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Posts posted by iono

  1. western world write about the very quick arrest and not how maybe how they extracted the confession well dont pataya police :o

    Yes and then the Western world would make excuses for the criminal and the girls would be at fault for being shot, well at least when it goes to court (hmmm, just like the Thai mindset). As far as the racist comment maybe there is a half-truth to that, many of these people are unsavory characters in their own countries and are now in Thailand preying on the tourist who may be ignorant to the laws and their rights as tourist in Thailand. We have the same issue in our country (U.S.) a very large influx of immigrants (Mexican, Russian and Asians, to include illegal) who operate in gangs preying on their own and at times it spills over to main stream society, if you speak out your a racist. Think about it Europe, good luck with Islam :D (Sorry Europe, that's kind of harsh, however we are next, because we are nothing, but racist if we disagree or don't care for the actions of another race/religion in our own country). Don't freak bleeding hearts just another point of view, I'm happy that Thailand has and is cracking down on the Visa thing this may help.

  2. Hi All,

    I've done the search and cannot find any information on a visa facilitator. I'm looking at attempting to bring my long time TG friend for a visit, now that I'm stuck in the states for a while. Is this do able, I realize it my take a year or so, but would like to get the ball rolling with assistance from a facilitator. It's either that or take the marriage plunge and well I'd rather wait a while (another 50 years or so :o )

    Thanks in advance

  3. It is interesting to see the differences in money quoted between people living in BK and up country or other areas (info from other boards). I myself am retired military, however currently contracting, and spending time up country during my vacations. I am planning a permanent move in the near future and have figured my monthly expenses to be 20,000 a month, living it up 30,000 baht a month. I have read where many live on less and enjoy a fruitful life with minimal stress; I guess it all depends upon what you want out of life. You should lead a decent lifestyle on the money you are talking about, then again this is my personal opinion with no real time on the ground as a retiree :o

  4. To those who cry "Muslim" every time a small group of extremist separatists take extreme actions in bombing, booby-trapping, shooting in the south of Thailand....let me ask you this:

    why don't you also cry "Hindu" every time the Tamil Tigers take similar actions?

    Not supported by a world wide movement and it stays within its countries own boundaries, no tears spilt here.

    why don't you also cry "Buddhist" when the Sinhalese government kills 17 tsunami aid workers or the Thai army kills 70+ southern thai men by suffocation in an army truck/

    Sinhalese what? Educate me

    why don't you cry "Jew" everytime Israelis invade Palestine or Lebanon

    Yeah a country that is constantly under threat and picked at by one suicide bomber or lobed in missile at a time, but the Arab/UN world turns a blind eye. When they finally have had enough and go after their enemies, who are supported by the bordering countries with a hate filled agenda towards their demise, people are all up in arms, but no one ever gives a dam if a suicide bomber kills a bus load of Jews. But, my God the outcry is unbelievable when the Jewish nation finally strikes back in a hard way.

    why don't you cry "Christian" when George Bush & his witless coalition invade Irag, Afghanistan and re-colonise the world via FTA's?

    Instead of the word Christian, why don't you try why don't we cry Non denominational

    or Just scream those Americans, as it is the ugly seed of democracy we are planting in worlds run by tyrannical dictators, oh but that is B.S. as we all know the Arab world is a democracy and all are free to do as they please, pray to any God they want with no retribution from their government or neighbors?

    It is a sad fact of life that Thailand will probably experience more and more problems as the Islamic nation pushes its agenda and uses the peaceful Thai muslim (peacful Muslim :o ) as their puppets to do their bidding.

  5. Lots of info on the web about this suggesting that surgery in many cases doesn't help much for this problem or brings its own sets of problems.

    I'd look into this pretty deeply if I were you before having it done.

    Thanks for the info from all, I did some research and did see they have new techniques that shorten the recovery time. I really don't have a choice in not getting the surgery as my company says I must be a t 100% to perform on my contract, hel_l the doctor didn't even say get the surgery now, but I got an xray and said I still felt pain so as all large corporations they panic and say I must fix the issue ASAP. Oh well at least I will be paid during the time it will take.

  6. A little assistance, I'm currently working overseas (from the states). Turns out I have a bone spur on the heel of my foot and my company is now saying I must go home and have it removed. From what I"ve been told there is a six week recovery time, I've told my company that I no longer have a home in the states and that I will be going to my current home in Bangkok for the surgery (current home really deep deep in the fields of Isarn). I need to know where I can go for this surgery and stay for a few weeks of recovery in Bagkok, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh no insurance that will cover this for Thailand so I will be dealing in cash only transactions (unless they accept Tri-care)



  7. I would think that the reason for doing this is for a little change of pace/ new experience, I mean what are the true benefits? If you are living in Thailand and scrounging for away to make some extra cash then life must be hard. hel_l what do people think that becoming an extra in a movie is a means of becoming a super star or to be discovered, it would be easier hanging off of a pole.

  8. my home bank's visa debit card is working fine in the ATM , but it doesnt work in the POS here , what might be the reason , it says its accepted worldwide , any idea guys?

    Man I went thourgh the same issue with three cards on my last trip, what a hel_l, as I called and sent an email to one telling them the various countries I would be in, but that didn't stop them from protecting me and shutting down my card and shutting down a pleasant holiday. Call them and they will note it, however it may happen again.

  9. IIt only cost me 3000 baht for drilling (Two Days ) 3" hole (to small 4 to 5 inches required). and about another 3000 baht for pump.

    What I was quoted 12,000 for the drillig of a well and anything between 12,000 and 15,000 for a pump, we would pay a local to come in with his tractor and pump or rice fields to avoid lugging a battery around. This would be near the Nong Ban Lamphu area? Dam am I stupid or what?

  10. What about Puggys Place on the main road coming from Pattaya as you round the big bend in the road going in to Jotiem at a block and a half down on the right hand side is Puggys, striaght bar, good people? Anyone been there?

  11. Could anyone tell me how if at all the flooding has affected Nong Bua Lamphu.


    Okay, how about Udon Thani?

    Hi Jono

    Can't help but check it out yourself on...http://www.tmd.go.th/linkframe/radar_en.html

    TBWG :o


  12. I think you are right about there being a lot of ######s in Udon Thani area :D

    All us good guys live in nongbaulampoo :o

    Man Nongbulampoo, my girl lives in Bahn Simon. I spent 15 days up there, it wasn't to bad, but I did need a little western influences after my time on the farm. I'm looking at a permanent move in the next year or so but will maintain a place in Jomtiem for family get aways (once a month a the very least). How do you find living up in that area? Do you work to keep yourself active or are you busy with family life.


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