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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. You mean the insurrectionist who tried to break into the Capitol? She died. Unfortunately, she was the only traitor that happened to. 'Babbitt's attempt to climb through a shattered window beside a barricaded door into the Speaker's Lobby was thwarted when she was shot in the left shoulder by a United States Capitol Police (USCP) officer.[7][8][9][10] After a USCP emergency response team administered aid, Babbitt was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she died.[11][12] The USCP deemed the shooting was "lawful and within Department policy" and "potentially saved Members (of Congress) and staff from serious injury and possible death".[13][14]' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ashli_Babbitt
  2. Well meaning dupe does not mean scumbag (well, maybe in Liverpool). 'Murderous Leftist rhetoric?? Someone's having a bad day. Did you football team lose last night?
  3. That's OK. The important thing is that your shrink does. PS. You're 'too deep' for most people? Yes, by all means let's go with that.😂
  4. No, you didn't say you were a Brit, you didn't have to. You used the word 'diddums' and according to Google that's a uniquely British word not used elsewhere on the planet. And defending a common criminal isn't an obsession....unless it's done obsessively, like you do. And that's spot on according to the dictionary. If you were a 'yank' I could understand your obsession, but for a Brit....?
  5. I can't believe you actually spent time making that lame meme!😂
  6. And heeeeeeere's Frankie in yet another about the weasel Trump, complaining about the non-Americans blasting his orange deity. Take a rest, Frank, you've earned it!
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but turds are not called floaters without a reason.
  8. ...says the Trump-obsessed Brit who feels obliged to defend the convicted criminal all day, every day!😄
  9. Somebody had to clean up the mess left by the previous administration and it's gross mishandling of the Trump virus. It happened on Trump's watch so he has to own it, right?
  10. And you're constantly defending everything he did/does, criminal, stupid, lame or otherwise, and you're a Brit. So what exactly is your point?
  11. So as not to make his lapdog Trump look bad.
  12. Maybe it would help if you clarified which question you're referring to. The only question you have posted recently is weirdly asking for a prediction of what might happen in the future in a particular scenario. Do you realize that fortune telling really isn't a thing?
  13. The horrible orange face in an orange jumpsuit would definitively be a great moment in US history.
  14. But you're a Brit, a Brit complaining about other non-Americans posting about Trump, just like you do. You see what the problem with that is, Frank?
  15. No, not like the USA. Please stop with the fake pearl clutching - it's disingenuous.
  16. So you're a Brit who complains about other posters not being American and posting about Trump?! I could say that's blatantly hypocrisy but I think your problems run deeper than that.
  17. You don't know where I'm from, Frank, because I haven't told you. And because you're not exactly Sherlock Holmes there's no way you've figured it out yourself based on my posts. But by all means, prove me wrong!👍
  18. Donald Trump overcharged Secret Service agents protecting him and his family And this surprises exactly no one.
  19. So Putin was elected leader in a free and fair election??😂 Funny how freely his opponents kept flying out of windows. Kim was also "elected", Frank. What are your thoughts on him? Can I define a woman?? What a weird question. Maybe get professional help for your obsessions? And before calling other people idiots, Frank, maybe take a long, hard look in the mirror. But before you do might I suggest you don't leave your mouth open - lots of flies buzzing around here in Thailand.
  20. So you prefer strongmen to elected leaders? That makes you a fascist, Frank. Glad we could establish that.
  21. How does "real life' interfere with the criminal's convictions?
  22. Right. Much better for the old elite to have everything for themselves.
  23. Or that the coup general was a legitimate PM.
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