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tookwan cottage

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Posts posted by tookwan cottage

  1. From the article Post #1:

    He noted that online work for overseas companies that pay overseas is not prohibited but that the person will need to get a visa to stay longer, currently there is no new visa for these kinds of people.

    So I guess the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs will have to modify or amend its Tourist Visa Application Form where it states and then you declare in by signature:

    You declare that the purpose of your visit to Thailand is for pleasure only and that in no case shall you engage yourself in any profession or occupation while in the country.

    I recommend for anyone interested in the online work debate to solely follow JLCrab from now on, as his dedication to the issue is on a level beyond human comprehension. I am unsure if the topic affects him/her, but ever since it was raised, the incredibly deep immersion in all matters relevant to the subject by this TV member has been breathtaking!

    • Like 1
  2. well well well, I know it is not confirmed but to all of those who said it would never happen, never say never. There was ALWAYS a chance of this happening

    According to the link below, the virus can only be transfered through body fluids right? So unless he has transfered his saliva, sperm, vomit etc to every woman/man he has been with on the flight and has seen since arriving in Bangkokwai2.gif its probably only him who has anything to worry about. If its confirmed that is, he could just have the flu.. wink.pnghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola_virus_disease

    From what I have researched, the Canadian govt health authority is still unconfirmed about the airborne nature of the virus and the recent Nigerian death was from a man who experienced diarrhea and vomiting on the flight he was on—I think they are still trying to track down all of his co-passengers.

  3. - Tuk Tuk minus for the 'view' and 'comfort' factors. What a joke !

    I always go by moto or taxi.

    I love tuk tuks when the traffic conditions are right: you get the the benefits of a mototaxi ride, but you also get to sit back and relax. Plus, I never seem to get ripped off, as I always know to expect 100BHT beforehand—kind of a special occasion thing, I guess. Otherwise, mototaxis and super fast speeds are brilliant! (Esp. when traffic is heavy.)

  4. I think you got the idea. I would stop here and proceed with caution. As others have said... don't discuss what you do with anyone, it's not their business. Some people on TV have nothing better to do then cause trouble so be careful what you say and do even on this forum.


    If I do move there, it's not likely to be anytime soon though. So I'm not unduly worried.

    Are you lonely or in need of human contact? Maybe join a social club, as many, including myself, cannot see what you are trying to achieve with this thread.

    • Like 1
  5. To me, this whole area seems to raise another issue. My understanding of the real word practicalities of the situation are something like this:

    1) There are many people earning money online in Thailand, but "under the radar" etc.

    2) To be fully legitimate would need Thai company formed.

    Fair enough.

    But it seems to me this is a grey area legally. Countries can of course do what they like in terms of laws, but...

    It seems to me iffy that a country can have, or set itself up as having, a legal right to control economic activity that in fact does not take place on their economic territory at all, except as tapped at an ATM. That in *itself* seems to me borderline illegal...or at the very least, as I put it, "grey area."

    its not a grey area at all. you came in here asking a question. you got your answer and now you want to argue about it! tell you what, email a thai embassy in your home country and ask them.

    Interestingly, I need to support AYJAYDEE's view here. This is the query of someone who needs to use common sense and make the effort to engage in research. Merely asking the question here is an easy way out. Save the bandwidth, as this is a pointless thread.

  6. This is very disturbing. We’ve been living in Egypt for the last six years, where this kind of crime is virtually unknown. But we’re moving to Thailand in October. We will have to upgrade our security thinking when we do.


    Is this primarily a problem that involves cards without CHIP & PIN technology, or are we all vulnerable?






    What the European body has found is that the vast majority of ATM fraud for their citizens occurs outside of the continent—in SE Asia, South America and the U.S.—as they have widely implement C+P technology. It is still important to cover the keypad when you enter your pin, as the cheapest and most widely used skimming devices involve a camera device located somewhere in the ATM.


    The primary reasons that fraud still affects Europeans outside of the EU, even though they have C+P cards, is that ATMs in countries where C+P technology has not been established properly use a secondary magnetic strip on the ATM card that European banks are forced to include, so that their customers can use ATMs abroad. Also, other types of devices have been intercepted, such as claws that physically prevent bills from being dispensed and devices that prevent your card from being returned to you. If you ever lose a card in an ATM, report it immediately—in the U.S., one of the biggest problems is that people lose their cards after hours and just wait until the next business day to report the card taken; meanwhile, the skimmers attack their account. The vast majority of skimming happens immediately, or within minutes, after the data has been stolen.


    I happening eveywhere now, and it seems like it is easy here in Thailand right now.So many stories about this scam. I don't use ATMs outside banks anymore. Always go to the bank. Show my id, withdraw from a transaction by a machine, get the paper and take the money and out. Take a little more time, but absolutely secure and no fee smile.png

    I always try to use ATMs INSIDE the bank - and not just in Thailand either.



    Just make sure you remember that the after-hours ATMs that can be accessed by swiping your ATM card can also be compromised—at the door, rather than the ATM.


    It seems the best way is still to cover the keypad as you enter your data.

  8. In the year 2017 there will be no expats or long term residents under 50 years old left in Thailand. Good for the old man , can keep the young chicks for himself.

    Probably by 2017 they will have tightened up on retirement visas, such as increase the age, amount in Bank x 10, stop issuing retirement extensions making you go back to your home country to apply for a retirement visa with police checks etc yearly. So maybe there will only be a few over 50's left.....

    Thailand only wants tourists, a month is enough to skin the average falang & the girls will be able to have 12 falang boyfriends smile.png

    What a disgraceful statement. Anybody thinking like this about the Thais, shouldn't be here. I wonder how you would react to a Thai, or another foreigner (to your country) referring to your countrymen/women in such a derogatory manner!

    Disgraceful ? why. You wait and see how they will change the rules to remove westerners and as to the girls, thats basically true now, with the new system it means they will be less likely to be caught out by their mobile atms. If you expect me to believe young pretty thai girls are with 60 yr old falangs because they love them you need a reality check

    For your information I am not ';here' I moved to Laos where they are not racist & generally falangs are treated like others, unlike Thailand.

    A word of advice to the OP: review the profile of this now-Laos-based user to see why you have been "tarred with the same brush." I think one should always remember that this is a nation that has never been colonized—and all credit to the Thais too.

  9. Honestly, mods need to go a step further specifically in the thai visa section and edit the title and/or the OP to accurately reflect the situation being described.

    Headlines like 'Visa at airport denied' only to find out that it was a visa exempt (and/or 'out-in' status) would much better serve the reading audience with the title
    "Visa exempt at airport denied"

    With repetition, this will also encourage folks to use the correct terminology (visa vs permission to stay vs visa exempt vs visa on arrival vs extension).

    I managed to secure non-o multiple for visiting family today in penang. More details to follow soon, but it was quite a line; 60-90 min. Not sure if the holiday the day before had something to do with it.


    I am not opposed to your statement, but I am very pleased with how this thread has been moderated. I feel like I was able to process the information I was interested in easily and without unnecessary, arduous tangents impeding me. Thank you to the ThaiViasa.com team.

    • Like 1
  10. Thank you. I have absolutely no idea why Thai officialdom acts the way they do and -- for the most part -- I don't really care or have to care so I don't fail to understand anything.


    There used to be a poster on ThaiVisa who would routinely say that the reason you disagree with me is that you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying. Convenient, huh?


    He is right though JLCrab—you do have way too much time on your hands and you need to find a more meaningful life. Anyone who spends that much time on here in the way that you have is sadly in need of significant personal change.

  11. As for the "how does my presence affect others" issue, perhaps the Thai government fears that too many young foreigners working in Thailand will actually stress the economy?  How?  By pricing Thai citizens out of being able to get taxis, apartments, or homes that are going to foreigners with more money.  That's actually part of the reasoning, I think, to prevent foreign ownership of land.


    As for "other factors," perhaps Thais fear a critical mass of especially young, mobile, critical, demanding foreigners changing their culture in ways they don't want.  Maybe Thailand doesn't want to be like NYC, London, SF, or even Miami.  At this point, what is clear is that Thai immigration has decided there are too many here living around the letter of the law and has decided to thin the herd.


    Excellent example of a helpful contribution. Thank you zydeco smile.png

  12. I honestly don't beieve the vast majority of Thais like foreigners at all. They tolerate us for the money we bring into the country.


    No, no—they tolerate YOU for the money you bring into this country. Your expansive consciousness has not been able to identify anything worthwhile beyond the few temples you saw, so your extraordinary intellect is probably better suited to a more sophisticated culture.


    Funny how someone so bright is lurking on the forum of a country that he/she dislikes so much. Nothing better to do? Just killing time until your Nobel prize?

  13. Beaches - They are filthy and stink

    Nightlife - Bars full of prostitutes

    Bargains - Dual pricing, cheap price for thais and rip off for tourists

    Getting around - Tuk Tuk and taxi scams run by criminal elements


    No need to go on

    The deep insight of a "bloke" named "chooka" from Strraaaayyya who also offers a highly sophisticated analysis on women in his signature—at no cost!]


    Oh Thailand, how could you have let him down??

  14. As these guidelines are titled "Subject: Guideline for inspection of citizen from certain countries that are not required to obtain a visa

    when entering the Kingdom of Thailand" it would seem that Ubon Joe was correct when he was telling anyone, who would listen, that the 'crackdown' was aimed at those leaving and immediately re-entering without a visa and not those who were able to procure a TR visa. We must now see if the IO's at the various borders interpret 'the rules' in the manner outlined above or if they include TR visa holders also.

    Thank you PREM-R—you have given me hope that human beings are still capable of reading and comprehension since the introduction of "smart"phones. Times to have a lie down, I think clap2.gif

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    You could get the multiple entry non-o visa from the embassy in London in person or by post 

    one for the journey back in 6 months smile.png ta


    "i wasn't just sat in my house doing nothing" - can someone clarify if this is not allowed, as per the Thai Immigration's policy?

    it didn't sound very 'touristy' 


    Ahh ok. I may turn up in a jogging suit to immigration next time. May try sweatbands too.

  16. That is the new procedure. Re-entry visa thing must be their equivalent of out/in. From their guidelines..

    [quote] The alien must not enter the Kingdom by exploiting 30-day visa exemptions undertaking method “in-out” or called by foreigners as “Visa run”. Aliens use the advantage of Tourist Visa Exemption by leaving Thailand and returning immediately for the purpose of extending their stay, which is considered from the tourism point of view to be longer than necessary and not in line with the purpose permitted while entering country.




    Thanks again ubonjoe. In line with your previous posts, the focus is yet again on visa exempt. I missed the clarification post from the OP.



    What could be drugged that everyone in the same rail car could possibly consume???

       Most likely they were gassed. This happens quite a lot on campsites in France where crooks pump a gas into a camper van and then go in and relieve the owners of all their possessions. Can't understand why there aren't any CC Tvs on these trains.


    The Royal College of Anaesthetists believes that incident in France of alleged gassing of campers to be impossible due to the large volumes of gas required to be an effective agent in that sought of environment. Background story here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2687711/British-couple-robbed-campervan-thieves-knocked-using-SLEEPING-GAS-France.html



    Thanks for this. Interesting that even a campervan is considered highly unlikely for this type of crime! So an entire train carriage is even more unlikely .... maybe.

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