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Posts posted by gharknes

  1. ah soi 1 soi 0 hard to tell which but yes someone got it right, it is on opposite side from Big C a little farther down, you pass the bowling alley on the left it's the next soi (down the side of bowling) and the first pub you come to on the right, the classroom2 is the same owner and it is not unusual to go from Shark bar to classroom, this pub is also popular with Thai.

  2. I just ordered a GPRS internet connection set up 9900 bht so I can get internet at home is it as good as they claim. I intented to use it in the nongbualamphu area I can get a decent signal from my phone at home. Any one else try it

    I have GPRS on my P910 which is good if I am out and about and need to check email and net, I also had my laptop running on GPRS until my ADSL was connected, AIS prepay with 50 hours for 300 baht per month, it is pitifully slow and unreliable, for me not good as a long term solution, you can veiw a few text based web pages and down load text emails, as a general connection for any sort of internet use forget it.

  3. Of course I meant Big C :o

    Just wanted to drop a few thoughts about a great place in Pattaya, the Shark Bar has the best mix of things I like I have found anywhere in Pattaya, good food thai/Farang, biggest good quality LSTV I have ever seen, smashing pool table, very nice staff, pool team looking for good players, good group of regulars friendly bunch, nice girls, also link to agogo.

    If you want to watch footy, play pool, eat good food, meet nice friendly regulars, meet nice girls, sing on stage, this place has it for me.

    BTW I am not connected in any way, just a happy customer.

    Maybe the Pattaya members could have their next piss up here.

  4. :o Hi I am hoping to go to Pattaya to work in a hospital for a month on work experience, next March. Looking for accomodation near hospital for 2 adults and 2 children. Can anyone help? How much should I expect to pay? Getting very anxious and it seems hard to find what I need even though there are so many websites! I got a quote for a house for 7, 500 a night! Just wanting somewhere clean, tidy and ideally with air con? Thanks

    Which hospital are you going to be working at ?. Could be worth targeting that area.

    try this


    I used this and found somewhere for 7k month and it's near the hospital.

  5. I brought my C84 printer with me from UK because I had room in my suitcase, when I went to look for inkjet carts they only have for a C83 which is quite obviously the same printer but for the ASIA reg, I assume the reason for this is to stop the flood of Asian ink cart into the EU as they are so much cheaper.

    Has anyone got any idea where I could get my hands on a compatable cartridge that I can buy in Thailand, is it perhaps possible to change the system on the C84 to C83 by changing cmos or inserting program chip, any help would be appriciated

  6. I think this is the stupidest thread I have ever seen on this site, you are an ass of the highest order, can't you think of something else to do with your time.

    BTW I'm a Pro Middleweight boxer and I've knocked 32 people out within the first two rounds, so anyone like to argue bring it on :o:D

  7. Tourist Police arrest Australian sex drug vendor in Soi Pattayaland 2.


    On a busy weekend for crime, we attended the Pattaya Tourist Police Station on Pattaya Second Road to attend this press conference announcing the arrest of Mr. Cameron James Radford aged 52 from Australia. He was arrested after a covert operation which involved a Tourist Police Officer using marked bank notes to purchase Kamagra Tablets, which for those who are unsure are sexual performance enhancing drugs. Although the drugs are not counterfeit, the man is not permitted to sell the drugs without a license and a work permit. He did not possess either of these. The suspect is the co-owner of a Beer Bar in Soi Pattayaland 2 and local informants alerted officers to the illegal foreign vendor. He was later transferred to the Immigration Bureau who will process the man. It is unclear if the man will be fined, imprisoned or deported at this time.

    -Pattaya City News

    Saturday 24th September 2005

    I know Cameron and he's a guy that people like or insanely dislike, my guess is he pissed someone off bad enough to want revenge....very sad indeed

  8. Can somebody help me out here?

    I have several large worksheets that I need to navigate around to update data

    I want to find a way to jump from one position in a sheet to another without having to scroll through the whole sheet.

    I want to create something on top op the worksheet that allows me when I click on it to jump immediately to cell adjacent to where the info is, update the info and then jump back to to the original position in the worksheet.

    I have about 20 locations all around the worksheet that I want to jump to.

    Each worksheets in a workbook with several worksheet needs to its own reference jumps applicable to that specific worksheet.

    I created hyperlinks between worksheets in a workbook that do this, but if I try to do this whitin a worksheet it doesn't work.

    Somebody knows a solution?

    It would make the work a lot more easier and faster.


    I think using a database would be more convinent for you.

    or have the cells you want to update linked to cells in the first row, or hide the stuff you don't need to look at

  9. Just my opinion but nobody should be considering selling Gold right now as it is on a big run upwards, mostly due the the weakness of the US dollar, oil price and the instability of the markets, Gold is a safe haven for banks and institutions, most experts believe Gold is going to head towards new highs over the next 2 years with some believeing it could double in price, here is some reading


  10. I actually have the same problem, travelling to Thailand in 2 weeks with my laptop, will be staying in hotel for 2 weeks before I move into my permanent residence , I would be very uncomfortable leaving it in my room no matter how many locks it had on it, the only option would be if the hotel had a large safe that could accomodate a laptop, some do and some don't, must admit I have given this subject a lot of thought and have come up with this

    If nobody knows you have a laptop they won't try and steal it so, hide it in your luggage and make sure you have a lockable suitcase, I have never yet had a case broken into in a hotel room, out of sight out of mind. So you need to dump the laptop bag before checking in. I will leave mine with a friend.

    Get a good insurance cover that will protect you from theft, OK that on it's own isn't enough for me as the data is worth as much if not more than the machine, so also keep a copy of your critical data on another device such as a second HD, keep this completely serperate from the laptop.....lock this in the hotel safety deposit box, you may also want to consider locking all your Hard drives in there to, as they are usually easily removed from the machine and small, care should be taken with these as they are sensitive to static discharge and shock, a small case or box would be Ideal to store them together, and also observe the "out of sight idea" above

    Another idea which is also reasonably inexpensive and perhaps a little over the top, if you don't want to put your laptop in your luggage when travelling which most don't and keep your laptop bag etc, then you can buy an inexpensive old laptop as a dummy, leave this in your hotel room locked with kensington lock and put your real laptop in your suitcase locked, a thief will not try to see if your computer works before stealing it, they will grab and run, the thing they don't know is they grabbed a pile of shiiite while your expensive hardware is locked away safely in your suitecase. I doubt very much they will come back after you have filed police report and started investigation with hotel staff

    just some thoughts

  11. Sorry I meant Soi Khao Talo

    To anyone lives in this soi, how difficult is it for getting transport from and too this location especially late at night after a feed of drink, I have an option to rent there and this is my only reservation, looking for a few opinions, coming to Pattaya on the 2nd OCT


    Soi Khao Talo is a very long soi so the cost of a m/c taxi or baht bus will depend on your location. I live about 2km in from Sukhumvit and the cost of a m/c during the day is only about 50 Baht to or from Pattaya Tai / 2nd Road. To the Dolphin it's about 10 Baht more than this. A Baht bus charter will cost from 100 - 150 Baht depending on the time of day and where you want to go to in Pattaya. I've never had any problem getting transport, day or night, but I don't tend to use these options very often as I have my own car and the GF has a m/c.

    Just a bit of info on Soi Khao Talo in general:

    The up-side:

    Pretty quiet area once you get off the main soi.

    Reasonably equipped with food stalls, beer outlets and eateries - have a large (mainly) food market that seems to alternate with a much smaller market further up the soi.

    Have a 7-11 and another is, apparently, coming.

    Have pharmacies and at least one clinic.

    It is rumoured that a branch of Carrefour is to be built in the soi fairly soon.

    Have two postal service shops.

    The down-side:

    Can be busy with traffic throughout the day.

    The state of the road surface is pretty appalling - the junction with Sukhumvit is a nest of large pot-holes and, further up the soi, after any heavy rain, the road gets covered with sand and gravel because the verges are not adequately drained.

    Until recently exiting the soi onto Sukhumvit was a nightmare and very dangerous. We now have proper traffic lights, which most people seem to observe, and it's very much safer than it was - still get the occasional red-light runner though.

    On balance, I quite like living there.

    DM :o

    Thanks DM couldn't ask for a better summary than that, I quite like the Idea of a quiet area with a few local amenities out of the busy town, perhaps we will meet up

  12. To anyone lives in this soi, how difficult is it for getting transport from and too this location especially late at night after a feed of drink, I have an option to rent there and this is my only reservation, looking for a few opinions, coming to Pattaya on the 2nd OCT


  13. I  live  up  Soi  Khao  Noi  which  is  one  Soi  along  Sukhumvit  to  the  left..................ive  got  a  condo  in  town  now  as  well  as  the  house  but  for  a  couple  of  years  i  used  to  get  a  motorbike  taxi  back  home  2am  normally  cost  me  80-100  baht  never  had  any  trouble............a  songthaew  would  probably  cost  you  100-150  depending  how  far  up  Soi  Khao  Talo  your  going...................now  if  i  go  out  i  overnight  in  the  condo  and  take  the  bike  home  the  next  day.

    You  might  of  been  better  putting  this  in  the  Pattaya  Forum.  :o

    wow that sounds expensive 80-100baht when you consider a motorbike from Jomtien to Pattaya was only 30baht, wouldn't it be just a case of a baht taxi up south pattaya road 20baht then same along sukhumvit to talo

    PS moved to Pattaya forum

  14. Richardb , words are not enough , but your last post made me cry.

    Take care of yourself and you will meet Aom again one day.

    God Bless.


    I think that about sums up my feelings also. God bless you both.

    The team at the camillion centre seem truly kind and full of heart but more importantly, they sound as if they treat people with the "Dignity" that we all deserve. I will be sending my donation very soon but is there anything TV as a whole, could do? Maybe, every time there is a get together have a collection or something like that. I don't know, just a thought.

    Sounds like a great idea

    I know I shouldn't say this but I just wonder if Aom had been taken to the right place first could she still be alive, its all just very sad an heart wrenching.

  15. I just cancelled the GPRS part of my contract with AIS, went to the Telewiz in Lotus supermarket and they only required a copy of my passport...

    tried there already, they told us to go to siracha, contract is in girlfriends name by the way.

    thanks for the help guys, looks like i will have to make the trip to siracha, or at least the girlfriend will anyway.

    Can't you just send a letter and cancel in writting ?

  16. Sorry I meant Soi Khao Talo

    To anyone lives in this soi, how difficult is it for getting transport from and too this location especially late at night after a feed of drink, I have an option to rent there and this is my only reservation, looking for a few opinions, coming to Pattaya on the 2nd OCT


  17. Well just when I thought I understood all this stuff someone posts something that leaves me confused.

    I am entering Thailand on a 12 month Multiple entry type O Visa visiting friends, if after 12 months I can provide evidence of 400,000baht in a Thai bank can I get a further 12 month stay without leaving ?

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