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Friendly Stranger

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Posts posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. Great to know! Thnx. how about where the local Thais hang out? Right now my favorite place to drink afterhours is Maldives. Amazing each time , so many hot thais lol. But safehouse seems to be best spot for local upper Thai girls.. Any others I missed?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I don't know abt after hours but there are Thai go-go's or maybe that they have been converted to bars. This is near the Saphan Kwai BTS along the intramara soi's. This is 100% Thai.

  2. Geez, what's wrong with me, I've never heard of 75% of these places. I know of a couple that has been mentioned but I thought after hours in BKK died in the 90's.

    Bookmarking this thread.

    Actually it could be fun to do a late night refresher. Stay home until midnight and then hit lower Sukhumvit sometime around 1 am.

    Yeah, I'll do this as I have to update my files. I'm making a list from past/present though walking through Nana past the car park and the makeshift outside bars across the street even at 6am+ puts a little smile on my face.

    Too bad this thread had to die at 2 pages, we need more of these.

  3. Unrealisitic meal:

    Mom's Chicken Parm with pasta with saute mushrooms/garlic drowned in her tomato/pesto sauce with her garlic bread.

    Her 3/4 baked cherry cake or moist chocolate cake from 100% scratch.

    Realisitc meal:

    Mushroom Risoto with tomato/pesto pasta and sausages.

    I'd probably die before the execution..

  4. I'm getting hungry with all this talk.

    I actually thought while reading the title this was a joke but I feel for you, so much delicious food, with some taken a while to get used to but the good ones are great.

    I know they have them all over the place but is there a foodland near you? They cook Thai, western & European dishes decently.

    Get a slow cooker and check the web for recipe's and you'll instantly have no fuss tasty meals.

  5. Very decent answers.

    I'm only going to speak for guys with no dependants. I guess it's like with anything, it all depends on what you view as important and essential. For example, my budget only includes shelter, food & living allowance with everything else being disposable as it does not affect my life if I don't have the extras, it's nice but not essential in the grand scheme of things.

    Nothing wrong with living the same lifestyle as back home but the beauty of being here is that you can live whatever lifestyle you choose as for me the longer I've lived here the cheaper it gets.

    IMO, renting is the way to go as the days of buying a place here as an investment are over, most areas anyways. Also, if you ever wanted out, the turnover in Thailand will not be kind to you.

    Important issues people considering living here lose sight of in my opinion:

    Easy accessibility to money (wiring/emailing) between countries.

    Health care plan which includes preventative.

    Knowing a lawyer you can trust.

    Contingency plan if you must leave at a moments notice.

    Embassy/contacts at home.

    Someone had already mentioned, never burn your bridges back home, especially if you're still of working age.

    • Like 1
  6. What in hell is a supposily not prostitute swedish girl doing on the huntingground of men, stay

    home lady and do not go to Walking street and it´s bars... It is not for you.....

    I think they are just stupid these western girls sitting in bars, LOOKING, photographing and making videos to take home to

    i.e. Sweden and on parties sitting there critizising the men that "got away"......


    I had to think my response through as I had similar thoughts when I would see western girls around the area, however, it is no excuse for this period. In regards to this incident, let's see what transpires.

    Poor family.

    The Thai man's text is weird, almost as if he thought it was consensual unless he felt guilt. Dunno, not there or know the real details.

  7. Sound of smacking myself in the face!!

    I actually am going to judge. I just gazed through some of your latest posts and too decided you're a TROLL.. No one goes on a site like this and as a first post knowing the responses they'll get and still goes on and on with your apologist responses.

    No one is this bad!

    Question for you.

    If the mother kicked you in the nuts and the daughter cries, will you still say you don't want to raise your voice to sound insincere....

    sdshaman is a sham man.

    Congrats on the post of the year, oops, it's only Jan 4th..

    • Like 2
  8. I'm not here to judge as we've all had issues but seriously "grow up". And I don't even say this to be a dick nor am I on my high horse.

    If you think it's bad now just wait until they really twist the screws on you.

    Maybe they're scamming or not but to them it is your duty to give them the life THEY feel they deserve so they can keep up with the Somchai's.

    Seriously dude, I hope you get the answer and make the right choice as we don't want an updated story of you totally broke and kicked off the planet.

    Good luck

  9. It's too late for this but a rule of thumb for me if considering a month or more is stay at the place for 3 or so days, this is if they have daily rates, as you should find most of the imperfections/issues then make your decision.

  10. Why hasn't anyone here offered to take this man into their home in his time of need during this holiday season? I am out of the country otherwise I would love to have him over for Christmas dinner and give him a warm bed to sleep in until he figures out his life and the next move.

    If it was just for the holiday season fair enough but we all know it won't be,you'll end up having to throw the guy out physically and who knows what he might steal out of desperation?

    Generally the people you help out turn on you and despise you for doing it!

    Totally agree with that last sentence. So true.

  11. All I can say is know when it's time to go home.

    I've had something similar, not with money but with a no win situation that surrounded loved ones - long story!

    Well, I don't have a solution on what to do until your money comes in but staying here doing the same thing will keep the vicious cycle going. I think it's best to go home get your wits about you and regroup with a better plan.

    I could not see myself in the state I was in to just accept it, as I too needed to regroup. I'm now planning to come back under much different circumstances.

    Good luck.

  12. Since were on the subject, I hate anyone who walks around with no shirt, i hate the idiots with those boxer shorts, i hate loud talkers, nose blowers, coughers who don't cover their mouths, spitters, noisy eaters, open mouth eaters, gum chewers, public nose pickers, people who put their tv on too loud in next door rooms, noisy people generally, people who pay too much for stuff, people who spend ages talking to baht bus drivers, car drivers who disregard pedestrians, boorishness....

    Pattaya and the world in general is full of horrible, rude, loud, pushy, boorish people...but there is nothing much I can do about it....

    That's a pretty big list, some obvious but a couple I would say I do:

    I spit sometimes, but it's in the gutter or grass.

    When I eat, I have to admit that I'm louder than my companions.

    TV too loud, this is me too but I'm half deaf, so I compensate for it.

    But a couple that you have mentioned are just regular everyday stuff that seems that you're just mentioning to fill space.

  13. Thai police often pick the people with the least status in society, e.g. ex-convicts, with no education or close relatives, and get them to confess to all sorts of crimes.

    This guy may be guilty of terrible crimes or he may not but I certainly don't believe the police and their claims.

    For the police this case is all about image management and nothing to do with solving crime.

    I cannot really believe what you are saying.I can understand peoples frustration at times with the police and their childish way of presenting criminals and relating crimes,but this man has confessed,and the damning evidence is there.Sorry mate but to me there is only one true verdict---GUILTY---- I just despair at the ridiculously stupid sentences handed out.I will forecast now that if he gets off with a light sentence and is released HE WILL KILL ANOTHER LITTLE GIRL. He has more or less told the world that.He has uncontrollable sexual urges> God Almighty what does it take.He has to be put downbah.gif

    I totally agree with you biplanebluey. Enough already with this Canada style feeling sorry for the con and not the victim slant. And lets not forget briggsy, the courts let him out not the police. Crime against children is on another level, he's done it before and has confessed to this one too, I don't buy the "beat him to confess' crap.

    Many of us come from places that cry the good cry on the poor culprits and that everyone deserves a 2nd chance and feel sorry for their poor upbringing <deleted>. Sorry, wrong choice of criminal act, sometimes Chinese style is the way to go for heinous acts from ppl that confess.

    To all the little bleeders out there, don't give me they beat it out of him as this is nothing compared to what is awaiting him in prison and he knows it. EOM

  14. Well naturally it does depend on where you are: 25k won't go far in Bkk, but there are plenty of rural areas where it's more than enough to live comfortably.

    PS I think there will very likely be a downward pressure on NES wages for a long-time given supply and demand from 2015. Personally I think this is a good thing for Thai schools in general: I really don't see that the value delivered by an NES teacher is worth the differential in most cases.

    Not a teacher, but I do live in a rural area. I rent a modest home, I have my comforts, but I don't spend extravigantly, and rarely drink. I could not live reasonably on 25k - on that money, I'd be living like a starving (western) college student. When I was a student, I've certainly had enough noodle-pack dinners, crowded apartments, and empty pockets to last a lifetime, would not wish for that again. Some things are cheaper out in the country, but not by much, and you get what you pay for. 25k is just unimaginable - unless its for 2 days a week or less, then it sounds great.

    I'm genuinely surprised and very interested in your response; and I honestly would be interested in a breakdown or at least a summary of your outgoings (naturally preserving privacy etc); I live on far less than that and believe me I don't scrimp. Ok I don't rent, but rural rents are almost nothing compared to Bkk anyway. I hope this doesn't sound confrontational, it's not intended to be.

    Sorry to be off topic, but I too am intrigued. I've lived in BKK on less than 30K with ease and I don't see the fuss as I eat well, get entertained, travel where I want and set my own hours. If you have dependants and waste money then you have a point.

  15. OP - good you have a plan but don't look too far ahead so soon as it seems you're still in the "honeymoon phase".

    I've been coming here 10 yrs and lived for 2 and I personally never thought of owning property or a business as it's too complicated and there's a myriad of layers to it all. And if you get real serious with the girl - don't go all in financially until you're sure of the situation.

    You have the benefit of others experiences (good/bad), just plan it out and search on here for your answers and/or speak to a lawyer like some have suggested.

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