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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. Most of Thailand has no wildlife, only birds, rats, insects and reptiles are left. The rivers are polluted and mostly fished out.  Only a few wildlife 'reserves' remain , and these are targeting by many poachers trying to sell exotic meat to the Chinese. Shark fin restaurants in Bangkok are always busy, and are protected by the police. Nobody really gives a s##@

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    16 or 17 are underage teens.
    They would be of no interest to paedophiles!

    Wrong. Most paedophiles would find them, although not their ideal, an acceptable 'half-way house'. Especially as these girls look particularly small, some of them.   Also, many paedophiles are able to have normal functioning sexual relations with another adult, which is why their hidden predilection for children often remains undiscovered. 

    • Confused 2
  3. 8 hours ago, happy chappie said:

    Gary glitter should apply for the music teachers position.really can't get my head around this story for christs sake.

    Gary Glitter may be a lot of things, but gay, he isn't.  Anyway, I don't know why anyone who has been in Thailand for a while would be surprised at the outcome of this story. 10 years ago I worked at a large school, where one of the Thai teachers regularly slept with girl students, brazen in his behaviour, he even cuddled them in class, 14/15/16 his preferred age range. Everyone knew, no one did anything, he was even popular in the staff room.  He is still there to this day.

    • Sad 3
  4. It all comes at absurd prices no doubt.  The claim that certain foods 'protect' you against cancer is highly dubious. And Alzheimers isn't 'contracted', it's not a virus. 


    Better just to eat a varied sensible diet low on fat, exercise properly every day, and maintain a healthy intellect through reading. No need to go out and buy overpriced, so called 'superfoods' to attempt to allay fears of failing health.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    Perhaps I am alone in this but having followed the drama live for 17 days, just 6 months ago, and experienced the real emotions of 'will they be found' and finally 'how will they get them out' I dont see how any film will enhance my experience. The live version had everything and all that will happen now is it will be condensed into under 2 hours and give a few overpaid actors a chance to pretend they are heroes. No thanks.

    No, you are not alone, a lot of people are fed up with this stupid nonsense. Anyway, wasn't there another movie called 'the cave'? About a bunch of hot chicks potholing, they get lost, meet, and then get eaten by some gollum lookalike cave dwellers who can't stand the light. That's a much better storyline.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ulic said:

    Why didn't they have it the past two years?

    Apparently Thai religious festivals that date back hundreds of years can just be cancelled at will for a year or two. A bit like us cancelling Easter if the Queen dies. As we all know, religious festivals in the west superceed in importance any monarchical events, and cannot be cancelled for any reason. Not so here it seems.

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