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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. 'Republican Karl Rove says Trump got ‘crushed by a woman he called dumb as a rock’ during ‘train wreck’ debate' https://www.yahoo.com/news/republican-karl-rove-says-trump-031022780.html 'Writing in The Wall Street Journal, Rove says the former president’s performance was “far worse than anything Team Trump could have imagined” and Trump was “visibly rattled” as Harris “launched rocket after rocket at him.”'
  2. If You Want to Know Who Won the Debate, Watch Fox News the Moment It Ended
  3. Why would I answer your question when you're too lazy to do your own research? And what rude words are you talking about? Pearl clutching much?😆
  4. If you can write this post then surely you can type 'incel' in a search engine and hit enter. Or are you trying to make a point?
  5. I should have known. He does this all the time, posting links that are outdated.
  6. Well done for spotting a glimmer of hope in the huge pile of doo-doo left after the debate.
  7. Just about every high ranking WH official that's ever worked for him has denounced him. This doesn't get enough attention because when you think about it it's mind-blowing!
  8. 'Trump’s Truth Social Takes a Huge Dive on the Stock Market Following Debate' https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-truth-social-takes-a-dive-on-the-stock-market-following-debate
  9. 'At the debate, Trump confessed he's unfit and unprepared' 'The most relevant moment of Tuesday’s presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump was their exchange about Obamacare. Specifically, moderator Linsey Davis asking Trump, “so tonight, nine years after you first started running, do you have a [repeal and replace] plan and can you tell us what it is?” Trump didn’t, so, he couldn’t.' Imagine promising to do something 9/NINE years ago and today still have no idea how to do it, except for a concept of an idea. A concept of an idea!!
  10. If, by elite, you mean a candidate that isn't a convicted criminal, sex offender, a p**** grabber, a lover of dictators then the answer is yes.
  11. Hardcore MAGA cultist aren't average. They'd have to improve drastically to reach that level.
  12. Just logged in and see maesariang desperately posting furious reactions to the debate massacre. Love it!😁
  13. Why am I posting links when you're just trolling? From the link I sent you: "“These dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again, because they're so clear they can manipulate you with flattery and favors,” Harris said at one point. “That is why we understand that we have to have a president who is not consistently weak and wrong on national security.” No, “she's the one … that's weak,” Trump sputtered in response, but that’s not how Harris made it seem on stage."
  14. There you go. https://www.yahoo.com/news/how-did-harris-and-trump-do-in-the-presidential-debate-4-key-moments-from-their-first-face-off-044016875.html Just to take one example and the most famous one was when he was blabbering about cats and pets being eaten by immigrants and she looks at him incredulously and then laughs like you would at that senile uncle that's always sitting in a corner muttering to himself during family reunions. There's no coming back from that.
  15. Perhaps, but not sexual assault, like he's been found guilty of. In addition to the criminal felony conviction of course.
  16. A tough former prosecutor being disrespected by a convicted criminal? She could have punched him in the face. Imagine the squealing, like in Deliverance.😆
  17. Weird that you would say that.
  18. Wow, that's so disingenuous, even by your standards.
  19. Wow, the amount of gaslighting the MAGA posters are engaging in is post debate is astonishing, and very pleasing. Because if their guy hadn't been smoked there would have been no need for that.
  20. So you speak "untruths" again. She didn't blame him for Covid, but rather his handling of it.
  21. Problem with that is he had 4 years in the WH as the actual president (and not VP) and when he was voted out he left a long list of broken promises so that question just makes him look like a hypocrite, and hypocrites never come across as strong. In fact, just the opposite.
  22. So when he said that after 9 years of promising to replace Obamacare he was now at the stage of having a concept of an idea, would you say that was one of his strongest moments of the debate?
  23. Maybe quote the price of couch potatoes.
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