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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. nevr new it existed, also it is slightly ahead of it's time, wifi is just emerging in mobile devices like smart phones which will become widespread, currently only laptops and some PDA's have wifi

    give it 2 years and they will have to expand the network and increase capacity, hope they don't shelve it.

  2. I (almost) desperately need a USB telephone I can use with Skype, but Thailand definately is very laid back with respect to such a thing. I live in Chiang Mai and have checked out each and every place that might have such a device. I found excactly one place (Panthip Plaza, 4th floor) that had one. They wanted 5000 Bath for the very same phone you can get for 900 Baht (minus delivery fee and import tax).  - No way I'll let myself get ripped off to that extent.

    I've also checked the WWW. Delivering fees from outside Thailand  together with the unknown, but probably pretty high, import tax makes any purchase cost unreasonably high.

    I've tried to order one from two different Bangkok located online-stores advertizing it, but they both reported back, that they didn't have it anyway.

    So, does anyone know where to get one - where they have enough on stock that they still might have one when I get there - (Bangkok is the southernmost point of interest)?

    Alternatively, does anyone want one? I know how to get them from China to Chiang Mai for a a reasonable cost, but I have to buy minimum 20 and I only want max 2 or maybe 4.

    the last person caught using Skype in Thailand got 7 years jail and a huge fine.

    hmmmmmm or was that for wearing a watch............ :o

  3. I currently have australian butter in my fridge and it too tastes like margerine, one thing I have observed is that if you smell the butter here it has a distinct margerine smell, Irish butter has no real smell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just like the old "Stork" ads...they couldn't tell the difference either...

    they all taste like stork including the exported stuff to the UK, my guess is they are not very popular, although I guess there are a few tastless <deleted> that think it is healthier, it seems the only people that have donated anything to this thread are those that have tasted the real thing, sorry but it seems most haven't, and yes animal fat is animal fat including milk but there is a big difference between milk and fatty tissue as you well know....pointless argument....you are just churning

  4. I currently have australian butter in my fridge and it too tastes like margerine, one thing I have observed is that if you smell the butter here it has a distinct margerine smell, Irish butter has no real smell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. A couple of other observations....

    1. - I noticed that marg is often genericly referred to as "butter" in the USA...not so in UK, where the two are hardly ever confused..

    i suspect the same applies all over the world, in saying that it could well be that the stuff from Ireland and UK should be branded as something else......Dairy Cream Spread..... and not butter, but then it's the butter and margerine relationship that I believe is at the root of the issue as you say.

  6. for those that are not from the UK or Ireland and have no idea what i'm talking about - in other words you've been taking margerine all your life branded as butter (which it isn't) forget this thread as you have never actually tasted real butter as it should be.

    I had no idea that the only real butter in the world was in the UK.

    Interesting that British cuisine isn't more highly rated isn't it?

    I'm sure that the French will be crushed to learn this new fact. :o

    i believe the subject is about butter...............been to ireland have you ????

    you've been judged :D

  7. for those that are not from the UK or Ireland and have no idea what i'm talking about - in other words you've been taking margerine all your life branded as butter (which it isn't) forget this thread as you have never actually tasted real butter as it should be.

    I had no idea that the only real butter in the world was in the UK.

    Interesting that British cuisine isn't more highly rated isn't it?

    I'm sure that the French will be crushed to learn this new fact. :o

    I lived in UK for a long, long time but as I recall apart from locally made butter there were virtually no brands of British butter in the supermarkets....there was Kerrygold (Irish), Lurpak (Danish), Anchor (New Zealand) and President (French) - I simply can't remember a single major brand of British butter!

    anchor is margerine like flora, lurpak i believe is also margerine.

  8. wilko no offence but you have never tasted real butter hence your inability to donate to this thread alongwith most of the others

    What an extaordinary assumption! and on what basis??????

    I would set my mother on you but you obviously think you are my mother so I doubt if you could handle the ensuing identity crisis....

    Well you haven't, simply by the nature of your post.

    I suspect the main difference between pure butter in the UK and Ireland and possibly other places around the plannet is that there is no animal fat added in the process, it is made only from milk, this is a wild guess on my part but would explain the margerine taste that spoils other so called butters.

    I'm not trying to wind anyone up here, just trying to get that magical creamy taste that I miss so much on my spuds and toast.

    Will try a few more and post results, the fench stuff sounds possible

  9. Butter is made from animal fat (particularly milk fat), which is typically solid at room temperatures, hence no need for hydrogenation. While butter and Margarine have similar caloric values, butter generally is much higher than margarine in saturated fat, which is also known to be detrimental to heart health. In addition, margarine contains small amounts of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats (which are generally considered healthier than saturated). Furthermore, according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, switching from butter to margarine can greatly reduce blood cholesterol levels.

    Margarine is cholesterol free, lower in saturated fats and is increasingly becoming available in trans fat free varieties. Whichever spread you choose, experts say moderation is key. Too much of either is definitely a bad thing.

    If you love having some toast on your butter, you'd butter be careful.  :o

    Now we are getting somewhere, would I be right in saying that the stuff we purchase here in thailand is not actually butter but is in fact margerine........this would explain why it tastes so bad, in Ireland and the UK we have a choice of buying either butter or margerine, an easy spread or a blend, so the descriptive name as we know it at home doesn't actually apply here.......butter here in Asia isn't actually butter as we know it in the UK Ireland, I believe our butter is made mostly from milk although I'm not sure.

    So back to my original question, is there a butter that can purchased here that tastes like the butter back home and not like margerine

    Oh and whether salted or unsalted is of no real importance to me, we have both at home and they both taste like butter not margerine

    come on guys butter butter butter, where and what

    for those that are not from the UK or Ireland and have no idea what i'm talking about - in other words you've been taking margerine all your life branded as butter (which it isn't) forget this thread as you have never actually tasted real butter as it should be.

    wilko no offence but you have never tasted real butter hence your inability to donate to this thread alongwith most of the others

    you guys really have no idea how good real butter really tastes as opposed to margerine which appears to be what most of you have been grown up on.....yuk

  10. Go to the dental section at Bangkok Pattaya hospital, they can help you.

    I have serious gagging problem which makes any major work a problem.

    They knock me out with intraveneous sedation and do the work.

    At the end I come round and one of my family drives me home.

    The iv adds around 6000baht  to the bill, but is well worth it.

    anyone got a few quotes/prices for variuos dental work

  11. Hi fellow audiophiles.

    I have the option of getting a Grado PH-1 phono-stage preamp from the US, but the external power supply

    Specs for needed unit, output: 12V, 15 amps.



    Are your sure about that spec??

    15A sounds very heavy duty for a pre-amp!!

    doubt it would use 15 amp for preamp stage, more than likely overkill, although the lower the voltage the higher the current, there is a direct relationship with power/wattage so if this thing outputs anything then it will require current...time to seek knowledge from the google :o

  12. In the OP, the italicised portion is the opinion of the reporter or editor not an official statement from the government.

    Fact is, people just need to cowboy up and carry the damned passport. My immediate circle of friends have more than a hundred years of cumulative time spent in Thailand. Lost and stolen passports in the group: ZERO.

    It's not that risky if you take the simple precaution of keeping it in a front pocket and avoid being falling down drunk in public. This will be a challenge for some, I know. For the rest, CARRYING YOUR PASSPORT IS NO BIG DEAL. And for all foreigners it is the simplest way to comply with the law.

    sorry but I totally disagree, I for one am very reluctant to caryy my passport anywhere, it stays lock in my safe at home, however I do carry a laminate colour copy, the reason is two fold, 1. it is so much hassle to get replaced including visa etc a 500baht fine is nothing compared to the costs and time to get it replaced...2. they don't wear well and after several months of abuse in a sweaty pocket won't be of any use anyway, now if you happen to be a very organised chap and carry your stuff in a bum bag or the like strapped round your waist then no problem but you'll look like a train spotter.

  13. Gharkness,

    You can drop into any TT&T shop, where they have phones offering all these gadgets!

    I have their sms phone, which allows me to send sms messages, can even hook up a regular pc keyboard to make typing them very easy!

    It has a phone book, last dialled, last received, pretty much like a mobile phone.

    Costed 999 Baht :o

    Thanks for that, will check it out

  14. I've never understood the attraction of unsalted butter.  When at a French restaurant, I always end up salting my butter.  :o

    Actually my favorite butter in Thailand is Dacheeso's salted butter.  Tastes like the butter my Grandmother used to churn.  Unless you are in Chiang Mai, you are out of luck.

    Unsalted butter always tastes very creamy.

    I think it has to be made the old way. salted butter is more suited to factory conditions, so can be cheaper.

    Isn't this a popular thread, all you people claiming your butter is better than......... well to be honest unless you have tasted others you have no grounds to make your claim, I have no idea how the processes differ but one thing I do know, Irish creamer pure butter is better than anything I have ever tasted and I've travelled a bit, like I said before, other butters seem to have that margerine flavour that just spoils it for me, also these butters seem to have an almost white colour where as butter from home is more of a yellow colour, I'm going to try a little research and see if I can find the difference.

  15. Right this might sound like a rather silly question but I have to ask.

    Having tried several different brands over here I still cannot find a butter that hasn't got that horible margerine flavour, being from Ireland/UK where our butter is pure butter and is a flavour that is hard to substitute on your toast or spuds, has anyone found a nice dairy butter that tastes like our home stuff from UK/Ireland.....I miss it so much

  16. I'm using a Panasonic KX-TC1211BX cordless telephone. I get both these features. Sometimes the display will say Private Caller, I don't know if this because the caller as added a prefix to the number dialed. I didn't have to do anything to get these features, just plugged in the new phone.

    OK thanks, I will look for a phone with those features....cheers

  17. Thanks to both of you for your replies.

    As it turns out, ironically, the power supply sold with the Grado here in Thailand is the US 110/60 one. There is no 220/50 available.

    There are two reasons why I was concerned about the power supply.

    One was about how the unit would work with 50 cycles, as gharknes pointed out. I do have a set of very good step down transformer that I bought before coming here. But the cycle difference is one reason why I want to stop using the built-in phone stage in my stereo preamp.

    The other concern was simple convenience. I hate having to use the transformers.

    Well, out-of-box the 110/60 power supply does have a saving grace that I had not considered earlier. It outputs DC to the phone stage. Essentially that isolates the cycle difference from the electricity going to the unit, as far as I know. Probably the only thing I may have to worry about is the power supply burning out sooner.

    The power block is not even very high quality, from what I can see. I think it will be a small matter to attach the custom output wire to a 220/50 block, as long as the wires are appropriately connected.

    Another odd thing about this product is that it has a grounding connector for the turntable, but the power block is not obviously grounded - not three-prong, and both prongs are the same size. No sign of grounding and certainly not for the kinds of three prong plugs we have here!

    Just as you have said above, the power supply outputs DC so no problem there, it will also be regulated to what ever voltage....although power supplies can work on a relative setup and frequency can make a difference, so you will need to check DC levels before you connect, I'm referring to switch mode units which are usually used in DC to DC environments, as for grounding, once again ground is a relative thing on the secondary side of a transformer, a multi wound transformer doesn't have a ground as such, it just has potential difference between all the windings, sort of floating.

  18. Jellybaby used to play out of Pussy Galore bar Soi Pattayaland 1 i've played him a few times...........bloody hard to beat him, gives you 3 shots start minimum wager was 1000 baht.

    Havn't seen him for a while though.

    The 3 shots start is a sort of con, the idea is that you will clear the table of most of your balls while all his are still on the table making it very difficult for you to finish, then he comes to the table with a relativly easy cleanup because you got rid of the clutter, I played him a few straight games and although he beat me 7-5 it was close, he is a good player but beatable, take him on his challenge without the 3 shots or propose that you can take them when you want :o

    Jimmy White will be at the shark bar early next month.....5th I think

  19. Hi fellow audiophiles.

    I have the option of getting a Grado PH-1 phono-stage preamp from the US, but the external power supply (with a custom connector of course) is only 110/60. Grado in the US will not help me.

    I could pay a lot more to buy the whole thing at a Bangkok hi-fi store, but first I'd like to know if there is a hi-fi store that can sell me the power block separately.

    I don't trust the retailer of this product to sell me on separately, though I haven't asked them. I just get that feeling. At the very least, I'd have to get them to special order it.

    I had a power block for a router modified to use the custom connector for that unit, but I'm not sure if the replacement power supply is really up to snuff. For something like a phono stage, having accurate and steady voltage (via UPS of source) is a bit more critical.

    Any suggestions for a hi-fi parts store would be appreciated.

    Specs for needed unit, output: 12V, 15 amps.



    OK I think your best option both from a price and performance perspective would be to buy a good 220-110 converter, the effect of 50-60hz will be minimal I believe as long as your power supply produces the correct DC levels at its output, but check with company first.........changing the AC frequency is a little more complex than changing the voltage, the stepdown transformer needs to be quite big to provide current if your preamp requires it, although as a preamp it may not.

  20. news1541-october2005.jpg

    A Norwegian man first managed to avoid a collision with a motor bike rider but his pet then took over the wheel and they crashed into 6 parked automobiles

    Police received a call regarding a multi vehicle collision on 2nd Road in front of Soi Post Office. When they arrived they found 6 parked vehicles with extensive damage caused by a Toyota Tiger pick up driven by Mr. Knut Sten Westin (and  assisted by his faithful companion "Bruno") from Norway.

    He explained that he had been driving at a reasonable speed, when suddenly a motorcycle cut in front of him emerging from the Soi, which he attempted to avoid by swerving, causing his German Shepard dog that was in the cabin with him to take fright, jumping onto his master's lap and grasping the steering wheel with his paws. The vehicle went completely out of control, and ran into six parked cars at the side of the road from the rear.

    He was taken to Pattaya Police Station (the driver that is) where he was charged with reckless driving causing damage to private property, for which he will have to pay compensation to all 6 owners of the other vehicles.

    This story just goes to show that dogs are wonderful and faithful pets, but at the end of the day, they make lousy drivers and should be left at home or restrained in the rear of the vehicle.


    Maybe he had a few and the most capable occupant in the vehicle was actually driving.......roobydoobydooooooooooooo

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