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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. Earlier this year when returning from the UK, my Thai passport would not work with the e-gates, despite trying several times. As a result I had to go to an immigration kiosk, where I showed my Thai passport. The officer asked whether I bought my tickets with another passport. When I replied that I did, she asked to see it. She then initialled that one (UK) and gave me back both passports. No trouble, but in future I will buy my tickets based on my Thai passport.
  2. But he can't shake his head at the moment and that is why he is upset.
  3. I order loads of stuff online. I've used Lazada, Shopee, Aliexpress, Ebay, Powerbuy, Thaiwatsadu, Homepro, Ikea, among many others and the only one I have ever had a problem with was Lazada. So I do not think it has anything to do with age in my case.
  4. I must be lucky. I have never had a problem with Shopee, whereas Lazada was a pain in the bum.
  5. Hate Lazada. Only use Shopee now.
  6. Speak of the devil, but within 4 days of my last post, my mother-in-law came down with shingles. She was feeling unwell and had a bit of a fever when painfull sores/blisters appeared on the upper part of one of her thighs. I took her word for it and did not request to see them. She went to the local hospital and was prescribed acyclovir, but she's also doing other traditional/superstitious activities to get over it. I just keep my mouth shut about those activities. If they make her feel better/happier, who am I to judge.
  7. Compensating for their little "Thomases" which they haven't seen in years. Gives a totally different meaning to "shooting a load".
  8. That must be a place for kids and women as supposedly men are unable to find it!
  9. There are numerous articles/reports/studies about the covid vaccines reactivating herpes (The National Library of Medicine (an official US gov't site), Oxford Academic and Science Direct websites among many, many others), so it would be interesting to learn whether there appears to be any correlation between the time of covid vaccination and the reactivation of herpes in the posters cases. Having said that, I have nothing against shingles vaccines, and having previously had chicken pox I will give it some thought, as it is often a very uncomfortable/painful experience which I wish to avoid.
  10. Many, many years ago my late wife got shingles around her waist (called ngu sawat in Thai), and people said the same thing, ie. if the rash completed the circle around her waist she would die. It didn't and she didn't.
  11. There are a lot of haters of the rural life in Thailand. I moved up to North Kalasin about 18 months ago after living and working in Bangkok for about 40 years. Very different lifestyle, but not too rural (living on the edge of a very small district town). I love the countryside up here and exploring on my MTB. However, it is certainly not for everyone. While loners (recluses) may be okay with it, it must be difficult for those who don't speak the language and have to rely on others for everything. Having a social life and a natter with other westerners can be quite difficult too as there are so few and no local watering holes to meet up where I am. Luckily for me language isn't an issue, so I have the opportunity to shoot the breeze with the locals every now and then.
  12. No beating around the bush with that!
  13. That's the intention. But perhaps they should have done it nearer to the next election.
  14. I chose the model I wanted and then looked for a shop that had my size in stock. Took a bit of time and a few decision changes as not all models are available here, but I finally got what I wanted. The shop staff were very professional. I see that you are in the North. 888Bike Shop in Chiangrai have a wide range (888bike.net). Maybe worth checking out unless they are underwater at the moment. Run through their website to see if there is anything that takes your fancy. One of the biggest problems I have found is size. Many shops do not stock large frame sizes as they do not sell so well so I eneded up going down to Bangkok to buy my. However, if you don't have to long an inseam, you should be fine.
  15. Put your crash helmet on. You're about to get a bashing.
  16. I hate the open mouth chewing and lip smacking too, but I've learned to live with it. I just wondered, if that is the way they were taught and it is an expression of appreciation of the food, maybe they look at me and think, "Why isn't he making any noise? Isn't he enjoying the food?" Similar to the way the Chinese and Japanese slurp their noodles as an indication of appreciation to the cook.
  17. And yet you keep coming back. If it is so bad, why keep coming back to this thread, unless you are still stuck in the boonies and wish to share your misery.
  18. 30 meter high speed chase. Wow! 10 meters is scary but 30 meters. Off the charts.
  19. It wasn't even mentioned to me when I applied. Nor did it appear to be listed in the points schedule back then.
  20. The pink card must be relatively new as I never had one when I applied.
  21. This is great news for those on the waiting list. I wonder if all those who were invited were applicants based on PR or there were also applicants based on marriage to Thais.
  22. Totally agree. My next car will be an ICE SUV. That is what I am interested in and what the original poster in this thread wants. I wish posters would answer the original question and not get on their high horses and start banging their effin drums.
  23. I've only ever owned one car and that has a manual hand brake, so I have no experience with the more modern system. I just want something with more room and ground clearance than my Honda Jazz. The latter because now that I live upcountry I encounter more red-earth roads and potholes.
  24. I am looking in to buying an SUV when I finally sell my house in BKK. My shortlist is Ford Everest (not worried about resale), and Toyota Fortuner (not sure between Leader and Legender). I like that the specs for Ford are the same as in the west, unlike Toyota whose specs are much lower than in Europe for the same model.
  25. What about a Ford Everest Titanium 2.0 bi-turbo? There are both 4x2 and 4x4 models. More fuel efficient than the 3.0.
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