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In Search of Space

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Posts posted by In Search of Space

  1. "However Dr Samarn assured, however, he proposed only banning of sales but did not prohibit drinking.

    Customers still can buy before the banned time goes into effect, and then take them out for drinking during the festive time, he said."

    So what is the point of the ban then?

    Exactly right, instead of banning sales, why not prosecute those who do drink and drive or become disorderly. I appreciate that you cannot compare, but we have the Christmas and New Year coming up, in the UK everyone knows that there is a heavy Police presence at this time of the year and so only a fool would drink and drive. But this would take a complete mind change and an honest Police Force !

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  2. The slip is an arrival/departure card and anyone entering the country is required to fill one out. They will keep the arrival portion and staple the departure card in your passport which you will have to fill out when you leave. The form is a TM6 form.

    OR, more likely, they will NOT staple it (didn't staple my son's in July, didn't staple mine in October) and you will lose it at some point in showing your passport to hotels, etc. Then the nightmare begins. Staple it yourself if they do not.

    They haven't been stapling for some time, must have run out

  3. Thais often put the most ornate and gargantuan gates on their house.

    I don't know which idealised life the OP is talking about, but my experience is it can come about because in villages the people may be so poor they have nothing worth stealing and so they don't close the door.

    This also happens when the kids aren't in school, mum isn't working and grandma is home being taken care of. Everyone is home and no one is working, so no need to lock anything.

    Most of the houses don't have doors. They just park Granny in front of the shack chewing betel nut.

    Just incase this Gem was missed ... ATF ... Classic ... wink.png

    Scarey, the wife's family used to give her a bottle of whiskey, pack of ciggies & betel nuts

  4. Correct me if I am wrong, I suppose he has a very strong grip on power, media, business and the army. So the average Russian is seeing a hero, we are not. All he seems to be doing is making himself very rich, the palace he has built, and sees himself as the new Tsar.

    Not so different to his old communist gang who made a Russia for themselves and definitely not for the people

    • Like 1
  5. The wife is from a village near Nong Jok, just outside Bangkok. Anyway, before the days of meters, we almost couldn't get a taxi to take us from Central Bangkok to her village (sorry, large estate in the country !), they would want 500 baht minimum, but it would take an hour.

    Once meters came in, usually had no trouble getting a taxi and the meter would read about 250 baht. I don't know if the introduction of meters resulted in more taxis and more competition at that time

  6. I have watched my wife blossom from a cute 23 into a hot fashionable 40 without gaining a pound. Beautiful, fit, athletic, fashionable, sexy, adventurous, adaptable and equally at home hiking in the Grand Canyon or at a society wedding in a five star hotel. Sure she is getting older but I still marvel at her looks and her naked form, 17 years on. Beauty may be superficial but it sure beats the alternative.wub.png

    What's the alternative ?

  7. I wouldn't say Thai food outside Thailand is that good for the same reasons at post 16 Ezzra stated, unless you want to go seriously up-market. We all know that not necessarily the best Thai food in Thailand comes from the most expensive restaurants. But a taxi driver a few months ago was grilling me because he had heard that G'paw moo was 500 baht in London and he could get it in Bangkok for 40 baht, he was stunned to hear that it was true !

  8. It's a while since I've been down to Pattaya and Jomtien but I always used to enjoy the breakfasts at Yorkies, the English pork butcher in Beach Road. What's the latest on it? :-)

    Yorkies (S of Chaiyapruk) is no more as of 2 years ago. Kaput, gone, out of business.

    Very strange, i bought sausages from Yorkies on Chaiyapruek on Saturday, so i would say they are very much still in business.

    Last saw the shop open a few months ago, did they have a separate cafe at one stage ?

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