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Everything posted by Cricky

  1. Thank you Sheryl, I feel all your points are valid for this forum and should be addressed. Her regular headaches and high blood pressure over the last couple of years worries me, I feel her heart is the problem. She is not overweight, only 44kg, height 156cm. so she seems in the normal range. Over the weeks she has been discharged from hospital after initially spending around 10 days in (ICU). After leaving hospital she seemed fine, 100% but then slowly over a week or so started wheezing, difficulty breathing again, so she was placed back in ICU. When we first met, she told me, as a teenager, still at school she couldn't walk for 3 months, she was in hospital for Autoimmune disease.
  2. She was on vacation, staying with her mother and got admitted to a hospital up in Isaan. Sadly she had to move hospitals by ambulance, she was working in a factory in Samut Prakan, this is where she is now registered. I think it's Bangplee hospital
  3. My girlfriend is in ICU, she tells me that she has flooding of the lungs. I Googled and found it to be Pulmonary edema, is this similar, it looks very dangerous. I'm worried about her. She's only 27yo, she has been to hospital many times over the years for severe headaches, she has very high blood pressure.
  4. I see that it's applied to the non painted (plastic) areas. Have you tried using it on the painted areas?
  5. Yes, parts are cheap thanks 👍
  6. I have a Yamaha Aerox that I would like to get detailed. It's been left out in the sun and has a few scratches here and there. Any recommendations on a good business in Pattaya I can take it to?
  7. Wow, you went to some effort in making that comment but you didn't answer the question.
  8. Why would I ask if she could buy a condo in foreign quota if she didn't have a foreign passport? BTW, it is a forum, if you are not sure or you don't understand, you can ask questions.
  9. Yes, your explanation is what I was looking for, these are my thoughts, it's why I posted my topic. I'd say this is why the sales people at the condominium could not explain in detail. My daughter is only 16 years old, it won't be easy getting her foreign quota. She has a kasikorn bank account, I could transfer money from Australia but there maybe other obstacles.
  10. Not interested, just want to know legalities. A Thai with an Australian passport buying condo with foreign quota.
  11. Thank you. This is why I'm asking the question.
  12. Yes, she has an Australian passport and yes, higher resale value.
  13. I'd like to buy a condominium for my daughter. She is Thai, has a Thai ID card and has a has a foreigner name (my surname). There are plenty of foreign quota units available for a higher price, I am OK with paying extra for foreign quota. I'd like her to buy with foreign quota, the sales people are saying she doesn't have to buy as foreigner or can't have the title in foreign quota. Anyone know if this is true?
  14. This could be why the Swiss are attacking Thai women, they are fed up. Getting justice. 😮 Very strange that 73yo riding his bicycle around midnight. Weird. Not a good idea.
  15. Boring....... mate of mine sent me this, Arcadia Beach Resort had their very own top floor jumper yesterday. Emergency crews had the inflatables out. VID20240305074530.mp4
  16. NRL, rugby league, best game on the planet. Go the Bronco's 👍
  17. Best beer on the planet XXXX bitter. 🍺
  18. I'm up for meeting Aussies. The Pom's are hard work, drinking warm beer etc. I agree, no snowflakes.
  19. Lou, is short for Louise. Lou is a her not a him. 😮
  20. Anyone buy pork knuckles? This afternoon I had a few beers with the boys, when I got home I found a pork knuckle in the fridge that the mrs bought from Big C extra earlier. I cut the big stuff off for the family dinner then got stuck into it, the kids were watching, I think I embarrassed myself, they will never look at me the same again. How to you guys enjoy your pork knuckles?
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