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Posts posted by iono

  1. I've been shopping on ebay for the past couple of months as trying to buy motorcycle parts in Thailand is straight up F'ing hell....so in turn for the avoidance of shopping and explaining myself and getting blank stares I pay the price of importing items via U.S. Postal Services...I have paid out the ass on import duties for various items......

  2. Is the online Forex market a way to make money online?

    Do many people make a career out of this?

    Yes you can make money trading FOREX, I do it, however it has taken me about 5 years to become a decent trader with consistent positive results...it is a true bitch, want to learn then be ready to lose money and lots of it....I have a website I set up a while back that has links to various sites that provide FOREX training free (check out babypips.com, great source for beginners and free)...I also have some ads on the pages for pay for lessons and whatnot, but I would recommend the free stuff first....Many times the only people in FOREX making money are the ones selling you the training program or the next holy grail in trading.

    Good luck


  3. My wife had her helmet stolen at the driver license testing facility, ha, ha, she had to borrow a helmet to take the test...on that note I purchased a thick wire type of lock that stays on my handle bars I can then lock the bike and helmet (through the large rubber area of the helmet strap) with it...man I do get some dirty looks, like..what you don't trust Thai people...pricks...

  4. "There have been weaknesses in the Army's weapons inventory..." To say the least.....man this countries motto should be zero accountability from the top down...I love it here, but really is this what makes this country so great, corruption and no accountability if you have a high rank or money? All I can say is Wow, what breeds this mindset?

  5. First off WoW! he has survived a long time, that's great! Can this really be corruption or is it just the norm for insurance programs all over the world to withhold from the poor, or is the price so high because the drug company is attempting to recoup its research monies, then eventually the drug will be sold at a cheaper price, however now we have program administrators in between the care of a patient and the doctor/care giver.

  6. Hell no, do it yourself, do it yourself as it is only a small dipping pool why have somebody charge you out the butt for their so called expertise, remember in Thailand the Thai is swinging the hammer and if your lucky the foreign pro is supervising, sometimes :blink: Think of the cost savings, of course the reply is What if you mess it up, then it will cost you more, so what I would rather F it up myself go through the ups and downs and eventually be proud of the end results, go for it...comparing a brain tumor and building a swimming pool, a bit of a stretch isn't it :lol:

  7. Having asked a simple question, and watching the three ring circus assemble as the result, has been quite enjoyable. All manner of responses, from constructive and insightful to mean spirited to ridiculous to plain old asinine. The most anti social coming from long timers who I would have thought to have shown how living in this utopian environment, (thats why you all came in the first place, right?), calmed your raw western nerves, smoothed away all your jackarse edges, and turned you more like those around you in the land of smiles. But dam_n... If this is your happy place, some of you must have been the most miserable cusses on whatever continent you came from. Remarks made in jest are cool as hell. Remarks that are never constructive but rather cynical and abusive and derisive and just plain negative, perpetually flowing from the same individuals as their common mantras in response to all topics, all the while telling everyone to chill out cuz it's all in fun, are most likely the same dill weeds who do all the snubbery discussed here. Your unsavory attitudes about EVERYTHING are just a freakin bummer. I would suggest steering away from the alcohol for a while and maybe check out something in the opiate family. God help us all if you were nice guys before you came here and it is this place that does this to people.....

    I've always asked my wife the same thing, what's up with these people...I don't see a lot of falangs and when I do pass by I give a smile or a nod or a how's it going, most of the time they are shocked as if they didn't think I could speak or that their cloak of invisibility slipped off...on that note, I have not live in Thailand that long, but I'm really becoming a bit of a prick.

    I'm delighted you're doing your bit to fit in. For some of us, it comes naturally, and for some of us, its the main reason we are here (not me, obviously !).

    Very often, when I see a farang in the supermarket, I'll let my eyes linger a moment longer, thinking "do I know him from the bairns' school, or a work or social chance meeting" and if our eyes catch, I'll smile and nod, and I'll say 'hello' in whatever is my native tongue, and, if he does the same, try to say thanks or hello or something in his native tongue out of politenessl and if he doesn't notice then probably its because he's worried about his mortgage, or his divorce, or some obscure but life-threatening disease affecting his children or parents, or the permutations in the Littlewoods Pools, or something else of importance to him (or her, as appropriate) and I let it go. And sometimes I get distracted from tring to remember if 7 score draws is better than a leaking cold water pipe, and whether I emailed my dear old mother last week, and realise someone has just said hello, but I can't recognise them from the back...

    Anyway, I figure, if he was bothered about it he would post on TV. So I really am sorry. I was momentarily distracted by trying to compare the price of beans in bangkok with morning glory in the east end, and I regret any offence caused.

    But this thread has got me really worried now - if some people worry so much about the thoughtlessness or downright rudeness of others - what about the other personal failings of sttangers? How many people have I offended by my slothfulness, or lack of commitment? My poor personal dishabilement, or wanton use of pompous foreign phrases whose meaning I can only guess at? My grandiloquency and pomposity. Oh my word, I am transfigured with guilt and insincerity.

    Imagine how much worse life would be if you took it seriously?


    Funny, I think like the OP I'm not looking for a relationship, just polite acknowledgment, common courtesy from one Foreigner to another in a Foreign land...personally I have no friends here, I never will as drinking beer and whoring has lost its thrill, talking sports is like eating razor blades and actually sitting down to talk about the country we now reside in and how our wives love us is really a grinder...so all in all a polite hello won't hurt you and if you blow me off then I'll just sulk for a couple of days, pick myself up and drive on. :ph34r: by the way I am high speed and special

  8. Having asked a simple question, and watching the three ring circus assemble as the result, has been quite enjoyable. All manner of responses, from constructive and insightful to mean spirited to ridiculous to plain old asinine. The most anti social coming from long timers who I would have thought to have shown how living in this utopian environment, (thats why you all came in the first place, right?), calmed your raw western nerves, smoothed away all your jackarse edges, and turned you more like those around you in the land of smiles. But dam_n... If this is your happy place, some of you must have been the most miserable cusses on whatever continent you came from. Remarks made in jest are cool as hell. Remarks that are never constructive but rather cynical and abusive and derisive and just plain negative, perpetually flowing from the same individuals as their common mantras in response to all topics, all the while telling everyone to chill out cuz it's all in fun, are most likely the same dill weeds who do all the snubbery discussed here. Your unsavory attitudes about EVERYTHING are just a freakin bummer. I would suggest steering away from the alcohol for a while and maybe check out something in the opiate family. God help us all if you were nice guys before you came here and it is this place that does this to people.....

    I've always asked my wife the same thing, what's up with these people...I don't see a lot of falangs and when I do pass by I give a smile or a nod or a how's it going, most of the time they are shocked as if they didn't think I could speak or that their cloak of invisibility slipped off...on that note, I have not live in Thailand that long, but I'm really becoming a bit of a prick.

  9. Not many takers for this topic surprisingly given the popularity of the notion that the Thai government does not do enough to promote social equality.

    I guess I should have put HiSo in the header. :cheesy:

    Chunks, what exactly did you have in mind? The Thai gov, for example, already provides low/no interest student loans to needy families to attend universities. What would you be proposing? Hiring practices? Advancement opportunities? Government jobs only? Is it based on income? Skin color? What shade would qualify? Only asking.

    Really what are you looking for? What are your experiences in the Northern Areas, I ask as I see many children attending college and many kids prepping for that day they will attend the university, I believe the mindset to attend and succeed is fostered and passed down from the parent. We have family here that have busted their butts for their children, working overseas, extra jobs and sacrificing much so their kids will complete basic schooling, then when they complete school it is up to them if they want to attend university, no one stopping them except for a lack of motivation, they would rather make farm, make baskets, go to China or wherever for work...the opportunity is there for most to attend school, it is the attitude of the parents and motivation of the children to want success or just settle.

    Oh affirmative action in America, big success if you were a minority, failure if you were of the main culture; affirmative action allowed all to sink to one level, because there were many special rules in place to ensure the success of the minority and those rules didn't call for anyone to reach up to succeed, but just get in or accepted in schools and the work place predominately government jobs, so we all settled mediocre test scores, mediocre management, mediocre employees, who eventually through the new system become the mediocre bosses, lawyers, doctors, heads of state, presidents ensuring a more socialist society, a politicians wet dream. Now there are always exceptions, but those exceptions will always succeed with or without special rules to assist them.

  10. Here we go again. Playing gutter politics.Typical of Thaksin and his cronies. I am sick and tired of westerners supporting the Red mob movement. You are either ill informed or totally ignorant. It has nothing to do with the democracy. They are dangerous organisation led by a deluded grandomaniac. They have set up guerila training camps in Cambodia. They developed the network of radio-stations across Thai countryside-Khmer Rouge style, they constantly spread lies, hatred and vitriol.Their aim is to brainwash uneducated and poor masses in the countryside. Exactly the same as Khmer Rouge movement did. Hun Sen, Cambodian PM was one of them. Get real, you left wing liberals and back up Thai government and the rule of Law.

    Probably sounds extreme to most, however it is always after the fact we say "oh, that's what was happening, why didn't we bleeding hearts stop them?"

  11. I think some of you guys must have been castrated when you moved to Thailand as none of you seem to have any balls, you will just slink away with your tails between your legs.

    Well said, I read so many post throughout Thai Visa that always imply you are in their country so bow down, they are young and drunk and fight in packs so bow down, on and on and on. Yes many of us are old, but we do have one thing going for us, we are clever and mean when we need to be, so man up, wait for one to come home alone and knee cap his ass or do what the locals do accuse them of dealing drugs tip off the police, buy a dog, paint gypsy symbols on their door cursing them, find a couple of British or American friends to party with one night, get them drunk and then cut them lose to reek havoc, on and on and on. B)

  12. Wow, Thai complaining about working on a farm with low pay or no pay. I can see the no pay being a crime, but low pay that's standard for any migrant laborer in any country.

    I never once seen Hmong or Vietnamese complain about low wages as they picked strawberries in California fields.

    Next thing you know, Juan Valdez will be bitching about him getting low pay and extreme working conditions to pick each individual coffee bean for you and I to savior.

    Mexican labors don't sue for low wages for picking grapes for your wine or Oranges, apples, vegetables, etc.

    Just tell Thai. If you don't like it there, then point to the ocean and say, Thailand is that way, enjoy your swim.

    Well compare that to Thais that go to work in Israel, decent wage and treated with respect, to the point that many stay on for 5 years (farming). No these people were promised something probably not in a written contract, but verbally and we know how persuasive these recruiters can be, they arrived and found the money promised was a lot lower, then they are saddle with an unknown expense i.e. pay more for travel, so now they are basically economic prisoners in a foreign land, the only reason they stay on is because now their family back in the villages are saddle with a large bill by the recruiter mafia (guarantee someone took their passports for safe keeping, so no can leave the country). They should prosecute all of the individuals involved, slave labor at its finest. Yeah there's the ocean enjoy your swim my A@@.

  13. Bad stuff, interesting that the employees dimed out the company usually they are involved and seek to benefit from the scam. The top scammers really went all out, interviews and paid airfare for employees, man they were shooting to look real legit. Penny stocks in themselves seem to be scams unless you do the research and purchase via a reputable broker and watch out for the penny stock picking robot, big time scam.

  14. One day these little scumbag idiots are going to pick on the wrong tourist(s) and end up on the receiving end of the blades that they so eagerly wield.

    The Irish are known for their ability to demonstrate violence when provoked (just ask the English) and they can be very tough nuts to crack so these Thai morons were lucky on this occasion. We should invite a few groups of lads from Edinburgh and Glascow over and see how the Thai mini mafia fair against them!

    I love your comments biggrin.gif...keep up the good work .......Thai Mini Mafia......biggrin.gif

    This is what I was thinking, that day will come when a few of the tourist strike back and I don't mean a push and shoving match, but an actually ass kicking where the BIB will arrive and get a real taste of violence i.e. no compliance from the tourist when the BIB say stop please stop, this I would pay to see...

  15. Firstly I would start my investigation via organizations/associations that people in the protection industry belong to, try google..then I would investigate them thoroughly as this industry is full of posers (like this message board :D )...now if you need a body guard in Thailand don't use Thais as they are the best posers in the world when it comes to being high speed, ex military, ex police, please better off going with ex mafia. Sounds more like you want to bust into the business over here then write an article :ph34r: ? If I ever needed a body guard this would be my prefered list of personal/country used, South African (mean and will f' up your day no discretion), American (f' up your day with a smile and some discretion), England (F'up your day with discretion, but don't allow them to smile at client due to bad teeth), Israelis (Excellent all the way around, however they are normally the target not the client), the rest of the world no way no how they may have training, but better at looking pretty, talking smack and apologizing to the world then protecting themselves or the client. :lol::D:rolleyes:

    Try Google better info then old retirees in Thailand, unless you have ulterior motives?

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