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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. In the UK they have no authority to make criminal record checks except in very specific circumstances. You can't just do a criminal record check on anybody you please.

    Peanuts. HR of many companies do just that day and night. Checking candidate's name against dabases of pedofiles (which are public), whatever else there is available to check, trawl social media. When applying for a job you give them your acknowledgement.

    What could be new in Thai now is just that tell you they are (or may be) doing that and you are aware. Everyone has been photographed at border crossing. Face recogition software these days can dig you out from whatever anonymous (as this one) Forum they want.

    Of course, sporting a new tatoo or being a breeder of pitbulls won't stop visa extension but something else might.

    In the UK only the person can get their Full Criminal Conviction Police Report, there are more crimes than pedos! This the person takes to their employers or Immigration. The only way to get a full report.

    A lot of good that does

  2. The climatologists warned us that rising atmospheric CO2 levels would result in global warming? Global warming! Remember the days of their innocence when they called it that?

    Well of course we now have the data. Yes, CO2 levels are rising and rapidly; they just breached 400 parts per million. Yet average atmospheric temperatures globally have, if anything, cooled in these last 20 years.

    So how have the climatologists reacted? By changing the name of their movement for one, to "climate change." That alone should give us pause. But it gets better.

    Now they claim that the earth has been getting warmer, not in the air but in the deepest oceans, and there is some evidence of this. What they wont tell you is that there is still no proven anthropomorphic link, no proof that man made CO2 is the culprit of any deep ocean warming.

    Moreover, they miss the point that if the deepest oceans are indeed a natural heat sink, absorbing heat from the atmosphere and thus keeping the latter's temperature stable that otherwise would be rising in the face of rising atmospheric CO2, that itself is an arrow pointed directly at the hearts of the climatologists.

    For at the heart of their argument was--as with all left wing argument--victimology. The Earth was as much a victim of homo economicus, on their insistence, as any noble savage. Yet it now turns out, on the climatologists own arguments, the earth is very much capable of defending itself.

    Yes, changing sea temperatures could indeed be contributing to climate change. But climate change is not global warming. One area becomes cooler, another warmer; that is very different from a relentless progression to a scorched earth and waves lapping at what are now mountaintops.

    So what if we have climate change; it would be far more shocking if we did not have climate change. Climate change has occured always and everywhere throughout all known time. It is part and parcel of the earth itself.

    Seven years ago Al Gore predicted that by this summer Arctic ice would all have melted. Instead, it is rebuilding.

    Seven years from now Al Gore and his merry band of climatologists will themselves have melted away.

    Well said.....but these folks educated at GORE THE WHORE TECH will disagree.......ask me why I call him Gore the Whore

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  3. I think America should lead by example here, and take climate threat seriously before Thailand does. How many people in America are convinced that burning coal is NOT what's causing global warming ? And how many people are convinced that global warming is not happening at all ?

    And Australia, tell your coal companies to stop exporting the stuff, coal is slowly killing everybody. Australia, you export more coal than any other nation on planet earth.

    its called "WEATHER"............so your gonna blame burning coal on the last ICE AGE.

    No I am not.

    I'm gonna blame burning coal for PREVENTING the next ICE AGE.


    And I'll be looking forward to that cooling period here in Thailand.....sorry ICE AGE....555

  4. I applied for a 60 day tourist visa and was grilled about who I work for in HK (I'm a Brit but a permanent HK resident so showed them a HK address and my HK ID card), I was asked why I spend so much time in Thailand.

    I always think that these are the best occasion for the proper answer: "The country that you represent is beautiful, and its people is wonderful. I just love to spend my time there, fortunately I'm able to afford it". Big smile and watch the reaction.

    BTW you should have got the ED visa. You will not be able to get extensions while on a tourist visa.

    "...the proper answer: "The country that you represent is beautiful, and its people is wonderful. I just love to spend my time there, fortunately I'm able to afford it". Big smile and watch the reaction."[/size]

    Wonder why it is that foreigners think they're so clever and that they expect Thais to have such a dramatic reaction to childish blather.[/size]

    You will find that often consulate clerks are not Thai... I said "the country you represent", not "your country".

    From what I've seen Thais can pick out the pompous farangs and love to watch them turn red & sputter after giving them a little aggravation.[/size]

    Seems like you're coming with some prejudice here... In my experience there is no harm in telling the truth in a nice way.

    In any case I will be happy to leave you the last word, that I won't doubt you'll be eager to take.

    I think you shut him up......555

  5. I think America should lead by example here, and take climate threat seriously before Thailand does. How many people in America are convinced that burning coal is NOT what's causing global warming ? And how many people are convinced that global warming is not happening at all ?

    And Australia, tell your coal companies to stop exporting the stuff, coal is slowly killing everybody. Australia, you export more coal than any other nation on planet earth.

    its called "WEATHER"............so your gonna blame burning coal on the last ICE AGE.

    • Like 2
  6. My blood boils when I see these punks.

    THUG BEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If I was on the scene it would be impossible to stop me from bashing this punk to a pulp.

    Everybody copy and paste the link to this video to as many forums as possible.

    If you could understand Thai you'd have realized the boy was concerned about the lady's health regards heat stroke, sun burn and future skin cancer risk.

    A well educated and caring boy.

    Having had the audio appropriately analysed I realise the above was nonsence & presumably posted in jest. All that can be heard is the same grunts detected by ferang ears, along with what could be some pigeon english.

    Re Beach Ownership; Anything below the MHWM (mean high water mark) is neither 'land' nor 'seabed' and is therefore deemed 'Crown foreshore', (a term coined by the Brits & adopted worldwide courtesy of the Royal Navy) and is the property of the state.

    The only thing that doesn't ring true to me is whether or not this clip has been staged...

    So let me get this straight.....are you defending the thug in the video.....If so "Birds of a Feather Flock Together"

  7. So your talking about a bicycle......hahaha I thought a motorcycle....I wouldn't even pay 10 grand and your saying some cost 250 grand....without a engine..???

    I bet my Huffy from Walmart will do what those do.....60 bucks usd....took me to Khon Kaen and back many times over the years 60k round trip

  8. Just checked with the BBC site.

    They pushed the beheading incident in the back pages...way back.

    As expected...no surprises here.

    Yes, I noticed that too. Something's amiss.

    you know whats amiss.......afraid that the truth will hurt their feelings (muslims).....its ok though...they'll just hug and all will be ok......yeah right

  9. He did try to attack a car and a cat as well so right now I reckon drugs and/or serious mental illness.

    Yes - he converted to islam!!

    Let's establish the facts first.

    fact is......he killed the poor soul....did blaming Islam touch a nerve with you...????

  10. In my opinion, both Abisit and Yingluck are honourable persons. Unfortunately for both they were both too trusting and were probably used by those around them, especially in the case of Abisit an honest and educated man but a weak leader who was well within the grasp of that corrupt, wiley old criminal Suthep a man who was involved in not only Palm oil scams, but actually stole government land which was reserved for poor Thai farmers and gave it to rich family friends, when he was about to be indicted for this, he resigned from the Agricultural ministry just to avoid legal incrimination. He was also known to have been involved in land enroachment on Koh Samui, but appears to have got away with all this. It was he who ordered the army to use live ammunition, not Abisit. It must be obvious to all that Suthep has not gone into the monkhood for anything other than self preservation. When the statute of limitations for whatever he is hiding from, have passed, he will come out and once again be "The Mouth from the South" coffee1.gif

    He should have been picked up with those others posing as Monks.

  11. A ban is opposed by Republicans who say it would be too much government meddling for small and medium sized businesses, and by bag manufacturers who fear job losses.

    Kashkari -- who latest polls indicate trails by 50 per cent to 34 per cent for the November 4 gubernatorial post -- said he opposes the legislation.

    "No chance would I sign that bill," he said in Thursdays debate.


    ​Of course not. The man, and his entire party is ethically and morally bankrupt. Strip the environment of any hope it has of surviving long term, in favor of a few more sales. That is smart. Visionary. Real leadership.

    In reality many of us have been carrying our own bags for years. This will just force the slumbering masses to do so. It is very easy to do. It makes sense. I cannot even buy a bottle of water anymore, as it causes me pain to consume that amount of plastic. I get the 20 liter bottles at home, and fill them up hundreds of times, and bring them to restaurants, and nearly anyplace I go. I tend to refuse water if it is in a new plastic bottle, as often as I can. I dread thinking where those bottles end up.

    Cry me handful....

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