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Posts posted by iono

  1. please learn your history before you make stupid comments (this goes for all of you). the issues in the far south have nothing to do with jihad, or extremists wanting to bomb westerners. in fact it has little to do with religion at all.

    Sure it may seem that religion has nothing to do with the issue, but let me ask you, how do you bring a group of people together to fight for a cause, oh let's say land and governing themselves or perhaps separatism is the issue...hmmm the population is predominately Muslim, hmmm maybe we can use religion as a binding force, then the really bad guys get a sniff of this and enter stage left to show them how to gain their independence the proper way (praise be to allah) of course using religion as a righteous cause for their independence...how far off am I?

  2. Many of the dumped women "go work bar" and the white knight picks up the trash, children included.

    So the women is trash because she gets dumped by a guy who wants to run off with a younger women? In my village I can count 5 families that are comprised of step Dads and Moms (just on my block) one of the spouses ran off for a better life (younger, richer, drugs whatever)...but these people found each other and now they and their children live happy lives, farming, teaching, making baskets and would you believe one trashy Thai lady met her Thai husband in the bar scene... Really your comment was the most F'd up thing I've read lately...I'll stick around as I"m sure it can be beat...

  3. About 20 years ago I worked down south as a soldier (U.S.)...I remember a bombing taking place and of course it turned out to be a jilted lover thing (no Islamic separatist violence)....this current violence began when the Islam of Malaysia and S. Thailand was infiltrated by the Arabic brand of Islam (about 15yrs ago), who in turn began to stir the pot and brought with them its sixth pillar "Kill for God for your new state"...plain sick

  4. Only rarely do we get the chance to be reborn human....only rarely does a Buddha appear and teach the true Dhamma. The true Dhamma is a gift without price, exceeding all others. Studying the Dhamma then practicing it (meditation), before going and teaching it are a monk's duties. A monk is more useful doing this than any other common kind of work or social assistance. Building schools, hospitals, feeding the poor etc. are noble, but short term....only helping people with their present day problems and suffering. Teaching people the Dhamma whereby they can understand the causes of suffering, helps them find relief now, and also can help them escape all future suffering by avoiding rebirth. A far more long term help.

    So only a monk will be able to attain true enlightenment as they practice and teach the Dhama and all others will have to wait until their progression through many different manifestations before being reborn as a human again so they can then become monks and then practice and teach the Dhama.....and woe is him who is born a christian, muslim...or me.....ok all tongue and cheek...but man it all sounds a bit fuzzy...on that note my wife's dead ex-husband's father became a monk and was able to pay for his new home...her uncle Mr. Mafia became a monk and has led a very fruitful life for years.....all in all we are just humans reaching for something when we can't explain it...religion fills the void that scares us i.e. the unknown....scarey stuff noooo....

  5. Something that has always bothered me about alms and the making merit thing giving to the monks seems backwards....as a monk aren't you seeking to become a better person? Wouldn't it make sense for the monk to be out in the community doing for the poor, cutting wood, washing clothes, helping the elderly, there is a whole list of things that can be done to help people...giving guidance on how to be a better human with positive action seems the best way to becoming a better person with a chance of skipping reincarnation the next go around....but with all religions humanity seems to get in the way....

  6. It's about quality of life, if your wife is miserable with her situation, being sick, unable to care for the home then this also weighs on you....is it healthy to live like this for another 6 years? What does your wife want to do, are you satisfied with your job? If you own the home in Thailand plus transportation...$1400.00 is over kill...I live in a village wife, two kids, car motorcycles, eat great, small vacations in Thailand all this on about 800.00 a month...we have more and it is banked...guess it all depends on your lifestyle expectations...wait to long and well you will be just another story, could'a, would'a, should'a may he rest in peace.... :jap:

  7. Actually, I wanted some comments from other women in Thailand, which was the reason I posted it in there.

    Christ, a women's point of view, that is the last F'n thing you need...as a few others have stated she is holding you or attempting to hold you an emotional hostage...F' buddies my a@@ few and far between in Asia unless the lady is already a kept women and well this one is not so she is looking for an emotional and financial sugar daddy just going about it a different way, taking a different approach as there is more then one way to catch a fish....a women's point of view, might as well just kill yourself now, that is like asking the enemy to look over your battle plan before the attack :unsure::blink:...yeah as stated before lock up all your valuables and go on a long motorcycle ride for a week or so then when you return find a new place to live as she is not going to forget your address anytime soon...

    Before you go further on your misogynistic diatribe, please do read forum rules.


    No need, if the post was out of line for the subject as an admin I would assume you would immediately delete? My opinion disagree ok, but point me in the directions of the rules because you disagree? come on....

  8. Actually, I wanted some comments from other women in Thailand, which was the reason I posted it in there.

    Christ, a women's point of view, that is the last F'n thing you need...as a few others have stated she is holding you or attempting to hold you an emotional hostage...F' buddies my a@@ few and far between in Asia unless the lady is already a kept women and well this one is not so she is looking for an emotional and financial sugar daddy just going about it a different way, taking a different approach as there is more then one way to catch a fish....a women's point of view, might as well just kill yourself now, that is like asking the enemy to look over your battle plan before the attack :unsure::blink:...yeah as stated before lock up all your valuables and go on a long motorcycle ride for a week or so then when you return find a new place to live as she is not going to forget your address anytime soon...

  9. Sounds like a carb issue, I've had similar issues (and more) with my bike (not a boxer), mine came down to replacing jets and eventually a carb....however what I would suggest is buying a fuel additive that will clean the carb at the same time look for some spray for cleaning the carb (Tesco or Big C should sell the additive)...for the spray if you can find it, just take off the air filter start the bike and spray as what you are attempting to do is clean clogged jets...I've heard that sea foam is the way to go, but not available in the land of mediocrity....

  10. P.S. By the way, there is no "requirement" in Buddhisim that insists on a Buddhist believing in a God or creator of any kind. Buddhisim is not a religion, and doesn't insist on belief in anything. For many Buddhists Buddha was just a human being, not a God, who discovered and revealed certain things about people and how they should live their lives. No God or Religion involved there.

    and having been through various things and experiencing different aspects of life I believe this is one system that can bring you closer to a true form of spirituality bringing humanity closer together....many religions claim this, however only after years of violence and domination of their brothers do they begin to gear their religion towards the care for their fellow man....Westerners becoming monks is a good thing...although the robe thing does look a little funny when worn by a falang...Godbeless

  11. faith in God a mental illness?

    “It is our desires that limit the scope of our self-realization, hinder our extension of consciousness, and give rise to sin, which is the innermost barrier that keeps us apart from our God, setting up disunion and arrogance of exclusiveness. For sin”

    Rabindranath Tagore

    appeal to faith: (e.g., if you have no faith, you cannot learn) if the arguer relies on faith as the bases of his argument, then you can gain little from further discussion. Faith, by definition, relies on a belief that does not rest on logic or evidence. Faith depends on irrational thought and produces intransigence.

    I read a really good article on religion as a mental illness and how it as developed over the years (many years)...interesting, but in the mean time...No Beliefs There are links to the references for the article at the bottom of the page, good reading

  12. By the way I'm with a Thai christian (I'm an Atheist)...I go to church every Sunday to support the family and the people of our church are very nice and constantly helping out in their community and not in your face type of Christians....Godbeless

    Isn't this a bit hypocritical? Support the family?

    “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.”

    Integrity, that's funny....No I accept my wife for her beliefs and she accepts my non belief...I see church as more of a social gathering..kids play piano and guitar learn about the magic book...the wife and her sisters also run a program called compassion and support many of the children throughout the area via funds from various people in the West...I've seen bad kids turned around due to the structure it offers them...so even though there is no such thing as a God and belief in such is a mental illness, the crazy folks seem to be doing some good for their community....beats waking up at six am standing in front of the house and handing rice to beggars :D

    "These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” you're funny


  13. The thing with this is that although I do not think people should be allowed to own guns, there is some justification to weapons that are suitable for home protection. (Handguns, shotguns etc)

    But an assault rifle? Where the hell is the justification in that?

    I agree i think an assault rifle is not needed but i understand why the guy wants protection if even over the top a little... As an x british soldier living here in los and no not a sexpat im only 40 :rolleyes: i will be asking my girlfriend to apply for a gun license when we move in our new home together... It will probably never be used but if ive got 3 men in my house wanting to rob me or maybe kill me then they will feel the full force... Better to be safe than dead imo...

    First I would like to state that I was a sexpat until I got married, now I'm an exsexpat...on that note I understand wanting a firearm for home protection...I live in a village and my neighbors and I count on each other to take care and secure our families...I on the other hand am looking for a samurai sword...I've always wanted to cut someones arm off and an attempted robbery would be the perfect opportunity for me to wreck some havoc on bad guy body parts....

  14. I saw an exchange at the U.S. embassy about six months ago that made me chuckle....Just before I entered the citizens service center there was this white guy in the Buddhist robe and another guy in street clothes asking him if he walked around like that and if Thai people said anything to him...he said something to the effect of no problems and how he comes to Thailand from time to time..he then asks the guy in street clothes so are you Buddhist? The guy replies I teach Zen Buddhism...man my brain started working over time as I wanted to corner both and start with my smart ass remarks, but as it meant nothing to me I moved along, just an interesting exchange to eavesdrop on...

    By the way I'm with a Thai christian (I'm an Atheist)...I go to church every Sunday to support the family and the people of our church are very nice and constantly helping out in their community and not in your face type of Christians....Godbeless

  15. F'n California, I couldn't even by a shotgun unless I went and got my DRV Lic, even though I purchased a home and whatnot due to a contract I was working on...tough state on gun laws...why not just go to someone in the Thai government and ask the question, the internet will only bring you ridicule, that's why I'm here :D, you don't need a gun nor should you be allowed to posses one in Thailand if you are a U.S. Citizen....if a green card hold then no problem....yeah I'm trolling :D

  16. See I have heard things such as if you have a gun in the home and there is an intruder, shoot then hand the gun to your wife as being a foreigner it is illegal for you to own or even use a weapon here...with that said I have had a break in and the cop told me we have no issue with you killing someone breaking into your house...uhhhh ok...as a Falang I can see carrying a hand gun if you are traveling out in the country at night or a shot gun for home protection or hunting, but I'm not all that into people owning assault weapons, kind of unnecessary (unless you are going to war), but to each his own (yes I'm an American)...on that note dual citizenship I always though you had to accept one or the other once you turned 18 or if you become a Thai citizen at an older age as an American you have to renounce your American Citizenship...

  17. America's 50 year 'War on Drugs' has been a trillion dollar failure. Thailand follows the US note for note on drug laws and policies, and has also been failing in that regard.

    It is amazing isn't it, how the solution is right in our faces, however our egos or is it total corruption that prevents us from fixing the problem...America has failed in its war on drugs, sorry but it is true and the truth hurts...a few of you reading this might even work for the DEA, yeah your busting your butts, however as we've seen in the long run you are failing....Supply and Demand (yes that simple) eliminate the demand and the supply will dry up....if the U.S. had taken all of the money being wasted in the fight and put a drug clinic on every corner and stepped up the drug education programs then all the crap going on in Mexico would essentially disappear...legalize with common sense and educate...hard to believe we have even evolved this far as humans when we still approach problems like cavemen...

    To all you just kill'em people, really, F off arm chair warriors, shut up and go back to your freak'n history channel... :ph34r:

  18. I have no circle of friends, I may go to a restaurant once and a while for a meal and some conversation with another expat, but for me that is enough...I'm a bit of a loner and to busy doing things I want to do with my hooker wife and kids...

  19. Being a Thai citizen how can you own guns in the U.S.? How will you ship the weapons, will they be shipped via a dealer? As you know in the states transfers of weapons are easier if done dealer to dealer, of course depends which states you're dealing with..as stated before I would contact a range or dealer in Thailand...however since you are a Thai citizen it can't be done B):D

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