OK, I won't be asking you then, because making unsubstantiated claims and then telling people to look it up themselves when they call you on your drivel doesn't exactly reek of intelligence. Quite the contrary, actually.
I could point out that the rules were originally agreed on for a debate between President Biden and Trump back in June, but we all know you MAGA guys don't really do or care about facts so what's the point.😆
Obviously not. Because of the blowback and universal condemnation Trump's team is in full damage control mode and will obviously not release anything that would further show what a narsissistic creep he really is.
The traitor Trump goes to Arlington and attempts to score political points using fallen heroes, heroes the coward despises.
Only one thing is good enough for that despicable being.
Data Guru Marvels At Stunning Increase In Voter Registration Since Kamala Harris Took Over: ‘You Just Don’t See That’
Get ready for 8 years of President Kamala Harris. Looking forward to the enourmos amount of MAGA pearl clutching coming up.😆