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Everything posted by GarryP

  1. When I first arrived in Thailand and was learning a few words on Samui, I screamed at the Baht bus (pick-up truck bus thing) to get it to stop, as the locals did because there was no bell (41 years ago). The bus screeched to a halt only for me to learn that my pronunciation was so bad that I had been screaming f@#k, f@#k, f@#k, instead of stop, stop, stop. I also mispronounced banana and ended up ordering a semen milkshake. They looked really shocked until I pointed at a banana at the shake stall in Nathon.
  2. I like to keep abreast of the position of the sun.
  3. What about those who live upcountry and have no western social group in their village/area? If they can't speak Thai, and the only one who can speak English is their wife, it must get very lonely unless they are introverts. I understand that living in Bangkok or tourist destinations may be a bit different, but the advantages of learning the language are numerous. I do not rely on my wife for any help with communication, whether that be with officialdom, family, the local market, builders, etc. I would actually find it a bit demeaning if I had to rely on my wife for all communication. On a side note, I bet many of the posters who moved here from the UK would bang on all day long that immigrants to the UK must learn the local language, i.e. English, yet when they moved here they never intended to learn the local language. Hypocrites perhaps?
  4. That mentally triggers a gag reflex.
  5. Duplicate post.
  6. In my neck of the woods, it seems that the deeper ponds are built in areas with poor water retention so that they can hold some water longer. This is not really a problem in areas where water retention is good, such as those with high water tables. In a village not more than 5 kms from where I live, the ponds tend to be very deep. I was standing in a new one the other week and it was bone dry, even after heavy rain a few days earlier. On the other hand, less than 500 meters from my home, a guy had two ponds dug a few months ago and they filled up before receiving any rain (these are only about 3 meters deep.
  7. Not planning to. The bore is only about 20 meters from the house inlet so planning to use this as our main supply direct to the house. Also we only have a small garden so don't want to clutter it with solar cells. FYI most of the time the water pressure from the water main is high enough that we do not need to use our pump. But I would be okay using a pump direct from the bore, assuming there is sufficient water and the quality is better than the local supply (not hard to beat though).
  8. Well, we were lucky and got someone else to do the drilling last Friday. The drilling team is really busy at this time of year but we were located in between jobs so they agreed to come along and have a look. Got out the divining rods but this time confirmed that there was water where we wanted the bore to be drilled, the same place the last diviner said there was no water. They only agreed to do the drilling though. Said their schedule was so tied up, they were not doing any set-ups, whether mains or solar. They are from Mukdahan and traveling around this area of the northeast. They had done a bore hole in Kuchinarai in the morning before coming to my place and then moving on to Sahatsakhan, where they had their next job. They drilled down to 40 meters and it got quite noisy as they broke through the rock but they did find water and while they drilled that deep, I can see the water in the pipe which only goes down about 14 or 15 meters. It is quite a large size bore and the pipe they have used in it is 5 1/2". Next up is finding someone to install a pump, preferably an above ground one, as I do not wish to go with a submersible one.
  9. It very much boils down to whether there are any available salas (halls/pavilions) at the temple when needed. When I arranged my daughter's, and a few years later my late wife's, funeral, I was lucky that there were salas available and the crematoriums weren't already booked when I needed them. But then I was living in Bangkok at the time and it was a large temple with many salas. When upcountry, it isn't always so easy and I have been shocked at the number of funerals taking place in the very small town I now live in. The temples are pretty busy.
  10. Has anyone used their BBL Be 1st card in the UK recently? I will be visiting the UK later this year and do not wish to carry lots of cash on me and I understand that many places are now cashless.
  11. Don't know what the answer is, but I want one. Got it. Prince song but not quite in tune.
  12. You can be sure that the TRAs (explanation of the term previously provided in this thread) are going to have a field day with this legislation. It going to be their new Twitter.
  13. He's certainly reaping what he sowed. 🤣
  14. This very recent Jonathan Pie comedy video on the Scottish Hate Crime Bill is really entertaining and sheds some light on the subject. You can't make this sh!t up. The last few seconds had me laughing out loud.
  15. He said this despite the population of Scotland being 96% white/caucasian. WTF did he expect. Love that the Scottish police are being inundated with complaints about this speech under the new law, i.e. it is interpretted as hate speech. They won't do anything though.
  16. You need to get your head out of this place and read more mainstream stuff.
  17. BBC, Guardian, Telegraph, CNN, and numerous other news sites. Mainstream media is covering the topic, especially with the passing of new hate crime legislation in Scotland. I wasn't talking about astrophysics, blockchain technology or any other specialist subject.
  18. TRA is all over the place. Can't believe you don't know that one - Transgender rights Activists (gender added just for you to help your understanding). AGPs - blokes turned on by seeing themselves as women, i.e. blokes with autogynephilia.
  19. She's been standing up for women's rights for ages. This is not a one off stunt. She has been voicing what the majority of men and women believe but can't voice due to possible negative repercussions. FYI, she has been receiving an insane number of death threats, doxing attempts, and the so called TRAs (aka AGPs) have even gone so low as to try to bring her children into the public arena.
  20. Well that didn't go down as planned. He turned up and despite my telling him that I would cover his costs and labor for drilling where I wanted if it turned out dry, he refused. He would only drill where he wanted. I did not agree so he has gone and we will remain on local supply for the time being. What teed me off the most was his assistant telling my wife to explain the situation to me (they were standing in front of me), despite me already talking to everyone there in Thai.
  21. Don't know what to say really, as nothing could cover the hurt everyone concerned must be feeling. When I was a nipper in the UK, swimming lessons were compulsory at primary school level for any places that were located near rivers or the coast. I'm sure it must have saved many lives. No idea whether that is still the case. It would be good to introduce it here, but the investment would be very high as there are very few public swimming pools here.
  22. Aust24R posted "She says she wants a divorce, but she has no grounds for a contested divorce when it's only her that wants it,". I interpretted this to mean that his wife wanted the divorce, which, as I said, would be straightforward (assuming they do not have children).
  23. If you both agree to the divorce, just go to the district office (taking all necessary documents with you) and file for divorce. It is not that complicated if both of you agree to it. If she demands compensation, counter with evidence of her infidelity (hopefully you have such evidence) and threaten that you will take the case to court if she does not back down.
  24. I was plant potted, bottled, stabbed and ashtrayed by one of my first girlfriends in Thailand. When I tried to stop her hitting me with her shoe, I broke her elbow (she ended up in a plaster cast). But never once did I fight back. I just tried to protect myself by stopping her from hitting me. Was I naive? Most definitely. A relationship I should have run from. Not saying that is the case in this instance though. DV, tends to be male on female, but it is not always the case.
  25. The way they do it around here is they pick the spot and if it is a dry hole, there is no charge. So what I am going to do is tell him where to drill and if it turns out dry, I will pay for labour and fuel costs. Finger crossed. He will be here sometime next week.
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