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Posts posted by DepDavid

  1. I appreciate any help here.... I am looking for the builder of this home in Roiet. Not sure if the builder is Roiet local or not. The plan is BP 25 from Banpatan. I am told the cost of this has skyrocketed to over 7 mil baht. Anyhow, if someone can put me in touch with the builder, I appreciate it. And just to be sure, I am FAR from spending that kind of money. The plan calls for 3 mil baht and we are getting input from several different builders. Thanks again.


  2. I tried service from meow today after reading great reviews and getting personal recommendation. Disappointed. She must have been busy. Sent someone else. Arrived for pickup late and stopped for fuel. Then asked me for directions to our destination. Not prepared at all.

  3. [email protected]

    0859 344 475

    Camry - 1000 baht each way

    Very reliable, smooth drive, no weaving and no stopping for gas

    She also has a minibus available

    I plan on hiring her for our travels in pattaya. She sounds reliable and another friend recommended as well.

  4. I know I am comparing apples to oranges, but this is what we did. Airline was unsure if she would be allowed to board with soon to expire passport. We decided to go to the Thai Embassy and get a new one, in her married name. She had to send power of attorney and other notarized documents to her mother to take to the Amphur to have the marriage registered. Once that was done we went back to the Thai Embassy and for 1 USD got a new ID card in her married name, and ordered a new passport also in married name. Process takes about a month with mailing back and forth included. Passport cost was 35 USD.

    Hope this is helpful.

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  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    i am not sure, but was thought that some injured (like spine) best not to be moved till they can be securely and safely...or more demage can be inflicted.

    good deed can turn bad unintentionally.

    if smaller injury it is good to help out, if a serious one, maybe it is good to stay out.

    From what I have seen putting the patient on a spinal board and putting a collar on is the main training they have. It is better than none. General rule is do not move the patient in any way unless to get them to safety. Do as little as possible but assist breathing if needed and stop bleeding if possible. Here the ambulances are not trained paramedics. THeir job is to get the patient to hospital as soon as possible.

    Ohhh dear......

    Where to start?

    A. There are Paramedics in Thailand

    B. Getting someone to hospital as soon as possible is not always the aim - there is the 'golden hour' however, the basis of 'stay and play' has taken foot now, and care is being delivered to stabalise the patient before taking to the ED

    C. Someone with a ?spinal injury needs help and quickly

    1. Check for danger and life threatening/catastrophic bleeding and deal as required

    2. Immobilise the neck - manually in the first instance and then with a collar correctly sized and applied

    3. Remove casualty minimising movement - this will most likely be using an extrication methodology

    4. All time assessing casualty and their neurological status/airway and breathing - intervene with passive or agressive technique as required

    Training in Thailand is administered by the MoPH & EMIT - this training is delivered at university and hospitals to the following levels:

    EMT B

    EMT I

    EMT P

    EMT PN

    Is there room for improvement in the pre-hospital care environment in Thailand? Ohh yes - it will take time though!

    Based on your post it seems you are educated in the area. I wonder if there are any teaching opportunities for retired RN/Paramedic from the US? Just a thought. Its not about the money (because truely there would not be much) but it is about teaching the first responders and citizens about adequate emergency and first aid treatment. Have to wait and see about the current political climate, but it is worth looking into.

  6. Hey OP

    You have heard from the experts and the trolls.

    I am only going to give you one bit of advice.

    Keep the Gf close by.

    When in doubt find gf to get answer.

    No matter what smile. Enjoy expect that yo will be sleeping in a seperate area and act surprised if it is any different.

    Enjoy what they serve. Try a little bit no matter what.

    Drink only bottled water that you unsnapped.

    Remember this is her family and it is the same as if you were meeting a Brit gf family. You are in love with her and will not if she is out of the UK be seeing that much of them.

    This trip is not for your benefit. It is strictly her show from start to finish. She is bringing her BF home so that Mom and Dad can see how handsome and smart you are.

    Do not let her down.

    It is only for a few nights and days so live with it.

    do not have the holier than thou attitude that some expats have.

    You are in Rome an when in Rome .........

    Having been there done that... clearly this post is the best advice. Be yourself. Don't drink too much. Keep your eyes open and be careful. The family will be proud and love you.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  7. To all who responded to my request . I want to thank the one with the ** link removed ** advise , to the one thinking I am trolling , all I have to say is I know how old I am ( 1943 ). To the ones who said to ask family or villagers maybe best idea yet. To the one who stated I was throwing my money down a drain, I knew before I married I could not own land in Thailand and see nothing wrong with wanting to give/provide a home my wife can call her own. When I die I do not think wife will want to remain in the USA. So if you want to call me dumb go ahead but I am laughing everyday with my wife even with the age difference (25 yrs ) for you who can not say anything but negative things. And I ask these people why do remain in Thailand if this how you feel.

    I would be afraid that my wife actually wanted to move back to Thailand now. Did it occur to you that as soon as she has her house in her village she might be gone?

    Weeeell, it did go through my gray cells too. Said it a thousand times before here, keep your eyes wide open to everything.

    If I read the OP correctly they are in the USA. Different states have different laws concerning division of assets. But in any event, if he builds her a house in her village, and she then divorces him in the US, she will take him to the cleaners in the US and then go to Thailand to her nice new house.

    I can tell you that if the divorce occurs in USA then ALL of the assets will be divided, including the ones in Thailand. Trust me.

  8. I know this sounds crazy but I am looking for a builder that built a house that I have lost all contact information for. I will try to post a photo of the house. It was built in 2009 I think, on farm land. The builder had a small crew, but the quality was good. Builders wife is the architect. He built many modern type homes in the Kaeng Khro area. I appreciate any contact information you may be able to know of. Thanks so much.


  9. Wow, this is vital information, please keep to the top.

    What an idiot

    Just imagine: you are a complete moron, never left your mum's tits, never meet another woman other than your sister. Then travelled 6000 miles for a <F 88ck>. This is really good advise, thanks mate, you sad f 99999 ck

  10. Wow, this is vital information, please keep to the top.

    Just imagine: you are a complete moron, never left your mum's tits, never meet another woman other than your sister. Then travelled 6000 miles for a <F 88ck>. This is really good advise, thanks mate, you sad f 99999 ck

  11. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put out in K.P.

    And just &lt;deleted&gt; does this have to DWA?

  12. I wonder how many English guys that read the OP will be thinking "Is that me he's on about"?

    Only ones named Richard. Or maybe Richard Carpenter.

    Its Alan, however I have no way of getting in touch. It is a legit post, and yes I used TV to try and get a message to him. I saw someone used like this before, a friend, and if I can help another before it is too late, I must give it a try. Sorry if some find it boring or out of line. Enough said.

  13. I feel I must post this to give an Englishman a fair warning. I will call him RC (Rich Contractor). RC had a TW, and got divorced. He came back to LOS looking for another. He found another TG, I'll call her KP (Pink).

    I have known KP a couple of years. I know, because she tells me, that she is a wild girl in the sack and will do anything just about anywhere. She is not a great looker, but she knows how to please. She has a BF Ill call SD (San Diego). SD goes to LOS once a year and spends a month with her having a GREAT time (Per KP reports and facebook postings.) KP wants to marry SD, but SD already had a TW as well and he says "HECK NO." They still see each other yearly.

    In comes RC and offers KP everything. The bargirls in Pataya know RC and tell KP he is rich and she should get him somehow. Now come to find out that KP has a plan to marry RC, go to England, and get divorced after a couple years because a friend who moved to England told her she could and that RC will have to pay her a lot of money. In the mean time KP will come back to LOS once a year or more to keep SD happy.

    RC beware. KP is a toy and she has no intention of staying with you.

    Best of luck.

  14. Is anyone getting the daily newsletter? It stopped coming to me about 3 weeks ago. I checked spam settings and added the address to my address book in yahoo.....just wondering. Thanks in advance.

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