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sean in udon

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Posts posted by sean in udon

  1. Appreciate the op's question and all the answers, as my UK license expired 10 days ago and I was wondering how to deal with it.

    Having a valid Thai license obviously makes things easier if/when I return to the UK.

    Slightly off topic, presumably a Thai visiting the UK can drive using their Thai license? Scary thought, considering the driving we all witness on the roads in Thailand.

    Interesting post by Jay Sata.

  2. Some of the comments on this thread are way off the money.

    Six dollars worth of pork needs a bill of $70 dollars at 11%?

    $80,000 start up? Hopeful a typo.

    PepperMe, I wish you well in your future venture, but, as has already been mentioned, you may need to hone your communication skills. You do seem to be a little abrupt with people.

    (2 edits as my iPhone was doing strange things while typing this)

  3. After the initial shock of 'christ, no one died!', what surprises me, is the driver who recorded/posted this.

    I can hear the radio playing, the squeal of tires as the jazz spins off the road, but the driver doesn't mutter anything. I'm sat at home and said 'jesus christ' out loud.

    Were the sounds dubbed on afterwards to cover all the expletives?

  4. Invites Netanyahu......because he's possibly soon to be a convicted international war criminal and won't have the ability to travel?

    If Netanyahu will be indicted on war crimes, so should Abu Mazen, the head of the Palestine authority

    and Ismael Haniya the head of the Hamas and probably half of the past and some current world's leaders,,,,,

    And George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and Dick Cheney.

    How happy that would make me, especially if they gave those 4 a holes death sentences.

    • Like 2
  5. I think the United Nations is a waste of money and as spineless and toothless as it's predecessor, the League of Nations.

    Having got that off my chest I do find this article of some interest http://blog.unwatch.org/index.php/2013/11/25/this-years-22-unga-resolutions-against-israel-4-on-rest-of-world/

    There will usually be supporters on both sides of an argument, but I do find the Israeli apologists a little irritating.

    As for Hamas being labelled terrorists, maybe they are, but Nelson Mandela and the ANC were also labelled as such.

    • Like 1
  6. Usually some fat cockney geezer what is married to a bird called Noi and has a couple of kids that he hasn't noticed are too dark skinned to be actually his. smile.png

    Although I find the main story shocking and disgusting, the above quote is the funniest thing I've read all week. Helped by the fact that in the guy/girl scenario I am aware of, the girl's name IS Noi. But the guy's not a Brit.

  7. Grateful for the replies.

    The info about males being sold around the villages cheap, kinda fits in with my own thoughts and the circumstances of their origin.

    I got a phone call from my 'family' here: "Sean, we bought you some chicks. They were a good price."

    If they are all male from hatcheries, I'm not alone. Uncles and cousins bought about 100 between them.

    Not sure if it's a bit of hope for a few girls, but some of the birds' wattles and combs are a lighter pink and not as pointy as most of them.

    Time will tell, and I'm getting used to the flow of lies that are abundant in this lovely land.

    As it would seem that these lot may be headed for the dinner table. any recommendations for breeds that are good layers and Thailand friendly?

  8. Choice between Grumpy 12 Values Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and Ms Pacharapha? Even if I were a woman it would be no contest for celebrating New Year.


    I would prefer talking with Putin or the Pope than talking to some model. Brain before looks.

    rest is self censored.....

    A despot or the head of the world's biggest paedophile ring? Interesting choices.

    I'm all for intellectual conversations, but you can't beat a bit of eye candy. Can we have a quick poll and agree she is a babe?!

  9. Master Poll: Police bribery scandals drop after NCPO arrival

    As for the level of corruption in the Thai society, 37.4 percent of the respondents said the current corruption problem is not that critical, whereas 21.3 percent said the problem is quite serious. The rest think the situation is very grave.

    Spin happens in every country.

    The reality is 100 - 37.4 - 21.3 = 41.3

    41.3% think the corruption problem is very grave.

    41.3 + 21.3 = 62.6% think the corruption problem is very grave or quite serious.

    Add to this figure the 37.4% of respondents who said the current corruption problem is not that critical and you get 100% who acknowledge that there is a corruption problem, which is no surprise

    I think 100% makes a much more eye catching headline.

  10. At this I just laughed and walked away...

    I would never allow someone to talk to me like that, and I sure as heck would not have complied with the 'order' to march on. I would have remained at the same location or even closer to the wedding area, simply out of spite. I also would not allow anyone to yell at me in my face... a head-butt would certainly come from it.

    The OP may laugh this off, but seriously I'm questioning why he backed down? Stand your ground next time.

    One reason I did not do as you suggest Gumballl is because I am 66 and he looked like a psychopath on speed of about 33. I like my teeth as they are and don't wish to lose them because of my ego. One of the reasons I have reached my age is because I have learned over the years how to control my own temper in situations like this when dealing with idiots. Laughing at them makes them feel more stupid. I didn't march off or walked off as i stated I went as I came...strolling and laughing.

    If you're willing to get into a fight then shouting back/arguing/head butting are all appropriate responses.

    If you really want to wind somebody up, do exactly what the op did. Be calm, laugh and walk away.

    Angry men expect retaliation or backing down. They generally don't know what to do with 'calm, laugh and walk away'.

    Fair play to you dotpoom. I wouldn't be surprised if your beach buddy is still wound up about you :)

    • Like 1
  11. An interesting debate concerning the pros and cons of the death penalty.

    This is where democracy truly kicks in.

    If the majority believe a death sentence is appropriate for murderers, then it should be so.

    If the majority consider a death sentence inappropriate, then so be it.

    Personally, I'm all for killing scum. I know of burglars that have caused ridiculous amounts of stress/grief and I would happily see them die.

    This thread contains aspects of many sides of the death sentence debate. We have to agree to disagree, we're all different.

    And I've said before, we live in an imperfect world, mistakes are made.

    Some of us can live with it, some of us can't.

    As for those suggesting IQ has anything to do with ones understanding of this debate (roll my eyes).

  12. Whether it was the locals' responsibility or Shell's responsibility, it's a spit in the ocean; $83.5 million relative to Shell's profit of $16+ billion in 2013.

    As for the locals, won over by the lure of (approx) 3 years wages in compensation.

    If they are anything like the locals in my village, at least 50% will p*ss that up the wall in less than a year. Woohoo! We're rich! Let's party!

    You're not rich you numpties, as you'll soon discover.

    A sad situation for the wildlife/environment, but a perfect example of humanity showing it's true colours. The poor bought for a pittance, while corporations, pursuing greed, acquire, consume and destroy.

    C'est la vie.

  13. I do not believe a word of it. No Thai person would give a Farang who they have never met, Soo much money. A fat rich Farang would give a cute Thai girl money who they have not met. If it's true then I hope this post goes out to the Thais to read?

    There are gullible people everywhere believe it or not.
    And to give an example - a chartered surveyor in the UK. I bet the scammers couldn't believe their luck


  14. What kind of statement is that ? The spineless and thoese who lack of integrity, sense of fairness boggle the mind on this site sometimes. Just another example of the alcohol soaked minds that wonder these pages.

    I would like to respond to this, but I have no clue what it means.

    Except the bit about 'alcohol soaked minds', which seems appropriate for what's written.

  15. Whilst on the subject of knives, ever wondered why yourself and baggage is carefully scrutinised for sharps before getting on a plane then receive in flight food with a metal knife & fork??? go figure.....

    You may fly using a better class of service than the typical TV poster who would most likely only expect meal service to consist of a shrink-wrapped tuna fish & salad cream on day-old white bread sandwich and a pre-mixed plastic cup of Tang.

    I find the plastic cutlery is much better for making a shiv. Although the better class of customer, potentially armed with a butter knife, probably doesn't know what a shiv is.

    Agree the baggage checks for whatever are almost a waste of time. Stopping guns and explosives going onto a plane is a good thing.

    But there are plenty of things that, with minimal training, can be used as a lethal weapon.

    Who's the guy in the picture, holding the evidence? Or is the picture for those who may not know what a knife is?

  16. Well done for confirming pigs, chimps, hippos etc are not carnivores ...they don't need meat....


    Chimps probably don't need meat, just like I don't need meat. I don't need sex, alcohol, a car, listen to music or many other things.

    But I enjoy sex, alcohol and listening to music. The car makes my life easier.

    I also enjoy eating meat.

    Arguments about teeth aren't going to change what I enjoy or my eating habits.

    Btw I don't like chicken. If I'm hungry I'll eat it. Like pork, but not very keen on bacon, even though it smells REALLY good when cooking.

    Never had the chance to eat dog, but would like to try it.

  17. Not read every page, so don't know if anybody else has commented on this:

    And dogs are not ordinary animals.

    I would like to assure you, they are. You may have a dog that loves you, does tricks, is obedient, blah, blah, blah, but there are many animals that can be taught. Usually responding well to affection - or food.

    I do tricks, am obedient (most of the time), love my owner, blah, blah, blah. And in return I get affection and food.

    And guess what? I'm an ordinary human being (aka animal) - just like you.

    For those that have eaten dog, does it taste like chicken? And that's a genuine question, no sarcasm or anything else intended.

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