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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. A lot of 50k baht gold necklaces to be donated to lucky ladyboys on Walking Street.
  2. Aliexpress still seems pretty bad. I have had a couple of disputes with sellers after tracking showed "failed delivery". There is nearly always someone at my house and the shippers used by Aliexpress just leave stuff in the box or in the basket without asking for a signature. So failed delivery is unlikely, if a proper attempt at delivery was made. One of them told me to go and find the package at the post office but Aliexpress packages rarely come from the post office these days. They seem to come from a local deliver service contracted by China Post or whoever the Chinese shipper was. So no point in going to the post office and making an enquiry with no post office tracking number. Aliexpress was much better pre-COVID but I now avoid them, if I can find the same product elsewhere and it is not a lot more expensive. However, Aliexpress is usually the cheapest. One of the problems I find with Lazarda, Shoopee and Aliexpress is that because they are allowed to take orders for things they don't have in stock, they frequently cancel orders, particularly China sellers. Since they don't notify the buyers, you are frequently left waiting for something for wees, only to find out it has been cancelled by looking in your account. EBay doesn't do this as sellers there are supposed to have all items in stock. Often you can find the same item from a China based seller on Ebay.
  3. They will never do this for retirees because the 1979 Immigration Act (and its predecessors) makes having a profession in Thailand a key requirement for PR. It harks back to the original 1927 Immigration Act which was largely designed to manage the entry and internal flow of Chinese coolies into the country and make them carry ID documents in Thai that could be read by Thai police. They were required to register with police if they went to another police for more than 24 hours. A lot of the crime in those days was to do with Chinese triads that were difficult for the BiB to infiltrate as they couldn't speak the language. Changing the law to facilitate what you suggest would be a massive undertaking for no political party has any appetite. What they do like is the idea of giving longer and easier visas to foreigners they regard as super wealthy but the requirements are too onerous for many to be interested. The Thai establishment doesn't care about other long term foreign residents. The fact that they have decided to start Thai families adds nothing to the equation as far as they are concerned.
  4. Funny he didn't mention one of the main reasons whey foreign gangsters take up residence in Thailand, i.e. because the BiB are so corrupt that they look the other way while the gangsters commit fraud and murder, as long as they get their fair cut.
  5. Great picture of Thai police advancing in Roman testudo formation. Should be good against arrows and spears. Love the guy at the back showing bum crack. But at least the Thai cops are willing to have a go, unlike the pussies in Ulvade Texas strutting around with cowboy hats and M4 rifles waiting for the gunman to finish his job and for young kids to bleed out on the floor.
  6. You technically a tax resident of Thailand and would have to file a tax return, if you had taxable income arising in Thailand. But that would prompt the bank to ask for your tax number. So better just say Australia. I am sure it's just a tick the box and they are not going to ask you for any tax information from Australia.
  7. The illegal restaurants built over the water have survived without a walking street and despite orders after the coup to demolish them. Palms have been greased and it's biz as usual.
  8. The latest outbreaks are in the gay community but historically it has broken out in the general population and will do again soon.
  9. Going through that crossing, I was waiting a long time to get my passport back on the Lao side, as they took the passports away and made people wait. I asked the Lao IO why the long delay and she said she had already haned back my passport. In fact she had handed it to a Thai tour leader who was about to get into a van with a clump of Thai passports in his hand. I ran up to him and managed to get mine back. Can't imagine what hassles would have been involved, if he had gone into Vientiane with my passport. I have been to all the neighbouring countries with my Thai passport with the exception Malaysia. Interestingly there is not much comment from the IOs in the neighbouring countries, other than an occasional "Sawadee kha" or similar pleasantery.
  10. Presumably Moderna fares little better but one of the problems of relying on T-cells alone is that each after about 40 years old we are no longer producing any more T-cells and each new COVID infection massively depletes them. That means COVID creates a rapid aging effect on the immune system. If this is true, it is worth getting as much antibody protection from vaccines as we can, as long as it is still even marginally effective against prevailing variants. The link below explains this theory. Try to form your own opinions, although we have to accept that we don't have enough information. https://twitter.com/KashPrime/status/1495481300219830279?t=bMN-fvC7TGpNvBVGIQoELQ&s=09
  11. He can appeal and will no doubt be able to get this simple misunderstanding sorted out then.
  12. Had 500k transferred to my Thai bank account in error many years ago before electronic banking. I didn't notice it but got a call from the bank asking me come and help them correct the error which they implied was the customers fault but I think they failed to check the name matched the account number. Luckily the bank was in the same building as my office. Out of curiosity I asked the bank, if would be committing a crime, if I decided to keep the money or had withdrawn before they called. They said no but please help us. Of course I had no inerest in keeping the money.
  13. They have been buying a lot of fertiliser from Russia which is now more difficult to get as Western firms don't want to ship it and shipping in the Black Sea is risky.
  14. This guy is going for the Guinness Book of Records on rape allegations. Odd the 2014 rape allegation cannot be investigated but the 2013 alleged flashing can. In the UK I believe there is no statute of limitations on rape and sexual abuse, although the Met declined to charge Randy Andy. I guess Prinn will get off eventually because these things are hard to prove and money and status talk. However, he is probably going to be kept busy shuffling between police stations and court rooms for the next year or two. His bank balance might be a bit dented at the end of it too. Not sure if he can easily revive his dazzling political career and ambitions to be PM. But having an unsavory background is not usually much of a problem in Thai politics.
  15. If the dummy story is true, they would have been doing drills with dummy rounds where they ejected them and picked them up off the floor to reload them. Perhaps they were mixed with live rounds in the magazine to simulate a malfunction that the shooter needs to clear by ejecting the dummy. Of course, the problem with that is there are bound to be live rounds on the ground that have been ejected by other shooters to show clear, hidden in the astro turf and very difficult to see amongst the empty cases.
  16. The cheap car seats on sale in Thailand are of extremely low quality and might not help much if subjected to high impact but hopefully will be better than nothing in a low impact crash. The brand name products are hugely marked up compared to prices in the West by greedy importers. So they are a hi-so unaffordable to ordinary Thais. But I guess they have to start somewhere.
  17. Instructor Bo going for his Darwin award. Let's hope he hasn't procreated yet. 674154105.745103.mp4
  18. 555. I was a lunch years ago at the Bank of Thailand for Queen Elizabeth and Prionce Philip when Banharn was PM. Banharn was a diminuitive little man who had only completed a Por. 4 education in person and could hardly spead a word of English but had a master's degree in politics from Ramkhamhaeng earned with a dissertation that quoted liberally from English and even French sources. The Queen and Banharn sat with a Foreign Ministry interpreter seated behind them. I was at the next table and observed that while Philip talked in English with animation to the person next to him through the whole lunch, the Queen hardly said a word to Banharn after the initial pleasanteries and obviously couldn't think of anything to say either. I am sure the Queen was thinking, "What a bore having to sit next to this dreary little man" and longing for the lunch to end, while Philip was enjoying every minute of it. Unfortunately I was seated next to Samak's (the former PM of cooking show fame) and she wasn't much more scintillating than Banharn. Pity that episode didn't get into the Crown. Would have been great for Thai-British relations.
  19. Prayut has probably just said something incomprehensible to him in broken English and Biden has already forgotten who the hell he is.
  20. The fact they have to come out and say there is no police fabrication makes it very clear that there is.
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