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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. For the benefit and education of the dullest knifes in the kitchen drawer: https://www.britannica.com/topic/insurrection-politics "Insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt. " ..'an organized..'. Check. Although very poorly, obviously. We are after all talking about mouth breathers here. ..'and usually violent..'. Check. ..'act of revolt or rebellion..'. Check. ..'against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity..'. Check. ..'by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt.' Check. Check mate.
  2. Says the guy who still claims the Jan 6th 2021 insurrection didn't even happen even though the whole world saw it happen - live!😆
  3. Anyone in that position would probably not feel a thing in either end.
  4. And I think you want to have sexual relations with Trump. Admit it, admit it!!
  5. Maybe Donald (Donna?) is. That would explain the tiny hands and heavy use of makeup.
  6. Of course he is. It's all part of the 'all fart no poo' campaign.
  7. Sigh, given the audience I guess I need to spell it out for you. If this directive is as sinister as the poster claims where is the outrage in the right-wing press? The directive was made effective four weeks ago. Again, where is the outrage? Get it now, Frank (et al)?
  8. Didn't you get the latest MAGA memo? This is a conspiracy and Fox News are in on it!
  9. Please release the stranglehold you have on your pearls. No one is stopping you from linking to e.g. Fox News. But since this is just gaslighting you'll keep posting drivel.
  10. So the coup generals just thought of what was best for Thailand and not what was best for their little 'band of robb brothers'?
  11. And found liable for sexual abuse. Besides, wouldn't be much left for the customers as he would stuff his orange face with their orders.
  12. Again, where is this astounding piece of news covered in the right wing media? Just had a look at Fox News headlines - nothing. Are Fox News in on it? Is this a.....wait for it.....CONSPIRACY?!?!?
  13. You think it was limited to a few watches? What about his participation in a coup? Should he and his fellow coup makers be punished for that? PS. Of course, his pals cleared him of any wrongdoing.
  14. And this astounding revelation is headline news in all right wing media I suppose? Because if not then we have to consider this as just another all fart and no poo post. Don't you agree?
  15. OK, but what about the one that owned all the clocks?
  16. Firstly, it doesn't fit into their carefully crafted narrative. Secondly, they're almost never exposed to it because it's never mentioned in the MAGA media. But I agree, it's weird.
  17. When Harris wins and a mob of MAGA mouthbreathers attempt another insurrection I hope the 50 caliber machine guns are ready to greet them at the Capitol.
  18. All the stupid things Trump said and did this week. And that's only in the last week!
  19. Post after post with claims no backed up with links to credible sources. The fart is strong in this one.
  20. Yes, and they're certainly known for their rationality!
  21. Ever heard of mob mentality and psychology? The insurrection was perpetrated by a mob, and a mob doesn't think rationally. You really think that if they'd gotten their hands on Pence they'd gone "now hang on, let's not hurt the guy because we might go to prison"?? Really, Frank?
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