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Everything posted by cliveshep

  1. I sent the money to my wife, Wise sent it to me instead which is why 12 hours later on the web page my wife's transfer showed "pending" as money not received. I complained to Wise but they are probably Thai as they promptly blamed me in spite of the evidence to the contrary saying I must have clicked my own account - which I did not. I sent all the print-outs and screen grabs off their web site in proof but they ignored them. You cannot win with some banks as no matter what facts and proof you have they got their own "truth", I later deleted my wife's account as she lost her purse with i.d card, bank card and driver's licenses. Took a few hours of driving around to get all three replaced, a lot easier than it would have been in the UK. I told her to get a new account as well as someone put a small amount of money into her old account although she had blocked the card. She did that and a new account in her name was set up on Wise with a new account number. I tested it and money went through fine. The reason for splitting my pension between my account and hers is to avoid a transfer amount that at the end of the year would attract a tax liability for either of us if the venal Thais go ahead with ignoring the double tax agreement with the UK and taxing my pension..
  2. Is anyone else having issues with transferring money from a UK bank via the internet to the UK branch of Wise? Normally it takes seconds to arrive at Wise and seconds for Wise to send it on to a Thai bank but so far a transfer showing up on my Lloyds account as having been paid has not appeared in the Wise account for forwarding. It's a bit worrying especially as, although only a relatively small amount, we need it to stay solvent and in 2 days a larger amount needs to be transferred. Is this exceptional or are there often times when the money takes a long time to get to Wise? First time for me so far! Checked bank - defo states on my statement the money has gone to the Wise account saved in my payee list, nothing changed as far as I know with Wise.
  3. Just tried on Firefox although not signing in - comments are there ok. What has Opera done to me?
  4. It seems to be just me - I am not blocking ads or anything, using Opera so don't know why I am blocked. My son in the UK just checked - he has no problem either. What can I do?
  5. Try this one: And no, not when I use clip grab.
  6. Over the last couple of weeks YouTube has increased the ads to a disproportionate level but that is the price to pay I guess for a free service. If I want to watch something uninterrupted there is a simple solution, using free clip grab app I can download it - no ads! What is really annoying though is that the comments sections and the comments button have entirely disappeared from all the videos. Now that means I can no longer contact many contributors, actually none of them. So not to be overly paranoid but...................is it just me or have all of you encountered the same issue? Asked on Quora but they just babble on about a dislike button so no help. If it is just me for some reason, and as I am never abusive but only comment to ask a question or compliment the creator I am at a loss as to why. What if anything can I do in such a case? You Tube are owned by Google and the Americans have a justifiable opinion that they are just too big and need to be broken up, cannot disagree with that but be that as it may - how to contact them if it is just me and get answers or solutions?
  7. That is dressed pal, it's hot here in case you live in Lapland, in my own home i wear boxers only. Not out to drive anyone mad with desire or make fashion statements - ok? And for the rest of you with better manners than LL - the unit is already charging in my picture., the lead is plugged into the charging port and is from the charger in the wall socket. image modified below for those with a delicate disposition - alright Lou?
  8. Also a cigar-lighter plug adapter and a USB lead as well.
  9. It comes with a mains charger and a charging port - not usb - and it showed 4 light meaning 4/4 full charge, went to 3 after starting the truck and took around 1 1/2 hours to charge up full again so not a problem..
  10. Unlikely - both starter and relay are brand new as of a couple of months ago.
  11. Just right of centre under the dash - bit of a back-breaker getting to contort to see it. I broke it away from the metal bracket to get both hands on the appropriate terminal on the wires and couldn't re-fit it - arthritis - so just zip-tied it back up.
  12. Just want to share this, like the man said I would like to say how tickled I am! Following some possibly dubious advice I connected a 12v live wire to one terminal that was apparently supposed to be live on my Suzuki Carry OBD1 socket. Not totally sure but I think it is responsible for a parasitic draw that recently cost me a new battery. I wasn't worried at the time - I had replaced it 2 or 3 years earlier so when the truck did nothing on the key I bought and fitted a new battery. But we hadn't used the truck for a couple of weeks only so naturally I was suspicious when I tried to start it over Christmas and it was totally flat. I have a 100 amp start-all charger/booster but it kept shutting off after 2 seconds - I thought it was the toc and tweaked it but never tried it again and bought the new battery. So I never tried it. Instead I thought to pay 1256 baht on Lazada for this little magic box (see here: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/paraclete-jump-starter-99800mah-12v-jump-starter-usb-power-bank-battery-booster-clamp-i2234100075-s7471496423.html? I disconnected the wire I'd added and tried my new toy. Amazing! Truck roared into life just like a new battery - I am delighted to say the least. Moreover after driving it round the block a bit I tried my Start-all and it also worked as the battery had some volts in it I suppose. Left it on a controlled charge to top off the battery. So given how tiny these things are and how cheap I totally recommend having one in the car, it is supposed to start up to 6l petrol and 5l diesel engines up to 20 times and that is pretty amazing if true.
  13. Hopefully then Chang Wattana take a 15th to 15th 2 months later because if it is calendar months there would only be a couple of days and if the money doesn't arrive by 1st Jan as in fact it should that will be the scenario.
  14. Not a problem in that sense, I can satisfy financials but guaranteed 2 month date is only 12 days BEFORE extension expiry. But others have said I'm ok if it becomes necessary to apply 12 days before rather than my usual month so that's my answer!
  15. The reason is that it is possible that money needed to put back money spent from my 400,000 baht fund due to emergencies earlier this year might not come in time to top the fund back up the necessary 2 months before my normal application date of 4 weeks before extension expiry. So the money might arrive late giving 2 months in the bank ending only 1 weeks before the previous extension of stay expires. Relevant dates could be as late as 25th January 400,000 in my bank with an extension of stay expiring 5th April, the 2 months maturation ending only 12 days before expiry of the previous extension of stay.
  16. Thanks for that but as I posted on my update the USB speakers work perfectly, no hum, plenty of volume, good clear sound. If only I had known that a reboot would have solved the problem it would have saved me hours of work and pestering everyone on here. Still, now got other problems to worry about, the speakers can go into storage for emergency use if necessary.
  17. Nobody talked about me specifically? You posted your vitriol on a thread in response to my original post yet your comments are supposed to be regarded as unrelated? Are you completely off your meds or is this normal behaviour for you, in which case do please bog-off elsewhere with your anti-expat comments which are unrelated to tax questions but simply put you are just pushing your uninformed personal beliefs. Thank you for your "service", please don't slam the door on your way out. Goodbye!
  18. You are not a very nice person are you? My wife is Thai, we lived in England, we married in England, we both worked in England, she is younger than me by a lot, we've been married for 12 years now and I am in my late 70's and she is the greatest, loving and caring plus at 40 beautiful and sexy. She of course speaks English very well, is a University Graduate, and highly competent. We were married in an English country church we attended regularly, and had our own house. We decided to sell our house and cars and move here when I retired because we love the country and it's lack of intrusion into our lives unlike the UK. Plus it is warm, no ice and snow. We bought a nice detached house, fully air-conditioned although to be fair we limit it's use given how expensive it is and it is free of any financial encumbrances. It is in a quiet walled village, we got 2 old cars, one is a truck actually, and a motorbike so retirement is good for me as my darling spoils me rotten. Frankly nothing you wrote applies to us and you are talking utter garbage, perhaps you have some personal issues here that have made you such a sourpuss?
  19. Well, that is really good info, I already worked out that if I transferred all my pension over based von the tax tables posted earlier I would be liable for 87 baht a month tax IF the Thai Government reneged on the DTA. So for me I guess nothing to worry about, thanks all!
  20. I'll leave things the way they are I think, not stirring anything up with the Dept of Pensions. Just need to figure out how to get Wise to show the transfers come from my UK bank, my UK bank statement will show clearly where payments in come from and go to. Come to that the Statement clearly shows DWP payments in and Transferwise payments out and no other transactions month on month.
  21. What happened? Well, I de-soldered the old 6-pin component off the pcb and fitted the Lazada one. It all works perfectly except for a persistent mains hum from the speakers which it has always had. Presumably a duff electronic thingy somewhere buy I am ignorant of these things. I was a Building Contractor before, not an audio engineer. BUT........ Confession time. Re-booting the lappie the next day with the USB speakers still plugged it and wow.............high volume from the speakers. So the repaired ones go in the cupboard as spares. The USB set are presumably plug n' play and the lappie adjusted drivers to suit them. The sound is good, volume fantastic, and I got egg on face! I am so pleased I can tell you, they are far better speakers than my old ones and take up less room on my desk. So to everyone who tried to help, in a similar situation you should advice a re-boot first it seems. Thanks all for your input.
  22. No doubt of interest to many UK expats who live here pretty much permanently. In view of the recent tax bombshell by this new Government here that incoming money will be taxed, I assume this includes pension remittances. Now my pension is paid into my UK bank, being a UK pension it is pretty poor anyway compared to many. I use Wise to transfer it directly to my Bangkok Bank account. Gives me a steady thb30,000 a month, the balance remains in the UK as savings for big items when I then transfer it here. Given that my wife and I live simply that is sufficient for a comfortable existence for us although getting a bit tight these days. My question here: Thailand and the UK have a Double Taxation Agreement, my pension is taxed at source although given the relatively small amount tax is zero. So in principle the Thai Government should ignore it. But - the provenance of transfers is probably obscured using Wise so if I need to how can I show that these monthly amounts are my already-taxed pension monies? This assumes that the Thai Government actually honour the agreement in the first place of course. Does anyone know if I'll need to show where it comes from as it is less than the Thai average income amount anyway? Information on this proposed tax seems scarce, does it have a level after which it is taxed or is it a blanket tax for all incoming monies?
  23. I got a Samsung phone and installed the app from Google Play. To open it I just type in my ATM card pin number it asks for and it works perfectly. Cannot recall if I previously installed it and had to put in any other details, name, password etc before and it remembered on my new phone or not. Google Bangkok Banking and it gives 1 method each for android phone or i-Phone. I only did it last week so current news. All I did was used Google play to install the app, and to open it I was asked for my 6-digit pin. So simple. Of course compared to my UK bank Thailand has pretty crappy security but for me simple is good.
  24. Wow, guys, thanks so much for all the input. Forgive me if I tell you my lovely Thai wife has trumped all of you - with this from Lazada: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/vr-6-pin-20-b50kb100k-1-i2761938886-s17361932658.html? Costs 15 baht and for a pensioner 15 baht is quite affordable! I have one of those electric sucker de-soldering tools in my little box of tricks and I've already taken out the B50k 6-pin control in anticipation of the replacement. I'm quite pleased with myself - spent all my working life in Construction, hammers and power tools were more my line and digger and telehandler driving so it shows old dogs can still learn new tricks! Thanks again guys. If I cock this up I'll be glad of those answers!
  25. I use an old Win 10 Dell Latitude laptop that does not have the power to run USB speakers and the inside speaker is too quiet for old ears. Either that or USB speakers are too quiet anyway. So for many years I have used a 220 volt mains powered pair of stereo speakers that have a jack that plugs into the lappie. First the on/off switch started to fail so I pulled the main speaker with the little pcb board apart and sprayed it with switch cleaner. That made it work but in the process the volume control got damaged - clumsy me - so nothing works any more. I got 2 sets of USB powered speakers - utterly useless - cannot hear anything, insufficient volume. If I could source a volume control for the little pcb board I got a de-soldering iron and all the necessary tools to swap the broken control out if I could find one which I cannot. 220 volt speakers are old technology it seems so please - if anyone has a working set from the UK or wherever going cheap please let me know - silent movies are not my cup of tea. BUT please - no USB powered ones. Thanks everyone.
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