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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. I thought they had promised China they wouldn't be disclosing the nationality of Chinese criminals in future.
  2. A love tap maybe but then what was she doing with cane.? I bet a few love taps with that cane across her naked buttocks from a gym instructer in front of the class would soon change her mind about corporal punishment.
  3. I went to schools ruled by disgusting sadists who caned boys on naked buttocks till they were a bloody mess purely for their own sexual pleasure. We were also subjected to painful ear twisting and other tortures by teachers including having heavy wooden board dusters hurled at our heads in class. This made boys fear those teachers but definitely didn't make us respect them. We despised them utterly, realising that they were not fit to be teachers or have anything to do with children. As a result of these experiences I cannot condone any teacher hitting a child and, if one dared to hit my son, I would seek him and her out and pay the cops and anyone else whatever it took to destroy their career.
  4. I have an ID card with prefix 8. I got the number when I got PR and kept the same number when I upgraded to citizenship which was convenient as there was no need to change my driving licence or tax ID. I believe pink IDs can be issued with the 0 prefix and tax IDs and possibly yellow tabian baans and pink IDs can be issued with the prefix 6 but will be changed to a new number with the prefix 8, if the foreigner gets PR or citizenship. Messing around with fake IDs may be the way to go for many foreigners from neighbouring countries and Chinese who can pass as Thai at a casual glance. But they need to accept that being caught with a fake ID can land them in the slammer and get them permanently blacklisted from Thailand (under their own name that is). If the only way they can earn a decent living and send money back to families is to live with that Sword of Damocles hanging over them that may descend at any moment, then I can understand that may be the way to go for many.
  5. Some years ago I went to Phyathai and they were totally obnoxious and insulting and asked for documents that were clearly not necessary. I was a permanent resident and the head of registrations said my alien book was fake because, in his ignorant opinion, they were only issued to Chinese not farangs. Having wasted out time with that brain dead idiot we bid adieu made a dash for the Sathorn office before closing time and they were all smiles and couldn't have been more helpful. They made a big effort to get it all done for us before closing time, including providing the two witnesses for us for a couple of hundred baht extra. If nothing has changed, I would recommend Sathorn over Bang Rak as the latter must get swamped with marriage registrations because of its name.
  6. Only available on the NHS for 70-79 year olds. So 50-69 year olds and over 80s have to pay the 450 quid for themselves. I guess they think at 80+ it's not worth bothering with patients as they are going to die soon anyway. At least that's what my mother used to say about the NHS treatment she got in her 80s and 90s. Partly an excuse to avoid going to see the doctor and partly true I suspect. Anyway lucky that the NHS provides Shingrix at all. It has been progessively gutted since I left the UK when it was still possible to see an NHS doctor without an appointment as a walk-in patient and get elective surgery in less than two years.
  7. Hilarious. Reminds me of when Banharn was PM and he visited Patong disguised with a wig to investigate the rumors that prostitution was taking place there. After visiting some Patpong venues thus “incognito” but with a retinue of senior cops and bodyguards, Banharn was relieved to be able to announce that the rumors of prostitution were totally unfounded
  8. That is tragic. Which vaccine was that? Zostovax or Shingrix.
  9. Unfortunately most of the information about it is from the manufacturer.
  10. Most of the dispensaries have continued to sell online which is already illegal, not to mention the unlicensed sellers of brickweed and the like on FB and LINE. I guess this will encourage more people to buy on the black market. Who wants to be in a police database as a drug user? Very hard to crack down on the black market sales while possession of the substance remains legal. They will have to catch vendors in the act of selling. They could try to bust people for possession without a receipt from a licensed dispensary and a corresponding entry in the database but that would be very onerous and virtually defeat the purpose of decriminalizing.
  11. It's boring to see the off topic posts arguing points irrelevant to the topic. The thread is about the requirement for Thai citizens to have their ID cards and details of their purchases put into a database to sent to Gods knows which government departments. A fantastic database for Thaksin's next war against drugs when he gets back into power and recriminalizes cannabis. It's odd that no mention of foreigners was made but I find it unlikely that foreigners will be let off the hook. Most likely they will also demand passport and visa details or just ban foreigners from buying completely.
  12. I am pretty sure they scanned the fingerprints database. I seem to remember reading about that somewhere. Just give it a try. I think it is possible to get in. It wasn't an offence that led to imprisonment and he doesn't mention that he was ordered blacklisted by the court.
  13. Mr Big was a real tough guy when he ambushed a old man and shot him in the back three times while he was fleeing. But he seemed to be blubbing like a baby when they took him to the cop shop and he started to see the years in the slammer unfolding in front of his eyes sleeping like sardines, sh1ting into a bucket and eating red rice. Guys like Big feel confident illegally packing a loaded gun in a car as they believe their families and their money will get them off. He probably used to fantasise about how he would use his gun, if the opportunity ever arose.
  14. Neither of them signed but Yingluck was president of the Rice Commission and therefore responsible for policy including the corrupt G2G deals. Boonsong was alleged to have been pressured by Thaksin to sign off on the deal and then only given a paltry sum for this. So he was probably willing to spill the beans on Thaksin in exchange for a further reduction in sentence but that plan seems to have fallen apart. Also bear in mind that the appeal court reversed confiscation of about 30 million of Thaksin's assets last year. Both rulings are convenient in view of the next election, specially handing Thaksin a huge windfall to use for vote buying and electioneering.
  15. I think I always submitted copies of the red book when renewing WPs and they were never rejected but perhaps weren't needed. I do remember specifically being asked for it when I applied for a new WP on changing jobs though.
  16. Your understanding is correct. Use the blue book till full and then change it for a white one at your next endorsement process.
  17. The most detailed TV news account from Amarin TV, even though they disgustingly make the motor bike's beep sound like a loud honking noise in support of the murderer's version of events for which there is suspiciously no supporting evidence from CCTV or witnesses. The reporters also refer to the murderer as "Big" throughout. The murderer's uncle, a former deputy mayor of Pattaya tells a TV reporter towards the end that his uncle who cowardly ambushed an elderly man and shot him in the back was a really decent young chap who was even kind to mosquitos and refused to swat them. It is hard to see hard Big's influential and wealthy family can spare him some jail time, although the court will go soft on him for sure, citing clean record, good behaviour, confession, cooperation, guilty plea etc as excuses, although all will know the real reason. Cooperation and confession will of course not make any difference to the case, as he was caught on CCTV and a police SWAT team surrounded his house soon after the murder. In other cases involving poor murderers of farangs, Thai courts have said as much, ie no reason for leniency, and have preferred to reassure public opinion in the victim's country there is justice for them. However, I feel this case will be different.
  18. Exactly. The murderer has made allegations that Neil banged on his car but these allegations are not supported by any evidence fromCCTV or witnesses. So just allegations from a deranged psychopathic killer not to be taken seriously.
  19. Chuvit has made allegations that a business owned by the PM's nephew, Contemporary Construction Ltd Part was involved by acting as a sub-lessor for 50 tour buses used by Tu Hao's businesses. These allegations have been widely reported in Siam Rath and other Thai media. ASEANNOW seems behind the curve on that one. The same nephew was involved in allegations of corruption involving army construction projects a few years ago but investigations turned up no evidence of this.
  20. What! Adultery by public figures in Thailand? Cannot be. Thailand is an extremely conservative society.
  21. So do you believe that two shots of any vaccine, let alone Chinese vaccines already prooved ineffective, taken at any time in past will made any difference to aperon's abilty to be infected and poss on the virus.
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