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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. She? I thought the poster maesariang was a guy. Well, another example of assumptions making etc, etc.
  2. Obviously, something was lost in translation.
  3. Why? You have by this point realized that Tim Waltz has never even met the people in your "bombshell" OP picture, right?
  4. Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian influence operation Who knew! PS. For those who are irony challenged; Duh!
  5. Wow, what a profound statement! You've really googled this, havn't you!
  6. You've linked to a site that hasn't been updated since October 2019!! OK, you might have learned how to use Google but you really need to learn how to be a bit more critical wrt what your searches turn up. If you like I could DM you some helpful tips and hints so you don't do this (actually quite funny but a bit sad) mistake again.
  7. Wow, what a meltdown! The pearl clutching hyperbole is next level - congratulations.😂
  8. As you're a diehard follower of Trump (a failed and crooked businessman) I guess that makes you a fan then.
  9. Goldman Sachs says Comrade Kamala is better for economy. She can't even do communism right! Goldman Sachs says that a Harris victory in November would boost the U.S. economy while a Trump victory would be a “hit to growth.”👏
  10. Indeed. Did you participate in the latest pride parade?
  11. If one has to wake up to even hear the "bombshell" then that should be suficcient proof it's nothing of the sort. In fact, it isn't even a weak fart. Reeeealy distant relatives living in another state are MAGA sheeple - hold the presses!!😆
  12. What's "it"?
  13. Trump Has 'Very' Rocky Moment On Fox News As He Repeatedly Denies Being Weird LOL, just watch him denying he's weird again and again and again......in a totally weird manner!🤣
  14. Quoting a real heavyweight here!
  15. You really should let this just fade away now and hope that your fellow poster will quickly forget the spectacular nothingburger you served up.
  16. 'Let him die': Trump's nephew shares what he says Trump told him when he asked for help with his son
  17. Just to be clear, are you talking about yourself? Because it's been proven beyond all doubt that MAGA voters are, in general, very poorly informed. In fact, they're so poorly informed they think they're well informed, something we see hilarious examples of on this website many times a day.
  18. I didn't name anybody. You okay? Maybe time for you to get some shut-eye, you seem confused.
  19. Another staggering loss for Trump will force the grown-ups to take back control of the GOP or risk being fringe loonies forevermore.
  20. That's not the definition of drama queens. Someone who's just mastered the art of the google search should know this.
  21. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republican-voters-against-trump-ad-campaign-2024-election_n_66d6d1cce4b05dc8321386ed Some of them are actually able to climb out of the rabbit hole.
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