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Posts posted by Jeremy50

  1. 1 hour ago, lamyai3 said:

    I'm talking longer term than just recent decades. It's well established that the paving over the old network of khlongs in post war years is a major cause of the city's flooding, even if drainage in many areas has been improved since the earlier floods you remember from a few decades ago. From an Economist article of around 20 years ago:

    "Bangkok's flood-control capabilities are limited, since it long ago paved over most canals to build roads, depriving itself of a traditional means of water disposal. Flood water used to drain into the canals and then out to the Chao Praya and the sea."


    You are right of course. The other guy is talking about the 1980's and you are referring to the 1940's and before that. And still he wants to argue his point. I came here in the eighties, and all the canals had long been filled in by then.

  2. The fundamentals for surviving here remain unchanged:


    DO NOT.


    Put assets in a Thai person's name.

    Make a will with a Thai person being the beneficiary. Except your own child.

    Disclose your true worth.

    Bank more than you need in Thailand.

    Flaunt your 'wealth' in an ostentatious way.

    Fall for the 'The car has to be in a Thai person's name' scam. It does not, you can buy a car on a tourist visa, if you are paying up front.


    It would be interesting to know what assets exactly did this unfortunate gentleman put in his 'relatives' names. I wouldn't be surprised if the brand new car was one of them.

  3. 50 minutes ago, jrjrjr said:

    If more of us had the balls of these foreigners Thai would fear and respect us more.

    But reading your comments it seems that it won't happen soon...



    You should know that this forum is 'apologist central'. The main issue with noise is that the locals NEVER stand up and complain. Those damn speaker clusters on poles that turn on at 5.45am with some woman with a rasping voice barking out inanities about the price of food items at the local market AT FULL VOLUME. In any normal functioning society the whole neighbourhood would turn out with sledgehammers and bludgeon the speaker tower to the ground. Job done, no more getting woken up before it's even daylight. Does that happen? Does it hell.

    • Sad 2
  4. 1 hour ago, lazeeboy said:

    Not the right approach but feel sorry for him as same happened to me built a 6 bedroom house and months later the land in front of my house became the black moon multi moon whatever they fancied having moon ,was so loud I moved to cmx .now it's defunct I'm happily living back in my house .if I had put all my eggs in one basket I would of really been in trouble so know how this guy feels ,you have no say phone the police and end up giving them money 

    Anyone have a clue what he's going on about?

    • Haha 1
  5. The cave rescue was a bigger propaganda coup than the junta could have ever dreamed of, this story, not particularly interesting to many people including many Thais, will never be allowed go away. Perhaps the production team who made Fifty Shades of Grey, itself one of the most boring, deluded and un-sexy movies ever released, could call the cave drama [which I wouldn't dream of going to see] Fifty Shades of Exploitation and Corruption.

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  6. 2 hours ago, neeray said:

    We all expected this outcome. So sad. You reach the golden age, build your little piece of heaven and then get murdered by greedy, low life family. 



    No such thing as a 'piece of heaven' here, problems WILL arise later if not sooner. Better to find a hide-away thousands of miles away from the family-cum-hangers on, call them what you will.

  7. 7 hours ago, thequietman said:

    Pull yer neck in Rambo.

    Sad you got all those likes. Most people would be prepared to die to save their child. To stand firm and take revenge like Rambo, would certainly seem apt to me and to most others in such a situation. Dispatch some punishment and retribution, if you don't, live with the shame that you didn't.........for the rest of your life.

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