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About pchansmorn

  • Birthday 01/10/1952

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  1. Are any American Expats worried Trump will stop there retirement income? He’s headed for that next step. He will destroy the SS system and Americans won’t have money to live on anymore. We have our savings but it won’t last forever. A reverse mortgage may be in our future.
  2. These people must of all be looking at their phones. I spend my whole life in Thailand looking down to prevent myself from getting hurt or worst. Holes are everywhere and hazards are what Thailand is all about. Sad but could had been prevented if only you look before you step.
  3. Hua Hin is getting crowded these days and they have to many tourists arriving everyday. But Cha Am is about 10-15 minutes away and it’s more country style living no tourist yet, half of dozen decent restaurants, wet market, chicken & pork market, nice beaches with few people, but for big shopping you have to take a trip to Hua Hin, there is a Makro in Cha Am though. We like living there because it’s quiet and relaxing. Patrick
  4. What kind of air purifiers are you using? I can’t find an answer to what air purifier is best. People in Thailand just want to sell you the most expensive ones.
  5. Villa Market, Robbie’s, accidental butcher and more.
  6. Easy to find frozen lamb. Villa Market, Robbie’s, accidental butcher, Makro .and so on. Tops Market has all that cheese you’re looking for. And Makro
  7. My wife and I have been here for 12 years from the US. We usually don’t go over 3,000 a month and we have a condo in Cha Am right on the beach and another condo with a city view in Nonthaburi, we own 2 cars and we self insure, we get physicals every year 1500 dollars for the 2 of us. Even MRIs. Blood tests every 6 months, we both have good genes, never been in the hospital and we are in our late 70’s. We have a bank of money saved for medical needs. We eat healthy and very well, cook ourselves and eat out at the Salad Factory or Wine Connection once a week. And take vacations in Thailand and out of Thailand, Australia and New Zealand, Spain and Italy. Life is very good for us in Thailand, if we were in the US we would probably be homeless living in a tent somewhere.
  8. That was a Great car. I had its brother a Saab model 95 front wheel drive with 18 in wheels that car was a real joy, Never had problems with the snow. The back seat laid down flat for camping and it had the strongest heater never got cold. It also had something called free wheeling, when you took your foot off the accelerator it would go into a neutral gear and got Great gas’s mileage. 4 speed on the wheel. Kept that car the longest. It was a hand me down from my brother. If I had money I would buy another today. That car was so safe and ran for over 500,000 miles.
  9. Mine was a Triumph Spitfire convertible hardly ever ran. Next car was the Chevrolet Corvair with rear engine 3 speed on the floor. Convertible. Great looking but had terrible balance issues with the rear engine finally had to put 50 lb bags of sand in the front trunk. Never great. But the women liked the convertible part.
  10. That’s a great price. Average price in a private hospital is 20,000 to 50,000 baht.
  11. I use a US credit card without any problems.
  12. So if I already pay US taxes I should not be liable for paying Thai taxes too. My Social Security income that I live on in Thailand should not be taxed by the Thai government also. Are these both correct statements? Other than my 25,000 thousand for my retirement visa I don’t keep any money in Thailand. Patrick
  13. Am staying in Cha Am now days because Bangkok’s air is so bad. But they burn the fields at night and the air quality suffers at night and mornings. No eating outdoors any longer. There is always a steady breeze or wind and that helps. And it’s better than Bangkok but still not like San Francisco with its cool fog that would come in and chase the smog away. It could be so much better if trucks and Autos had smog control and they got rid of the diesel guzzlers on the road. And stopped burning the fields at night. Is that to much to ask?
  14. I agree with you. All of our Christmas family dinners everyone got drunk and started fights with each other. Lots of racism in my family. Been in Thailand 12 years went back 3 times but after Covid in 2019 never returned again. Thailand is my home now. No regrets.
  15. Never. We get lost all the time, and end up asking for directions from strangers, taxi drivers, motor scooter taxi’s, gas stations, and some sleazy neighborhoods and everyone always try’s to help us. Many times they will tell us to follow them back to our familiar neighborhood without even asking for money but we always give them at least 100 baht.
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