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Posts posted by Chelseafan

  1. as a tourist and staying here not longer than 3 months I believe, they will need both your passport and your UK drivers license
    but bringing an international licence wont hurt if it is easy to get...
    It's actually a pain in the arse to get but thanks for the info.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  2. 9 hours ago, 7by7 said:

     Again, you have not understood what I wrote. I did not say you had accused me of anything; I said before you do!


    The reason why it is obvious that you failed to understand the post you first quoted is because I was talking about Transam's figure of 400 UK Border Force officers employed at Calais, and you 'corrected 'that figure as being too low for the number of migrants wanting and/or attempting to enter the UK there!


    It is perfectly possible that people attempting to enter the UK via the tunnel or channel ports enter a lorry or other vehicle well before arrival at the French or Belgian or wherever exit port; but it is at these exit ports that the vehicles are stopped and searched.


    I, too, don't know how many vehicles are stopped and searched before entering the UK, either by UK Border Force on leaving the continent or by HMRC on arrival in the UK; but your 80% chance surmise assumes that every lorry has a stash of illegals inside. Are you really accusing every single lorry driver who enters the UK, including British ones, of being involved in people smuggling?


    Most are not, they are honest, not criminals and so comply with the requirement that they check their vehicles and take all reasonable care to ensure illegal migrants have not hidden themselves within or underneath it. So your 80% chance only applies to the small minority of drivers willing to take the risk of being caught; a fine of up to £2000 per illegal migrant found in their vehicle.


    BTW, still no answer to the question originally asked!


    I did not correct any figure so I think you misunderstood MY post. I stated the amount of possible immigrants in Calais not how may UK Border Force officers employed at Calais.


    You also misunderstood my comment about the %age of vehicles - I stated that the CHANCES of getting in for a would be immigrant would be 80% based on 1 in 5 vehicles being stopped not that 80% of vehicles have an immigrant onboard


    I sort of agree with you but there are a lot of innocent truckers who are being caught up in the net as they didn't realise someone had sneaked onboard  We have had 2 instances in the last year whereby our Depot has offloaded a truck from Europe and found immigrants stashed inside. The driver in each case was totally unaware.


    Not sure what question you want me to answer.






  3. 9 hours ago, aright said:

    According to a Sky report this morning "Sophy Ridge on Sunday" only 2% of trucks are inspected at Dover .

    I believe potential immigrants at Calais are there because they through word of mouth or the reports from successful stowaways or desperation believe they can get to the UK.     Lets reverse your question:-

    If the border wall is as solid and non porous as you and others  suggest why do so many people bother camping around a wall which they have very little hope of penetrating? 

    I didn't say it was porous just merely speculating that we don't really know how many  people get into the UK. For every immigrant that gets caught how many get through - I don't know but look at it another way, how many people get caught smuggling a little extra contraband in their suitcase when going through customs to those that don't get caught - we all do it and as a prolific traveller I've been stopped once in the last 15 or so years.


    Is Calais the real issue ? The focus (certainly by the media) wold have you think it is but it's not the only place where immigrants congregate. We would be naive to think otherwise.




  4. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

    I don't know exactly how many UKVI and Border Force officers are stationed in Calais, so I'll take your figure of 400. But are you sure they all work 24/7? Don't any of them ever sleep?


    Latest estimates from 2017 put the figure anywhere between 700 and 2500.




    Most of these are economic migrants.


    "But, like aright and dick dastardly, you have failed to answer the simple question: if getting into the UK illegally is as easy as you all claim, why are there so many people camped around Calais, and other channel ports, who have failed time and time again to so do? "


    And how many have got though the net without being detected, quite a few I would expect. Not every truck coming in is searched.


    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

    The EU has never had any control over the UK's rules and regulations regarding non EEA immigration, nor any other member state come to that. Neither, of course, has Germany!

    Sort of. Merkel  was very keen for other member states, including Britain to take their fare share of the 1m immigrants coming into Germany. The issue was  they were then free to move to other member states once they were given their papers.



    • Like 2
  6. Hi

    I've tried to use the E-Visa system to get a tourist visa for Myanmar but no matter what I try, I can't get the photo to upload correctly, so screw that, I'm going to send my passport off to the embassy in London.

    As I understand it all I need to send is

    The passport, A copy of the picture page,  A copy of my flight details, A copy of my hotel booking, 2 photo's, Self addressed Envelope, £35 cash or postal order, The application form.

    Is this correct as it the website states

    a letter from current employer confirming employment 

    I can get this but it would be a pain in the backside to get so do I need this ?


    Does anyone know how long it takes to get the passport back as I will be travelling to Thailand in 4 weeks. I assume I can use the visa to travel from Bangkok to Yangon?

    Alternatively I think I can do a visa on arrival (with the above documentation) how easy is this ?

    Thanks in advance.

  7. 1 hour ago, tebee said:



    That's a bit naughty Mr Pilgrim, only quoting part of what I said to reverse its meaning.  


    My meaning was what the government has done was was far too divisive, They played the referendum result for political gain and now the country is now split and no one is  is going to be happy with whatever result we get. 

    Either 48% will be happy or 52% will be happy.


  8. 4 hours ago, VBF said:

    It still shows that, even if those links are only partially accurate, the Pad Thai comes out as the least unhealthy option. Good to know!

    The Big Mac is consistant in the way it's cooked.


    Cooking a Pad Thai depends on several factors including quality of ingredients,  what type of oil is being used, how much oil is being used.


    I'm not disputing you, just saying that a Pad Thai could quite easily outdo a Big Mac if not cooked properly and with due care and attention.


    But I take your point. ?



    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, mugaly said:

    Luckily you included the word "arguably", as your post is incorrect


    Here is  some basic info with links.


    Pad thai  480

    Big Mac 890

    English brekkie 1126





    There's 567 calories in a Big Mac. I think you looked at a meal.

    And it depends on how you cook the Pad Thai.



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