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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. that are responsible for stripping the land void of nutrients .. poisoning our waterways with pesticide, not to mention the millions of acres of pristine forest and millions of animals that are displaced crushed killed to make room for farmland Go eat a steak and get out in the sun ...
  2. Like CNN ? communist news network ... just a rant from another radical left wing dem ... have you hugged your Hillary pillow today ?
  3. sad part.. they don't even try to hide it
  4. quick google search .Dry white rice may last for up to 2 years if kept at room temperature, while brown rice only lasts about 6 months. Refrigerating and freezing them increases their shelf lives. Can you eat rice 2 years out of date? “With proper storage, raw rice is stable for at least one year,” Alexis Peterson, quality systems engineer at Lundberg Family Farms in California, explained. Rather than an expiration date, rice has a “best before” date. Consume your rice before that date for the freshest, most flavorful result.Apr 17, 2567 BE How long can rice be kept? Dry white rice may last for up to 2 years if kept at room temperature
  5. most of the villagers here roll their own yah sen in the little palm leaf papers ... chain smokers ... and that is usually accompanied by a bottle of home made kratom in a Pepsi bottle .. butt some of them do have ethics, the Lao Khao usually does not break out until 5pm
  6. bet if you stood on the side of the road and took count.. there are more scooter riders with no helmets,no mirrors,no running lights,overloaded with either 3-4-5 passengers while smoking and fiddling with a cell phone, and or mass quantities of product between their legs,, lets not forget the ones that drive going the wrong direction or on the sidewalk Imagine these characters navigating thru a 2 lane tunnel with Somchai Andretti with his prestigious red plate BMW zipping and weaving thru @ 110km what could possibly go wrong..? I'm a life time H.O.G. member .. I hate restrictions.. but at some point . you have to decide fair game for all or let Darwin claim the next victim
  7. donate it to "Zero Dollar Tour" Buffet Restaurants ,,,
  8. Sorry . out as in discharged and on my way home @ 12 Must say fantastic job ,, no problem walking sitting or sleeping .. plus I had the game warden ( wife ) watching my every move so I didn't do a hurry up and get back to my regular routine ps,, I attribute the high cost to Pacific Cross paying the bill ... Be aware ,, if you use the insurance,,,,, you lose you 20% discount and get a recovery premium added on at renewal time T.I.T
  9. Bangkok hospital Hua Hua ,, last July Double Inguinal Laparscopic with Mesh 490,348.68 in the operating room @ 2pm out @ 12 noon next day
  10. We are not Permanent Residents ,, we are Non Immigrant visa holders So pay "extra" to enter, pay "extra" to leave wait until they want to collect 100Baht for every suitcase you want to put in a taxi,van or bus and the 50Baht fuel surcharge for the same taxi,van,bus ride ..don't forget the 50Baht enviromental fee or a fee for before 7am or after 23:59 oh. and the 100Baht for crossing the Somat Prakan/ Bangkok line they got the foot in the door. it will never stop you could go to NY or California if you like paying extra and not mind getting the snot kicked out of you if you look at someone the wrong way
  11. a whale bone .... comes to mind
  12. after the local delivery man/woman rings our doorbell ( at least 6times in rapid fashion) and hands us a slip we have to drive 7.7km from Wang Phong over to the Pran Buri Post office to pay and pick up the package by the way the wife has trained the delivery people to call her phone instead of ringing the bell ....
  13. That's why cash is King.. the more scan/digital payments they take the odds are stacked against them
  14. K Bank . seperate and joint accts joint acct we both have cards and mobile banking ...
  15. he should go for something more interesting .. like a double inguinal hernia
  16. French individual attempting to ship cocaine hidden in a toy car that was so dumb .. now my brain hurts
  17. Back in the old day ....a good slap in the head from MOM would fix just about anything !
  18. Moved here to get away from that cool,cold,freezing... some like it hot !
  19. Come guys .. she was perfect in 2016 and is perfect today .. A perfect A-Hole !
  20. sounds great thank you !
  21. 14 years old worked cleanng tables mopping up and hauling out the garbage all after school .. yes roaches , and maggots and rats in the dumpster never tried the hunt and cook there.... I'll give it a go . love a good steak
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