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tookwan cottage

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Posts posted by tookwan cottage

  1. I am writing this from IT House in Pantip Plaza, based on the recommendation of another TV user, and Woody is indeed the best Apple guy in The Kingdom. 3rd floor, 085 100 0811 or 087 246 6660.

    Seriously, I am not a happy man because I have been wasting time and money with other jokers.

  2. Went across yesterday, 2 Aug 2015, no problems, no questions, no documentation requested. Both sides were friendly and quick. However, as acetraveler says, posted sign on the Thai passport control booth says "no more visa runs" with a warning about the illegality of using tourist visas for non-visa purposes. The sign also advises all foreigners entering the kingdom must have proof of on going travel reservations, hotel reservations, 10,000 THB in cash per person.

    We were a large family on US passports, not being guided by an tourism company, with two of our children having been born in Thailand and with a valid residence permit for a nearby country, and we only make occasional short trips to Thailand--all of that they could see in our passports, so we looked like what we are, which is pure tourists. Small, cute, friendly kids may help too.

    On the Myanmar side I was expecting them to keep our passports and give us a receipt to reclaim them upon exit as I had heard about, but they took our 10 USD per person (they asked for 500 THB, but I had read that they will accept 10 USD) and stamped us both in and out of the country at the same time. Upon exiting we simply had to show the passports to an official and walk back across the bridge. We received another 30 day visa waiver.

    So I would guess that as others have reported, they will stop people who appear to be doing this alot, but if one does happen to be near Mae Sai anyway, hasn't done this before and wants a bit more time in Thailand, this may be a cheaper option than the 1900 THB extension. (We have seven passports, so worth it for us.)

    Wow, they did not even keep your passports, and stamped you both in and out! Now that is progress, as it will make it much quicker, I think!

  3. Drugs is a nasty habit , just like alcohol . But cocain is a fast killer , we dont need drug dealers in this kingdom .

    I am confused balo, as alcohol—like nicotine and caffeine—is a drug, so why do you make a distinction? I can forgive you for mis-spelling "cocaine," but surely you must realize that alcohol is a drug!

    Then, if you follow the logical train of thought, so to speak, you will then realize the ridiculousness of your statement regarding "drug dealers," as convenience stores sell two of the aforementioned drugs—the drug dealers are already established throughout The Kingdom, and they are very, very, very wealthy and have been so for many, many, many years.

    Does this make sense?

  4. If I ran out of money when retired I would return to Scandi.

    If I did at say 70 years old they would give me some sort of home and some money to spend.

    I am still working and have over 10 years to go before retiring and I am saving so I don't run out of money (hopefully).

    A former friend did just that last year; His wife spend all his saving on building a 5 story condo out in Jomtien and they managed to almost finished the building before they ran out of money.

    His wife did a runner with 5mill I been told when she could see the writing on the wall and she told my friend to take their son with him home.

    Everybody told him not to build this condo and save his +20mill baht and spend 1 mill per year and pension on top but no, he would not listen to us.

    Now he is sitting back home, poor as poor can be and I think the only reason he are still alive is because of his son or he would have taken the easy way out and ended his life.

    Sad man.

    If this story is fully accurate, then it gives me even more reason to be grateful for my life. It is intriguing that people persist even though EVERYONE they know is advising them otherwise.

  5. Above assumes your debit card will allow such a cash withdrawal - believe most will as mine have 1 and 1.5k USD limits for cash. Never make the mistake that a debit card gives you access to all you bank funds (as I once did) - they have daily limits.

    Yep, got that part sorted. Just need a swift withdrawal process now! Thank you kindly, lopburi3!

  6. I apologize if this is a well-worn topic--I once had a lead, but I now cannot locate it on this forum.

    I am just trying to avoid the 20K daily limit, and would also like to pay one 180-baht fee, rather than three. I just need to withdraw 30K baht in one go, but my debit card/savings account is with a foreign bank.

    Yes, I sound stingy, but I really need to be at the moment. Any help will be much appreciated.

  7. Dear TV Members:

    I have always been adamant about the unfairness of "stupidity" and "laziness" claims from expats/foreigners regarding Thai people, but then I spoke with a corporate English teacher who has been in The Kingdom for 8 years yesterday, and this is the first thing he said to me, without missing a beat:

    "They lack common sense and are lazy."

    I grilled him on this for at least 5 mins, but he maintained his position without hesitation.

    So, am I just naive because I don't spend a lot of time in close quarters with Thai people? Is there anyone who can provide me with an objective, considered, and respectful viewpoint?

    Any help will be appreciated.


  8. One suspects you up for getting a good education for your kids, to give them the best shot in life, so let me ask you this, you up for THB 250k a term in school fees

    Most uni students back home in Australia have spent 5 years of their lives going to university and are working at 7/11s or some other shitty job. THB 250k i'm guessing is a private school, I wouldn't waste my money! A basic education is enough for starting off. Think about it, half the stuff we learnt at school we don't even need. It's best to work out what you want to do and work your way to that goal. You have to be able to sell yourself at a job interview. I've gotten jobs in accounting in the past where I was against people that spent 3-5 years at university studying accounting (short course), same with Information Technology (1 year of uni). They had basically no social skills where I just sold myself and told the employer what he wanted to hear.

    I refer you to this article (Why Men Should Not Go To College)


    Thats what it can cost you in Thailand, and based on what you have written, seems the best shot you have is an "English" teacher, so fancy that on THB 30k-50k month ?

    Thanks, I hear you need to do an English course back in Australia (1-2 years) to become an English teacher internationally?

    oh dear....how old are you, as your coming across like a sulking teenager ?....you have all the answers already, you know it all...so why bother asking on here ?

    like it or not dear boy, contrary to what you believe a good education is your gateway to success for most people, the ones who are working in 7/11's are most likely took liberal arts degree's which are not worth a shit to anyone for the most part.

    Where I sit today very much related to my parents scrimping/saving to give me the very best education they could afford, I had no contacts/family connections to give a hand up or open a door, but the fact i had a good education opened many doors for me and for that I am very thankful to my parents

    like it or not, Private schools and in the Thai context international schools open a lot more doors for a student beyond just the decent education aspect (which opens doors locally and internationally) but one also has to consider the "school friend" aspect, as lots of these children are put in these schools by the well to do families in Thailand and building relationships and friendships in school, can go a long way later in life, if the child decides their future is in Thailand,

    so in the scheme of things THB 250k a term is not a waste of money, only fool who cant see the direct benefits believes its a waste of money.

    Just listen to Soutpeel, as he has owned this thread. I have argued with Soutpeel in the past on TV, but in regard to his replies here, I could not respond any better! wai2.gif

    My 1st world education has been invaluable to me.

  9. The law isn't clear at all, the Alien Labor Act says nothing about work done in the cloud not employed by a Thai entity, not generating income in Baht, that could be done remotely etc. In fact if you read it, it states over and over again having a 'Thai employer', being paid in THB and making the appropriate employment deductions, etc etc.

    There's never been a court case or a conviction, in decades since the advent of the internet, and likely never will be because it's near-impossible to enforce, and there is no incentive to do so (no Thai jobs are being affected, it's foreign money being transferred into Thailand, etc.). Where is the clarity in the act's definition of working using the word 'working', the very word it is supposed to define.

    Thai authorities have never bothered to clarify it, which would be easily done if they see it as an issue, want taxes paid on it, etc but no word from them. There are dozens of threads debating this to no avail. The only place it's 'clear' is in the opinions of the Thaivisa posters on one side of that debate.

    Also once a Youtube video is put up the ad revenue is passive from that point forward, no 'work' needs to be done. So what if I upload a thousand videos in the UK then come to Thailand for a day? I need to take down the video before I'm in Thai airspace? How about if I live here for years? Who is going to go to the trouble of verifying where and when I uploaded the videos? Since if it's passive, it's no different to living off rental income from properties back home.

    What about renting out new properties remotely while physically in Thailand? Organising it over the phone - you're generating new income while here, no different to tinkering with a website based on UK servers, yet none of the ThaiVisa crowd would say that landlord is 'illegally working in Thailand'.

    I agree though just keep quiet about your business.

    Re: Taxes just don't remit money to a Thai bank account within the year it's earned, and you're technically fine, if you wanted to do things by the book.

    It pains me to admit it, but this jspill post is one of the best I have read on ThaiVisa. Considered with a respectful tone. Please do not misunderstand me, as I am not being sarcastic—thanks jspill! smile.png

  10. Yep. Clearly another case of the hard-done-by expat and the lazy, thieving, no-good Thais.

    You know, I cannot believe this country did not get colonized and even has the Internet. With all this bone laziness, you would think the country would just be a desolate hole with tumbleweed everywhere, rolling around all the sleeping bodies.

    Oh, what a nightmare! Stuck among the lazy, lazy ways of The Kingdom. So, I guess the Thais have not lifted a single finger over the last century, and everything has just been handed to them by the diligent foreigners. Oh, the lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, no-good Thais.

  11. What are you all doing either in Thailand or on this forum when you clearly cannot stand the lying, thieving Thai people? There must be a genetic study somewhere that shows that The Kingdom's gene pool was overtaken by a defective gene of dishonesty somewhere along the evolutionary line.

    I have still not come across this supposed phenomenon, so forgive me if I state that I love The Kingdom and the people who are native to it. Yep, you read that right: I LOVE THAILAND AND THAI PEOPLE.

    Also, I relied on Thai Post for over a year for very important deliveries and NOT ONE was misplaced or tampered with. Again, I repeat: I LOVE THE KINGDOM.

  12. Sounds fishy because on heroin the last thing on your mind is sex, leave alone the fact that you can't get it up on H.

    Firstly, neither of these statements is scientifically sound. Also, heroin might have been used to come down from the stimulants they were using while having sex. How do you know they were using heroin during the sexual part of their session?

  13. Well, if the U.S.' drug laws were not so ludicrous—given that an evidence base does not exist to justify them—then the sex worker would have reported the matter immediately. Also, the male's status as a Google exec would have surely complicated the matter—again, unfair and harmful sanctimony and morality get in the way of humanism.

  14. All these frauds here are peanuts compared to frauds on Wall Street.

    At last, a reply that is actually insightful, absent of gormless racism and "men's rights activism."

    So, who is starting the petition to ban any citizen of a particular country from entering another country. If someone does that, I will start the campaign to save the endangered Western male in Thailand.

    I mean, Western males in Thailand must be the most heavily oppressed and exploited group of people in the universe—since the dawn of time, in fact. Surely!

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