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Luuk Chaai

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    Wang Phong

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  1. But But But . Trump Won !!! end of story !
  2. Sounds like ..The Russians in Phuket . The Chinese in Pattaya
  3. wow ! so far from the truth
  4. possible the alarm on one of his watches went off .... https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTKbU71-O-Z_BadjlOsvhXlpKxizpKPOrMkaw&s
  5. looks like Somebody struck a nerve ! ( hey ,, they left total A holes off the list )
  6. does he qualify for the position of Bus Driver ?
  7. Thai buses / trucks should be equipped with Black Boxes like planes So it can be determined .. the actual speed of the vehicle and if .. the brakes mechanically failed.. or were actually applied Mobil phones should be confiscated and checked to see if there was activity ( watching video ) at that time and drivers should be drug tested I know I know .. another episode of Fantasy Island
  8. Sing it ! He was commin' round the mountain doin 90
  9. Tourist Attacked by Transgender fugly guy in a dress
  10. and ... was still 10x better than the "3" S's combined !
  11. ever notice ... they all have this attitude https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8TlsdH-u4Yv5Wcbzh__Tspi_Q4UTmmxaSbw&s
  12. I wonder how much he would pay for this bridge I have ?
  13. ... Should have given them 10 hours .................. Period !
  14. By 2030, the university is expected to produce 650 reports on the subject. As part of its efforts, researchers have *** and created a 'multi-dimensional framework to assess and monitor gender equality, equity, and women's empowerment.' However, the initiative has faced criticism from some quarters, with concerns being raised about the use of taxpayer money on foreign aid projects when ... do they report on how much money is siphoned back to the pockets of these researchers They need a DOGE Global Dept !!!
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