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Everything posted by brucegoniners

  1. Booze in coffee mugs? Oh no! I thought all those people were just drinking coffee...
  2. Brilliant deduction Sherlock! Anything else you want to tell us? Like if you cut your hand with a knife you'll bleed or a day without sunshine is like night, or the future is unpredictable, or water is wet, or dirt is dirty? Your new title is Captain Obvious, lol
  3. These people have policies that come from the 1970's in the rest of the world. Everything is paper. Everything you want to change is hard to do. Many things you need to do have to do at your original branch, which is in Bangkok and I'm in Pattaya. After my next visa I am so out of there. We already closed one account there and went to SCB. Very happy there. If you're looking to open a bank account stay away. It will just be an ongoing pain in your butt.
  4. Yeah, you probably don't want to bust a place owned by one of your own. LOL
  5. Yeah right. This economy won't fully recover for many years I'm afraid. This would be with the assumption Covid is over and there won't be any surprises to follow. Not gonna happen. I'm afraid Covid will be with us forever.
  6. Let's make sure Thailand doesn't approve entrance to any Chinese chickens!
  7. I still think dealers should get long sentences. Otherwise you're encouraging it. It also depends on what kind of drugs we're talking about. Yaba should be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law. Pot not so much. In fact they should legalize it like so many states in the US are doing. Collect tax revenue on it. This country could use the money after covid. And if an inmate has been a model prisoner then yes, release them early. Again, it depends on what crime they're in for.
  8. Here's what I don't understand about this country. How can you call it a "coverup" when everyone in the world knows he's guilty. The crime happened down the block from us when we lived in Bangkok. It's absolutely shocking he hasn't even had to appear to face the charges yet.
  9. Our fearless leader tells me everything is under control. You don't know how much better that makes me feel...
  10. Translated. Ambulance chasing. I’m sure the Chinese even more so.
  11. Let me guess. He owns restaurants. How about Pattaya? I couldn't even have wine on Thanksgiving!
  12. While you're at it why don't you change this stupid Thailand Pass? I checked today on a trip I have all booked for 17 days to the states. Now I will have to change my flight at great expense and add hotel rooms and rent a cars in LA, also expensive. All for what? So this stupid government can make it look like they're doing something. My last trip cost me a small fortune because they couldn't get my COE approved in time. Meanwhile, the country is open, but with all the BS this government is causing, nobody wants to come here. "Come to Thailand, you can't drink or party, but come here anyway because we need your money". Great ad slogan, eh?
  13. Until there are actual tourists the country will be hurting. The powers that be need to go full force to get the tourists back. And it won't happen overnight. Government sponsored discounts on hotels and flights need to happen as well as taking off the ridiculous no booze and no bar rules.
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