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Posts posted by DK2223

  1. 100 million "dent" in the economy?

    That translates to a loss of 5000 tourists each spending 20,000.

    What time frame is he talking about? I think the calibre of the tourists going to the district for a weekend of nooky are not the 20,000-in-a-weekend type of customers, and not in those numbers either.

    You have no idea on the economy and price that is in betong..I have been there every weekends for a 2 years time frame and trust me the tourists there spent 20,000 per night and some even more( for myself I spend around 20,000 - 40,000 baht every weekend).. Me and my friends can spent 600,000- 1,000,000 baht for a 4 days trip..

    So please get your fact right before you judge something..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So, you must be a great and important person since you are such spenders. You must surely too have many important and influential friends in high places too. You and your friends can continue to spend your money but do not forget to tell us how good you are so the rest of us have someone to look up to and admire.

    I see that you have an I-mobile IQ 5.3, which costs about 5500 baht?

    Why do you buy such a mobile with your big money?

    You say you spend 20 'to 40,000 every weekend in Bentong it gets about 1.5 million a year and you buy an I-mobile IQ 5.3cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    Oh, so if you have money you must buy an expensive phone ? Wow there are so many total fools on this forum. He even thinks he is funny but is obviously a sad example of a human sheep.

    The owner of the phone probably has lots of money to spend because he is not a fashion victim who has to buy the most expensive phone even though a Imoble does everything an iphone does except make a big profit for Apple....... perhaps he want to buy from a Thai company supporting local industry instead of making some capitalist American company profit

    Just to let you know this is my money and if I have the money to be human sheep that is my problem and if you don't have the money to be like me then please don't be jealous..and yes other then that I still using the Nokia X1 as my second phone..so must a rich person use an Iphone or any expensive phone in the market? Then you want to let me know that all the university student is rich because of they are using all the Iphone and Samsung..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. 100 million "dent" in the economy?

    That translates to a loss of 5000 tourists each spending 20,000.

    What time frame is he talking about? I think the calibre of the tourists going to the district for a weekend of nooky are not the 20,000-in-a-weekend type of customers, and not in those numbers either.

    You have no idea on the economy and price that is in betong..I have been there every weekends for a 2 years time frame and trust me the tourists there spent 20,000 per night and some even more( for myself I spend around 20,000 - 40,000 baht every weekend).. Me and my friends can spent 600,000- 1,000,000 baht for a 4 days trip..

    So please get your fact right before you judge something..

    What on earth do you spend so much money on?

    OK..1 bottle of Heineken is 300-350 baht.. 1 bottle of Chivas is around 3000 baht.. 1 show girl flower is 500 baht( per piece)..1 night of happy ending with a girl is around 3000- 5000 baht..so the rest I let you do the calculations..So now you can know why 1 night you can spend 20,000 baht with the blind of an eye..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. 100 million "dent" in the economy?

    That translates to a loss of 5000 tourists each spending 20,000.

    What time frame is he talking about? I think the calibre of the tourists going to the district for a weekend of nooky are not the 20,000-in-a-weekend type of customers, and not in those numbers either.

    You have no idea on the economy and price that is in betong..I have been there every weekends for a 2 years time frame and trust me the tourists there spent 20,000 per night and some even more( for myself I spend around 20,000 - 40,000 baht every weekend).. Me and my friends can spent 600,000- 1,000,000 baht for a 4 days trip..

    So please get your fact right before you judge something..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. IMO the rice farmer do not need to borrow any money to do the farming..1 rai of cost for farming is around 4000-5000 baht and it can sell for around 6000-8000 baht. What I really think is the government need to start educating the local how to manage their finances rather then help them by all the subsidiary support to them. Most of the farmer I see is that they borrow money from bank or loan shark is not for farming but to buy thing that they desire. Etc: Borrow 100,000 baht, 20,000 baht when to farming and 80,000 baht when to purchase a car and after they harvest and sell of the farming product and they start to complaints the product cannot cover the loan the borrow but they never think that they just invest 20% of the loan and not the full amount of the loan they borrow. How are they going to be able to pay even with any government subsidy.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. IMO the rice farmer or any farmer need to start survive themself and used their brain without any help from the government or any agencies.. They are getting more and more lazy day by day..the government need to teach them how to fish rather then giving them the fish everytime they need it..is not a long term solution..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  6. Now, the protester have the power to appoint a government.. What a joke in Thailand.. Someone please tell the protestor that the only way to appoint a government is to go for election and not by their current status as protester to appoint a government.. Just call them to wake up and don't listen to their rally leader to much and start to learn some general knowledge on politic and government..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I think that you will find that the PTP have NO authority as a disgraced party to pick the PM either.

    They picked YL's successor in a rush setup before the constitution could be consulted, knowing the the stupid Thai constitution is missing many articles to make provisions for anything happening in today's political climate....

    The actual and most organic procedure would be the senate, seeing as it is sitting at the moment.. The PDRC would clearly go through the senate to make the call for replacing the PM and empty cabinet positions.

    The PTP have assumed the power even though there is NO parliament and they have only a dozen members in 'caretaker' roles.... they don't actually own the role of appointing a new PM... They are no longer in power. It is as simple as that... The CC should be telling them that they do not have power. They are NOT the government... again I stress this point. The government disappeared from the scene after parliament was dissolved. They are nothing more than a political party with a few members remaining in caretaker jobs.... nothing more than that.

    As long as the PDRC demand that this appointment go via the senate.... they have it 100% correct.

    You are correct on the last sentence.. But remember the CC only dismissed Yingluck and other 9 minister but not the ruling party and the CC also stated that other caretaker role is still effective.

    So if you want what you say then ask to CC to dismissed the whole caretaker role and the whole PT party.. And in the constitution they stated that the out going party will rule on behalf until a now government is form. So if you want other then that then ask PDRC to be a valid political party so that they can appeal to the Senate to let them form a new government..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. The outcome of the next election will give a true indication of the level of division in this land.

    One would expect turnout will be very high - 75% +

    Should things transpire in a similar fashion to Thaksins 2005 triumph, surely it would be the death knell of the anti-democrats.

    PTP pushing 60% (2005 = 56.4%) of the popular vote and the Democrats sinking below 20% (2005 = 16.1%) would be a pretty clear indication of the unity of the vast majority of Thais as to how they want their country run and who they want to run it.

    In the face of such an overwhelming and resounding defeat the geriatric generals, plutocrats, PAD, PDRC, Yellows, Pitak Siam, Suthep, Democrats, Abhisit, appointed Senators, NACC, CC judges, Health Dept. officials, ex military Thai Airways executives, Singha Beer heiresses and that crazy assed Monk would be forced to give up entirely their futile and illegal attempts to snatch power forever more.

    Pretty obvious why they all are so afraid of elections being held isn't it!

    On the other hand it could go the other way: PTP 20% Democrats 80%. Aren't baseless predictions fun? My prediction: Democrats 60% PTP 30% minor parties 10%.

    Then please ask your beloved party to go for election..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. There is ways for the NACC to prevent this civil war from happening. The red shirt is now preparing to fight because they feel that the NACC is not transparent enough on the case that they charge against Yingluck and further more the case/charges started when the PDRC claim and push the NACC to charge Yingluck on the rice scheme. So in the eyes of the red shirt, the NACC is doing and siding with the PDRC and trying to take down their elected representative. If the DEMs really want to end what they call Thaksin regime then they need to pull out and shop this Suthep and go for election. On the ballot box even if they lose, they can still go ahead with the charge against Yingluck as an elected opposition party. When everything is clear on the court then they red shirt cannot do anything because if the red start a war then the military will have a reason to stop the red and the public/ international community won't see it as a coup.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 2
  9. One of the worst reports I have read on the matter.

    Started off with some spin saying this Lanna movement is possibly PDRCs fault, and then points out all the problems since 2006 and Thaksin's name mentioned throughout... Doesn't that tell you that maybe Thaksin is behind all the problems??

    Of course Thailand has not moved forwards.

    Since Thaksin absconded, we have had five and a half of those eight years under a 'Thaksin controlled government'. Governments that Thaksin and the red shirts are responsible for.

    No wonder people call them buffalo.

    So a report attempting to put Thailand's problems onto the PDRC when throughout the same report the real reasons were on display and so bloody obvious and yet the author never spotted it.


    What a crock, This person did a great analysis of the problems as they exist, taking a look at the situation as it really exist, quite unheard of in the Thai media. All sides are to blame in the current crisis.

    The military by staging the coup and rewriting the constitution, re structuring the Senate and the legal system to insure the ammart need not win political victories to have power in future governments.

    Yingluck and PTP were foolish in trying to force the amnesty bill down Thailand throat, the Democrat unrealistically hoped to be placed back into power by a military coup and chose to forsake Thailand's democracy for its own quest for un-elected power.

    PDRC has accomplished little in its complete obstruction of progress in the country, what it did accomplish is ferment hate in the country that will have a lasting effect on the future of Thailand. and its masses.

    But the greatest damage was done by the Thai legal system that made it quite clear to the country it will always result in their biased decision and ruling will always favor the country's ammart, no matter how many election they win the ammart will always take their victories away from them using the bias legal system to do it.

    The court has made a number of stupid decision, but the peaceful protester ruling only conveyed to the pro government supporters their worst fears were realized they will never get the their rights respected in Thailand's political military/ammart stunted government and something new is needed!


    The military by staging the coup and rewriting the constitution, re structuring the Senate and the legal system to insure the ammart need not win political victories to have power in future governments.

    Just who is this mysterious group of people you consider the ammarat. Lets face it you are clueless and pick a mysterious unknown group to be behind it all. Do you see conspiracies in every thing backed up by mysterious unnamed people. The people who are in power were the PTP red shirts backed up by Thaksin Shinawatra. No secret there. No mysterious bunch of unnamed people.

    The people who are behind Suthep are the grass roots people who after years of watching the destruction of a decent government have risen up no secret there. Yes there names are unknown but you might know a few of them your self. They could be your neighbor or work mate. Your grocery clerk the man behind the desk at the information counter in the Mall The factory worker. Just plain ordinary Thais who have had enough of Thaksin and his clan which includes many bought and paid for politicians.

    But just to ask you, are you so sure that there is no other people behind Thaksin and the people backing up Suthep is just the people you mentioned?

    Then can you please let me know where and how all the money came from for the protester to set up stages and to give food to the other protester by just this kind of people?

    Please wake up and don't take side to view this issue..All politicians is a puppet to the rich and powerful ( this included Thaksin, Suthep and all other politician). In this world and coming future there will not be a real politician with a mind just to serve only to the public and protect the public from the rich abuse over the poor but all politician will always do and listen to the people that control the economy cause all government need money to run the country( and their own pocket). And just a reminder, now is 21st century, no one fight for land or for the people to have place to live but all just fight for money, power over the economy and their selfish little pocket..

    So don't be so innocent to set a statement that we cannot ever confirm or understand what is all the benefit to getting involve in politics ( cause we are not politician).

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. In the last paragraph..why he ask for a debate but stated that he doesn't want included democratic election or democratic ways to end the conflicts..so why have this debate when what Suthep wants is calling the government to accept his proposal on the reform and doesn't want to share of power when there will be two or more political party involve in election (but I agree on the return of asset thing)..So does Suthep mean he want all the power and everything else? So by the end we just know this debate is not to settle the conflicts on both side and get a compromise but just to show who is more fierce and louder..

    If like this then his debate on TV will just be another talk, challenge, pointing finger at each other and by the end there will not be any solution to this conflict..

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 5.3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Thank you for your input. It is hard time for Thailand. And I definately appreciate your concern. I feel you. It is a hard time in Thailand to make such a decison. I am not saying I have the right decison. But I will tell you, Suthep does not control the prostestor as you may think. The prostestor or the people will throw him out quickly. If he mistep. There are lots of good people here in the bunch. I think they will not allow Suthep to trick them. If you knew the people out there demonstrating. If you talked to them, you see their frustration. But would you rather have the PTP solution to the reform where the government sets uo the structure and has the final say. Suthep idea is good as far as there atre no politicians involved. But the biggest thing, it will be transparent. Believe me, I have to have faith in the protestors, these are genuinely good and sincere people, they will make sure that this people council will not abuse its power. And as they are vocal about the government today, and they will be in the future as I have been. What are our other choice, YS form of Reform council, where the govt has the final say and where the govt creates the structure. And where they will decide if it will become law or not.

    I love Thailand as much as you do, I am truely disappointed by YS. She has shamed the country. And most importantly shamed democracy. Democracy is really based on faith of the people, I would rather place my faith in this than YS govt. They already showed us what they can do. And most agree, it is not good.

    Thank you for your input. It is hard time for Thailand. And I definately appreciate your concern. I feel you. It is a hard time in Thailand to make such a decison. I am not saying I have the right decison. But I will tell you, Suthep does not control the prostestor as you may think. The prostestor or the people will throw him out quickly. If he mistep. There are lots of good people here in the bunch. I think they will not allow Suthep to trick them. If you knew the people out there demonstrating. If you talked to them, you see their frustration. But would you rather have the PTP solution to the reform where the government sets uo the structure and has the final say. Suthep idea is good as far as there atre no politicians involved. But the biggest thing, it will be transparent. Believe me, I have to have faith in the protestors, these are genuinely good and sincere people, they will make sure that this people council will not abuse its power. And as they are vocal about the government today, and they will be in the future as I have been. What are our other choice, YS form of Reform council, where the govt has the final say and where the govt creates the structure. And where they will decide if it will become law or not.

    I love Thailand as much as you do, I am truely disappointed by YS. She has shamed the country. And most importantly shamed democracy. Democracy is really based on faith of the people, I would rather place my faith in this than YS govt. They already showed us what they can do. And most agree, it is not good.

    I hope you are correct, but I can be very sure the people cannot have a say in the council form by Suthep. Currently regarding on the Council thing, Suthep idea of a council that he want to form is 300 civil people and 100 elected by him ( 100 will hold the power), this is what I can be sure of that this council will abuse it power due to they will need to answer to him. Until now really he have already misstep on everything, I also support him when he was trying to stop the current government on the amnesty bill but after that he have take the advantage of the people support and start his own agenda. You need to remember is if Suthep really want transparency he should stop this chaos and find the fact to prove to the public (not by holding reason on Thaksin regime, anti-corruption and etc. This is all just want to get support from the people that hated Thaksin and not really showing any transparency to the people) and I can tell you if this go the correct way, people from the rural will also support him. Why until today people in the rural area cannot support him is because during he is in the government, he didn't treat the rural and poor people equally and bias just to benefit the elite.

    By the end for me what I really care about is the people living here if this chaos continue. I really don't care who is holding the government, just what the can do for the people. By the end starting a chaos onto the country like now is not the way to bring reform cause this will effect the future of the people thinking ( what I mean is if Suthep get what he want by force, then when something goes wrong again the opposition will used the same way to take back the power and this will be never ending story on Thailand politics). No matter how, I just don't want to see a country falls because of just a few self interest people.

  12. ''He's a madman' 'He's a raving lunatic' 'He's the new Hitler' 'He's a fascist'

    The Anti Suthep's have no real argument against him, they just start with the constant character attacks and saying things like 'He hates all us foreigners' and 'He wants his place at the trough' and 'He's just as bad as the rest of them' yeah yeah blah blah hyperbole, vitriol, hypothetical.

    Easier than trying to make some kind of rational intelligent argument I guess...

    Instead of attacking Suthep, why not try and defend your beloved Thaksin ? The convicted fugitive on the run with a government made up of mostly criminals. Tell us all, what wonderful things have they done for the country ? Let's look at the facts and this government's record. Tell u7s all, why are PT so good you don't want to see them gone. ''They were democratically elected'' is no argument when they have proven time and again they only believe in 'democracy' when iyt suits them and when it doesn't they brazenly flout the law and the constitution. They are terrible people who have done a terrible job. Prove me wrong Thaksin lovers.....

    Ok. I am not here to prove you wrong or neither am I a Thaksin lover. Thaksin is not to be defended due to he is corrupted and self interest man. PT is not good or event the Democrat are and I want both or them gone and let a new fresh face into politic(but not a self elected People Council by Suthep). I agree with you that the PT have done a terrible job runing the goverment But have the Democrat or Suthep done a good job when the run the government?

    Then all people starting to say that let the current government resign and path ways for reform? Just to ask all you people that is supporting what Suthep is doing now, what reform idea have Suthep come out with? all I can see is he supporting his people council (without any real details) and selling people with idea of anti-corruption, Thaksin regime and etc. Currently what I can see is this Suthep is as dirty as Thaksin and all he is doing is for his elected people council to control the government and he can be the master mind behind the people council as what he is say on Thaksin that is controlling the government from behind, so what is the different with the situation now that Suthep call the people to go against the currently government? Wake up and face the reality.

    What I can see now is Suthep is with his own agenda and using chaos to get what he wants. I cannot see any benefit that is coming from Suthep for the people in this chaos. If you truly believe what Suthep doing is for the people then I tell you that after all this is done, the only one that will suffer is the people living here (Thai or Foreigner) and the economy of the country. Thailand SET, currency and economy have been dropping seen everything started and you tell me is for the good of the country and people. What I can say here is Suthep can do whatever he wants just don't go to deep until there is no turning back for Thailand in the international level.

    What I am seeing is that Suthep and if financier is playing with the power and economy of the country. As an old politician as he is, he is not as simple minded and innocent as what he is showing to his supporter. For me I will never believe in a politician (Suthep, Thaksin or etc.) on any ground because they are all dirty, power and money crazy. So just hope everything will go down without facing the worst.

    So your solution is to hold the election and allow the same broken mechanism to consume the future of thailand? Remember, if the protestors did not take action, all the things they were doing would get done and where would thailand be now. And if you have an election, and they win, they will just press the resume button and continue on their distructive path.

    It is like driving a car from BKK to Chiang Mai. If you notice your car over heating, what do you do? You can keep driving. Then all of a sudden you hear a loud rattling sound from beneath your car, do you keep driving? Now you notice smoke coming out under your hood, do you insist on driving still? You can, but what is your chances of arriving at your destination? What about the safety of your family members and your friends in the car? Actually it would have been more dramatic driving from LA to Las Vegas. There are hardly anything in between.

    Would you allow Thai democracy in its condition to transport its citizen toward their future knowing all that is broken?

    But you need research Suthep's idea first. Listen to his idea. He speaks about that frequently to the citizens. it's not perfect, but a positive step in the right direction.

    This may seem these are desperate measures, but these are desperate time. We can not allow this government to return and return to business as usual. I am all for election. I was happy the YS won and gave her the benefit of the doubt. But as result clearly seen as this, I know I can no longer kid myself and play dumb.

    My post solution is not regarding on holding election or not. What I mean is that the Democrat can used a more better ways to put a reform and not by doing chaos to the country. So what do you mean is that if the reform happen and PT or any Thaksin Clan win an election again, then you are saying to go to the street again and start chaos onto the country like now? If you keep this kind of mind set the I will tell you, this will be a never ending story because there will always be people that have self interest and different think and there will never be a government that can satisfy everyone interest that why will have election.

    With this kind of Chaos, civil unrest and etc, there will not be a good solution for the country or even to start a reform. Yes you are correct on the example regarding the car.overheating, but just to tell you even is the car is having smoke, broke down or any things happen, there is a lot of other way to handle the trouble (doesn't mean that there is only one way to handle it).

    For your information, I have research on Suthep idea and this is not a solution that will benefit for the people. Are you telling me that an elected council by him is a good solution? Then where is the people power that he is always saying on the stage? As I say before, no matter which politician or political party is involve in the government is not to be trusted and the opposition need to find ways to stop the government to implement anything that is not transparent by democratic ways not by overthrowing a government or starting a chaos, furthermore as an old politician like Suthep, he have so many years for him to start a reform and what did he do? Then after all the power have been taken away from him for 20 years then he now stand up and say he represent the people to call on a reform. Do you think this is logic or you are to innocent to believe that? Just a last question, How can you grantee me that the country won't be broken in the future? For me as long as there is politician the is serving for self interest will as bring down a country no matter who is in charge (Suthep or Thaksin is the same)

    • Like 1
  13. So Bangkok gets shutdown.

    Businesses have to close.

    People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

    Businesses will go bankrupt

    People will lose there jobs

    Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

    Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

    Loans wont get repaid

    Homes get foreclosed

    Cars repossessed

    Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

    The list goes on

    Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

    NO as they wont think past today.

    Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

    my idea the same just get this guy in to jail can nobody see he is a second Hitler only educated people understand the real meaning of democracy

    "Only educated people understand the meaning of democracy". Well that would surely rule out the majority of Isan and perhaps your good self.

    .Truly educated people would understand that democracy has several forms and what is currently in practice in this country is Oligarchy and that is what this whole dam protest is all about. The people want a representative democracy which has competency and is devoid of the corruption and self interest and the dysfunctional mantra of the Shiwatra's and the PTP.

    In your last sentence, you are correct the people want competency, anti-corruption and self interest government, but is Suthep the answer to all that and if really the Shin's clan out of politic can you or anyone grantee that all this (competency, anti-corruption and self interest) will re totally remove? I really won't bet on that due to all politician by the end of the day will be the same(incompetency, corrupted and self interest).

  14. The Red's from he countryside see their basic human rights disappearing under Suthep's People's Council, whether you think it will happen or not is beside the point. They will fight not to be disenfranchised. And people fighting for causes usually triumph over those fighting for a few bucks.

    First of all, those guys don't have a clue what basic human rights are. Their leader in exile will be remembered as the biggest human rights abuser in modern Thai history. During his reign 20 human rights activists had been assassinated. A fact. Can't you see the problem? So your argument about them fighting for the basic human rights doesn't hold water.

    Furthermore, in red control areas and particularly villages human rights are blatantly denied to anyone who dares to express different point of view. I dare you to visit their areas and express different political views. See what happens.

    Please don't make judgement when you never try it or you don't know. I live in this area and I do express my point of view to the people here and for your information, nothing happen to me. Judge yourself first before you judge other people.

    • Like 1
  15. Did you ever read I want Shinawatra still govern this country? Don't write things I never wrote.

    I don't like Shins, I don't like Suthep. Did I make myself clear?

    Suthep wants an unelected Council People and said it will be in charge for time to make reforms (12-18) months.

    The previous government, where Suthep was in charge, did not make a political reform in more than 2 years and half.

    Said that, peace. I won't play your game here...

    After the 2010 protests, the Abhisit government set up a neutral reform committee that released their report around the time of the election. The current government haven't acted on any of their suggestions.

    You not get my point:

    if the system is wrong as Suthep said. I guess the first priority is doing reforms about it, right? He is squealing that every night.

    And he said his council will take 12-18 months for make the reforms.

    Now, how that would be possible if in 2 years and half they were not able to make even ONE political reform? (Maybe they just loved and enjoyed the corrupt system at that time and did not want the reform).

    And why anyway if it's so urgent they did not start the panel back in 2009? Why wait people protest and bloodshed if reform are so necessary?

    Because emergency reforms to halt longrunning bloodshed and division gives you a firmer pretense for holding power by force during the next 12-18 months of political and economic uncertainty, particularly if you know you can't win the vote.

    So does this mean by the end, all Suthep want after all the chaos is that he just want to hold the power? (so someone please tell him stop all the selling and go in front of the people, the government and the military and tell them that all I (Suthep) want is you give me the power to control and I will stop all this). So this is more easy for all side to do their jobs.

  16. Democracy is a wonderful illusion in Thailand when it is the result of populist programs like the rice pledging scam paying too much, the first car rebate program and inferior tablets for children all paid for with the money of the next elected government and all of the people, including those who don't receive any of the benefits. Many/most Isaan Thais would vote for Kim Jun-un for a 500 baht "gift". The increased minimum wages have less value than before the increase. Inflation is soaring if you check what you actually pay instead of reading the government's reports. Food, petrol and electricity have all increased greatly. Many things that I regularly purchase have increased 30-50% in the last two years. The "high speed" (not bullet) train fiasco will bring huge rewards to those who are connected and place the country in a whole new super level of debt for the next 50 years. Yes democracy and mostly the result of a democratically bought election.

    You are a fool if you think the Shins have any concern for the typical and poor Thai. The people are simply a steppingstone for their goals of more wealth and power. Suthep has distanced himself from the other political parties and that is good. He will go away after the Shins have been removed from power. Suthep is "over the top" at times, but the man is the only one with big enough balls to do what needs to be done to rid Thailand of the Shins and their self serving interests. If a military coup is needed to complete the task, then let it be.

    I somehow don't think you have a clue what you are talking about.

    Any government who gets in anywhere in the world is corrupt so where you think the Thais can find on here that would not be corrupt bewilders me.

    At least with Thaksin he didn't try to hide being corrut. He would be the first to admit that he is/was BUT he still gave a lot to not only the people in the North but to all Thais. Lets just say his Internet satalite for instance and he strongly believed that without GOOD Internet that Thailand will fall behind which has happened since he was ousted. I have NEVER has decent internet in Thailand and if you don't think it is important these days then you are kidding yourself.

    So the people have 2 choices:

    1) A govenment that is corrupt but gives back to the people and especially the farmers who are the most important people in the world or

    2) A government that won't admit they are corrupt, hides everything from the people and gives back absolutely ZERO to the people.

    Not the best choices but true.

    PS: I am not a supporter of either group however I do care about my existance here.

    Re "Thaksin would be the first to admit he was corrupt." LOL - Sorry dude, but that's gotta be the dumbest comment of the year.

    After 70 years of UNBROKEN POLITICAL OPPRESSION by ruling elites, IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE.

    What change? How to change? A change is really a good thing but not with the situation now.

    Real change is needed but not by "Kill a Lion and putting a Tiger in the same cage with the sheep" it will be the same result.

  17. For me if Abhisit is clever, he now will go back to participate for the upcoming election, go against Suthep and his backers with evidence and start to ask protester to voice their opinion in a democratic ways not mob or terrorist way (this will weaken Suthep and his selfish backers power and people will start to think before they follow). During the campaign, he just need to find the fact and prove to the public on the current government corruption (I think he can't do that due to he, Suthep and his people is also in it) and the prove that Thaksin is behind every move, then influence the North and Northeastern people that the Democrat will treat them equally and start to find solution to bring up the rural area. Even if they lose in this election, they still have 4 year to find all the fact and prove to the public and by time people will start to know the fact and eventually then they will win back the government if they start to practice transparency in politics (but this will weaken his pocket but it will also weaken Thaksin influence, but if he really want reform then this is the way to start). Not just talk with word and stand by the dictator Suthep without action and pointing finger at each other. Then this will really be the way to stop all the civil unrest and a one step forward to start a reform. Not by going to the streets or pointing finger at other people about theirs wrong doing.

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  18. Let see how this all goes. If really Suthep would shout down Bangkok for months, then I can say this will be a big trouble for the economy of Bangkok and as of Thailand. When all the private sector, multinational company and fortune 500 company start to stop all investment toward Bangkok (due to economy and SET drop, currency unstable and etc.) then I want to see if this Suthep really have what power or connection behind him (to help the millions of people he claim of fighting for). For now what I can see from Suthep is just action without a solution to the matter. What he can only do now is to push forward with everything he got and hope for miracle to happen so he can step back without an arrest and losing his face to the people. He got no more move the get out of this situation because of too much selling the impossible to his supporter. For me there will never be what he claims to be "free of corruption" due to he is also as corrupted as the other. It just the matter of how many percent of the cake that he can get after all this mass.

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  19. she is doing the same as any democratic country would ask. She is the caretaker for the government until she is voted back in by the majority.

    Suthip has gone way overboard with his personal attracts and dies not sound like he has the countries interests at heart, only the elite pocket fillers.

    Suthep has given many opportunities for her to resign, and still she insists she is right when the people on the street are saying she is wrong. This is a lot like when the people gave the Chaucescu's plenty of warnings, till they pushed it too far and look what happened to them.

    Please refer to news before Dec. He said before, if the PM resign or resolve the parliament is not enough, he want the people council that is elected by him. So now after all this he said to call PM resign, is like he is slapping his mouth himself.

  20. I wish all Thais would realize that this whole idiotic episode is about who gets to control government contracts. Who would die for someone else's pockets? It's definitely not for the plight of freedom and democracy. Btw, the Democrat Party should have their use of the word 'democrat' stripped from them. They are just as bad.

    Why? Because they want a clean and non corrupt democratic system??

    Are you sure on this statement? All politician is as corrupted is the other. So please don't put a statement that you have no fact to provide. By the end what I can only see is all about power and money. The loser will be the people living in the country.

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  21. I really don't understand why people debate on this matter. If people agree that people with degree and tax payer only can vote the I just ask you all, degree in Thailand is really just a paper or they are really educated?and how many taxpayer really pay their tax amount? Just to ask all the taxpayer, it is a problem for you all that your tax is going to the poor people to help them in their live? People here say that most people from the north or northeast are involve in prostitution and do you all really knows that how many degree holder(around Thailand, not only the north) are involve in prostitution? I am a business owner and I never hire people just because they have a degree or master in their hands (I base on their accountability, responsibility, experience, attitude, characteristic and many more to judge a person). And just for your info I am not even a diploma holder in my own country but I can be in a very high position in my job and I can build my own business. To me no matter they are poor, uneducated, taxpayer or not, they have the right to live and they have the right to be a citizen. Don't ever separate yourself with education, position and wealth with other people, put yourself in their shoe and thinks. Don't be so selfish that you think that you so all educated people are higher then any other people. For me we all are in the same level, just how we choose to live our live.

  22. This is how I think, Suthep want to bring down the Thaksin family in politics and selling to his supporter on phase like stop corruption, stop Thaksin regime, stop vote buying, start a political reform and so on. Just to ask, how he want to stop all this reason that he speak every night? and how he wants to start on that?(not by self elect people council, we know that this is not going to work. Even he himself know that).

    Simple, to reduce corruption(we all know that we cannot stop corruption) is to start practice transparency to all the politician(included himself) with their past jobs that they have done with fact and evidence then the people will know what to do. But this is not going to happen because he is as corrupted as all the politician that he is going against.

    To stop Thaksin regime, he himself know that he cannot stop Thaksin influence in this country even all of Thaksin family move out from politics or event the country. Then all people say Thaksin interested to come back to politics, let me say one thing, Thaksin is not interested in politics, he really interested in is the economy in Thailand (He is a businessman and to him all he wants is money, yes if his family is in politics, it is more easy for him but even his family is not in politics he is still able to involve in politics. Why? we all know the people that control the country economy,control the country politics because politics and government need money to run the country. Do you all think Thaksin foreign financier interested in Thailand politics? no they all interested in Thailand economy.) So people of Thailand need to wake up and face the reality.

    Then now we start with vote buying, for this matter I can tell you that this is all BS. Vote buying have been in SE Asia politics seen before Thaksin and Suthep in politics. So for me this is just a selling point for people to support him for his agenda.

    Yes I total agree that a reform must take place, but what Suthep is doing with his self elected People Council and pushing by force to overthrow the current government is not the way to start reform. To reform a country, it cannot be done in just a year or two, it will take a long time and new blood of politicians need to come in and start the reform( not by an old politician that is as corrupted as others).

    So for me, all I can see from Suthep is that he want back the portion and benefit that he have lost in the past 20 years of his political carrier that is a piece of the cake that Thaksin have been eating for so long. So it this what the Thai people wants for their so call reform? Kill a lion and put a tiger in the same cage.

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