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Posts posted by iono

  1. funny how you lot can turn this forum into something it is not

    just goes to show what guppy brains you have and how easily side tracked you are

    Pattaya didnt seem to be on the list

    I can say that if you are a condo owner and the THais control the committee then they will allow the renting of rooms in the building. Even though they dont adhere to the Condo Act, the Hotel Act, or any other act.

    There are problems with insurance to as if theres a problem and a claim needs to be made and the building was being used as a hotel then your claims are null and void

    If you own a condo then it is up to you to write to the appropriate people to alert them to the fact that your condo is not complying with the Acts

    Why not turn it into something else, I mean really we all pretty much know the reason for most news and problems in Thailand, someone with money is A@@ hurt and instead of facing facts as to the reason for the downturn or main issue they put blame on an easy competitive target that is not assisting in their bottom line, same story over an over again...so the racist thing is much more fun...

  2. So a married man cannot turned religious and become a monk? Even Buddha himself was married and have children. THIS IS A FACT.

    Doesn't becoming a monk mean you are dedicating your life to the discovery of the true path of enlightenment, hmmmm, hard to do when you have responsibilities of a family, from my observations many become monks because it is an excuse to continue laziness with a viable religious excuse, but still make money to pay for bills and support themselves and family, nothing different from other religions, same old same old no personal responsibility, use the crutch of religion to make life easier. Of course this is not all monks, but why don't we have a special Buddha holiday for the monks, we will call it no cell phone, no atm, no smoking day :lol:

    It's not about not owning a cell phone etc....it's about not being attached, there is a difference. You say from your " observations...........still make money to pay bills and support themselves and family ." So how many monks do you know ? What did these "observations" entail exactly ? The way you write "not all monks" infers the majority of monks and I suspect that your knowledge of Buddhist monks in Thailand and possibly Thai culture in general to be minimal and your opinions unqualified.

    My observations, A married man who takes out a loan from the bank, builds a new home, then becomes a monk to beg and pay for said house, another man, supposed Mafia, now a monk smokes drinks, get's his money from the locales and continues to live a normal life with all attachments only difference is now lives at temple and dresses in orange....Monks driving Tuktuks, Monks smoking, Monks drinking these are observations over a few years...you sound bitter or have you been anointed as the defender of Thailand's religious customs and cultures....what you do live at a temple for 3 months, get off of your high horse your not the only one who has experiences in Thailand. :ph34r:

  3. So a married man cannot turned religious and become a monk? Even Buddha himself was married and have children. THIS IS A FACT.

    Doesn't becoming a monk mean you are dedicating your life to the discovery of the true path of enlightenment, hmmmm, hard to do when you have responsibilities of a family, from my observations many become monks because it is an excuse to continue laziness with a viable religious excuse, but still make money to pay for bills and support themselves and family, nothing different from other religions, same old same old no personal responsibility, use the crutch of religion to make life easier. Of course this is not all monks, but why don't we have a special Buddha holiday for the monks, we will call it no cell phone, no atm, no smoking day :lol:

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  4. Thank you some great replies, Pib I'll be sure to test the modem's performance with a fan.

    This is all based on the advice (or should I say excuse?) from TOT's engineer claiming that my usage and a hot room were to blame as they were unable to find any physical faults with the line.

    Oh this is TOT techs telling you this, well then here is my advice, look for a new provider as they are a very F'd up ISP, they jam pack their circuits with customers, complain loud enough and they will put you on a new circuit, once they find out you are happy and satisfied they will put you back on the crowded circuit....you will never get the speed up or down promised....I actually complained at the beginning when my services went to hel_l, now I accept the fact that they have incompetent management trying to save a buck....I"m actually looking at getting my own dish and with the ISP out of the country....rant, rant, rant...there is nothing wrong with your equipment nor spurious emissions degrading your signal

  5. Your best bet is to take you wife and land papers to the local land office,they will clarify the leagal owner of the disputed land.If you have a "Chanote" there will be boundary posts set in all 4 corners of your land,if this is the case there is no dispute.

    Everyone, thanks for the guidance, funny we do have all legal paperwork and boundaries marked, but the lady is persistent, it looks to be more of a hurt feelings thing as it turns out she wanted a gate placed on her side, I guess for visiting and what not, everyday something new, great place to live :)

  6. I've searched the forums, but have not found anything pertaining to my situation. I'm looking for a reputable lawyer who can deal with a land dispute. I'm currently putting up a fence and now having issues with a neighbor....now about a month back we had an issue as someone had been encroaching on our land and we settled this issue by just giving in and allowing them the little that they had used to be retained to their side...now I have another issue....so instead of being the complying falang I want to find a decent lawyer who can read a plot map and give us guidance in what to do next i.e. bring the law to bare on these misfits as I refuse to lye down on this B.S. any longer. Thanks rant over any suggestions, good lawyer in Udon (I live in the Nong Bua Lam Phu area).

  7. Please explain how this cable can improve anything for the nominal adsl user.

    Currently they have a certain speed connection from the Dslam to the general server.Then they connect 3 times more users then recommended to that Dslam so that everyone get's a crap connection.

    Now they have a new international link installed,how will this improve the speed for the users-read everyone in thailand-connected to that overloaded Dslam that will still have the same speedconnection to the general server

    Which kind of DSLAM can be "overloaded"?

    Excerpt from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_subscriber_line_access_multiplexer#Hardware_details):

    "Each DSLAM has multiple aggregation cards, and each such card can have multiple ports to which the customers lines are connected. Typically a single DSLAM aggregation card has 24 ports, but this number can vary with each manufacturer."

    I remember back in the days, when a Siemens DSLAM would only have 4 ports per aggregation card. They were often exchanged due to instability and other problems (I believe they were fried too easy). But how the hel_l you overload a DSLAM is beyond my comprehension.

    But basjke, you seem to know an awful lot about the Thai ISPs: which type of DSLAM do they use? And how do the overload them? Or are you simply another drunk farang in LOS, who talk and talk and never really say anything?

    Well, he really makes a good point, the ISP or providers overload their circuits as they don't want to spend the money on more bandwidth to accomadate their customers (from that card we all go to a central pipe) so they cram everybody on one circuit then begin the famous customer service routine of "it must be you not us with the problem i.e. bad modem, bad dsl box, rain, cable issue and what not" I went through a tug of war with TOT, I find the Techs competant, but management of their circuits and traffic almost criminal, they are always trying to get you to pay for more bandwidth when you're not even receiving the level of service your currently paying for....just my little bitch.

  8. forgot to add that the connection seems to be disconnecting on regular intervals. Always xx.22, and xx.48, so on about 25min and 35min intervals, which seems pretty odd to me.

    Wow, dejavu, same thing has been happening to me for the past two weeks also, but I'm in Nong Bua Lam Phu (near Udon)...I sent a few emails to tech support, no reply, but I thought for one day it improved now back to the same problem, my issues start around 09:00 and normally end at around 17:30-18:00, I'm assuming these assclowns have me on or put me on a circuit where I'm competing for bandwidth, even a little, so I"m up and down, dropping in and out, all I can say is FUC!, FUC!, FUC! I trade currency and have been getting killed for the past two weeks connection is killing me to include the markets, connection doesn't help the sanity issue....I'm going to look into CDMA with CAT, I hear it is much more reliable?

  9. As with all things here - the advisors advising have limited knowledge and do not understand thus the blind lead the blind. This is happening now in a totally unrelated deal on Tax Credits for the Thai Film Industry. A woman with no understanding and who has never done a tax credit funded film is advising the Government and Film Office. There are people here in Thailand who know Telco's inside out and ditto the film industry but Thai on Thai is how it has to be so the bribes can be covered.

    Simple really - hang the sensibilities or common sense of looking to the future... :)

    Sensibilities, now that is funny, putting Thailand and technology into the same sentence is like putting military and intelligence together in the same breath, totally mismanaged and doomed for failure....why not wise up and look at a successful model then mirror it or better yet hire their managers to implement and upgrade your systems and Fing learn how to Fing allocate bandwidth on your circuits, don't let the managers do it, let the technicians.....God my F'n head is going to explode dealing with this IPSTAR crap from TOT....sorry I'm about to flip.

  10. Public executions would prove remarkably effective so lets have a few beheadings on the roof of the car park !

    But seriously all that is really required is sufficient determination on the part of the authorities. Who is in charge of that airport, AOT or the gangs ? If AOT cannot do any better perhaps they should just move out and let the gangs officially run the airport.

    i cant believe fraud isits such on a large scale here. why cant people earn a living normally without having to resort to ripping people off for a living?

    Yeah in a perfect world, but this is Thailand where they learn from a young age that baht is the most important aspect of their life then Mom and Dad....so how you obtain is irrelevant, go to any village at the lowest political level and they are handing out money for the public vote and it is not just the dirt poor farmer accepting the money and voting for the corrupt leader (it is the norm they really aren't corrupt). Becoming a government school teacher even takes putting out some tea money to the right people to secure that awesome government job, corruption abound it is the norm.

  11. If you're new to trading I suggest you go to this site askatrader.com, nothing to pay, not a real active board, but it is a place to begin learning, ask about the DTFI method, this is a basic method that will teach you a simplistic way to trade, wet your appetite if your interested in trading, nothing to pay.....but if you decide to go this route it will cost you to learn i.e. you just don't short a stock or index willy nilly and think you'll make money.....sure once or twice then you'll get greedy and lose your buttocks. Get ready for the emotional ride of your life, better have deep pockets as there are some painful lessons to learn about money management and your own emotions.

  12. Each to their own -live and let live as others have said.

    It might not be respectful, but that is THEIR problem.

    But why pick on farangs? Go shopping on a weekend or school holidays, and pick-ups arrive carrying practically everyone from the village, many of whom look as of they've been collected from the rice fields! Kids often in dirty clothes and the oldies with their betel nuts, spitting into their tin cans. Not a pretty sight!

    I don't really care, it was just that I saw so many in one shop. Obviously I am missing something fashion wise! If people want to go bush, that is indeed their problem. If they think it makes them part of the crowd, they are probably very mistaken.

    And if people don't think we aren't all grouped together as one large homogenous groups of actions and beliefs they are sorely mistaken.

    I understand live and let live, however we are representing our respective countries whether we like it or not, going native in the village is fine, but when out iand about we should represent ourselves in a respectful manner, hmmm must be all those years in the military when we are told we are the ambassadors of our country like it our not adapt and respect the culture even if they don't.

  13. Hi there

    Would be great to have an ongoing discussion about what's happening on the SET. I've just begun to invest in what I think are quality companies that could churn out long term and short term profits. Also riding the wave of investor panic - what a beautiful time it is to invest!!!

    Just to get the ball of discussion rolling...one of my strategies is to partially follow what the big investment groups are biting into. One big investment group is the Crown Property Bureau that have done well with the likes of SCC and SCB - and yes, these listed companies have restructured superbly and produced some great returns....

    This is something I have always been curious about, however with the past issues with boiler rooms and dishonest foreigners pumping Thai stocks in the past (not directed at you) I've always been leery. Is it possible to trade daily in the markets such as a day trader would do in the States or UK, has Thailand come this far?

  14. Yesterday travelled to Khanom with my friend from Scotland and are staying at the Nai Plao bay resort. We last night between 11.30pm and 6am someone broke into room while he and his wife were sleeping. There was no forced entry and they didnt hear a thing, police think they had a copy key for the door. They also said that this is the third case in 10 days! Just wanted to info you if your heading to the area. Any similar stories?

    Hey Tatler, Doesn't matter what country you're in we are responsible for own security, so many of us feel because it hasn't happened to them or they feel secure in a nice location that they are safe in their little cocoon. outside of the cocoon is the real world of haves and have nots. I would suggest to anyone traveling to always take a smalll piece of wood i.e. door stop and jam it in the bottom of the door while you sleep, in the past I've traveled with a mini alarm you can find a variety online for cheap, always gives me a sense of security. Also traveling with an extending baton in case of a confrontation in your hotel room gives you the edge, sounds paranoid, but there are some screwed up people in this world that think it is ok to prey on others so always expect the unexpected. Just some suggestions for the future

  15. It's moneylending. That word freaks me out...

    I want to know more if im even going to consider to help her start out with this (=give her a few K :o )

    Well, my questions are... Does this sound right? Farmland as collateral... can that really be safe? Is there someone with own experiences with stuff like this?

    It's not that I dont trust my girl, but her english is far from perfect so I just feel that I need some more information about this IF I decide to help her out.

    I know that my Gr/Wife's sisters sit on this type of council and meet I think twice a year, all the people that borrowed money come back together to pay off the loan and then a lot turn around and reborrow, many have to borrow money from other sources to pay back this loan, however easily pay back the source when the village fund gives them their new loan. I think people who have money can contribute to this fund and receive interest on their monies and then recoup their funds at the end of the given time period, I would think the loan would have to be secured some how either by land or a solid government job or store, not sure if this is just a village initiated deal or part of a government thing (sounds more like a traditional village thing, I never asked her so don't know sorry not much help),

    With that said my Grrrr/Wife has been lending money for years out of her own account, some people put up their land, others promise a portion of their crop instead of money, at times she will take rice so she is set for the year. So far so good, everyone has paid her back in one way or another with no hard feelings on either party.

  16. Excuse me! But has anyone thought that maybe these "guys" should do the right thing and serve their King andCountry...the same country that alows them the freedom to live the life they have chosen.

    All I have read on this thread is how to avoid military service, nothing about doing the right thing! :o

    Good point!

  17. I'm in the village every 3 months spending a month at a time with the girwife and kids, I just got back to the States a couple of days ago and man this thread is making me home sick. As far as everyone thinking you're a millionaire, well myself and the girwife now tell everyone I have no baht seems to do the job (only one pain in the butt is concerned with my financial standings and that is one sister in-law).

    Dislikes: Those dammed confused Chickens, constantly crowing, what is up with that.

    Likes: I concur with the original poster.

  18. Hey I was just there, I visit about every three months for a month at a time. I actually live about 50 minutes from there in a place called Bahn Simon, however the kids go to school in Nong Bua Lam Phu and we belong to the church there (where the GF works). I saw at least 3 falangs when I was there last time, however I find many falangs to be standoffish, I pretty much say hello to everyone, but then get that weird stare. Maybe we can hook up for a beer the next time I'm in the area (if you live in that area).

  19. God this topic is near and dear to my heart, my neighbor is my GF's brother and his wife, Man their chickens roam everywhere and crap on everything. We have our garden protected by shade cloth and it does the trick. However, the GF as well as me are sick and tired of the chickens and the attitude of the brother's wife of oh well tuff shit this is the way it is, she had the nerve to setup a little nesting area for a hen sitting on her egss near our back door. They finally hatched, we moved everything to her house, I told her if her chickens keep wandering to our area I will be eating them (of course said with a smile), our only saving grace is that they are building a new house down the road and will be gone soon. What's interesting is it just isn't the falang that doesn't like this, but it also pisses off other Thais in the area as well. It's like living any other place in the world, there are always those redneck neighbors who really don't care about others. Once I make a permanent move to Thailand I'm building a fence.

  20. My home is like a zoo, on this trip I had three black scorpions in various areas of the house, 2 frogs and a snake (small) in the bath room and 1 frog in the bedroom. I've been biten by a small scorpion years back, it is like a bee on steriods, hurt like hel_l.

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