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tookwan cottage

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Posts posted by tookwan cottage

  1. Wasn't there just an article about them cracking down on visas? the article mentioned being able to show where you are staying, having funds to pay for your stay etc?

    If you want to be safe, then you may want to bring copies of hotel reservations, flight reservations, etc. to show that you are a tourist. (you could consider booking refundable reservations)

    The experts are quick to give advice here. But if they haven't actually done a visa run themselves in the last month, their advice may be outdated. Their advice may have been correct three months ago (before the changes at the border and the consulates), but may not be good advice now (after the changes at the border and consulates).

    good luck

    Th OP is going out to obtain a tourist visa at an embassy.

    He is not doing a border run for a visa exempt entry (it is not a visa) which is what the article was about. Again confusion because of using the wrong terminology.

    Getting the tourist visa at the consulate in Vientiane (don't go to the Embassy there), the officers taking the applications will review your passport and ask you the same kinds of questions. They are reviewing the activity in your passport, be it visa exempt stamps (from the airport or border) or tourist visas (the big stickers from the consulate). Either way, when you leave and want to come back in, they want to try to verify that you are a TOURIST.

    Why do I say this? Because last month I flew into Vientiane to get a double entry tourist visa. When I got to the window to turn in my application, the officer very carefully reviewed my passport and started asking me questions about what I was planning to do in Thailand, why I wanted a double entry, etc.

    I did not have multiple border entries in my passport. I had done a lot of traveling/flying over the last several months. From Bangkok, I flew to Saigon, the US, KL, and had one visa exempt stamp at Poi Phet. So the officer wasn't asking me because I had 2 or 3 visa exempt stamps at the Poi Phet border. I'm guessing he was asking because I had multiple entries into Thailand over the past several months - mostly through the airport, and because they have been instructed to "crack down" on foreigners abusing the Tourist visa or visa exemptions to stay in Thailand long term.

    Thankfully I had plans to visit some other areas in Thailand, and had copies of my hotel reservations and of a flight out of Thailand in June. I explained that I wanted the double entry because I was hoping to arrange a trip to Angkor Wat with some Thai friends before I flew out again in June. I wanted the extra entry so that if I went to Angkor Wat, then I would already have the 2nd entry to come back into Thailand and wouldn't have to worry about another officer questioning my plans and having to prove it all over again.

    He was very polite and friendly the whole time. And when I showed him my hotel and plane reservations, he very kindly offered to explain to me how the double entry worked (since it was my first time getting a double entry visa). After that - no problem.

    Thank you kindly for this Keoni. Can you explain the difference between the embassy and the consulate, as I thought the embassy to be the sole option??

  2. Don't turn this into another Thai bashing topic please.

    Thank you cdnvic!!

    This is not a Thai-specific issue, and to say "thais", like it applies to the entire nation, is unacceptable. I don't mean to be prescriptive, but it just is.

    Can't we just close this thread?

    Why, I have found it quite interesting so far, AND the issue in other countries has been raised.

    Surely there is a better way to discuss this matter? Plus, the OP is given unwarranted credit (or will take it this way).

  3. Thais have absolutely no empathy. A little girl was weeping her eyes out upon seeing the body of her father at the cremation. None of her relatives or friends or neighbours showed her any regard or even cried save my Thai wife ( her cousin) and myself who cried with her.

    All the rest kept their stoney stoic resolve and ignored her. Although she had many very close relatives whom she saw on a daily basis, she came to us.

    Great—another brilliant piece of insight: "Thais have absolutely no empathy"

    Why is this thread still alive??

  4. Not something new, my Vietnamese wife traveled alone around the world in the sixties before we married. Of course, she was a bit different; an independent and outspoken business woman, educated at the Sorbonne, often traveled on buying trips and visiting university friends.

    Yes indeed, your wife is an exceptional case—but it sounds like she should write her memoirs! (Very lucky lady! smile.png)

    ThaiVisa should post more articles like this. They are inspiring and informative. Thank you kindly TV! clap2.gif

    • Like 1
  5. I would have body slammed that girl. Straight up

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I am guessing that hoodie was not ethically made by Flint and Tinder. And I also presume that your body slam technique is based on countless hours enthralled by the charades of the WWF, etc. It is a pleasure to meet another intellectual powerhouse on this forum and it is truly a shame that you will grow old—or maybe die young from a protracted bout of cancer—lose any physical traits that you rely on for self-esteem, and will then die like the rest of us. My tears are flowing as I write this ... crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.ENG_hyc8Gu.gif

  6. You're right they aren't synonymous, guess that's what I get for trying to hammer out multiple quoted replies as quickly as possible. However I'd honestly be surprised if you had a better education than me, stupid drunken antics are hardly the pastime of the underclass only.

    I actually don't think formalized education is an indication of superiority—I just could not think of any other options for someone as pathetic as yourself. And when you become a billionaire, make sure you launch a television/web series so that we can all continually share in your esteemed wisdom that will be described as "groundbreaking" from Dunedin, through to Helsinki, to southern Chile.

    If only the vast majority of humans could achieve your heights, both intellectually and emotionally ...

  7. Ah yes, I can empathize with the OP. It is a real shame—as others have pointed out, there is a great array of Thai music, as well as visiting bands (did anyone see Explosions in the Sky last night at Moonstar?). It also applies to cover versions of Western songs, such as Pink Floyd, etc. The endless repetition is perplexing, as I used to live near a venue in CM that played the same set list EVERY night!

    Anyway, this year looks good for international bands performing in the Kingdom, so I am pleased about this. Hang in there Sandman77, as I share your pain!

  8. Your use of the term "smoking hot" indicates to me that you lack respect for others, as well as genuine insight, so I don't feel any sympathy for you based on your experiences.

    Yes, you will call me "pretentious", "elitist", "arrogant", etc., but if one was paid to conduct a thorough examination of you, your perspectives and your behavior, I feel confident that the results would indicate that you deserved what you got. By the way, a "bar girl" (your words, not mine) is a working citizen of Thailand, just like the bank teller at your local SBC or the 7-11 employee around the corner from where you live—all deserve the same type of respect that you would accord to any other human being on this planet and would expect from others in regard to yourself. Quite possibly, many "bar girls" in Thailand possess a degree of intelligence, both cognitive and emotional, beyond anything you could ever hope to achieve.

    Also, please refrain from future attempts at attention-seeking—the images you uploaded and the "My worst Thai moments ..." heading that you used are both indicative of a need to be perceived as something more interesting than who you actually are. The photos in particular have just been featured for shock value, but are in actuality lame examples of similar self-absorbed "me, me" behavior littered throughout the Internet.

    Wow "smoking hot" is a simple phrase/slang, get the stick out of your arse.

    Bar girls really aren't the same as 7/11 girls, having paid for the luxury of one for 3 months to be my 'girlfriend' (the same girl the house was trashed over in fact, lol) I am talking from first hand experience.

    Last paragraph is the best, oh OK I really wanted people here to like me that is why I made the post!!! rolleyes.gif . Get over yourself, I don't give a <deleted> what you think laugh.png

    You obviously have a drinking problem ... and you like to brag about it. Get some help.

    Actually I've stated many times that I was an idiot, hardly bragging. It's a not a problem anymore, got my shit together not long after the events thankfully.

    I can't believe this guy is stupid enough to share this story with us! You seriously need help mate..

    Educate me. How is sharing a story anonymously stupid? Why are some of you so obsessed with your image even on a forum that you couldn't possibly make light of stupid things you might have done?

    "having paid for the luxury of one for 3 months to be my 'girlfriend' (the same girl the house was trashed over in fact, lol) I am talking from first hand experience."

    Yup, written evidence of the kind of people we need more of to create a world that is wondrous, amazing and joyful. Like your pal "Old Stud", you have obviously missed your calling—you should be a billionaire due to the incredible talent and skill set you possess. Seriously, spend more time tracking down an agent because the world needs to hear more from you. Actually, forget that: Start your own YouTube channel so we can bathe in your brilliance on a daily/weekly basis. Please?? Seriously, if I gather enough support from members of this forum, will you start your own Internet show? Deal?

  9. If this thread is to help me feel better about myself and my issues with Thailand, congratulations and well done! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

    Pleased to help mate tongue.png

    probably Yabba related.

    Based on what? Oh absolutely nothing. Thought so.

    I liked your post OP. Sometimes we get stupid drunk. At least we're not sitting around like these trolls who have 15,000 TV posts, who think they have all the answers, but no real life. I was with a pretty young Thai hooker for one night, and four months later she heard that I was with another hooker and got crazy jealous. Just the way a lot of them are. Scooters can be real dangerous even when we're sober. I live in Chiang Mai and I no longer drive a scooter, after dropping mine in an intersection. Don't worry OP about the feedback. These guys love to trash anything you put out there. Once I posted about being robbed at gun point, and I told the robbers to F off, and they did. True story to only warn about riding a bike down a deserted soi in the early morning. They had a field day with me - calling me a liar, that I made up the story, that I was an idiot for not bending over and taking it in the ass. On and on. Didn't make any sense to me and I did like you, defended myself. Now I know. If you are going to post anything on TV, get ready for the trolls to tear you to pieces.

    Yup, exactly the kind of reply you would expect from a fucktard who uses the corresponding avatar image and calls himself "Old Stud". The people you mistakenly refer to as "trolls" (With how many posts? Children love to exaggerate, but adults typically refrain from spouting garbage just because they have nothing of worth to state) are simply people with genuine insight whose life consists of more than viewing Internet porn, sharing idiotic memes and trying to impress Westerners by using terms like "crazy jealous". Do you even know what the word "hooker" means?

    By the way, your writing is pure genius and would outsell Oscar Wilde by millions. You should try for a book deal because one day I hope to be as brilliant as you. Seriously, write about your "hair-raising" experiences and then share them with a literary agent and see how wealthy and famous you become!!

  10. Your use of the term "smoking hot" indicates to me that you lack respect for others, as well as genuine insight, so I don't feel any sympathy for you based on your experiences.

    Yes, you will call me "pretentious", "elitist", "arrogant", etc., but if one was paid to conduct a thorough examination of you, your perspectives and your behavior, I feel confident that the results would indicate that you deserved what you got. By the way, a "bar girl" (your words, not mine) is a working citizen of Thailand, just like the bank teller at your local SBC or the 7-11 employee around the corner from where you live—all deserve the same type of respect that you would accord to any other human being on this planet and would expect from others in regard to yourself. Quite possibly, many "bar girls" in Thailand possess a degree of intelligence, both cognitive and emotional, beyond anything you could ever hope to achieve.

    Also, please refrain from future attempts at attention-seeking—the images you uploaded and the "My worst Thai moments ..." heading that you used are both indicative of a need to be perceived as something more interesting than who you actually are. The photos in particular have just been featured for shock value, but are in actuality lame examples of similar self-absorbed "me, me" behavior littered throughout the Internet.

    Wow "smoking hot" is a simple phrase/slang, get the stick out of your arse.

    Bar girls really aren't the same as 7/11 girls, having paid for the luxury of one for 3 months to be my 'girlfriend' (the same girl the house was trashed over in fact, lol) I am talking from first hand experience.

    Last paragraph is the best, oh OK I really wanted people here to like me that is why I made the post!!! rolleyes.gif . Get over yourself, I don't give a <deleted> what you think laugh.png

    You obviously have a drinking problem ... and you like to brag about it. Get some help.

    Actually I've stated many times that I was an idiot, hardly bragging. It's a not a problem anymore, got my shit together not long after the events thankfully.

    I can't believe this guy is stupid enough to share this story with us! You seriously need help mate..

    Educate me. How is sharing a story anonymously stupid? Why are some of you so obsessed with your image even on a forum that you couldn't possibly make light of stupid things you might have done?

    Yes, you really are a genius—"attention seeking" and wanting people to like you are not synonymous. If I promise to take the stick out of my arse, will you finally return to an educational institution to, once and for all, attain a degree of intelligence that is beyond that of a toddler? Deal?

  11. thx for all the replies so far

    i didnt speak to him directly ,he doesnt have my number or new address

    (he called the x-gf i rented the place with 2 yrs ago and she contacted me on skype because she doesnt have my number either )

    i doubt theres much in it for the police to skim off a 7k bill so i think they would write up a report to keep him happy and forget about it

    5 min after he leaves the station

    btw the damage he claims is a coffee mug ring stain on one of the matresses ( i think i did that for the record while using laptop a couple of years ago )

    (4000 hes charging to buy a new bed although double beds arent that cheap ,are they ? )

    and he took says the utility bill is nearly 3k so hes rounded it off at 7k

    he took 1000 for bills since the last monthly avaerage was 700b and dedcuted a further 1000 for cleaning even though the place was cleaner when i gave it back to him then when i moved in but i wasnt in the mood to argue over 1k so i let him keep it

    hes owns loads of large houses in bkk (showed me his portfolio one day of houses he owns for that are available to rent ) and drives a new mercedes so hes not exactly "strapped for cash " but im sure he knows some police as hes in his 60s and native to bkk but whether or not they would be interested is another matter entirely

    Like many people who have replied, I think it is fair to compensate what you may owe; but, in my own crazy little world, anyone who is furious about a "coffee mug ring stain" on a mattress and intends to buy a brand new bed ... can quickly die of a post-60-year-old heart attack because not only would the world not miss him, but he has lost any connection with the true beauty, awesomeness and wonder of human life on planet Earth. In all seriousness, I pray that Lord Ganesha sends his black Mercedes into a speeding truck so that, if there is an afterlife, he can finally learn the meanings of the words "petty", "pathetic" and "materialistic".

  12. Statute barred means the statute of limitations has kicked in. Recovery of debts such as credit card or unsecured loans are no longer enforceable provided certain criteria are met. If a debtor hasn't paid anything for 5-6 years AND you haven't contacted the creditor AT ALL, or acknowledged anything from them, then basically you don't have to pay because the debt is now 'statute barred'. Someone might contact you with all kinds of threats, but just ignore them. Also, it must be wiped off your credit history file, but you might need to remind them.

    Statute barred doesn't apply to court orders, government taxes etc.

    Please accept my gratitude for this reply! It always leaves me with a smile when I can sense the intelligence in a post (this is not sarcasm, BTW!) smile.png

  13. 'Statute barred' means that they're not enforceable. Unsecured debts in Scotland are unenforceable after 5 years rather than 6 years as in England and Wales.

    Thank you kindly for this. Not because it applies to me, but because it flies in the face of the "stingy" stereotype that is applied to Scots—most often by mediocre dullards. This may also be a further reason to vote for Scottish independence!

  14. A sad story,but i am not sure about this off the books with the credit card thing,mind you if he has no money they can't get any i spose,what else can he do,live on the beach in Pattaya,going back is the best option,he is lucky he has freinds like you who are willing to help,really don't know why people open bars here,they always seem to fail.

    Money owed on credit cards or loans from banks or finance companies are unsecured debts. If six or more years pass without a payment, the statute of limitations kicks in and the debt is unenforceable.

    Unless the debts are Scottish in which case they're statute barred after 5 years.

    The credit card scam has been going long enough! they start out as unsecured loans expiring in a few years, until some one decides to take it to court and get a judgment. then it has turned into a secured loan and the company credit or bank then can go and attack any other assets you have to pay for the credit card debt as it has now been secured and a judgment has been recorded, the debt is enforceable for a period of up to 9-11 years as it is now not unsecured. meanwhile we all think that because it is an unsecured debt we get a higher rate of interest.. not so

    This is an Australian reference, so I apologize if the question is unsuitable, but is superannuation considered "other assets" they can go after?

  15. A sad story,but i am not sure about this off the books with the credit card thing,mind you if he has no money they can't get any i spose,what else can he do,live on the beach in Pattaya,going back is the best option,he is lucky he has freinds like you who are willing to help,really don't know why people open bars here,they always seem to fail.

    Money owed on credit cards or loans from banks or finance companies are unsecured debts. If six or more years pass without a payment, the statute of limitations kicks in and the debt is unenforceable.

    Unless the debts are Scottish in which case they're statute barred after 5 years.

    Is this true?? So this means the debt is forever owed, right? Sorry, I might have misunderstood the terminology. "Statute barred"?

  16. Im sorry cant help Banzai , i hope someone can . Please members lets not go after this guy about blowing his cash etc.etc. some positive advice would be nice just wish i could hand some out.

    Gl to your friend OP hope it turns out ok.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Why would you want to wish good luck to a common thief and fraudster.

    There is no badge of honour in screwing credit card companies for a debt that the rest of us honest citizens finish up paying for.

    People like this are irresponsible and the dregs of society.

    He must be very proud that after 63 years of his life he cannot afford a pot to p!ss in.

    From the tone and wording of your reply, it sounds like you are a certified genius who may also be a Nobel Prize winner. So I am very keenly seeking further clarification on this statement: "a debt that the rest of us honest citizens finish up paying for." I am not being sarcastic or facetious, I am just unaware of how superior human beings, like you and me (I am going to order a t-shirt with the term "Honest Citizen" written across it as soon as I finish this post!), end up directly paying for the debts of "the dregs".

    I hope you answer, as there aren't many of us left in this world, so I hope that we can build rapport on this particular thread, as I have both literally and figuratively been aching to engage with a near-deity like yourself for many, many years. If you like, I will wash your feet in my very own gastric acid if and when we eventually meet in person. This is so exciting for me—thank you so much sir! licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-Wpu.gif

  17. I have no idea what your "trouser wasteland" consists of and why it is such a barren area, but over several years, the Thai police have only ever treated me with respect. I am not suggesting that this is a reason to condone their unsavory and unfair behavior in other matters, but I feel compelled to share a perspective that I possess at this point in time after having read your story:

    If one genuinely dissolves one's ego, takes responsibility for oneself and one's actions, gives credit where it is due, apologizes when it is called for, actively seeks to humanely assist others/bring them joy and nurture the community one is in, always considers the details and nuances of any given situation, and pays respect to hard-working people who make our lives easier, then one will find that problems—such as the one described in the OP—do not occur.

    This may sound ridiculous to many of you, or even mythical/unicorn-like, but I can now confirm the veracity of the aforementioned statement after numerous decades of experience.

    • Like 2
  18. Your use of the term "smoking hot" indicates to me that you lack respect for others, as well as genuine insight, so I don't feel any sympathy for you based on your experiences.

    Yes, you will call me "pretentious", "elitist", "arrogant", etc., but if one was paid to conduct a thorough examination of you, your perspectives and your behavior, I feel confident that the results would indicate that you deserved what you got. By the way, a "bar girl" (your words, not mine) is a working citizen of Thailand, just like the bank teller at your local SBC or the 7-11 employee around the corner from where you live—all deserve the same type of respect that you would accord to any other human being on this planet and would expect from others in regard to yourself. Quite possibly, many "bar girls" in Thailand possess a degree of intelligence, both cognitive and emotional, beyond anything you could ever hope to achieve.

    Also, please refrain from future attempts at attention-seeking—the images you uploaded and the "My worst Thai moments ..." heading that you used are both indicative of a need to be perceived as something more interesting than who you actually are. The photos in particular have just been featured for shock value, but are in actuality lame examples of similar self-absorbed "me, me" behavior littered throughout the Internet.

    I suggest that you think about how you can meaningfully enrich the lives of those around you, while forgetting about your ego-driven conduct. Thanks in advance.

    • Like 2
  19. Again, behavior that is exclusive to the Kingdom and never surpassed in Western nations.

    Holy cripes, maybe you should try cleaning your own residence, considering that lack of movement is a proven health hazard? Nah, why do that, when Thais are designed for cleaning, service jobs, etc.?

    Personally, I am judicious with my culinary decisions; but, I truly would not be surprised if people are getting a kick out of stuffing you around due to an inherent offensive attitude they sense from you. I would not be surprised at all.

    I have heard that free-fall jumping is an extreme sport that is taking off for older farangs in BKK and southern Thailand—maybe you could take that up as a hobby to help with your issues in this area?

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  20. My gut tells me that anyone who would seriously call themselves "BKK Blues Brother" in a public forum, with a corresponding dancing GIF, is not the type of person who a female partner will go the distance with, if she has any insight. I am not suggesting that I am in any way a "ladies man", nor would I want to be, but the OPP may just have to accept that this accident called "life" that has simply happened to him is not going to be as smooth as he would like it to be—for numerous reasons that are not worth exploring in this kind of forum by someone like me, who is happily single and childless.

    All the best for the Year of Horse everyone!

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