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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. Latency is not the same as bandwidth. What you see is just the trip from Bangkok to Los Angeles - that kind of distance will always take a long time.

    I used to think CAT was the biggest problem but I have to say that I generally get the 512/256 promised with my CSLOX/TTT ADSL. Not cheap, mind, at 2800 bt/month, but well worth the price!

    the high ping you are looking at is within the CAT network between 2 nodes in thailand and not Los Angeles

  2. There is a sausage importer on Naklua road on the left hand sign as you drive down. I cannot remember which Soi it is near to but it has a large sign at the front of the building.

    The shop is called "B Lucky" (or "Be Lucky"). I buy my very lean back bacon, streaky bacon and sausages there...and they also sell hash browns. I think that they can't be beaten for value and taste. Try their English sausages or their Cumberland sausages.


    sounds good will have a look, is it on the left or right going away from pattaya.

  3. I've been on and off most of the day and my connection (MaxNet4Home 512/256) seems about normal. Here's a Speakeasy test using the San Francisco server at 1545 16 January 2006 from Korat:

    Download Speed: 380 kbps (47.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 60 kbps (7.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Here's the traceroute:

    traceroute to thaivisa.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1 (  84.141 ms  5.859 ms  1.347 ms
    2 (  53.537 ms  28.805 ms  28.536 ms
    3 (  29.331 ms  29.478 ms  29.380 ms
    4 (  40.657 ms  40.138 ms  40.177 ms
    5 (  41.120 ms  40.150 ms  40.567 ms
    6 (  42.140 ms  40.949 ms  41.503 ms
    7 (  35.967 ms  36.550 ms  37.417 ms
    8 (  48.905 ms  37.430 ms  36.643 ms
    9  gateway.ji-net.com (  53.833 ms  39.719 ms  37.979 ms
    10 (  38.876 ms  48.685 ms  37.581 ms
    11 (  335.976 ms  333.332 ms  395.048 ms
    12 (  464.794 ms  538.942 ms  455.779 ms
    13 (  513.162 ms  454.725 ms  456.134 ms
    14  0.so-7-0-0.xl1.lax1.alter.net (  510.340 ms  515.990 ms  506.129 ms
    15  0.so-7-0-0.xl1.dfw13.alter.net (  489.721 ms  488.671 ms  484.105 ms
    16  pos6-0.gw1.dfw13.alter.net (  599.677 ms  571.760 ms  553.865 ms
    17  theplanet-gw.customer.alter.net (  568.668 ms  649.651 ms  547.434 ms
    18  vl31.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com (  503.508 ms  519.459 ms  503.286 ms
    19  vl22.dsr02.dllstx2.theplanet.com (  578.278 ms  635.392 ms  590.659 ms
    20  vl1.car12.dllstx2.theplanet.com (  617.763 ms  550.747 ms  550.990 ms
    21  thaivisa.com (  571.981 ms  559.393 ms  544.878 ms

    Pretty dismal on that same hop to

    your connection doesn't seem to go near cat telecom so you are lucky and hardly relevant to us unfortunate peps

    oh it does, CAT are nodes 11 and 12, the ones with high ping

  4. I've been on and off most of the day and my connection (MaxNet4Home 512/256) seems about normal. Here's a Speakeasy test using the San Francisco server at 1545 16 January 2006 from Korat:

    Download Speed: 380 kbps (47.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 60 kbps (7.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Here's the traceroute:

    traceroute to thaivisa.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1 (  84.141 ms  5.859 ms  1.347 ms
    2 (  53.537 ms  28.805 ms  28.536 ms
    3 (  29.331 ms  29.478 ms  29.380 ms
    4 (  40.657 ms  40.138 ms  40.177 ms
    5 (  41.120 ms  40.150 ms  40.567 ms
    6 (  42.140 ms  40.949 ms  41.503 ms
    7 (  35.967 ms  36.550 ms  37.417 ms
    8 (  48.905 ms  37.430 ms  36.643 ms
    9  gateway.ji-net.com (  53.833 ms  39.719 ms  37.979 ms
    10 (  38.876 ms  48.685 ms  37.581 ms
    11 (  335.976 ms  333.332 ms  395.048 ms
    12 (  464.794 ms  538.942 ms  455.779 ms
    13 (  513.162 ms  454.725 ms  456.134 ms
    14  0.so-7-0-0.xl1.lax1.alter.net (  510.340 ms  515.990 ms  506.129 ms
    15  0.so-7-0-0.xl1.dfw13.alter.net (  489.721 ms  488.671 ms  484.105 ms
    16  pos6-0.gw1.dfw13.alter.net (  599.677 ms  571.760 ms  553.865 ms
    17  theplanet-gw.customer.alter.net (  568.668 ms  649.651 ms  547.434 ms
    18  vl31.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com (  503.508 ms  519.459 ms  503.286 ms
    19  vl22.dsr02.dllstx2.theplanet.com (  578.278 ms  635.392 ms  590.659 ms
    20  vl1.car12.dllstx2.theplanet.com (  617.763 ms  550.747 ms  550.990 ms
    21  thaivisa.com (  571.981 ms  559.393 ms  544.878 ms

    Pretty dismal on that same hop to

    your connection doesn't seem to go near cat telecom so you are lucky and hardly relevant to us unfortunate peps

  5. Or supply enough bandwidth George?

    I don't think bandwidth is the problem in this case, if you notice the 200ms issue is between two CAT-11G nodes, there are three, the data from 1-2 is fine but from 2-3 there is a huge dip, ignore the spike later in the trace, this was just a spike, this problem can only get worse.

  6. I would guess that all Thailand ISP's use CAT Telecom system somewhere along the line, it seems they are having trouble supplying the demand or they are having maintenance trouble with their routers and equipment, I would go for a mixture of both, either way CAT Telecom is the problem. They are within Thailand

  7. I have done several internet ping traces over the last few weeks and although everyone thinks there is a problem external to thailand I have found this is not the case, CAT telecom have consistantly shown to be the network problem, here is a trace I did this Am to Thaivisa, you can see very clearly there is a high ping some 200ms within the CAT-11Gservice, I have mailed them several times about this and got no response


  8. I have eaten out many places around Pattaya and breakfast is good, the bacon is reasonable but the sausage is just like home UK, where are they getting them, I like to go out for breakfast now and again but I also like to cook my own, so where are these sauages coming from, I have tried many many supermarkets around pattaya and have failed to find anything as good, is there a butchers somewhere that make these, is there a supermarket I have missed.

    Can anyone tell me where I can buy a good English/Irish sausage and good quality bacon

  9. Hi Jem Jem - I have to agree with the majority view here. I can understand your horror from the standpoint of one living overseas in areas where the few strays may be relatively harmless and are often helped by the locals in their area, but in Thailand, we have thousands of these dogs all over the place.

    They gather in packs in virtually every soi, and they DO attack people quite often. I know of several friends who have been attacked and bitten by really savage, mangy dogs carrying goodness knows what diseases.

    Once bitten it's off to the hospital for treatment of the immediate problem, the bite itself, and then a series of painful (and expensive) rabies shots, and the obvious worry about infection.

    Then you have to face the same pack of dogs when you get back, as they are quite often the ones in your own soi that have attacked.

    I don't agree that it is only after severe provocation either - the dogs will attack looking for food, or simply as a territorial response - I have young children at home in Bangkok, and there is a pack of dogs that hang around our soi, and at the very least they are incredibly annoying when they start barking outside our house every morning just before dawn. I said, and I mean - EVERY morning!

    The dogs are scabby, filthy, smelly, riddled with disease, and leave the roads and footpaths fouled with their droppings. The numbers are enormous too - it is not a simple matter of rounding them up and putting them in pounds - almost every street has at least one pack or more consisiting of anything from 4 or 5 up to 10 dogs - now multiply that by the thousands of sois in Thailand - BIG PROBLEM!

    A few is one thing - the thousands (no exageration) we have in Thailand are a definite menace to all.

    it is a serious problem here, i have a circle of about maybe 40 people and once every week someone has a bandage on, I ask them what happened and guess what, they where attacked by a dog, even while riding a motor bike, this is a serious problem in thailand and needs some serious attention, sorry jem jem if this offends you but domestic pets are domestic pets, these are wild animals living on the street, when i see one I cross the road I don't go and pet it.

  10. The right lane is for overtaking and turning only.

    Cars and bikes!!

    That is why you got pulled over and why the guy U-turning to Tesco was

    allowed to continue.

    this is correct, the highway code here is very similar to the UK and most other countries, if you need to overtake then you are supposed to do it on the right hand lane, bike car makes no difference, now if you are caught in the outside lane on a bike where you are not passing anyone then you will be fined by police more so than if you are in a car .......... especially if you are farang

    motorcycle laws here need a review, there is no legislation for large bikes, we are not allowed to travel on toll highways because the law is written for slower low capacity machines that would be a danger on a fast motorway, can you imagine opening up the toll way round bangkok to hundreds of crazy sub 125cc bikes riding all over the place with no idea about the rules of the road, no lights on, going the wrong way, 6 on one bike, my god it would be slaughter

  11. It is really sickening to see the scumm (misspelt on purpose in case of censoring) on these boards...racists, sexists, anti-gays, people who make jokes about folks getting killed, etc. Now it is the turn of the 'let's kill the stray dogs' bunch.

    In my country, I go out of way to feed stray cats and dogs and few things can compare to the joy I see in their eyes when I approach them with food and feed them.

    Surely, once in a while, there might be the case of stray dogs attacking human beings...but killing them because of such rare cases ??!!! Sick !


    What would you say if the young boy died?

    jem jem, i had a dog and i was very attached but it was a domestic pet that was looked after and cared for, stray dogs are an unfortunate part of our society, you could say it is our fault or you could say that the domestic pets that we have are lucky that they have humans that care for them and keep them from engaging in what their instincts tell them to do i.e. kill and feed on anything that moves, dogs are instinctive pack animals if left to their own devices that is what they will do, in this situation they are no longer domestic pets, they are a threat to everything around them, they are bad.......we have bad humans, what do we do with them....we lock them up in a cell or kill them because they are a threat to others or have already killed or murdered.

    What would you do if that child was yours ?

    What would you do if the dogs attacked you and left you with serious injuries ?

    Would you go back and pet them ?

    Would you let your children near them again ?


    These dogs are not domestic pets, they are savage animals living amonst us, they carry disease and are a serious threat to us all, we didn't make them like that, it is their natural instinct to kill and feed, some get domesticated and learn that they don't need to savage to get fed - not all learn this.

    They are a serious danger and need to be humainly disposed of.

    sorry but it's true

  12. here are two network traces i produced, i use maxnet, the first was when i was having speed problems, i sent this trace to Maxnet support and also CAT II, never got a response from either but the seem to have corrected the problem, you will see clearly that nodes 7 8 & 9 (CAT II) within Thailand have a problem, the ping jumps from a normal 40ms to over 400ms, you can see this, look at Packet Data node 7-8

    The second trace was done today to the adslthailand.com site and shows no problems.


    Node Data

    Node Net Reg IP Address Location Node Name

    1 - - 12.933N, 100.883E d800

    2 1 - Unknown

    3 2 - Unknown

    4 3 - Unknown

    5 4 - Unknown

    6 4 - Unknown

    7 1 - CAT II

    8 5 - CAT II

    9 5 - CAT II

    10 5 - Unknown

    11 6 1 Los Angeles if-1-0.bb3.laa-losangeles.teleglobe.net

    12 6 1 Los Angeles if-6-0.core2.laa-losangeles.teleglobe.net

    13 7 1 Los Angeles if-3-1.mcore4.laa-losangeles.teleglobe.net

    14 7 1 Sunnyvale if-5-0.mcore4.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    15 7 1 Sunnyvale if-3-0.core2.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    16 8 1 Sunnyvale ix-2-0.core2.pdi-paloalto.teleglobe.net

    17 9 2 Unknown ge-3-0-0-p251.msr2.scd.yahoo.com

    18 10 2 Unknown unknown-66-218-82-223.yahoo.com

    19 11 2 Unknown c2.finance.vip.scd.yahoo.com

    Packet Data

    Node High Low Avg Tot Lost

    1 0 0 0 1 0

    2 0 0 0 4 0

    3 53 42 52 4 0

    4 42 40 41 4 0

    5 51 51 51 7 6

    6 52 52 52 7 6

    7 47 47 47 3 0

    8 379 228 288 3 0

    9 419 226 306 3 0

    10 616 418 497 3 0

    11 606 446 512 3 0

    12 634 450 512 3 0

    13 592 449 514 3 0

    14 595 463 527 3 0

    15 612 456 533 3 0

    16 583 583 583 5 4

    17 586 379 482 3 0

    18 602 380 488 3 0

    19 608 371 500 3 0

    Network id#: 5

    Data Comm. Dept.(Internet)

    CAT Telecom Public Company Ltd,

    72 Charoenkrung Road Bangrak Bangkok THAILAND 10501



    Node Data

    Node Net Reg IP Address Location Node Name

    1 - - MY INTERNAL IP

    2 1 - MY ROUTER

    3 2 - 58.147.*.* MY MAXNET IP

    4 3 - Unknown

    5 4 - Unknown

    6 4 - Unknown

    7 1 - Unknown

    8 5 - CAT II

    9 5 - CAT II

    10 5 - CAT II

    11 6 - Unknown

    12 6 - Unknown

    13 6 - Unknown

    14 6 - Unknown ce1-b3.ksc.net.th

    15 6 1 Unknown www.adslthailand.com

    Packet Data

    Node High Low Avg Tot Lost

    1 0 0 0 1 0

    2 2 1 1 8 0

    3 42 38 39 8 0

    4 44 40 41 8 0

    5 54 54 54 15 14

    6 55 55 55 13 12

    7 54 45 47 7 0

    8 48 45 46 7 0

    9 49 46 47 7 0

    10 47 44 46 7 0

    11 50 46 47 7 0

    12 88 48 49 7 0

    13 50 47 49 7 0

    14 50 46 48 7 0

    15 49 47 48 7 0

    Network id#: 5

    Data Comm. Dept.(Internet)

    CAT Telecom Public Company Ltd,

    72 Charoenkrung Road Bangrak Bangkok THAILAND 10501


    Any time i have problems, the bottleneck has always been CAT Telecom Bangkok

    for those who have noticed a drop in internet performance today, I have located another ping problem with CAT11 telecom and emailed them the details again, this seems to be a common accurance, are they doing it on purpose or is there a problem with their routers, I don't know but I wish they would do something about it, this high ping problem is internal to Thailand and internal to the CAT11 Telecom system in Bangkok.

  13. i come from Joey Dunlop land where bike racing is real, not your safe track antics with very little risk, not saying i personally have the baaalls to ride like any of the real legends....i don't, I competed in motor sport for a few years (not bikes) and did well, i've always had me fast motors and have learned to respect high power and what is can do, I caame to Thailand with a void to fill, I sold everything including my cars and missed the power buz within a very short time, i also missed the freedom to go out and decide where i wanted to go and when soooooooooo I looked at the traffic congestion, looked at options for transport and decided i would buy a big bike, something I could tour on comfortably with passenger and still get a power buzz when safe to do so, i can go at 20mph around town or 0-60mph in under 3 secs to a top speed of some 180 mph...........my choice and it's fun....BTW there is no way on earth i would ever consider doing that kind off speed but it's nice to know you can, I bought a very nice quiet Honda, you'd never hear me coming, has stock pipes which make it very none rental or harley noisey, those thumping twins with no exhaust are so anoying......do they come with ear plugs

    anyway rant over, i have a jolly time on my honda and although riding a bike in thailand is a risky business i prefer it to any pickup or toyota.........up to me :o

  14. Hello Steven,

    some of your comments seem a bit strange to me....

    you think that Thais cant speak english - except for the pros ? as you call them? and why should a 26 year old man not be able to meet a girl in Thailand - other than a bar girl?

    what are you doing in thailand and who are you with? - not my business really , just wondered?

    you paint a bad picture of the thais - but some guys are suckers and loose everything no matter where they are! doesn't have to be thailand!

    just wonder why you are still in Thailand and who you are with?

    we all know that girls dont just walk away - they get jealous and then anything can happen..... in any country of the world!

    Hello Amarka, I will answer your question so you can understand more easily. First of all I would like to say I don't know why I am being attacked here as most of the comments have assumed that the female attacker was a bar girl and most probably was. My point is that Thai are very dangerous and kill for very little reason. Their Buddhist beliefs are just a facade and are very seldom followed even by the monks themselves. Alcohol is strictly against Buddhist beliefs yet Thailand is one of the highest consumers of alcohol in the world. More often than not they visit the temple to ask the monk to give them a winning lottery number than anything else. I assume most of you live in an enclave with a guard posted at the gate. I do not. I came to this country 14 years ago for a Hol. and enjoyed the beautiful weather and the many scenic locations. I was also, at first, impressed with how friendly the Thai were. I returned a few times and as I was in the process of selling my business I decided to come stay here for awhile upon completion of sale. I met my wife here and have been together with her ever since. Now comes the horrible part. About 5 years ago another foreigner came to our small town. He was brought here by another foreigner and his thai wife for the purpose of going into the prawn farming business as partners. He of course was going to be the financier and they were to supply the knowhow. To make a long story short they cheated him out of more than 1 million baht and one day when he felt his life was in danger he and his girlfriend moved away. I tried to warn him many times that they were cheating him but they always convinced him that I did not know what I was talking about. After he was gone they then brought another foreigner from Phuket with the same promise of being able to make good returns on investing in the prawn farming. This man was not so lucky. He did not have a girl friend and so slept at the farm in a small thatched hut. A small Holland man that the towns people said was a nice man. After about 3 months he was found dead with 2 bullet holes in his chest as he slept. His family came to recover his body grief stricken. A few months later to my surprise I learned that the perpratator had been arrested. It turned out that the wife of his partner had hired someone to kill him so that they did not have to pay him back the money he had given them from the profits of the harvest Apparently the falang husband did not know this was her plan. 2 years pass by and a Swedish man comes to try his luck also accompanied by his Thai lady. His farm was robbed during the night by an organized group equipped with nets that walked off with about 500 kgs. His worker said he didn't hear or see anything. Now about 2 months later he withdrew some cash from the ATM machine and proceeded back home, approx. 3 p.m... At about 5 p.m. a thai man appeared at his open kitchen door and in very poor english demanded money. When he refused the man brought forth a knife that he had been concealing behind his back and attempted to kill him. They struggled on the floor and he was able to beat off his attacker but not without receiving injuries. When the police were summoned they only asked if anything was stolen and when they were told no they didn't even bother to come. Eventually they did come but it was only after he had gone to the hosp. for medical help a he had knife wounds all over his legs and arms. Needless to say since they were at the scene so many hrs. after the fact the mess had already been cleaned up so they never were able to obtain any evidence and the perpretator was never caught. Another friend of mine, Austrian, a very gentle and kind hearted man was held at gunpoint in his own home with his wife and children. They were robbed of their valuables and left unharmed. The thiefs were wearing ski masks but his wife recognized one as a friend of the family. 2 weeks ago my wife's friend disappeared after saying she was going to meet her boyfriend. She had recently ended a relationship with another man and somehow ended up meeting with this man first. She was found floating in a tributary to a water canal strangled to death. Another foreigner had just married and was walking out in front of the hotel where he had rented a reception hall carrying a camera and wearing a gold necklace. He also was relieved of both and killed on his wedding day by 2 thais on motorcycle. I have had my life threatened over a very small matter in which I was not in the wrong but have not been so unfortunate as the majority. My home is protected with a barb wired fence and 2 german shepherds but even this is not enough. My wife used to have 7 poodles but only 1 is still alive now as the others were poisoned. My friend's home now is also surrounded by a high wall and barbed wire on the top the same as you see in a prison. He has four dogs now 3 of them rotweilers. Many murders happen in Thailand that are hushed up whenever possible. My wife's sister lives in Krabi with her Italian husband and she says many foreigners have been killed there also. In response to my stating that most thais cannot speak english. I have been approached by 3 different schools to teach. 2 of them Govern. and 1 private. Out of all 3 schools there wasn't 1 english teacher that could communicate to me in english that I could understand. I had to speak with them in Thai. I make no apologys for what I say because I speak truthfully and my point that most here seem to miss is that a lot of Thai's do not respect life and so should be made to pay a severe enough penalty in order to protect these innocent people from a senseless death. To Sonthaya- It's okay too if you call me stupid because it's what I expected from you.

    amarka :o

    Just heard over CNN where a Tampa Bay football player was stabbed to death by his girlfriend...it happens everywhere.  But I don't think I would be so philisophical if it were my son dead at 26.

    I would like to clarify first that I assume the lady was a pro and also that I am familiar with Thai culture as I have been living in Thailand for 13 years. It is a very rare occasion that a 26 year old man would have opportunity to meet any other than a girl working in a bar as most thai know only how to say " what is your name' Where you go?" There are a few exceptions but a man of this age would have been spending most of his time hanging around the bars. I speak with a lot of experience as I have seen and talked to many foreigners who are or have lived with a Thai lady. I have heard a lot of sad stories of foreigners been cheated for everything they have. I could relate a 100 stories. Thai are perceived to be very friendly and beautiful smiling people and many of them are. What most foreigners that do not live here don't know is that they also can be very hot tempered and extremely violent. Disagreements often end in a midnight revenge killing when it is least expected. The killers are rarely found and if they are caught and have money they never see the inside of a prison wall. I personally know several Thai that have killed and feel no remorse for what they have done. I know there will be those that think I am being too sympathetic for the young man and putting most of the blame on the girl but that is just because I have seen it so many times and have probably more experience than you will ever know. Anything that you want to know about Thai just ask me. What it really comes down to though is that the girl if she thought her boyfriend was no good then all she had to do was to get up and walk away. Now a young man has lost his life for what? Nothing can justify what she did and now the parents of this man will have to live with the memory of the tragic loss of their son for the rest of their lives. You tell me what does she deserve?

    i realy don't think thailand is different to anywhere else, ever been through a divorce in the west ?

    their methods might be different, the result is the same, plus there are some very stupid people about that leave themselves wide open, i've never been through a divorce myself but i know many that have.

  15. I like the BF and have been there many times, if you read my posts carefully you will find i was making a general point and not slating the BF, my original point was that I would not like to have a piss up there as it would cost too much, I don't know what you guys mean by a piss up, but it mustn't be the same as my meaning, add up about 25-30 25ml vodka's, it comes to a very tidy sum - over 3000baht. Plus conversation is kindoff out the window also - way too noisey, lets go out with a bunch of strangers and stand and look at eachother all night, hardly the best way to get to know people is it ?.

    Like I said and my original point, the BF is not the best venue for a piss up,

    """"""""""""""And just to clarify, I have no connection with the shark bar other than being a customer""""""""""""

    Oh and John, I have never found a happy Thai barman ---- ever, you have made the point several times. Maybe you frightened him. lol

  16. never use fully synthetic oil in a new car, make sure you have at least 10,000 miles before even considering it, FS oil is over kill for every day driving that most of us do, mineral is fine, semi synth is better

    good oils are ester based, if you use a none ester based FS oil then you may as well use mineral.

    only time i ever used FS oil was when I competed in motor sport in a 350bhp turbo charged sports car that was driven to the limit for long duration.

    for normal family transport i'd go for a good branded semi, in this climate you probably want a 15W50 or 20W50 viscosity oil.

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