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Posts posted by Thaiready


    Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims.

    The "victims" started the conflict in the first place, have refused numerous peace deals and elected a terrorist group - Hamas - to represent them There is such a thing as personal responsibility.
    More propaganda. First the conflict was triggered off by the capture of 3 Israeli youths, later unfortunately found dead. Israel's response was to kill a number of Palestinians, summarily arrest well over a hundred & lock them up without trial and accuse Hamas of the kidnapping & murders - without proof. So, as to who started it, the kidnappers, but it was escalated into a pogrom by the fascist Israeli authorities. (ignoring too the death of the Palestinian by settlers in response)
    SEcond no one, including Israel & the US has the right (despite Iraq, Libya & Afghanistan) to tell the Palestinians who to vote for. Invasions and attempts to get people to vote for the 'right' crowd tend to leave a right (worse) mess behind them.
    Hamas has indeed refused 'peace deals' which are nothing more than cease-fires because they want an end to the illegal blockade of Gaza which, incidentally has done nothing to prevent Hamas acquiring rockets but done everything to reinforce Hamas's support.
    Are you Israeli supporters working in shifts?

    There's only one side to be on.....the side of the right....kick ass Israel

  2. I am 100% for what Israel is doing.Hamas are really bad people .

    Hamas may be bad people but Israel is killing Palestinians indiscriminately.  Civilians young and old not holding a weapon.  Israel is committing blanket murder just like the Bush's did in Iraq and Obama continues to do with drones.  Will you stop hamas by random killlings, I think not.  I am not anti Jewish but I am totally anti Israeli government in this circumstance.  And I believe that the 1947 agreement should be recinded or at least that the war mongering bast###s should be made to move back to the land received in that bad deal.
    But there you go I am talking to someone who is OK with killing women and children.

    When you freak with the big dog you get bit......and these scum have been freaking with the dog for quite awhile.
    I see current and future terrorist getting bit....serves them right.....Roll On Big Dog
  3. [quote name="khunken" post="8147159" timestamp="1406203124"]

    [quote name="ggold" post="8147137" timestamp="1406202504"]

     [quote name="khunken" post="8147118" timestamp="1406202091"]

     [quote name="ggold" post="8147086" timestamp="1406201481"]

     [quote name="khunken" post="8147024" timestamp="1406200268"]


    Hamas doesn't need to work very hard on anti-Israeli feelings in Gaza. Prisoner-of-war type of enclave with three lots of atrocities is actually helping Hamas and creating more and more fighters.
    They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians on top of the thousands in the previous two genocidal attacks. Israel never seems to learn.
    They are more concerned with the murder of hundreds of their fellow civilians cheesy.gif
    That's why Hamas use their civilians as Human shields.  Obviously you missed that part, in order to make such a comment! Helps if you know what you are talking about.
    Sick 'smiley'.
    You are yet again spouting Israeli propaganda which you have filled TV threads with. I have no time for those who blame victims for being blown to bits with nowhere to go. Contemptuous.

    cheesy.gif  another one!
    the comment that Hamas are more concerned with the murder of their own fellows is contemptuous, as they are responsible for their deaths. No one is blaming the victims. I am blaming HAMAS.
    Total rubbish. You are defending Israeli atrocities by attempting to blame the victims. It's standard Israeli propaganda, which only the gullible swallow. You haven't even posted one word of sympathy for the victims. Again contemptuous (& duplicious).


    There's nothing to be said.......sympathy for who..??? The terrorist and the training to be terrorist.....nope no pity

  4. This is a good thing.

    Get a work permit and work visa. Pay your bloody taxes. Then you'll have no problem.

    This visa run thing has gone on long enough. One of the good things that will come out of this is we will have less 'teachers' now. We really don't need all this riff raff 'teachers' whose only qualification is speaking the language and being white. High time this country hired real English teachers.

    If they want real teachers they will have to pay real salaries.

    They can't afford me.

  5. [quote name="Seastallion" post="8130271" timestamp="1405909676"]

    [quote name="Pralaad" post="8130178" timestamp="1405908607"]

     [quote name="Seastallion" post="8130169" timestamp="1405908444"]
     [quote name="Pralaad" post="8130003" timestamp="1405906078"]
     [quote name="Seastallion" post="8129848" timestamp="1405902813"]
    Although still shocking, the death ratio between the bully and the bullied is getting better.[/quote]In other words you glad to see Jews being killed?

    Now correct me if I am wrong but it was and is Hamas who is firing rockets and refusing ceasefire, so you would think it would be Hamas fighting IDF .

    So could you explain why Hamas hardly suffers any casualties ? Is it because they are hiding like rats or the number of civilians is not a truthful number and a huge number of people In that list are actually Hamas fighters ?
     [/quote]In other words you're glad to see Palestinians slaughtered?
    Could you explain why Israel suffers hardly any casualties? Is it because they have helicopters and tanks with which to fight stone throwing, while the IDF commanders hide like rats back at HQ?[/quote]Of course I can and already did. It's because Israel cares about it's civilians and spends money on shelters, warning sirens and defensive hardware .

    Now back over to you, and please do try to answer the question asked instead if TRYING to be smart and answer question with a question

    And just to confirm, now you are saying Hamas are the commanders? But stone throwers are the army? So they would not be civilians then, would they?

    PS. So who is firing the rockets ? Hamas in Qatar or the civilians?
    You miss the point completely, but then, you don't want to get the point. Like all pro-Israelis you point blank refuse to see the immense inequity between the two sides, the huge difference in defence or attack capability, and the greatly disproportionate amount of damage/death inflicted in this tit-for-tat long-running conflict.
    Maybe the American pro-Israeli stance is not because of the Jewish lobby ( maybe), but maybe it's because the US was founded on a similar scenario; Indigenous people, overrun and killed with superior forces in number and armament, for their land. You can hardly condemn Israel for doing the same thing.[/quote]

    maybe they should learn not to pick a fight they can never win.
  6. Amazing. Tourism figures already suffering so what can they do next? Well we did the curfew ermm...Oh, let's see, how about making beaches places where you can't lay on the beach on a sunbed and get a beer!! Great stuff, I heard Vietnam has nice beaches though, and you can get lunch and a glass of wine too! And everybody here saying "quite right, if it's not legal they should go" will be the same people whining about how Thailand doesn't do enough to get tourists in... Incredible mentality of an already pretty much f*cked up country. Too bad, such a glorious country be stripped bare

    At Nai Harn you can or could buy a beer on the beach you could also cut your foot to pieces on broken beer bottles on the beach and in the water. Take 20 seconds to walk across the road for a snack or beer and please don't bring the bottles to the beach.

    Vietnam is a lovely country depending on the nature of the people they will either get it right or they also will have to have a reset in the future as is happening here. Tourism down for now but when word gets out of the changes and the military rule is wound back, they will come.

    I think many would agree it is special in todays world to stand with your back to the man made world and see nothing but sand, surf, reef, islands a few other people enjoying a beautiful natural resource.

    That's if they don't knock down those very same restaurants on the road at Naiharn too, which is what they were talking about on Phuket Wan just yesterday. You're describing your Utopia of empty beaches, surf and reef etc. Unfortunately, other people like to lay on the beach, on a sunbed and grab a beer if they want. Most people will take a 2 week vacation and enjoy a to relax on a nice beach, be able to take a fresh water shower and eat or drink without getting a taxi to go find a restaurant that's not on the beach. Tell me, where will people go from Surin Beach to get a glass of water or lunch? Apart from the beach places there is only hotels. Even less at Layan beach. When those beach shacks go (the people that own these beaches also do pick up any bottles and cigarette ends etc) there is nowhere at all to get refreshments, either alcoholic or otherwise.

    Pack a lunch and drinks in a cooler....you ever heard of a picnic.

    Yes and when you're at home it's easy, grab stuff from fridge, haul the kids to the car but when on holiday and staying in a hotel room it's not so easy is it, really?

    With a 7-11 on nearly every street corner...Yes very easy.

  7. Civiised country? bloodthirsty killers more like !

    Yeah well. Until some creep does it to someone that you love it is savage. Did you ever see or read Steven King's "The Green Mile"? Remember the prolonged and agonizing electrocution that occurred because the electric chair head piece did not have a sponge soaked with salt water strapped under it? That would be fine for the bastard who did the girl spoken of in this article.

    needs to be a painful death...and not 25 years later, walk from the court house straight to hanging or firing squad. Come to think of it Drawn an Quartered for all murders

    • Like 1
  8. Mow them down with the MU-7

    I've got a Fortuner and tried many times ! The little shit's too quick... Maybe one day....?

    Sent from my EPhone

    A little quicker on the steering wheel next time....works every time. Another trick if they bite at the tires....tie a cloth to the rim close to center point when they grap the cloth it spins their neck.....snap..problem solved.
  9. Buy him some gutters.(he'll be a friend for life)...small money 3 or 4 thousand bhat thats cunk change...Cost much more to extend height of wall.....if you counter with a roof to direct water back onto his properity your not solving anything.....he then will counter your solution.

  10. Back to the bitch in question. She claims to be a royalist and by doing so is stating that if you are a red shirt, PTP supporter you dont support the monarchy...what utter nonsense. Used regularly by elitist groups to justify their total ignorance.

    Everybody needs to realise that there was a percentage of the last electorate that voted for the PTP that werent farmers. That may come as a surprised to the avid yellow manual readers. Some, in fact a lot of the 11,000,000+ that voted PTP were doctors, lawyers, business owner and professional people from all walks off life who this little princess wants to have executed. A little bit Singha beer heiress. She mirrors everything that is bad about this country. With people in privledged positions voicing opinions like this will there ever be peace in Thailand.

    Umm the PTP did NOT even get the majority of the Thais that did vote. Get over yourself.

    [ In reality, of the 74% of Thais that turned out to vote on July 3, 2011, only 48% actually cast votes for Peua Thai (PTP). Of all eligible voters, that is a tenuous 35% mandate, hardly what can be called decisively backed. ]

    Still crying huh.....GET OVER IT

  11. Somebody in your position should never have a problem.

    Sounds like your application was tardy and your post suggests a bit of arrogance in the ease with which you expected to get the visa.

    You should have sought the advice of friends or looked at the many threads on Thai Visa that cover exactly what is required.

    It is no use bleating at the UK government, you are the only person to blame for not satisfying the criteria.

    Time and time again members like the Old Git point out that each application has to be treated on its own merits and you need to tick all the boxes for the EO.

    BS. Its not arrogant. I have been with my Thai partner for 14 years and married for 9 of those. As a UK citizen I also expect my wife to be able to get a visit visa also. This is not arrogance, its a basic human right. The OP is correctly complaining about the system or lack thereof for recourse or follow up.

    I 100% agree with the OP.


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