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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. It's always transferred, never fired. Why aren't these guys ever fired?
  2. That's about the first intelligent thing that's ever come out of his mouth. Yes, yes, yes, have them checked by someone besides the people who are receiving bribes for looking the other way. And that would be who? Hmmmmm, hard to say...
  3. Who's fault is this really? If it seems too good to be true then it probably is.
  4. For the last week I've been TRYING TO get internet from the fine folks at True. Since I don't speak any Thai that was an immediate issue. After filling out the form expressing interest I got no less than 8 consecutive calls from people who spoke no English, even though I told their English speaking customer service people I don't speak Thai and I needed to communicate in English. I finally got my installation date for yesterday. I ordered a 2 gb download connection. After almost 3 hours of bumbling around they informed us their modem only supported 1 gb and they'd have to come back. It gets worse. Today they were supposed to be here at 2 pm. They were almost an hour late. I requested they send an installation manager because I had serious doubts about the abilities of their people. They didn't. And once again they didn't bring the 2 gb modem. They said they'd bring one in 30 minutes, which turned into an hour. Finally the equipment arrived. But these guys couldn't figure out how to install it. I swear they attempted to splice the wires about 50 times and finally nailed it (I guess). For the last hour (it's 5:20 now) they've been trying to configure the connection on their laptop. The guy doesn't seem to know how to do his job and has called the office numerous times with no success. I called again a little while ago. They told me they'd "inform the technical team". 6 pm. I had enough. I told them to go home. I was on the phone with a customer service manager who informed me the issue was outside and there was no signal. They have to call still another "subcontractor" to fix the issue. So why did they try to install it in the first place? They certainly tested the line enough times. My question is, what in the world has happened to True Internet???
  5. Oh yes. I've often said what Thailand really needs is fighter jets, lol Try taking care of the people who have been impacted by Covid first why don't you?
  6. How about all the local SMS spam? The carriers should make it easier to block those and opt out.
  7. What in the world are "antibody doses" and how do they differ from vaccines? I know what MRNA is, but this sounds different.
  8. Is a "probe" really needed? We know who paid for it.
  9. Every country should shun these pigs, especially the US. Otherwise stop talking about human rights.
  10. What a bunch of BS! I see this statement from the government about once a year and nothing is ever done. How about the people burning their garbage here in Pattaya? No enforcement whatsoever and our air is terrible. It gets old.
  11. We have 6 dogs at home and were feeding a Momma dog and her pups for awhile along with some other people in our soi. It's called humanity. Obviously we love dogs and this one was sweet as sugar. They can't help the situation they're in. You don't want them to starve to death.
  12. Now that's funny! And Thaksin didn't benefit from the airport construction at all either...
  13. You technically already can own a house and land if you are a minority stockholder in a Thai company. Talk to any competent attorney and they'll tell you how.
  14. Sad to see Thailand kissing up to these scumbags. My country does it too much as well.
  15. I don't know any country where that isn't the case. But in this country I don't see government helping the poor people like in other places.
  16. That’ll help tourism. Sure. Soak the foreigners.
  17. Not a chance. I’d rather pay more than support Putin.
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