My mil took affirmative action with the hospital holding the family bookings for Moderna for the last 8 months by phoning them daily demanding they give her the vaccine jab - free because of pre-existing health conditions in her case. She was so persistent that the hospital got to recognise her voice, she said she could hear the person answering sigh when they heard her voice. She kept it up for a few weeks driving them mad (this is Central General Hospital in Pahonyothin) and in the end as they had a delivery they gave in and told her to come in the next day and they'd jab her.
She immediately switched tactics, saying that her jabs were free and they'd jab her the next day, but what about her younger sisters who had paid 8 months ago but were denied the jabs. Hospital in abject surrender knowing by now that this maniac woman would give them no peace and promptly asked for the sister's details, and booked them in for the following week. Seems they had the vaccines all along perhaps? Anyway, wife and sil now got their first jab, 2nd booked for next month. In passing and possibly not related, sil had no ill effects for 24 hours, then came down with nausea and raging fever of 39.4c so not sure if that is related. She refused to go to the hospital although I believe having a fever so soon after a jab is covered by liability insurance of the hospital?
As for me, got my wife to call Med PArk on my behalf, got a filipino guy who answered in English, passed the phone over and asked him about a booster for me having previously had the free Pfizer shots there. Guy spoke really good English, came from an area in Luzon I know well, so we chatted a bit. Told me to simply download a link and complete registration - gopt an appointment the following day for a free booster. Said they are still working on the 6 month for boosters although aware of Anutin changing it to 3 months the hospital have not caught up. Went in, got my free booster, and told to go back in 6 months for another one. 2 pretty giggling nurses didn't give me either a kiss or a candy though - big disappointment there! So finally we all got jabbed!