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Posts posted by DepDavid

  1. That 'Leelbox' does look and sound very similar to the Minix range of boxes - but one of the general problems with all these different semi-generic brands is what kind of support if any you may get in the future for any issues.

    When I got the Minix it had issues - but am glad to say they actually made updates to fix them all (and in fact the minix 'community' had their own fixes - 'custom roms' - to overcome issues meanwhile...)

    In other words - I wouldn't try to save $50 ordering that from Amazon, only to have Thai customs stiff you for some ridiculous tax for the box... go to Fortune town. The shop(s) with these boxes will have a few brands as well as Minix. I can say the Minix plays every format i've tried and also has no issues with subtitles.

    Thank you, good points. I appreciate the help.

  2. Get one of these http://www.ebay.com/itm/XBMC-S802-B-Quad-Core-4K-2G-16GB-Dual-Wifi-Bluetooth-Android-4-4-2-Smart-TV-Box-/191387654721

    They are awesome, can do everything you mention really well, support 4k as well as 1080p, and 5.1 audio (maybe 7.1). You can download using the device itself, use your hard disk as storage, as well as install android apps like IlikeHD and Kodi for free tv and movie streaming. You can also install a DNLA server on your computer (I use Plex) and play the files on the tv box directly from there over wireless - loads of possibilities and really solid devices.

    These are no longer available, but what do you think about this one?? Before coming to this thread I was considering using the Amazon fire, but it seems like this type box is a better option, and less expensive. I appreciate any help you can give on this.


  3. We had government truck come drill about 50 meter well for 9000bht. (approx. numbers) with 5" casing. Casing cost extra wife says. Farmers in your area will know how to contact them. I followed up on this as I was typing.... the truck comes to your village and asks if anyone needs a well drilled, we have no contact info. Good luck.

  4. There is also a government truck that comes around drilling wells. The cost is about 1/10 of what the private companies charge. Have your friend check around for their schedule in your locale.

  5. Not sure what I posted and the need to delete. I believe I mentioned the current trend with immigration at KCI (and is it just the start) and want the OP to be careful.

  6. I think that I have found your lady,does she look like this ?


    No I do not know her at all but I would say she it not a bad person.I really cannot say anything about my daughter just because of her job,I hope you can understand that,thank you. The Thai lady who is with me said it would be better if I dropped her name I said no.But I will tell you one thing there are 1000s of Thai and Farang people who all want her to help them and she as said it doesn't matter how long it takes she is only going to help me.I think she would be better just to go back to LOS,but she has said no. I also say now,there are quite a few that have realized know she is and have gone very quiet.Have a good day Sir

    Is the Thai lady you were originally looking for with you now, or is she just a Thai "lady" who wants you to help her to make her rich?

    I've had a lot of medical education in my life and two of these Benzos can't make you that off the ramp. You aren't really looking for a lady in Mahasalakham, are you?

    What else are you on?

    I am sorry Sir.I have 6 tablets 3 not much.3 ,Keppra,Vimpat,morning and night.for the brain I believe.Also Frisium morning and night.My doctor said to me 2 months to get off the morning Frisium,only have them at night.Nearly killed me when he got me off them.I do not believe a word you talk about when you are saying about Frisium. Just listen to this.Now I stay in Frisium nightly,every night for the last 5 years and will be on it until I die.The easiest way would be make the drug bigger,I don't I use it one.You are saying you have medical education, I saw to you Sir,to the Frisum you know nothing


    Frisium for severe debilitating anxiety, taken only for a couple of weeks. May help explain things a bit.

  7. This is the correct url for a successful broker in Buriram. I have met over a dozen people in person who have bought property through this firm and others who have successfully sold houses through this firm. They might not be the best broker for Korat, but are on the top of my list if I was to list a home for sale in Buriram Province. I spoke this week to a friend who lives in a small village near Krasang. He printed up a flyer with photos and placed them in all manner of restaurants in and near his location, and sold his 2 million baht home in less than two weeks to a local Thai citizen.


    MY bad, sorry for the miz sspelling.

  8. Hmmm so lots of Thai Visa users seem to want this man sent to jail for life with no parole.

    Let's be a bit more sensible and remember that whatever the video appears to suggest, we have no way of knowing exactly what happened immediately prior to the video, and we don't know what was spoken.

    I am certainly not suggesting that the guy is innocent of a crime, but I am absolutely saying that he deserves a fair trial to decide what he is guilty of.

    There is nothing that I can see in that video that indicates attempted murder. Which means that if he is convicted of anything he will be out of prison quite soon and potentially a danger to others. It's possible that a time in prison will make him MORE of a danger.

    The real answer, if he is convicted of an offence, is to try and combine an element of punishment with some sort of therapy so that when presented with this kind of situation in the future he acts differently.

    For all you know he may have been victim of violence as a child, or he may have witnessed his father being violent to his mother. He may not know any other way of dealing with a situation except turning to violence. Do we really want to deal with these sort of people by simply taking them out of society for a few years and then unleash a more violent version of him on society ?

    Yes we want to lock him up and NOT let him out. BTW you must be the only blind one (apology to the blind) watching this video. The precursor to this attempted murder has nothing to do with the crime committed. If he is a ding with WHATEVER sordid history and he chooses to deal with rejection like this then we do not need him wasting the good clean Thai air!

  9. So 91 posts and we still don't have answer to the OP question which is same as mine. Good health insurance coverage for expats not travelers. I contacted a recommended broker in PATTS but after 4 tries EI gave up. Sent message to AA will see what comes of it. My ppo in America will cover us but pay first and be reimbursed. Problem is after retirement it will cost 800USD a month. Still trying to find best route to take.

  10. Just to be clear, and because I have not yet done this..... If I obtain a Non-o based on marriage and only pay for single entry (at Royal Thai Consulate in Los Angeles), I can come and go without problem for the first year or did I misread that?

    There is an option for purchase of multi entry on the application, however instructions indicate you must have all in and out travel booked.

    I was going to buy the multi entry,as I will be in and out of country at least twice in the first year, probably 3 times. If I have to get the single entry at the time of application because I do not have further travel booked, I can get multi entry for 3800 baht at the airport? Thanks for the help for this newbie!!

  11. how about 90 days reporting ?

    All these practical points have already been discussed in previous threads.
    Can someone summarize this? Is 90 day reporting still a requirement?

    For the 5 year TE visa, to get another year permission to stay, you either

    a) do a border run while the visa is still valid, or

    cool.png go to local immigration office and apply for 1 year extension, no additional paperwork required.

    It's basically a 5-year "no-doc" or "low-doc" multiple entry visa. Should be able to get up to 6 years out of it if you do a border run or extension request before expiry (border run is probably easier). And extensions are also 'no-doc'. (No additional documentation beyond application /passport photo).

    So those who do not have thai family, retired, business, or school have a long-stay visa option. Or if you want a no-doc option and have the extra cash.

    I am also lost about the Easy Access card. Is this a separate program? How does it differ from TE program?

    Yes everyone does 90 reports. Everytime you leave the country and come back you get stamped in a year. If you dont leave its an extention at immigration with copy of passport and visa and completed TM7 form and 1900 bhts. Very easy to use. No I believe you cant extend it to 6 years. No idea about easy access card sorry. Maybe someone will know.

    This link explains "easy access card."


  12. In short, I have used LMG for 3 years and have had no issues until I had to make a claim, which they did not honour so I will be looking elsewhere in 2013. I am lucky that it was only a few hundred dollars, so lesson learnt.

    Giving this a bit of a bump....which company did you end up with? I am in process of doing research now, Bupa is looking good although premium a bit more than what was mentioned 3 years ago....naturally. However, it is still 10% of the cost of insurance in the USA for my age. Thanks for any helpful input!

  13. Thank you all for the responses. Knowing I can bring the ones I have here in USA is very helpful.

    Yea, speaker ohms are definitely not anything like the 120/240 voltage-in-your-country vs foreign country thing.

    Speakers are matched to the amplifier output.

    Though, for what you will be paying in shipping, you could probably buy a decent pair here ...unless you are shipping a huge container of things anyway, or the speakers are special in some way.

    Exactly the case, I have a couple of sets of nice speakers that I want to use over there. I will not be able to use the rest of the system as it is of course 115V. Sad to have to give up all the Carvers, but oh well.

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