... i like to chat with her(s)... partytime2.gif.pagespeed.ce.PFycHnSwjt.g


    Yeah, she's so fine that the guy in the back on the motor bike is checking her out too lol.

    No disrespect to the OP, but I would not go visit her there as she is still considered somewhat a stranger. When you meet someone else you'll see the difference.

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