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Posts posted by Thaiready

  1. I'm just talking about historical facts ... but the US does have a poor human rights record, when I think.back to its Native people, the use of the Chinese to build its initial infracture, theft and slavery of Africans, illegal detention and torture of whomever the US deems to be a 'terrorists' and the literally millions of innocents the US has murdered in its various invasions across globe 'however it goes about legitimising' those invasions to the word. How many Japanese was it again that were killed and maimed and tortured in 1945??

    Come on ... lets not bash one country without remembering the atrocities our own has committed.

    The only solution I can think ... is for the United nations ... the Globe ... to make illegal all use of destructive force especially military force. Cut military budgets from all countries and wow ... poverty and hunger is solved ...

    Spoken like a True Liberal Socialist

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  2. A bit hypocritical, but they do have a point.

    The world condemns the PDRK, but jump on the side of the US in its same abuses.

    There were even members on here saying the US authorities should be shooting black protesters. That is how lame some people are.,

    I believe the statements were left on the forum. So obviously common opinion.

    The Racist group Are the ones Protesting.

  3. Where is the EU England and USA to them the only violence is in Israel West Bank and Gaza

    In a year more people are killed in Nigeria and not a peep from the them or the UN

    They should boycott Nigerian Oil Rubber and Bananas until their is peace.

    To stop the killings Nigeria should be broken up to 23 different countries because their 23 really different tribes

    President Obama needs to set down with the 23 leaders at once

    Nigeria......never heard of it.

  4. Unfortunately, both sides of the US gun control argument are right.

    There are too many guns in the USA and they need to be taken out of civilian hands (2nd amendment regarding militias excepted).

    If you ban guns, only the criminals will have them.

    As a Brit, I didn't even see a gun until I was over eighteen and saw them for the first time on the European mainland.

    Therefore I'm a natural supporter of gun control.

    But, in the USA it is far too late for that. It should have happened a hundred years ago and would of had a chance of succeding. Now, there are at least five guns for every citizen and even if gun control was brought in, it wouldn't work and the pro-gun mantra would come true.

    Personally, instead of trying to control guns, that will work for hundreds of years, they should try and restrict ammunition, which has a shelf life.

    Spoken like a True Socialist

  5. "If you plan to enter the US illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up."

    What!? Are such mixed signals intentional, or borne of stupidity?

    Well, do I at least get a tax break, Emperor, if I follow the law and get my Thai wife a visa?

    I did, although I had to take her for an interview in bangkok at the embassy where I was overcharged for a 1 night stay? I don't know what's worse, getting double charged for being an American in Thailand or just paying more period along with everyone else?

    Jimmy Carter is very happy Obama was President. Now Jimmy will be known as the 2nd worst President in history.

    The worst president will always be Bush 43. How many people have lost family members/ limbs due to his war that was totally unneeded?

    How much in debt did we get after Clinton left us with a Surplus?

    How much did gasoline cost in 2007 vs 2001?

    Maybe you can forget it, I can't.

    A Liberal has no clue about the REAL numbers.....Surplus my arse

    Your Liberal Hero's voted for the War......Yes I know you want to overlook that fact.

    You seem to forget the cost of gas when GW left office..... And your Beloved Self Proclaimed King Obama is a Fraud that has done nothing but Lie to the American People.

  6. It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

    Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

    I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

    And what Planet are you from....???

    2nd best President...555. 2nd best at being the worst.

    • Like 2
  7. this is the equivalent of the Daily Mail or Daily Mirror getting hold of a pic emailed to them anonymously and splashing it on their front page to sell newspapers

    it has nothing to do with Putin or the Russian govt

    its just more western propaganda to try and discredit the Ruskies and cover up the fact that the USA backed Ukraine govt shot down the plane with a Su25 Fighter

    of course the TV Americans will believe anything their state controlled media feeds them

    It has everything to do with Pootin and the Ruskies

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