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Everything posted by Inderpland

  1. OK, I won't be asking you then, because making unsubstantiated claims and then telling people to look it up themselves when they call you on your drivel doesn't exactly reek of intelligence. Quite the contrary, actually.
  2. Tax evasion by a private person - the horror! Would certainly have blown away President Biden!! Honestly??
  3. I think we all know the answer to that.
  4. I could point out that the rules were originally agreed on for a debate between President Biden and Trump back in June, but we all know you MAGA guys don't really do or care about facts so what's the point.😆
  5. Rep. Jasmine Crockett Hits 'Whining Child' Trump With Stinging Debate Prediction 😂
  6. To be fair, all people of sound mind do.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/rigged-worthless-trump-trashes-fox-172828930.html He's losing and he knows it.😁
  8. WELL THIS CHANGES ABSOLUTELY....................nothing.
  9. Emotional pearl clutching perfected - bravo!👏
  10. Obviously not. Because of the blowback and universal condemnation Trump's team is in full damage control mode and will obviously not release anything that would further show what a narsissistic creep he really is.
  11. Yes, because Trump sure is focusing on policies and not on personality!🤣 I truly and honestly wonder if you guys can even hear yourself.
  12. I'm gonna go with Trump apologists who post clown emojis.
  13. Then you're in the wrong place.
  14. Correct, you finally get it! Serving presidents can certainly visit. Convicted criminals who have been booted out of office can not.
  15. Right, that's what aaaall the polls say.......OK.......right then........well said!
  16. No doubt this is exactly what the electorate is after. The convicted criminal is truly a stable genius!!
  17. Do you have any idea just how mind-blowingly lame that reply is?🤣🤣🤣
  18. The traitor Trump goes to Arlington and attempts to score political points using fallen heroes, heroes the coward despises. Only one thing is good enough for that despicable being.
  19. Is the US Army part of the radical left?
  20. They're emotional pearls.
  21. Data Guru Marvels At Stunning Increase In Voter Registration Since Kamala Harris Took Over: ‘You Just Don’t See That’ Get ready for 8 years of President Kamala Harris. Looking forward to the enourmos amount of MAGA pearl clutching coming up.😆
  22. Wow, you MAGA guys sure operate on another level. The sheer eloquence and intelligence is mind boggling!
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