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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. A really intelligent measure. A Chinse tourist who had 2 Sinovac shots over a year ago is considered safe. 5555 Still this is from the team that pocketed a ton of cash from Sinovac.
  2. This blow to the country’s tourism prospects and an already disappointing and slow-moving recovery is also coming with the decision by India to apply a RT-PCR test requirement to all visitors from Thailand including returning Indian tourists,... I will definetly avoid travelling to any country that requires a PCR test. It is over sensitive, as it can show positive months after you have recovered from COVID because it still detects dead virus.
  3. He also claimed to have contacted the UK Embassy in Thailand, but they didn’t give much assistance to him. Why are we not surprised by that and why do we not expect anything from the "investigations by British authorities"? We saw what British authorities are capable in their desperation to get trade benefits for their sinking economy when the British foreign office and police jointed hands with corrupt Thai police and Southern mafia to frame two Burmese for the brutal murders of two British kids in order to let the son of a local mafioso on Murder Island off the hook. The British coroner even mumbled some nonsense about being careful not to jeopardise relations with Thailand. There are definitely loose ends in the guy's story but that doesn't change what Brits can expect from their embassy or government in a genuine situation like this. Given the way the UK economy has been tanking recently with inflation soaring out of control, they expect things to get worse.
  4. The value of bribes demanded by traffic cops got a huge boost today.
  5. Beeping the horn would be more accurate but we only have the murderer's word for that anyway.
  6. It would have been simpler and more effective to require a test before departure but the Thai government's Beijing masters wouldn't allow that. They have reacted angrily to Western countries that have done that, even travellers to China still need to be tested. Vaccines certificates to show someone had two shots of Sinovac or Sinopharm in 2021. Yeah right. A really effective measure. But what do expect from the team that pocketed a ton of cash from importing these snake oil vaccines from China?
  7. I don't know about any specific regulation but years ago, before e-gates, I was told by an IO at the foreigners counter that, as a PR, I should have gone to the Thiai counter. So I used that thereafter with just the odd snide look from Thais in the queue. The problem was that seeing me in the Thai queue seemed to attract foreigners without PR to caome and wait behind me. Once there were a couple of Indians in front of me and because I was in a hurry I mentioned to them the queue was for Thais and PRs only. They ignored my advice but got sent away by the IO when they got to the front of the queue. I allowed myself a little smile at them, as they shuffled past.
  8. I was fined 100 baht for changing address 3 months late as a PR. Maybe the fine has gone up by now. It is a bit of a rigmarole that will involve going to your original police station and district office in Bangkok first but you do need to do it.
  9. There used to be a manned counter next to the electronic gates for Thai citizens who failed to get through the e-gates or were unwilling to try. Not sure if they have that desk again now. Hopefully the new e-gates are more efficient and reject less people. They made a big fanfare a few years ago about letting citizens of some other countries use the e-gate, if they registered with Immigration. Not sure if they are bothering to revive this but they should, as it was supposed to be reciprocal. Otherwise the only way might be to upgrade PR to citizenhip.
  10. A neat way to remove Ung Ing as a threat to Prayut, Prawit and others, just like the solution to the threat posed by Thanathorn and Future Forward after the last election. A new Thaksin party always comes back after being dissolved and beheaded but a 10 year ban will definitely cramp Ung Ing's political style. I hope Thaksin has a nice room waiting for her in Dubai in case things go criminal.
  11. How many deaths due drunk driving and lack of motor cycle helmets this year? No doubt the number will be used to buy lottery tickets.
  12. I agree absolutely, except in the blame attributed to the British legal system. Under English and I believe Scottish and N. Irish law there is no statute of limitations on heinous crimes such as murder and rape. In recent years an IRA killer was tried in N. Ireland for a murder committed in the 1970s. Unfortunately the evidence was insufficient for conviction which is, of course, a hazard in very old cases. However, that doesn't mean that murderers and rapists should be allowed to escape trial. Survivors and families still remember the pain caused by these dirt bags over 50 years on. Hopefully karma will catch up with the disgusting Sobhraj in some form for the crimes he cannot face justice for.
  13. This nonsense because: 1) he was deported to France last Friday, the day the article was posted on AN; 2) the Thai statute of limitations on murder is 20 years from the date the offence was committed - thus it expired on the 1975 murder in Thailand in 1995.
  14. A race hinging on economic issues between two contestants with no clue about economics. Heads you lose, tails you lose.
  15. Thonglor and Cowboy are both in the Thonglor police precinct. Cops obviously happy to allow the sales and smoking in Cowboy for mow, which has always been a major profit centre for Thonglor cop shop. The problem will come, if others stick their oars in a demand action but that will still leave the licensed shops in the immediate vicinity and smoking will be hard to stop, if no one complains. I doubt there have been many complaints about tobacco smoking which is now under the same law. I guess people have been complaining about the vans in Thonglor, Soi 11 and KSR. They are a bit more obvious, as they are more cosmopolitan venues visited by Thai youths but Cowboy is solely for foreign whore mongers and Thai bar workers whom no one cares about.
  16. When I was only 16 I went on a package tour to the Costa Brava with my parents. After an unsuccessful tour of the discos I went for a lonely moonlit walk on the beach in front of the hotel. I nearly stumbled over about half a dozen Essex girls on their backs entertaining Spanish waiters who were vigorously going at it. Being only a child at tje time I was utterly traumatised by the experience (because the pedros were getting it and I wasn't) and still have nightmares about this severe deprivation.
  17. According to the footage, the male foreigner had white skin and blond hair and was approximately 180-190 cm tall and 25-35 years old. As for his partner, she had dark skin and was around 150-160 cm in height, and was about 25 years old. Police should have no trouble rounding up these two fornicators with this detailed description, especially the woman, as this is an extremely rare profile in Pattaya. However, even more detail, such as distinguishing marks like warts and moles in strategic locations wouldn't harm.
  18. Under the Thai nationality Act, as amended in 2008, a foreign male married to a Thai citizen is entitled to apply for citizenship, if he has been legally working in Thailand for a Thai company with a WP for at least 3 calendar years earning at least THB 40k per month. The marriage must also have been registered for 3 years or only 1 year, if children have been produced. Requirements for foreign women married to Thais are easier. They don't need to be working but their Thai husbands need evidence of income of at least 15k a month for the previous calendar year.
  19. I am not a shareholder in my own name. My shareholding is held by a company. I am one of two authorised directors and either can sign for the company alone. I am the only signatory authorized to sign for the bank account. Actually a company can appoint anyone to be the signatory of a bank account, even if they are not a shareholder, director or employee of the company. We have a family company for which my wife is sole bank signatory at KBANK and she is neither a shareholder, director or employee but she looks after the accounts and payments. For years I was in the same position as authorized signatory at the bank but not a director or shareholder and withdrew money from the account at different branches in Bangkok with no questions asked, except for a copy of my ID. I was not blaming Thai Chinese. My point was that I doubted the teller would have questioned the transaction, had I been a Thai Chinese, as they are used to them running their own businesses. I think what raised her suspicions and caused her to invent a completely spurious rule of her own was me being a farang with a Thai ID card which was probably a new situation for her and she couldn't handle it. So she just thought it would be safer for her, if she asked for the other director with a real Thai name to come and co-sign, despite not being a signatory registered with the bank. Of course I may be wrong and she may have been blocking similar transactions attempted by Thai Chinese businessmen all day long. Some have suggested I could have called HO to clarify things. I might have tried this, if it were not close to 6.00 pm but I wasn't hopeful of getting anyone intelligible at that time. In the past I have had to do this with Bangkok Bank and SCB. A crazy woman at Bangkok Bank was going to close my accounts right away because I didn't have a WP, even though I had my PR documents with me. I really needed to keep those accounts, which had standing orders, and luckily head office sorted out the crazy in a couple of minutes, even though it made her rather sulky. All I had asked her for was a new savings book to trigger her attempt to close my accounts. The issue I had with SCB was that they told me to close my account and open a new one because I had changed my nationality to Thai. I talked to someone at SCB HO who gave me the same "no can do " run around as the guy at the branch, which also happened to be in Big C. I didn't want to do this because I feared I might also be told to reapply for my SCB credit card and I didn't have pay slips to do this. So I just waited for a few months until I noticed that the guy in the branch was no longer there and tried again. I approached a female staffer who couldn't have been more helpful. Just a copy of my ID card, tabien baan abd naturalisation certificate and sign a form and my nationality was changed to Thai and a new savings book issued with my name in Thai instead of English all in a few minutes. So my first encounter at SCB was a case of a lowly level staffer in a department store branch making up his own rule on the fly and actually being supported by someone at head office which was scary.
  20. I think it was made to look like it could fire bullets and maybe it can, if the firing pin hits with enough force to ignite the primer which is unlikely without putting in a full strength mainspring. But the pressure of even a .380 round would likely be too much for the pot metal of the slide and the barrel. So it might blow up. I have seen the results of a Glock that blew up in the hand of a visiting US competition shooter visiting Thailand. He borrowed the gun from a Thai shooter who must have made some modifications resulting in a round firing not fully in the chamber which caused pressure to be diverted into the barrel and slide instead of propelling the bullet down the barrel. The barrel, slide and frame were destroyed and the visiting shooter was lucky to get away with just some nasty cuts to his hands and arms. I found some discussion online about converting this type of pistol and one American said he did it out of curiosity but he reloaded a .380 cartridge case with much less powder than normal and fitted a 31 grain .25 caliber projectile on it. .380 projectiles are normally about 90 grains. So it was about a third of the normal weight. This should theoretically allow to get the same muzzle velocity as a regular .380 cartridge with a third of the pressure. In some places, e.g. South Africa, these guns can be loaded with tear gas or pepper spray cartridges for self defence but obviously not in Thailand where civilian use of even pepper spray is illegal. You can even get an adapter to put on the end of the barrel to shoot rubber bullets, using the pessure that comes down the barrel.
  21. Wouldn't be surprised, if it was one of the fuzz at the Pattaya cop shop. Sell him a starter's pistol that is $200 new and can't shoot but with real ammo to incriminate him and a bag of ice to go with it to make sure. Force a round into the fake barrel and some more into the Kuzey blanks magazine to increase the rap to carrying a loaded pistol in public, although they didn't show this on the video. He told them he didn't know, if it could fire or not, so he is not in a position to argue the gun was incapable of firing.
  22. You can see the Kuzey pistols demonstrated here. They even have a gold plated one. The magazine he was caught with is obviously a Kuzey magazine and the .380 rounds must more or less fit in it. But it seems to be the 9 round model for the full size Government model Kuzey Colts and thus too long for the Defender model. This pistols are very realistic and I am surprised they can be legally imported and sold in Thailand openly on Lazada etc. If not, illegal, they certainly should be, particularly if they can be easily modified to fire real bullets. I would guess a modified one could kill someone at close range and could perhaps also serious harm to the shooter, as the barrel and slide not made of materails that can withstand the pressure of even a lower powered .380 cartridge, which is in fact and a shortened 9mm cartridge with a lighter projectile that takes less powder than a regular 9mm but is still utterly lethal.
  23. Here is Matthias' oscar winning performance at the Pattaya cop shop. at 03:10 the cop on his left announces there were 6 rounds found in the gun and one in the chamber which implies it was a modified Kuzey blank gun, if a round could really go into the chamber. Probably a smooth bore tube though. The Kuzey barrels look a lot different and have a bushing and only have a small hole through the bore to let gases escape. The suspect says he wanted to know, if it could work which implies he knew it didn't look like a real gun. No mention of this by the cops though, even though they would certainly have spotted that. He also had some testosterone supplement capsules in his bag which, along with the yaa ice, might explain his bravado. 693564808.489267.mp4
  24. I think it will be like the re-enactments that police were supposedly ordered to stop doing with great fanfare but continued without a pause. Reporters have to pay the police for access to film arrested criminals and crime scene articles. A favorite photo is a picture of an arrested foreigners passport. I can't see them stopping that, even if China is making a fuss. Anyway the big triad cheese "Tuhao", married to a Thai police colonel, is Thai and, according to Chinese law, should have given up his Chinese nationality when he got Thai nationality, or had it revoked when the Thai Interior Ministry wrote to the Chinese embassy to advise them he had got Thai nationality, as they do. So reports should just emphasise that he is Thai, until such a time as he is convicted and a court orders the revocation of his Thai nationality.
  25. The engravings look quite similar to those found on Turkish Kuzey BB guns or starter's pistols currently available on Lazada but the bullets are real. Indeed, if he found it, in a trash can, he should have definitly let it be and not put his finger prints on it. However, I would guess that if he had made contact with a meth dealer, he had probably also made contact with a black market weapons dealer, perhaps the same scoundrel, who may have ripped him off by selling him a fake gun but real bullets.
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